Carnitine Carrier System | Beta Oxidation Part II

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hello friends since we have been discussing about the fatty acid metabolism and now we are at a point where fatty acids have been activated as it has been discussed in the previous video the activation of fatty acids now let's mourn and see how these fatty acids are transported into mitochondrial matrix so here we are discussing about quarantined carrier system or simply we can say Conaty in the shuttle in the collagen shuttle or we can say it's coordinating carrier system there is the transport of activated fatty acid from cytosol to mitochondria because the fatty acid activation occurs inside the source or more pressure bleeding and applaud me reticulum then there is the transport towards the mitochondria for b-dog station here we can see this activation of fatty acids in cytosol so we have activated registered in cytosol and this activated fatty acid is ton of positive might of contracts it must be noted here that only the long-chain fatty acids need carnitine carrier system to get transported to the mitochondrial matrix on the other hand we have short chain fatty acids that are transported as such into the mitochondrial matrix without any shuttle or any carrier system so all these tools plus carbon chain or fatty acids are transported to the mitochondrial matrix where this shuttle of forgetting only the metric is whether it is long chain fatty acid or short and fatty acid there is always a beta oxidation there is the degradation of fatty acids now let's see in detail how this carnitine shuttle works in we have a bear here in the form of inner mitochondrial membranes that between cytosol and mitochondrial matrix on the left wing cytosol and on the right we have matrix in the first part of relation that of course in cytosol is between fatty acyl coa and qualities so these two molecules read together and give off to different molecules coenzyme a or simply coa and fatty acids qaulity that fatty acid combining to connoting molecules and this reaction is catalyzed by an enzyme connoting as transferase first so now the pegasi is bound to quantity so now the fattier side bound coordinating is repulsed by an inner mitochondrial membrane and gets into matrix in order to get the fatty acid oxidation we need the fatty acid bound to join them again that's in its origin activated form which wasn't cytosol so here in the matrix fatty acyl carnitine reacts with co a molecule and gives up carnitine molecule back and finally we get our target molecule also that's fatty acid coa and this reaction is catalyzed where and then connoting acceptance phase to against a trans for a second the coordinating molecule will go back to the cytosol where it will continue the same set operations and on the fatty acyl coa in the matrix the oxidation will focus that bit oxidation base ok so this is all about quality in shuttle or collagen carrier system i hope you liked the video if you liked it give it a thumbs up and make sure subscribe the channel type
Channel: Hussain Biology
Views: 26,550
Rating: 4.9289098 out of 5
Keywords: carnitine shuttle animation, carnitine shuttle explained, carnitine shuttle mechanism, carnitine shuttle steps, carnitine shuttle system, carnitine shuttle pathway, carnitine cycle, beta oxidation, transport of fatty acids, transport of fatty acids to mitochondria, hussainbiology, hussain biology
Id: X9BQihpCGo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 22sec (202 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2017
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