Carol Channing, Dody Goodman, Jerry Herman, Dinah Shore--1977 TV

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in Denver February 15th and Broadway March the first does it still feel fresh to you or new to you because easily it never gets old it never gets tiring it is you know that's the strange thing so many people think it must be boring to do the same show night after night and see each audience has a different personality if that's true it's like meant a new person that's right and they bring something new to it but then we only know what they hear we don't hear it ourselves it's the first time for us you know it's strange people think to get bored with the show but it just gets more and more exciting now Lucille Ball told me one time she said everybody thinks I'm bored with the show and she said she was doing a thing with a candy maker from the farmers farmers market and the candy maker she got her from there and she took the cherry cordial dipped it in the chocolate put the chocolate in the piece of paper twisted it and put it in the box right she had done these for 35 years and she said to Lucy don't you get tired of doing the same thing 9:00 and those are the people that wonder how it can be so boring it isn't it's the money it's a superhuman feat to reach an audience anyway done yeah but you've got there's a superhuman a moment in that show where you eat you just eat and eat and eat and eat and the first time I ever heard that before I saw a Dalek Jack Benny said that it's the funniest scene he's ever seen on Broadway stage Edie you were so hungry and you're sitting there and you just kept going dolly hasn't been to a big restaurant in a long long time and while she's talking and she's the living hand-to-mouth would you do that oh sure you know China when we first started this show we made it out of spun sugar and the trouble is that I was eating from seven to nine pounds a week of of sugar huge bags of sugar and yes those are the potato puffs they talked humfleet pom wait and I'll tell you how it happened they used to be made of spun sugar until you can get a condition for meeting seven to nine pounds of sugar so you can I'm talking about everyday on that's right really and you can get something I forget what it is but it's something you get sugar ISM if that's it the sugar blues or something like that anyway you get this terrible thing and you think you're getting poisoned so someone could Thank You Don I've been trying to get that all morning so so the man came and he checked it and he said you can't eat that much sugar see according to how the audience laughed I kept eating more sugar because they kept laughing more in the more sugar right the more the audience laughs well this went on until it was really 12 pounds so finally a week so then we went to Charlie Chaplin's prop man and he's the man who made that check licorice ooh the Charlie ate the shoe the Charlie Chaplin OVA - she made a shoe Charlie Chaplin ate a shoe it's quite him and this man made that shoe and then he had a sausages that he ate without stopping the camera from grinding and he said he ate 650 sausages and just kept eating them and eating them well that's this dear man told us how to do this it's a 350 degree oven and they put it in every night before the show and he taught our prop man Roderick MacDonald how to do this and it's this it's a secret and you're gonna expose the whole thing now it goes well I'll tell you what we do we look at this plum fleet and we eat it the only thing is I can't talk after yeah why can't you talk after because I'm full of young fleet but you talk the entire time on the show I see you when you talk the whole time you keep talking to Horace vandergelder while you're eating the plum tree oh well you see what I do is I swallow this entire bowl of tummy and then we have the judge across the stage Gower champion made it so that the judge back bangs on his gavel and it distracts the audience across the stage and I just daintily go here and all this bowl goes into little bitty spit balls and that's what it is and then they I just go here and spit balls go out in the napkin around go on Chloe [Applause] and that's gonna be yeah [Applause] and there we are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just little spit balls yes that is just they get something to eat and down your butts all right but you have an Mina's NUCCA and next act coming up but it's better than sugar oh yeah would you like to introduce this gentleman we have waiting backstage I would adore it he's very importantly he is Donna it's hard to introduce a friend someone you love so dearly you don't have perspective on them but this dear man I'll tell you Donna you know that the most important man in all of musical theater is the composer lyricist yes that is to us he is well Barbra Streisand Lucille Ball Angela Lansbury Ethel Merman Mary Martin they all swear by him because he writes for big fat girl stars this man is not only look he is both the composer and the lyricist which is really remarkable he sees it all through his eyes and now what he's well II he's written everything from milk and honey to Maine to dear world to Mack and Mabel to Hello Dolly to mention only a few that yet may I present my solar plexus Jerry her [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] slowly over solar plexus China didn't even call the solar plexus before you are and you