Carlsen's Sacrifice Leaves Chess World Speechless

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what a great finish to the grer chess classic it's Magnus Carlson playing against Richard raor in the final Magnus with white in the game I'm about to show you and I just finished watching the second game they played as well that was a nailbiter Lawrence Trent doing my head in hands up if you agree let me know if you disagree banish giri on fire in the commentary let's jump into the game here E4 from Magnus and Richie goes for a French defense love to see it it's going to be a sharp battle Magnus goes for Knight C3 the winner variation Bishop B4 pin and win right E5 therefore there's pressure on the pawn of course C5 strikes at the center A3 Bishop takes we're rattling through the opening because it's so complex and after Knight E7 Queen G4 starts the shenanigans this Pawn Under Fire is it defending no Richie goes Queen C7 a move deeper than the Mariana Trench this is complex because Magnus now goes Bishop D3 but what if he follows the main line takes the pawn let me give you a quick flavor this is how the lines go the queen from C7 on the pawn the Knight can cover this is one sample something like this and we reach a position here now why do I mention because after Queen C7 no takes here Magnus goes Bishop D3 as mentioned and now Richie goes Queen A5 you know Queen C7 Queen A5 what the heck is all that about well the pawn on C3 is under Fire now if you take you're too slow as white black takes on C3 with check picks up the loose Rook after Rook G8 by the way and Black's doing well and if you go Knight E2 now c4 comes Bishop is trapped it's got no retreat so therefore Bishop D2 this is the move you've induced when really that Bishop maybe wanted to come around here in certain lines C4 now closes the queen side could be risky even though you kick the bishop back but longterm black maybe wants to play against this Pawn or the C2 Pawn even but that's why we now see Rook G8 followed by A4 not allowing the black queen to sit on that square attack C2 and one day possibly the bishop bounces round right deep stuff Anish giri was walking us through it in commentary Knight B to C6 played and now Queen H3 Magnus in his prep this is deep stuff the pawn Under Fire so H6 and now Bishop H5 such a weird looking move but we'll see the point in a moment because after Bishop D7 Knight E2 you want to Castle Queens side as black but then this Pawn is legit dropping off the board and it's not ideal how would you play against it well that's why G6 is played kicks back the bishop then we get H5 yes you're gaining time against the white Bishop but you're also creating a number of dark squared weaknesses stockfish wants to Castle queenside immediately but Knight F5 played looks so natural and now the wacky moves just continue this is computer prep modern chess this is what people do these days they play crazy looking moves like G4 but after porn captures Bishop captures Castle's Queen side taking that Knight why is Magnus giving up his Bishops we see some of the points starting to be revealed because if you take with the G Pawn the computer's favorite move because now The Rook is open on G5 stops Bishop G5 well then white moves the Queen H Pawn is running now it's probably Black's best play because you do get some counter playay but you have to deal with the past H Pawn however Richie takes with the E Pawn here doesn't give Magnus a past Pawn here on the H file but Bishop G5 starts an absolute positional domination The Rook moves now King D2 just to add some cover to this pawn and sit tight in that Cozy home there Rook h8 hits the queen it slides to F3 and now Knight d8 headed for E6 and Magnus could have even gone Knight F4 Knight E6 could be played then you simply take you know something like this just shut everything down on the dark squares it's domination then you bring the Rooks here different way to play right but what was played instead was this and this and now Knight F4 could be played as mentioned but Magnus goes H4 Knight E6 and H5 why is he rushing the position when he could sit and squeeze which he's made a career on right well he's seen that after Pawn G5 which Richie plays this structure must surely be collapsing but he's miscalculated now you can't take here or Knight E4 Discovery and the Queen's not only having to retreat it's got no squares it's about to drop off the board so don't touch that pawn and equally you can't bring the Rook to the G file to immediately attack which we see Magnus do soon because there's this amazing resource of Pawn G4 the queen can move but then F4 and it looks impossible because surely Knight takes but this is the trick Rook takes it's so so tactical right we're just going to stick with one of the main lines here and then the followup is Knight G5 opening The Rook on the queen and again the queen is checkmated has excuse me no squares to go to is going to drop off the board so the immediate Rook G1 no good so Magnus goes Rook a E1 now what is the subtle difference well this time in all of those G4 lines when you get right to the very end the queen can take on E8 Bishop whoops Bishop recaptures Rook takes this time supporting and you get enough compensation for the queen very deep stuff uh then the F7 Pawn drops I should say as well H Pawn running we're not going to go down the line because Richie now makes a mistake he should just sit steady a waiting move like A6 but