Glamour TV--Jean Peters, Jane Russell, Debbie Reynolds, Jane Powell, Diahann Carroll

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movie star exciting singer and Broadway star Diahann Carroll beautiful musical comedy starred King how that glamorous full-figured girl for the devastating sense of humor Jay Russell former wife of Howard Hughes the motion picture star of three coins in the fountain and Viva Zapata Jean Peters and build from HeLa the fashion designer with a sleek review of his you glamorous look oh you're a nice group and I want to tell you that we have a fascinating show for you tonight on today whatever it is wherever you are I did my way of explanation I'll tell you that some dictionaries show the word glamour spell gee L AM oh you are and some have it spelled GLA mor well today we're going to spell it six different ways because we have with us five intriguing and certainly glamorous ladies who fit that word and one very talented gentleman whose fashion designs had figured in all of their careers first let me bring out the ladies beginning with a tawny winner an Oscar nominee Las Vegas headliner and more recently named by Harper's Bazaar as one of the 10 most beautiful women in the world miss Diahann Carroll well that's not glamour Oh much oh hi next we have a beauty who came to Hollywood as a college student from East Canton Ohio and promptly found us out playing love scenes opposite Tyrone Power Malone Marlon Brando and the like Miss Jean Peters a tiny girl with a big voice she was saying on children's radio programs in Portland Arden at the age of seven never stop singing she started 20 musicals at MGM and went on to nightclubs and to the stage Miss Jane Powell another fabulous alumna from the fabulous MGM studio who also brightened Broadway and Las Vegas the Unsinkable Debbie Reynolds you top that okay now we know the tenor of the show don't a brunette who starred in films with both Bob Hope and Clark Gable and you can hardly cover more territory than that Miss Jane Russell little later on we're gonna be meeting the one man I know that every one of them adore and so do I his name is Bill trivia but first we're gonna be exchanging some interesting views about a lot of things and most most particularly glamour hang on to your sequins everybody we'll be right back I think with a pretty good-looking Bunch we have Jane Russell and Jean Peters and Diane care and Jane Powell and Debbie Reynolds who will behave herself well qualified to take part in our today's special salute to Glamour okay that glamour okay so far glamour could mean glamour that can be done like you and Dinah speaks out okay you see you can't hear it just said that really really what are you talking about you can't hear I can well I don't know I can't y'all just so mobile anything then I like to talk you're gonna call my mom boom I thought we were gonna be friends huh no we have a special salute to grandmother day and I thought perhaps we could have a definition from someone who is truly glamorous Jean Peters tell us what you think glamorous oh I'm not glamorous but I know you're like Blaine Rose today well have you put enough fun oh there is a definition of them and I liked it I admire it in other people and I think it's it's a kind of magic kind of elegance and a certain kind of mystery know has all those elements in it and I I think it should look as though it comes easily it shouldn't be contrived or too done up exactly but I like I like the sparkle lots yeah a sparkle is a part of it but sometimes if the sparkle is from inside they can be dressed in the simplest possible way and be glamour and sometimes lots of sparkles are great if if they're on the right person and you and you can carry well I met little just let me ask plain Jane's here Plain Jane what's your idea blam I'm playing to you angel why don't you keep playing JD um hey fatzke I'm gonna stay Plain Jane yeah I thought you talking to Jane I would agree with many of the things that jeans had to say I do believe that one of the most glamorous people I ever saw in my life was a man whose name is not King Cole and I say that he was gone worst to me because I was I was aware that everyone in the room wanted to meet him and everyone in the room wanted to talk with him and everyone gravitated towards him because there was such a quiet self-assured strength about him that he was one of the most glamorous human beings I had ever seen in my life and I feel the glamour has all of those things as a part of it the tinsel that's nice too but it's nice to be very comfy confines to exude a kind of confidence really it's something you cannot assume I don't care what you have on you it is either real for you or it isn't what do you think Jane I feel the same way that you all do I think that a lot of it has to do with the carriage of a man or a woman that it's a self-confidence and there are different types of glamour everybody has a different some people think that if you were beehive hairdo or you wear lots of diamonds and you wear a lot of glitter that that's glamorous to me it is at certain times I think that you again is the way that you carry it and the way you what you feel in it because I've put on dresses I'm sure you have you if they're supposed to be the most glamorous things and then somebody else they look just fantastic but on me I don't feel right the clothes have to feel right and also is wearing the thing to the correct place if you wear the wrong thing to a barbecue that can make you feel very unglamorous but you may have a very glamorous dress on you must dress according to at least I feel you must dress according to the occasion but glamour comes from within oh definitely very definitely fun with me Jane what do you think how do you feel sick kind of ara mm-hmm it's um what's more glamorous