know that when he first did Hello Dolly he was so young that he had to lie about his age and make himself older so the people would respect him you're kidding really he was just a baby when he did Hello Dolly I mean I think he Hello Dolly run I thought it was only seven and a half beautiful years but you know the incredible thing about that show is it never stopped running you know it's played in every country in every high school auditorium yeah and here we are again the greatest women in the theater in every country in the world have played our little dolly that Jerry nurtured and and it blossomed right under me I it's a privilege it's a bit nice to get somebody talking about all these years and you you promised it that you were gonna do a song and and maybe can you set the scene oh well you said who's gonna sit here Jerry's gonna sit this yet okay now in Detroit with this show we were in trouble with our last song because I had written a spoof of an operatic diva saying goodbye to her lover and it just didn't work left poor Carol out there in the spotlight well it was a wonderful song it just didn't get the plug didn't fit the character and we got last for 30 seconds a minute but then it just died so I locked myself in my hotel room ordered some chocolate fudge cake and you do yeah mmm I can write in 15 minutes with what it's good because he it along with and 20 minutes later I called Carol's had come down and listen to this and it was just like like you see in the movie I taught it to her that night the next day Gower champion staged it and we put it in in 24 hours and it was so long during so long very Carol just so long so long dearie I'm gonna listen to this you know yeah chorus has just turned dolly down and you know Dolly the fun of Dolly is that she's a woman at the at the turn of the century who is widowed and has to pull herself up by her bootstraps and make a living somehow and survive and she's gonna make and she shoots for the pot at the end of the rainbow and she makes it that's the joy of doing dalek she's the first of the women libbers you know is she well at the turn of the century you know that's early kinda girl okay Susie Herman yeah and yeah [Music] good don't try and stop me hard [Music] [Applause] so long Harry gotta see [Music] don't you come you're not but set your dog I told you sound so white cuts it ahead and whisper so the hot appear here instead so down so long a calm because you treat me so [Music] so wait that little head with which for so long here series [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and on those cold winter nights Haris [Music] you can snuggle up to a cash register [Music] it's a little lumpy but it rings come on Nucky and I'll be all I know so far as you find your light rusty an old story but you see a tire shop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm here with Carol Channing and Jerry Herman and I was just remarking that the sad thing about Carol is that she just doesn't give a no energy no no it's very since you and I mean is that giving was that wonderful [Applause] I've never seen our entire stage crew and staff everybody just riveted absolutely yes thank you stage I think weren't doing anything else though we're gonna photograph it later but they weren't doing anything else but watching you I thought you other layer with you later will tape it cameraman - oh I see listen you're not the only one who's filming [Applause] let's get started her career as a member of to get the founder injuries and she's been winding the girls and you all know her these days as Martha Shumway hapless lovable character on forever Fernwood here's Dody Goodman [Applause] [Music] I'm not flashing I'm not flashing but I couldn't get my dessert [Applause] do you know the Dodie was Jerry Herman's first dog yeah it was your first show wasn't her show Jody was uh-huh was my car it was called a parade it was off-broadway revue and Jerry do you know those that album the parade album is that collector's item item and it sells for about $100 I know I'm not money do you have I have to should I sell them to hold on as soon as it goes up a little more I'm getting out you're in Lorelai what part did you play I took the part of mrs. Stafford and I had a drinking problem and I was always headed in the pop bottles or something like that my son thought I was drinking a sarsaparilla yeah do you remember about the plane with Karen oh I'm most oh I don't know rehearsing I guess yes we rehearsed carriage on here we never stop rehearsing darling without salivating and fixing and fixing and then finally just before we came into New York Robert Moore took over the show as director and in one week he fixed everything and we came in as a hit I mean we worked it worked isn't that wonderful that somebody can come in with a yes an objective eye and look yes but he said no but our can do that but he said that nobody loved it they show that the thing is he loved it so and so he said I just came in and loved it that's all yes works for everybody I mean like give you love and attention right here for just a minute and you'll see outside of the rehearsing you did with Carol any particular scene stand out in your mind I'm back same scene and Carol you'll know which one it was remember when you had to change your dress on Carol had two men dressers yes most likely because if the work was very physical dressing Carolyn they had bound