Carlee Russell Sentenced to Probation in Fake Abduction Case

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>> Welcome back to court TV live on judge Ashley will cut honored to be with you for the next 3 hours. We have breaking news out of Alabama. The woman who faked her own abduction is back in court today for 8 plea hearing Carly wrestle disappeared for 2 days last summer after reporting. She saw a toddler on the side of the road. But once she turned up it. It became clear that the entire ordeal was a hoax let's get you into court now for the start of that plea hearing. >> for us. >> that year. As you are pretty universal. >> This is easy 2389. You were charged in each of the cases of misdemeanor offenses. Nation a price you can with your life. Good got to have your right. Yes. There is no say that isn't it cc 20 3.88 is a misdemeanor offense of making a false police report having to flee. It's easy 2389 has to be used to dance making a false police report up T I. go-to site. Isn't he says that the jurors to reject the and let you know competent this. You have your own free will. This one for you because you are back up. This time before we I'm Nate knowingly and voluntarily based on the first I like that there >> stabbing that the case is all about respect for law enforcement in perspective this community as a whole. This Russell. The kidnapping situation. We still don't know to this day where she was how she got there what she was we once we figured out that she was supposedly missing. Community and all the people that. >> their work. They're they're full. And they come away from very very involved. There are other cases that is the fall. Pace that it was taking the is our contention that >> she researched search terms about the amber alert and maybe take in all of this thing. We walking Street which is good for your words of theirs are being on the door. Police were called to show that she's playing around and still perpetuating this phrase that she was hit. The end of the call she got to the hospital just a space with law enforcement and that's when she tells a contains. It When earlier issues at stake. Unity as well as law enforcement I mentioned that she should get them. I understand the mayor. But the cause of the that is had on as well as on the community we believe in it weakens. And you know this some sort of horse racing is worth it in this. I >> 2 from the defense attorneys. >> Jane we apologize for my actions and this may be a great mistake. Well time to fight through. There is emotional issues and stress. I'm extremely we're full for the can a year and very strange that made the motion is that are serious across the nation. I want to says the city we acknowledge and take that kind of ability for the pain family church family prays neighbors community. It all goes directly involved in search efforts me. I also extend my sincerest apologies to the Police Department. Another law enforcement agency and personnel for the position that resources you I absolutely regret my decision and I was I wish I totally different man. My fear is that I would be extending grace, it the opportunity to reveal who actually care. >> And restored positively as seen here that I worked so hard to pay for the 25 years of my life. >> Heart >> you can say I've never had any malicious intent to hurt anyone. Sonseeahray the pieces and go on to this sort of way they do with this information the race. >> You remember think it's important to remind the community that community the alarm country. The story of a nationwide now and then came out and was assured community outreach the country without You waste a lot of government resources and you're going to pay to pay I every time that and restitution it would be a waste of government resources. I try this case so you know taking responsibility what I mean that it would be a waste of government resources for you in jail. One of the most sensitive government does is they are sick people and so we reserve our people who are truly a community. A little weird 3 and center of what you've done your knife edge. The community not going to treat you any differently tree any other first-time nonviolent this year and judgments and as of this court this year says that he should be cases to 6 months in the county jail. These sentences are consecutive with each other and the senses are suspended. Your face and probation for 12 months of supervised probation. So the condition of her probation is you pay the full amount what you should which is 17,000 $974. A sense agency who are 100 unit usable Lane who wrote an invite to unsafe. We have a record Also says you to serve as a condition of her probation, 100 hours community service. I want to see when we come back, I want to make progress if not have completed that community service. I understand you're currently getting mental health counseling is that right this is a condition at this point your donation you can continue getting mental health counseling like to see some proof you're getting that counseling when we come back. They said are you hearing we're going to review the amount to Jean the pay community service. And that day is October 16 at 09:00AM. You know the state of the defense. >> She took responsibility and pled guilty and the judge said that did save money we don't have to go to trial but on the other hand you've wasted money and gave her the same sentence he would as any other first vendor non violent misdemeanor case. When we come back you want to miss that we're going to post hearing We're in Alabama this afternoon where a accused of falsely telling police she had been abducted has just pled guilty Carly Russell called 911 on July 13th to report a toddler on the side of the highway and then she vanished without a trace that is until 2 days later when she showed up at her parents house with a wild story that she had been abducted and then she escaped Russell later confessed to lying about her abduction and has now pleaded guilty to those charges. The judge also issued a sentence we want to go back right now though before we talk about that were Russell's team is reacting to the guilty plea. >> We're going I know you did but but I want to say this. That we understand what transpired and I want to come in. Judge Carpenter and strong and to make a decision based on probation. As I stated to you when we were The city too I've never seen anyone Carson great for 2 years for mishandling. No matter what domestic violence, their whatever. No one incarcerate so first of all we want to thank James Kopp. We're doing what we call to action to Class A misdemeanor first offense. I'm Holly Pollard just to the Over. To the volunteers full Rex hope that we will accept that move on and allow her to live her life, I know there are still questions that you all want her to answer, but I think will be good to different opportunity. 2, 5%. >> We wouldn't be where she is that can you say like this all transpired well it was just an emotional type situation. She stated that when she made her statement, I'm going to add to that that clearly she is in Council. And that and tell you something. And like she said. She just overreacting. It was an emotional decision, she's just 26 years old she's a nursing school. 