than Marlene Dietrich in her leather pants getting aboard and playing you know it can be it's a magic it's a magic it's a self confidence in them liking really a belief in yourself I guess what knowing I guess that person knows I think Gilbert Rowland probably is winning moon glamorous men I've ever seen yeah and he can it doesn't matter whether he's on a tennis court or in and he put a split shirt on some men I know I mean it man Oh white extremes right yeah yeah - mmm-hmm but not in a warm and in goshen Ormson charm it feels like a warm warm human being when you see him he seems very comfortable I love people what comfortable doing there Cary Grant allies example Deb in haven't said a word about glamorous when Danny when Debbie didn't say anything that was glam she's practicing cool banner well no I like to do rhymes and little things I was trying to think about while you girls were all talking cuz I agree being one of the world's worst dressed women personally cuz it doesn't matter to me clothing has you know I love it all and I was raised in show business so they taught me that it's a take off your blue jeans and your t-shirt Demi you have to put this on inhale on Rose and village ravie and all these people all over the through the years which is now 31 years we're not talking about that baby none of us are gonna bring that up oh I care well I'm glad I'm still here I think glamour to rhyme it is an illusion it keeps all the ladies out of seclusion oh I just may think glamour is from within I never had that feeling like Jean said she avoided your question because you are very bad my super beautiful well no nobody thinks they are I mean I think I don't think well I'm a blue jeans girl too I'm white shirt but definitely but it takes anyways definitely together it just takes longer through the years to total it all together unless you've already had it tucked I see you but pull oh don't get trash but pulling it together doesn't mean glamour I mean putting on the most wonderful clothes in the world going to a premiere heaven your hairdo jeans and a shirt gonna be very glam that's right I think you know there's some women not on me but they would on jeans on john.diana I think they would on you I there was a woman in New York I thought typifies glamour and I seen her in blue jeans and I would see her the most elegant a fan that simply was babe Bailey I always felt she was that she was shriveling up Diana still Dionysian for Janey she's very tiny this one just you know past four feet we got lucky on her she'll be on treasures island or whatever that is next year she's so little this child and when I first started in the business I always played Jamie's little sister in the movie sorry to wear flats because Janie's barely 5 feet total and five women ahead lies he does not true she can't even stretch that far like tall yes you do you must that's not she was illusion of being a much more statue as lady than she is she's very petite Jessa Devine let she give it yeah but you know I don't think of you as being shot I don't think if he was being short at all I mean I think of you as being tiny because but you're perfectly proportioned I mean some people you know or some of the singers are midgets but you know I don't know necessarily we were talking about you mentioned Gilbert rolling it I mentioned Cary Grant we talked about men you know who have glamour who are some of the other men and what are some of the qualities that you think make a man but don't ask me anything about men you go on that okay gene was man she's my my farm they're just not for me going on all right Jim gene what makes a man glamorous to you I think that self assurance that Diana was talking about and the fact that he's strong knows he's strong but can still be soft gentle um compassionate tender in tender yes all of that and I like tall man you like yes I like to have to be told well you know why because it when you're with a man that's taller than you are you tend tend to stand up straight and I never have that problem that's that's it you know we're lucky enough but in many different ways but the one man I owe that always impressed me is I guess it was more elegance than glamour but was Joe cotton yeah he was a beautiful dresser had a magnificent sense of humor and I loved his voice but yeah well you see that's true now he has glamour and he has style and elegant but there's a new kind of thing where everybody wears that shirt opened down to him they got all the narrowing no no that's trendy well I don't like trendy bit yeah again it could have a kind of sex appeal um having the shirt open and having the chains or whatever I suppose I don't say that I'm I absolutely abhor that look but it doesn't feel like glamour yeah if that's what worried about nota me and I've met some awfully attractive you wouldn't like you over Roman then Wow he's got the shirt on buddy done well nothing against sexy men yeah oh I think they're just yeah order I just love my own man when he has a white shirt and a nice suit white shirt oh not down to here I'm not that idiot let me ask you quickly now just don't think just off the top of your head who is the most glamorous most attractive man you ever saw a met or work with Debbie don't start with me why start with Jane Jane who was the most attractive man I ever met ever saw okay after too many um you know who's more beautiful than Richard Egan or Bob Mitchum or Clark Gable yeah thank y'all beer oh man I already brought up yeah no you go no no I can't well the first actor I worked with type hour oh oh yes now I want to tell you yes and he was a beautiful man yeah beautiful beautiful person he had glamour in he had glamour and he also had eyelashes they're longer than ah only girls are durable almost wasn't on that screen with that now isn't it he's on