Carson Huey-You Graduates TCU at Age 14

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it's a normal day for TCU student Carson Huey you had to study for my specific day tomorrow after that I have a Chinese class and there's several physics like any other senior Carson is balancing the stress of graduation with schoolwork and everything in between I have to test America vegas crowded gingy oh and he's 14 years old as TCU's youngest ever graduate Carson will be getting his diploma before his driver's permit it's going to be a big step I mean going from undergraduate to graduate and after that bond with the grad school game of DC etc if the first big step out of pinning his time at TCU began at age 11 he majored in physics but also speaks Mandarin Chinese which is one of his minors and I should jump like you're delusional so we have to write an essay based on that prompt it only changes the gifted student has also been working on a groundbreaking research project over the past two years with his mentor dr. Magnus Rigby we've been able to find and our spy exactly different flex mechanic work as for the future Carson doesn't know for sure he's applying to grad schools and TCU sounds like a pretty good option right now I would like to say but you know the chicken mom describes their experience of the journey he walks on campus after visiting so many other schools and he goes well this is it and I said how do you know he goes it just feels right and that was it one thing for certain the future of this family looks very very bright it's a beautiful thing it's amazing Kristen Weaver for TCU Magazine
Channel: TCU Magazine
Views: 16,729
Rating: 4.8969955 out of 5
Keywords: TCU, Carson Huey-You
Id: Ga3qXIdTzIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 6sec (126 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2017
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