Carry Me Home: Harriet Tubman (2016) | Full Movie | Karen Abercrombie | Lindsey Grimble

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[ man singing ] Lord, I Want Jesus to walk with me In my sorrows [ men and women singing ] Lord, walk with me In my sorrows Lord, walk with me When my heart is aching Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me [ whip cracking, man screaming ] [ whip cracking, man screaming ] [ woman singing ] Swing low sweet chariot comin' for to carry me home Swing low sweet chariot comin' for to carry me home I looked around Jordan, and what did I see, comin' for to carry me home (Harriet Tubman) You know Sarah Ross? Is she here? (Maria) Nah. Nah, she ain't here. You know where she at? Not too far. She workin' the same farm s my husband just down the road. Can you take me there? Tonight, now? I have a child. (Maria) If you go past the lake, you've gone too far [ maria's baby crying ] (Harriet Tubman) MARIA! Here. (Maria) I've sent for my husband Did you reach Sarah? She's gone. [ approaching footsteps ] Stephen? (Stephen) MARIA! STEPHEN! Whatcha doin' here? (Stephen) Ms. Tubman? Alright... [ whispers ] stay close! [ harriet knocks on door ] [ door opens ] (Amy) Ah, let me get you a broom. [ front door closes ] [ distant footsteps ] (Slave Driver) [ shouting ] KEEP WALKIN'! [ suspenseful music playing ] (Stephen) [ whispering ] Get down, get down. [ chains clanking ] [ music intensifies ] [ music stops, door opens ] Here. You can start with the porch nd when you're done, come on in. Yes Ma'am. [ broom sweeping ] [ back door opens ] C'mon [ scuffling ] [ maria's baby crying ] [ soothingly ] Shhhh [ harriet praying inaudibly ] (Harriet) [ quietly ] ...and guide us to where we need to go. And protect us from our enemies. (Maria) Um... How much longer to Wilmington? You should try to get some rest. [ crying continues ] (Harriet) John Green, gonna be takin' us in tomorrow. He was raised a slave himself. He's a good man. leave here soon as it gets dark. arriet) We got a ways to travel, even further than we did today. [ maria's baby cries ] (Stephen) [ whispering ] Here. Ms. Tubman, ephen) you know how much longer? (Harriet) Not far! [ crying stops ] [ water rushing ] (Maria) No... (Harriet) We cross here. (Maria) Nah we cannot (Harriet) Sun is commin' up. Mr. Green's home is just across. ain't there another way around? (Harriet) [ exasperated ] We don't have time to go around! (Maria) [ pleading ] And my baby? (Harriet) We cross here. (Maria) Come on. (Harriet) Where are you going? (Maria) We are goin', around! (Stephen) Maria (Maria) SHE'LL FREEZE! [ encouragingly ] We'll keep her above the water (Harriet) The sun will go up and you will be seen! You'll go back! BACK TO THE FARM, TO BEING MR. BRODESS' PROPERTY! AND IF WE GO THROUGH? WE'LL DIE! YOU GO BACK YOU'RE DEAD ALREADY! Maria... (Harriet) Child, I cannot let you go back. If you go back, you get caught and we ALL follow! (Harriet) You cross here... or you die. (Stephen) Now Harriet, look- (Harriet) [ sternly ] Enough! [ calmly ] We cross here. [ intense music playing ] [ water rushing ] [ water rushing ] [ water rushing ] [ rushing continues ] [ stephen in agony ] Ahhh! [ stephen grunting ] Harriet) Liberty don't come free you got to fight for it! With all of your strength... you fight for it! We'll get warm soon. [ harriet knocks on door ] [ birds chirping ] [ knocking continues ] [ door opens ] [ suspiciously ] Can I help you? [ confused ] Where's Mr. Green? Kicked out... for harboring runaway niggers. (Harriet) [ stunned ] Oh! , I'm sorry to disturb you, Sir. Thank you for your time. He's not there! (Maria) What do ya mean? Harriet?! (Harriet) We need to find cover. There's a swamp a few minutes down the road. We can lay out there for now. Why? What's goin' on? We need to get goin' now. [ anxious music playing ] [ wind rustling ] (Harriet) [ praying ] Deliver us Lord, you've brought us this far... [ horses galloping ] (Harriet) ...Provide us a way. [ inaudible conversing ] (Harriet) [ praying ] out of the hand of our oppressor Enough. e need a real solution, Harriet. [ exasperated ] Look at us! You... YOU BROUGHT US OUT HERE TO DIE! MARIA! (Maria) Nah... You should've just left us! E WERE ALIVE BACK IN DORCHESTER! NO YOU WEREN'T ALIVE BACK THERE! And I didn't come back to Dorchester for you. I came for my sister. n I found out that she was dead, I could've left then. It would've been safer, easier, but I did not. And when I saw you, and your family... No... you wasn't alive back there. There was no life in you! Now I've made this journey many times, and not once have I lost a passenger. thing I know about the Good Lord is that He always, ALWAYS FIGURES A WAY, every time. I don't wanna die here, Harriet. Lord, [ crying ] Lord, help us! [ maria weeping ] (Tracy) [ confused ] Where are ya headed? lvin) Well, I'm not sure I know. Someone needs our help. [ sighing ] Well, do ya need me? No, you should stay. Be safe. [ door opening ] [ door shuts ] Two farms down the way, will find my wagon in the barn. The horse has been saddled, re welcome to anything you need. (Calvin) [ echoing ] Two farms down the way, will find my wagon in the barn. The horse has been saddled. re welcome to anything you need. [ silence ] (Calvin) [ distantly ] Two farms down the way, will find my wagon in the barn. The horse has been saddled. re welcome to anything you need! [ closer ] Two farms down the way, will find my wagon in the barn. The horse has been saddled. re welcome to anything you need! (Calvin) [ louder ] Two farms down the way, will find my wagon in the barn. The horse has been saddled. re welcome to anything you need! There's a wagon! The farm, (Maria) the farm down the road, there's a wagon ) we can take it to the station. How do you know? (Maria) A man came by, said we could use his wagon! Did he see you? Nah. We need to go. (Harriet) I can get it. But you need to be by the side of the road! iet) I can't be circling around. Okay. [ harriet uncovering wagon ] [ wagon moving ] [ wagon approaching ] rriet) Can I help you gentlemen? (Anti-Abolitionist) What do you got in that cart? (Harriet) It's empty, Sir. [ dismounts horse ] (Anti-Abolitionist) Can I see your free papers? [ searches in pockets ] [ horse sighs ] Whoa. [ paper unfolding ] [ hastily takes paper ] Is there a problem? (Anti-Abolitionist) Group of fugitives on the run. Keep your eyes open for 'em. I sure will. [ wagon moving ] [ hopeful music playing ] [ back of wagon opening ] [ canvas rustling ] [ wagon moving ] [ engine steaming ] (Harriet) Well... this is as far as I go. You'll be needing these. Thank you It wasn't me. [ music swells ] (Train Conductor) Tickets and papers please. [ train leaving ] [ maria humming ] 269 00:21:36,250 --> 00:00:00,000 [ train chugging ]
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 36,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Films, Movies, Entertainment, Karen Abercrombie, Lindsey Grimble, Joel Ashur, Carry Me Home: A Remember America Film, slavery, Harriet Tubman, Maria Ennals, Antebellum South, Underground Railroad, Carry Me Home, Short, Drama, History, LampHouse Films, Carry Me Home: Harriet Tubman Full Movie, Carry Me Home: Harriet Tubman Movie, Carry Me Home: Harriet Tubman
Id: 6aPSpeQvqb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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