quite a beautiful man most attractive man yep so outside an ecto I think the first time my teeth really fell out of my head I was a girl and I saw a man whose name is Harry Belafonte and I could not believe oh well George thought this must be a drawing this cannot be true and it turned out to be true and also very personable hmm and very very kind gentleman and fun yes he lost Bolognese great since the future came as far as looks are concerned I think that Fred Astaire probably has the most glamorous walk young men yes Donnie's never changed his clothing he's always had this Paula fells he's always had the same pants he's never gone with the trends at all and it's the way he carries himself and he's um he acts that he's very self-assured whether he is I'm not really sure because he's a very shy man very modest but being that shy enter to come off with the feeling that he that he exudes is amazing because he's not that kind of a person but when he walks into a room everyone knows he's there oh yes Hoss Debbie now come on at last hey I like basics Jim outside of berry no in shy - no we've mentioned all my favorites I met that I had the great honour of meeting a Clark Gable just before he left the MGM LA and I was just 16 years old and I just come onto the lot just under contract and he was in a pearl gray suit and he had but it was the best and he had a watch you know like that and it was pro-gay with a little white stripe and he said look you know cuz I'm short so he did bend over it nice to meet you gorgeous and I just went oh I mean I said nothing I just sort of blubbered around he to me was not because I thought he was the exact look Gilbert rollin is one of my favorites Fred Astaire's my face Gregory Peck is divine we didn't mention glamorous women for Jane Russell and Jean Peters and Diahann Carroll Jane Powell and Debbie Reynolds and we're on the subject of glamour in terms of the people that you've met the women that you admire and glamorous women men you admire it would you care to I well I don't like the brass up but I do notice that we're sitting here with coffee cups and it is a glamorous show and I thought perhaps we could have wine in I mean some beautiful champagne glasses and champagne don't you think so just a little bit about bullets yes wonderful already I think you would think so wouldn't you well I'm a class no class where should we go I'll go to the bar where's the bar Oh yeah yeah who's gonna for Wow yeah man all right chef man break it off for now what hang out 12-month I would like to know right okay we've been happy for news a woman broke Jana's leg oh it's got a lot where's long as we're long as we're sitting here with my get glamorous and uh he's pretty I think that's the way it's never mind the most glamorous men you've seen the most glamorous men you work with in movies I thought what about the most glamorous man you've ever known in your lives personal anybody care to volunteer a personal question so tuned that's the reason I asked well met you start Dyna don't use my name there this no more for her I'm Marilyn I never I bet you never miss us mix business with play never mix business with plan and this is business okay okay that's enough of that subject oh yeah nice boat you wanna hear down I bet you I just feel awful wrong Buddhism I'm not gonna mention David Frost if you don't mention anybody else I promise I won't i from ok here is to Burt Reynolds with drinking why do you think that's the only part of the story well let's go ready yes go on now we've done ours now it's you guys any champagne I brought in everything and III we just we were slightly intercept you can tell you he does not drink oh we thought we might cut you off you shoulda pour defend I know it should tilt the glass dear buddy I use my beauty that believe it or not yeah mom surely be ranch in oh let's put so no none of me I suppose genius pics I think I've been a good girl no you have you been really good and you're very honest and you're very and you're funny and you're adorable and I'm just leading up to just one little question what asked you do you think I'm most famous glamorous man well if you'd like to name it yes go ahead the most famous I mean my dog killer huh no I do you think that because of the fact that you're Debbie Reynolds Jane Powell Diahann Carroll Jean Peters and Jane Russell were you available and some of us are were you available side is available that's right all right then I'll just talk to us do you are we doing that a man would be uh intimidated by the position that you have achieved or the success you've achieved yeah be yeah yeah very definitely I think it's very difficult as we all know and we all know this answer is that in our business first of all to meet a man that is not out of the profession it's like impossible and if you do for him to not be bothered by people calling him mr. Reynolds and who mr. Powell you know you've all gone through that and and I've gone through it not but my marriages were disaster my marriage is the second time it didn't matter my husband was an independent name so he had his own identity if the man has his own identity in his own business feel very strong I don't think you have this big a problem but it still is a problem it goes inwards impossible yeah it almost actresses are very miserably married or not married at all or perhaps they have to marry somebody in the profession you marry that manager the Marion mandus gives up his life and discuss more than you do marry their manager I think here in a minute but you marry a man in the Republic mm-hmm and that works very well yes but I don't work there no you don't know well he's rich isn't he well No well I wouldn't work either fine oh yes you would no you would talk sure you work out all the time you're not working for money nobody oh