he pushes F4 and he's overlooked the power of Mag his idea now because now The Rook comes to the G file hang on wasn't there a problem with this well now when the pawn is defended with Rook G8 not good this time Magnus finds the sacrifice can you guess the move he played this is where he comes crashing through and starts to squeeze Richie so the move he finds is Knight takes on F4 fantastic sacrifice now if it's immediately taken here which wasn't played then there Queen takes Pawn takes you crash through with check and if King here bang you skewer the king to the queen that's dropping off if the bishop blocks now you take huge compensation Pawn dropping H Pawn running after Bishop G5 this is similar to the lines I mentioned previously that we didn't click down so coming back here that's why we see takes on F6 first played but after Magnus recaptured now Knight takes here you're running into the same problems now you can take here according to stockfish but Magnus goes a different way it's all very very complicated he instead pushes the H Pawn immediately yes the Knight can come back to this wonderful square covering G5 but after H7 Rook A8 sorry h8 Queen E3 you just can't maintain the blockade because the queen slides back hits f six but Magnus finds a move to just bring the whole Piggy's house down like a house of sticks it's not made of bricks he crashes through on G5 here Knight recaptures Queen takes covering this pawn and it's paralysis for black king C7 now played by Rapport Magnus invades we get Bishop E6 covering the F Pawn and now Magnus does go wrong here but it's not obvious why he should go Rook H5 to bring it to E5 but he goes Rook E1 bringing it to E5 what's the difference right well now that you didn't put the Rook here Black's got this amazing resource of Bishop F5 looks terrible because you give the Rook an invasion square but after the king moves if white takes this Pawn on F7 let's say then The Rook captures here this is the point you can't actually hold everything together black is actually winning this position and coming all the way back here if you don't invade if you bring the Rook back to defend the pawn well you've just lost a load of time but also Bishop G6 comes cements everything and the pawn will drop the moment these ones move not good but it's missed by Richie he goes King B6 now rookie five comes and Magnus back in control despite being a minor piece down his two pawns are enough compensation especially this one so Queen Queen C8 now played we get Pawn F4 A6 on the board King C1 from Magnus doing some King safety stuff King A7 and now F5 initiating the steamrolling because if Bishop captures again pause if you want to test your tactics right completely losing move this queen overloaded you take on F5 Queen recaptures and this one drops in the corner no longer defended that is game over excuse me so coming back here Bishop D7 played therefore A5 on the board coming away from the attack cutting in the black king here we get Queen f8 offering an exchange but not good right because Magnus can now invade with his Rook if he wants there is this Threat by the way which is why King B2 and after Queen C8 Richie paralyzed he couldn't take connects the pawns Magnus now takes on D 5 the whole position's collapsing I mean what if you tried to go Bishop C6 well then there's Rook E7 you know you just can't hold everything so coming back here this was played now Bishop C6 The Rook comes back to E5 Bishop D7 Queen takes Pawn the whole house is collapsing Bishop takes on F5 Rook C5 hits the queen queen E6 now the Queen's come off the board Magnus doesn't even need the ladies anymore he's calculated it through they're down low on time but Here Comes The Rook Rook G7 yes you can win the pawn but watch the tricks if Rook captures now we take Bishop takes Pawn's going through apologies if you could hear screaming kids kicking off it's dinner time now we see the bishop takes though instead of the rook and new Tactical problems after F7 this Bishop's dropping of course you know if you come with the King there's this tactic Rooks over loaded Queen goes through so Richie moves the bishop away for some reason he sticks it on D3 no idea why mou slip right just joking they're over the board but say he sticks it here then there's Rook G8 and again the Pawn's going through or the rook's dropping off the board so this was the final move after Magnus took that Bishop simply raor resigned what a game then we went to game two it just finished Magnus was under Under Pressure the entire game completely lost somehow defended miraculously and Rapport couldn't convert it finished a draw therefore Magnus Carlson wins grer chess I hope you enjoyed this video smash subscribe if you did and I hope to see you again soon cheers
Channel: Epic Chess
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Keywords: epic chess, chess, epic, chess analysis, chess game, learn chess, win at chess, chess analyzed, chess teacher, positional chess, IT FINALLY HAPPENED!! Carlsen vs Niemann The Naked Rematch. 30th January 2024, carlsen, Carlsen, Magnus Carlsen, magnus carlsen, Hans Niemann, Niemann, niemann vs carlsen, carlsen vs niemann, niemann cheating, chess cheating, carlsen chess cheating, carlsen chess, niemann chess, cheating in chess, carlsen vs hans, hans vs carlsen, Niemann chess, ches
Id: tzL2VM2u89c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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