up downstairs and a dear little old lady it's difficult there and one costume a couple costumes boy 100-pound not that much but about this day dude wouldn't it was 110 pounds and then the coat went on top that was 50 in the Hat was ten pounds and the muff was five and it wear them we I got the plaque from the chiropractor's head backstage while she was talking to the audience there was the screen that one of us was her boot bar and so there were two guys back to the screen dressing her remember first they'd pull down your things yeah and then one would put one leg into your pants yeah and another leg into your pack and so she got all dressed and then it's not we didn't go up over your head yeah but then they we had to get the screen off so we got the screen up but they could see to it for little right tennis shoes moving is creating up remember Howard one of Carol's dressers got hit by car remember Howard rod now yes yes but no no this leg he was coming into the why does that sound funny when no wasn't he was coming into the theater de ré and it got hit by car a lady put her foot on the accelerator stood of the brake and she shot Howard right up the side of the building and Howard came in said I've been here and so Dodie and I nursed him until the ambulance could get there and you know that we got a wonderful settlement for Howard a little house now a lovely little house in Las Vegas isn't that nice and he's in this house and it has vines and just what is wrong [Applause] [Music] that's why we laugh so because we could see that how what we're gonna get for Howard for them wonder how much you got oh we got a lot you know yes Vegas that didn't come to you know it doesn't Carol it's the most beautiful story I've ever you two did at roster together yes we do in Laura we remembering those steps yes you did know you can take me I don't know you could do it I mean hers if we got around to doing Charles what's the name of the big number that we do know that was another show that's right that's where I first met you only you went on the road with and I didn't but I met you there for two weeks and birth with you boy you replace Carol Channing I'm not careful so yeah yes I didn't do a Charleston in there no but we did that was between you know that my thirties Carol this is of the 20s come on Kara what do you mean you wanna do everybody do the Charles Jesse [Music] [Music] oh that's just I mean that's really good I mean I wanted for instance they take your song dollars yeah and they'll take Maine and they'll adapt it but every purpose whether it be commercial of course they can't do it for commercial but they could but that's your permission but they take it politically and they'll use it for anybody as long as there's two syllables does it Bobby well I I don't approve of that but I love when they take a song with mine and do it as a mambo or do it as let's go as a disco because most composers don't like that and they they object to it but for me it means that the song is durable and the song really works yeah and so it's a compliment to me rather than than the opposite I I approve of that interesting thing about your songs though is that they become standards so quickly you know they become so much a part of our of our whole library you know that looks just like the songs that were I believe that the song but 32 bar so is that is the heart of the musical theater and the further we get away from from songs the the more trouble were in and as long as they're there are people like Carolyn and and and me around we're gonna keep the song alive because melodically and to be able for everybody to be one thing but a hum on the way that's my thing you know sometimes the songs that composers do that the public adapters or adopts right away there's not always his favorite song life as I know Dali's everybody's favorite name and and if he walked into my life and that's a what's your favorite song or score it's gonna surprise you my biggest failure is my favorite work Mack and Mabel I don't think anybody knows it they don't know the song they don't know the songs and one day we're gonna do it again because I think it's my visionary I hear it on the radio people say this is the greatest score the Jerry Herman has written and then they said now we want to play this because it is yeah you know and it's so funny you must have labored more lovingly over that because that happens to so many people off the record that I care the most about will be the one that girl up sold at least and I imagine that's true with you yes and as a composer I know what you're saying I know why in the poser kids playing like a neighbor somebody knows man [Applause] just one you would look in Denver Broadway is gonna be smashing or placed oh I'm so glad you brought your friends [Music] there's more fun on Dyna tomorrow night in 8:30 Dinah's special guests include international film star Omar Sharif actress barbara eden and director steven spielberg all on diner tomorrow right here on illa bond a lot [Music]
Channel: Alan Eichler
Views: 11,067
Rating: 4.8769231 out of 5
Keywords: Carol Channing (Actress), Dody Goodman (Actress), Dinah Shore (Singer), Television Program, Hello Dolly! (Play), Jerry Herman (Composer), Charleston (Dance), Music (TV Genre), So Long Dearie (Composition)
Id: 6Y3cwsIrt88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2015
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