I am margarin oh I have to yes old crepe soles went out and I'm in trouble I love working my work and I would want to work whether rich or poor whatever the enjoyment of it because I'm such a ham if I didn't work I'd probably sing in the shower and driving me crazy but Debbie means is that um if we had a husband man who has accomplished something in another area and there's the kind of income that could keep us comfortably at home we might be a little more selective we work quite a bit I mean I'm constantly I have returned today from doing a symphony concert last night I flew in today now there is no need to put that kind of pressure on oneself except that I am actively pursuing a career all the time I gave up my career for a period of almost two years Oh during my brief marriage but I do find that um some of my selections I would alter had I the opportunity to to select mm-hmm and I think that's possibly one of the things that makes your life more comfortable you can do that yes and Ann Jean really I don't believe nor is Jane as dedicated to working it went what happened wait what happened Jane when you you you're married and your husband said my husband said to me you don't ever have to worry at work again and I was so thrilled I couldn't stand first time I'd ever heard that in my life well I don't think any of us knew isn't asking me mm-hmm but Jane and I are interested in other things you're into real estate aren't you in all kinds there last time I talked to you there and I find my house it is that's fulfilling to me but I'm out in the garage baby well there's a workshop is there right well works I knew I was gonna get into that later but I while we're on this subject that and it is you you you found someone really I don't think you could retire to any little town nearby and outwork were there not someone on your life and I think the same thing - yeah I don't think Debbie had to live on such an enormous scale where she to find someone that would work that would make her life fulfilling other that's true okay I think it's in in Hollywood I think if you can't have a marriage where you both understand the business that helps a great deal it's it's murder to try and explain the business to someone who really doesn't doesn't know but I do think there are some people that really adore working and performing not working you know just like I I would be bored to death if I wasn't working at something mm-hmm but I would prefer working at something else where I could well you don't have to be a nervous wreck when you get on my or you know just I don't have to be all done up I mean the glamour but really kind of bores me and Noby to do that is a bore I'd might try to just go out where I can be with the fellas and say no move that wall about three feet over that way and do about that kind of thing rather than performing I know Connie Haynes would die she had stopped forming yeah just died she loves it when I worked with Connie and Beryl and every time we went out someplace they were both just here we go it's marvelous you know and they were dragging me like this I wanted that because because uh Connie started when she was a child started very young maybe but you know then that's more reason why maybe you'd want to quit a few engines well it's true but sometimes you don't know anything else I was speaking for myself I really don't know anything else I love my home and I do a lot of work around it and I couldn't do all those things that's wonderful but it's not as much fun to cook and work around your home if you don't have anyone to your works with I'm sure oh and I must say I enjoy it after I have done something in the arts that I feel I enjoy and I can make a contribution all those other things that we described in a very esoteric way what I'm trying to say is that I'd love to work when I finish my work I do enjoy cooking from time to time on my basis when I get ready to do it I don't enjoy the routine of having to put a staff of people together so that dinner is served every evening like that I can't stand that I lived that way for a long time and I found it very interesting I think because I had never been exposed to it now that I've been exposed to it I don't ever want to live that way again but uh I to feel though if I had to give up performing forever I don't quite know that I would enjoy that I think that would frighten me why might frighten you now but I'm you think maybe later on we have the man in me yes I've done I have a man in your life here I just think it's important that you pay attention to the man the sixth member of our glamorous extent here he's someone who means a great deal to all of you you share his a great fondness for him in common and so do I he's an Academy award-winning designer whose new collection is featured in a two-hour movie she's dressed to kill to be seen on NBC this fall he has a dressed and in some cases undress some of the great screen beauties please welcome mr. bill trivia turn from a dinner that to that beautiful dedication yeah the moustaches new I like it thank you I don't have to introduce you to any one of these you've me maturity yeah you're designed for all of them all of us yes I should say sure what is your definition of glamour I would really like to hear that mmm to me it's a sense of oneself it's a one's own personal distinction it is uh it is an inner magnetism it's like magic inside that comes forward and radiates more than any dress or any makeup a lady could wear for instance I have these beautiful ladies here right and you're all glamorous and you're gorgeous I adore you but if I were asked another kind of woman other than our little group here I would say maybe Barbra Streisand because here's a real bruja she dares to tell the world but I'm glamorous and I'm beautiful she just does just that and yet if she didn't turn on that little tiny turn on button in here then magnet she could easily be identified with the lady we're looking down the screen hmm so easy so it's something within yourself that says hey I'm beautiful it's a mysterious quality we all go back to that word a sense of mystery an illusion that really you it's not an illusion because it's real it's something that comes from within which I suppose is the most we know I remember I made a picture with Marlena Dietrich which i think is one of the most glamorous women that's ever lived and yet when she did that movie golden earrings dressed like a dirty old gypsy mm-hmm and her makeup was dark she was glamorous you couldn't kill it it's from within now you did Diane's costumes for Julia yes you most certainly did we drop isn't that pretty this is my favorite gown that I ever did for jewel for you yes Julia girl he confuses me he can't decide what he wants to call me Julia or Dan well everybody we good we all did that I love no dress on Diane so much that you didn't know this Diane I had the same dress copied for my daughter Nia to be graduated in cuz I love that guy oh did you yes sort of lovely we received quite a bit of flack about those lovely clothes during the filming do you know why cuz that is really interesting oh they seem to be a general consensus of opinion that a nurse didn't earn the kind of money that could produce this very elaborate wardrobe but as I have said there was so many ladies on television um who were rather well dressed I thought and I didn't quite understand why I had to justify the Wardrobe of Julian ah at the same time there was a show on the air I think called that girl and I never saw that girl have a job in the entire time that she was on the air like she wore Cardinale clothes but very often ah that happens particularly if you're a black actress because there's something associated with the color of my skin people do feel you have that problem to era people do feel that that you're supposed to sort of recommend represent a documentary well do in life and Julia most certainly was not a documentary it was a sitcom a half hour did you know I did I came around late bill had nothing to do with the Muslim community yeah they came from around the corner I think I think you design clothes for Debbie and Mary Mary was she a problem you were you remember you called me said hey Bill I've got some good news for you I've got some bad news now the first the good part of it is I'm about to do a picture which I want you to do ins call Mary Mary I'm gonna wear some very pretty clothes and I think you'll love doing the clothes I said that's great I want you Debbie then she said now for the bad news hey you know what it is I'm pregnant we can't tell them out there when they see this movie very pretty well how'd you say for that one far along were you I think we have a still Oh Debbie it's down there uh-huh well you don't look pregnant thing what were you for Myrtle Oh would you switch phones yeah we I was into my sixth month well the treatment here was five months all right the the race she looks tiny in the middle was she had a cincher on but a very delicate one the jacket is widened above the waistline to make the waistline look slimmer in the skirt wide again and you achieve a look of a slender body you wouldn't dare put her in the Jean at 20 Century Fox yes what pictures did you do the Jean and if what she wanted several pictures with Jean but my favorite was my favorite picture of all Viva Zapata mmm and in a movie Jean came into iliacus Anne's office looking so gloriously beautiful she was wearing a white cotton shirt white pants her hair was wet from the swimming pool and she looked so damned American and pretty he couldn't believe her but not like the lady that's to fall in love with sapota himself a little lady of upper middle-class skin enough webelo so I went back to the Wardrobe and I wonder what we could do about changing it what here your lungs were having a professional this is the problems with change oh darling baby just a big scar a big star that scared the life out of you when you came in and I don't think there's any problems there no not at all there was a problem though she is this what I'm supposed to tell about the problem yeah tell about recognizing you tell us her I had my own crew and there was one other designers that I had worked with continually and he was not to come so billion I met for the first time Billy and I met for the first time and he designed the clothes for Marilyn and for me and I knew when it was happening I have a very strange body it's very lumpy and short waisted and I can't wear full skirts and all these other spells girl and no we put it all together at the first when we did this our DOS do you remember now you to do it I do no I won't tell and Darryl zanuck saw it and he went straight up and I just I was standing there like you would you know flat but it no I right here this is that you know and then after that we went back to the place and nice and bill I have to do this and I have to do that and I'm sorry from then on he did the most fabulous clothes unto pictures you know the prettiest one those okay brunette lavender dress in Paris I even have a snapshot that I photographed you and Jeanne Crain coming out of the door like 2702 gowns a piece huge wardrobes and and I don't mean to say for a moment that it's only glamour its wisdom and and knowledge and heart all of these ladies I know very well is Jane Russell and Jean Peters and Diahann Carroll and Jane Powell and Debbie Reynolds and we are here with some sort of I would say Svengali in that you had a certain power I mean we could make we get determine whether or not we look beautiful in films or we were dressed right and Bill trivia bill loves to make women look pretty yeah even lust yes you don't be not all the diner's love that I know ray loves to make us laugh hello let me throw him one thought I have never ever except for a movie but in my own collections I've never ever design a dress that I myself as a man would not be proud to have my lady look like this mm-hmm well let man don't get a lot of designers over here for women that's just a design for something else their design we like them I know oh you adore them different there again we enter the trendy they will follow a style that has been set by some little girl walking down the boulevard lashawn's any say in Paris our son and they'll say oh that's a marvelous looking suddenly their entire line comes out and I'm not all that crazy about the shoulders up to here now I don't want look like Larry Csonka with a small waist today but that's what you know but you designed for Jane Powell and we have all will recognize the fact that Jane is petite and and perfect in all of proportions but you did were there any problems with Jane a wonderful problem because Jane is a tiny little lady perfectly proportioned and she had been designed for four years and movies delightfully is the girl next door when Jane went on on the road wonderful big personal appearances she didn't want to protect this kind of look she wanted to come out as a glamorous beautiful woman and so I designed special clothes tall women's clothes but done in miniature for J and she went walk on the stage mmm toy closed door closed Oh in fact I've got a yard and a half a beautiful fabric it's 45 dollars a yard wholesale but it would just make you a long eating but that was the fun just to me Jane up here tall and glamorous and sophisticated rather than the little girl next door and I think I did that didn't I yes you did that's that's why I'm here I came because of you and because of Dino and I appreciate I probably you and Bill designed this how long ago I designed all theirs myself that's a Jane Powell this is an old bill that's an old man a beautiful patient back in the line how old special 1960 69 68 something like that it's an all it looks alright huh it looks good it stays good yeah I was happy I kept it in the old trunk we pulled it out the other day we had a lot of fun remembering things I brought her some new rags and she liked that one better well we're gonna have a fashion show of your new rags yeah I lost track of Billie and I'm telling you it really upset me because I love his clothes I think he designs for in a very feminine way and he makes you feel good and I can't wait to see your new line I'm thrilled that you have the line because I can't wait to get down there and buy a whole bunch oh wow so - we're getting your money yeah well I want to talk about things a big credit on station yes thank you you just just pick them right off the floor we'll be right back we're selling and talking about glamour today with our glamorous guessing with coutore Ville trivia who knows a thing or two about glamour and we're gonna have a little icing on the cake a little special preview of your fall collection which is in the motion picture dressed to kill mm-hmm NBC hmm and Barry White's the producer came to me with a very unique idea excuse me Barry right the musician Barry White Oh Barry White's yes huh he came to me with a unique idea of previewing my Fall collection a fall collection for 1979 on this forthcoming movie and it's kind of a wonderful chance because I want to park your place let's say she plays me she's the fashion designer huh and she shows like 30 or 35 of my gowns in a fashion show which is unique in itself because that means that a woman could actually see these clothes on the screen mm-hmm and go into Saks Fifth Avenue or megan's and buy them oh you know it's never happened like no which is a unique opportunity for me so get this lovely promotional idea mr. White's and I thought about for a moment trying to be hard to get mm-hmm and I said oh I will certainly consider this um one little line there that's terribly important you see all these beautiful models in this unique film end up getting murdered in my clothes and so he promised me though that these clothes would come back to me so I could show them in New York to my stores I'm about bloodstains and gunshots so John bloody of course so that's what we're gonna see now just a few of what we'll be seeing in the forthcoming movie she's dressed to kill okay I turned it over to you thank you okay the first here is a return of a classical gown that I once did for Marilyn Monroe and its featured in the movie it is a total sunburst a pleated white crepe back satin all totally draped with one single seam down the center back some things you can bring that and there forever Oh forgive me that was Marla Marlena a me and Marlena is also one of our actresses in the film and now we meet KC brown and a little dinner dress of red Creek back satin KC Brown also is one of our actresses and what a wonderful way to go disco yeah total freedom in a covered kind of look the deadwood until enough and Gail joy another actress from our film in the dinner gown look the widens shoulder and underneath is the first of the bustiers which is black French lace over nude is that hat we were asking about to you that goes with everything it's tomorrow's world its returns out what's coming up next three more Dinah and I hope you like them Mike yeah why not look man Marlena Amy now shows the dinner costume mr. solid red sequins called marble sequins actually they're red and black sequins hand-painted little camisole is in black crepe that's the way I hope we'll go out to dinner this fall and the return of it to elegance Casey Casey brown now shows a black silk taffeta great skirt but what's interesting is this little bustier which is totally handmade of pheasant feathers messin fasteners each one by hand this is a two-part separate thought sweat reveal everything is our separates that all go together to make evening looks a my dress that people have asked for for years the return of my evening shirt waste rain beats Andros vantes on white chiffon over a flesh-colored really ever oh yes that's a whole buncha by one well how many can you see foam green do you make it like a light green for you I'd have to I know cuz you know I'm mad for the ideation like the kind of everything's gorgeous so oh I made love have one of each I don't know about the feather feathers over the boobs that would not be kinda hot I knew Jane it'd like that my gosh if you prepare this on you boobs the world would go crazy finally Dennis just here went the show no that's okay that's just another little bleep damn it oh no you could save can we say that house why I'm sure of course I hope so yes yeah we're very important you see so do I do with that oh yeah never you what's next three more and I hope you ladies like huh very glamorous people bill Jovi ever showed us this lovely glamorous fall collection met those nice model and we with Jean Peters and Jane Russell and Diahann Carroll Jane Powell and Debbie Reynolds and and you're going into the Sahara yes I am I knew you and ask you do you cross each other all the time in Vegas yes well you know the strange thing about going in and out of these I'm sure you know this we never really see each other because we're always so done but I think you work at the same hours yes it's the 31st of this month that I opened yeah look how you remember that and then you go into a two hour movie I've just finished one written by Maya Angelou so I'm very excited we'll be on in the fall it's really I think one of the most difficult roles I've ever had you play Maya in it no it's not really has nothing to do with her life and it's this strange lady I have two younger sisters a strange very old-fashioned moral pain-in-the-neck human being she was very difficult for me to play but I enjoyed I love doing Debbie just closed in Vegas reason I brought it because you do cross paths you just closed and where you going now uh I'm going to Desert Inn and August what's the last July 29th I think it is I open at the Desert Inn are you just close friends I've been open with a new Billy trivia line over horseshoer yeah are you i debbie i you can do a whole new actor dude i do have a whole new show I was been working on it for four months I'm on vacation it's very big show it was exhausting to do it but I wanted to do a whole new thing and disco dancing and all is so in and as you know I love to tap dance to do all in vaudeville that's what I think I do very best but so I put in a whole huge just go number but I thought it would be fun of a way to do it would be to have the stars you know Chaplin and disco and yeah Superman doing disco so the whole thing you're all these characters are we disagree yet I mean it's a story line Jim and it's fun that that's my now and shows an hour and 10 so I just closed and I'm really tired I don't think any of us would be here tonight we all love you Diana for years and we've been all friends for long time but because of this another man's Talent that's a good person oh hell am I glad went to get you I did I really should he did no I'll get him again Janie I wanted to ask you something yes you have a very definite philosophy a way of solving your problems in your lifetime and you look like you never had a problem in it in the world what you have everybody has probably dying I feel that uh the degree may vary with everyone and what is important what the problem to you may not be a problem to me but I feel that everyone is touched in a certain way with money or death or whatever it might be that is a problem and everything is relative and the degree just varies and so you just know that it's you're going to get it again it's gonna come around and I feel that the older I get the easier it is to handle and I'm enjoying my years now more than I ever did when I was a child mm-hm or a younger woman because now I know that I was thought it can never happen to me whenever a disaster would happen or something that was very distasteful I thought that I was singled out but I've learned through the years that we all get it in one way or another and you just go I hope there's gonna be something better after this but that's something we will never find out well everybody in San Francisco's boy have 20 you when are you gonna be up there Oh June 21st at the Fairmont Hotel oh that's fairly kind of fun I haven't done a callback I know that's gonna be kinda fun you've had your shoes ups and downs triumphs joy you're gonna be Lee I'm looking at you dude yes and has everything evened up for you a little bit now or have you found an easier way to handle it well I don't think that there's an easy way of handling anything you just have to have a very strong faith in whatever it is whatever you want to believe but it's God or by another philosophy as long as you believe that there is a way to find happiness and you keep trying to achieve it then perhaps we can reach that point you just have to believe in something more than ourselves oh I think so without that with that we're all right and you have Tavel I think you have to have a lot of laughs you have to you have to make yourself smile and when I horse around it's because I think that sometimes laughter is very close to tears so I think it's I try to have a good time with my life and there have been many moments in my life that have been unhappy but everybody else has had the same thing and made much much worse I'm sure they have I mean Diane Henson Janey I know has and Jean certainly has and Jane certainly has far worse and then than I have had and I know Jane is very religious and I say sure she feels as I do about it if you were starting over Jane what would you change about your life or your career any part of it no I really don't think so I I think you learned something out of everything that happens to you if you don't you're a damn poo and I have enjoyed going through whatever I've had to go through there's been something I've learned yeah gene I wanted to ask you about that garage we touched on that a while back in this glamorous beautiful lady who loves to cook mm-hmm and take care of her house in her garage has a mysterious assortment of tools tell him about the Magnificent assorted that we've had two burglaries at our house and I each time have been more concerned fortunately they did not get into my garage that would have destroyed mix Helen listen rod well I didn't know it doesn't yes they'll get next had legs padlocks no I have a very good woodworking setup which I enjoy doing you you build pages well not really furniture but I like to do a wood carving and I hope to get into furniture one day when I have have enough time to go hide in the garage but I like tools I consider them almost pieces of art lovely sculpture well in the library the kind of life you're living now that's very fulfilling and and your husband and and he has a large family oh yes yes I married into I think it's 14 nieces and nephews yeah so we're all teenagers well then working in in films work that you've always known as not that important to you no no no but I would like to work but not not to the extent that I would go out to knocking on doors to to do something let me ask you something how about how do you feel about your private life at this one I I respect the fact that within the last few years it has become more private and I'm too I enjoy not reading about my myself and then the magazines and the funny paper yes the money is everything I kind of like the privacy I love the privacy and I think it makes all of us a little more comfortable I'm sure it makes my daughter more comfortable and as you know that's very important part of my life sure but I'm not mocking those years so that was an interesting experience you know having absolutely no private life uh because if I hadn't had that that I don't think I would appreciate the way it is you have to have that in order to know how good this is yeah I like I really agree yeah bill retired for a number of years and went to live in Spain my rack well that's back in 1970 when the ladies decided not to be pretty and longer so they I figure they don't need old dad so I checked out went over there and lived another life of sailing and diving cuz I killed you know I collect my own saltwater fish for my big tanks didn't know that and I I didn't I enjoyed for close to seven years a hiatus then when I saw it was my time again okay I'm active in my head I want women to be beautiful and I'm gonna be a part of this return to elegance I'm back on the old hem stitching machine okay and all their families they lead busy proof Eliza's not enough time in the day of the week of the year for all the things they have planned but Jane and I are gonna play the roles vocally of two women who don't have that problem or pleasure Stephen Sondheim wrote this song about them for his Broadway production of Company here's to the ladies who lunch everybody laugh lounging in their captain's and planning a brunch the head off to the gym then to a fitting claiming their fat and looking grim cause they've been sitting choosing a hat does anyone still wear a hat ask Phil I think they're in today I'll drink to and here's to the girls who stay smart horribly loud gasp rushing to their classes in optical heart wishing an ass another long exhausting day another thousand so a met named updater play perhaps a piece I'll drink how about one for Mom here's to the girls who played white are they too much keeping house and punching a copy of life just to keep in touch once you follow the rules and meet themselves at the school no Raj to them let's all make to live here's to the girls who just watch our when they get depressed it's a bottle of scotch another chance would disagree another brilliant singer another reason not to move so he is to the girls on the go everybody everybody does the dinosaur surviving the crunch let's hear it for the ladies to lunch every ma Oh there's a seafood restaurant I really had I really had a wonderful time I hope you did James yeah thank you guys certainly do come back and we'll do that song again and again thank you be sure to join Dyna next week when some of her guest stars will be Fernando Lamas Patrick Duffy Billy Crystal Lou Rawls Ray Charles Debby Boone Kenny Rogers Sal Viscuso Ted Lapidus with his fashions and lots more Dinah at one you Oh some of the audience participants on the vanish show will receive one of the following gifts American Tourister strong lightweight luggage the prettiest piece of protection your foes will ever get you travel first-class with American Tourister rice-a-roni the big flavor side dish that's so quick and so easy the one you saute and simmer to flavor protection ricer 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Johnnie Guilbert Stiggy
Channel: Alan Eichler
Views: 49,323
Rating: 4.8469386 out of 5
Keywords: Debbie Reynolds (Performer), Jane Russell (Performer), Jane Powell (Performer), Jean Peters (Performer), Howard Hughes (Producer), Diahann Carroll (Performer), Dinah Shore (Performer), Television Program, Fashion, The Ladies Who Lunch (Composition), Company (Play), Stephen Sondheim (Composer), William Travilla (Designer)
Id: _wKWPQG4G1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 53sec (3893 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2016
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