3 semesters left Sharon will. And remorseful and she's been deeply affected and she wants to she said we deem herself and she has apologized to the community and it's probably going to end up being something that she can build on and as Mister Anthony said make something really. Powerfully good about her life and teach others I think I think she made a great statement I think it was concise and. >> I think he took responsibility for action availing herself to the board today and I think you now we should all be able to. hopefully it. Thank you. >> Want to highlight one of the things the judge said again he commented that he's doing the same that he would do for any first offender nonviolent misdemeanor guilty and here's what she said 6 months in jail says and it's so that means she has 12 months of supervised probation. He also included the restitution because of the money it cost the city 17 $1974 and $0.88 she'll have to pay back to the city over time a 100 hours of community service and probably most important he did include that she must continue her mental health counseling I really think a very sound sentence by the judge lets go back now though we want to get reaction from the police chief. >> What's your takeaway from this I know that there was a strong push for some jail time is bridges point in >> the decision not to give any jail time. She gave an apology today unfortunately to me it's like something like a. What would you do that the back in July it's just unfortunate that a lot of a lot of people I did the judge commented not In our community but across the nation. The real concern for for the last couple of days. The 17,800 were over there or restitution is not really close to what the restitution should be bottom line the should be a consequences for your actions. It appears to be here the consequences for the parents I would assume that the ones that have to pay for this. But the judge spoke and I do want to thank the Legislature. A couple last press conference I gave a talk about that this should be a felony and I think we're at that direction so hopefully if anybody does anything like this again that they'll be prosecuted in a different matter, but again that would leave here. Happy that it's over disappointed that no jail time whatsoever. >> Could you give us a better figures for the ballpark and the real figures are probably the 40's the 40's 40 $50,000 for all the money that was spent. >> How do you feel that we still don't know why yeah that's the deal you know as as a as the state said we still today still don't know where she was during that period of time obviously probably had help on who the help was yeah that to me it's a little slap on the wrist to your go forward and I just think because I'm just a little a little disappointing all that I have felt better if they don't want to go to jail time. Let's at least discuss where you were in and find out what the circumstances were arriving, we talk about everybody's gotten a minister. You know, she's got to Please get the help that you need to know which will lead to a good a good life from here on >> You're listening to or apology did you feel. >> In part it was sincere. Yeah, I think I think she's apologized and I think she obviously went through a lot to from a. You know there are a lot of people upset and I think she and her family heard that after the fact that when when she returned home, but he got out of felt better about our party back in July not where we March state. Thank you thank you, thank you for joining us. Was it important that you will ask for custody, the center currently today. >> We've always said we thought this should carry some prison. >> we knew that that was probably unlikely it's a misdemeanor we knew that coming in I think we all learn something new that our law was really weak when it came to false reporting to police that's why the Legislature is one step away from getting a bill to the governor's desk that we helped all there that would make this a fellow teacher that bill would also extend it leaks and available restitution. Ali can seek which as you heard the chief what she's going to pay is not nearly the real cost involved and I think that if this ever happens again with Tripoli along there won't be that loophole there. >> Was there a reason why we came in with no plea agreement. That's just not happened yet and is the grand jury still impaneled or can you say does get as close as of today. >> Katherine Robertson K T ATR. >> All right let me bring in trial attorney trey Gober and I have to ask you this straight. I was a little surprised at the strength of the response from law enforcement the police chief as well as from the prosecutors saying we wanted jail time in this case, but on the other hand you recognize the amount of time and heartache and resources because she falsely reported this crime which side do you fall on thankfully. There's no jail time like the defense said or there should have been jail time like the prosecution said. >> Treat this person like we would any other defendant so the judge laid out and very well articulated. The logic behind his sentence. And just because a case gets picked up and has national attention. The defendant doesn't necessarily come troll that aspect of the case and so treat this defendant like you would any other defendant nonviolent first-time misdemeanor where she's accepting responses bility and I think the judge did the right thing sentencing without jail time in this particular case. >> Yeah I think he has sold at the same as any other person in that similar situation, but I have to suggest this the state mention both are in court before the sentencing as well as the Presser we were just watching that they were a little frustrated that they didn't know where she was for those 2 days what she was doing could they not have reached a plea agreement that required her to have said more about where she was and what she was doing. >> Absolutely that could have been a requirement I don't know that it was all that relevant to the question it's not one of the elements of the charge certainly to know white is that she made a false report to the police she wasn't making an affirmative of the rest are that she was at least 2 warily incompetent or insane. So I I think to a certain extent there's this curiosity that the public has police have but I don't know that why she. Or where she was at the time of the alleged kickback during the alleged kidnapping really should make a difference. >> Well that's a really good point that it doesn't go to the elements now we know and we did hear her in court say that she apologize that she had made a grave mistake do 2 emotional issues in distress, she's getting mental health counseling she'll be order to continue to do that that she regrets her decision and that she prays she be granted Grey so it suggests no jail time is grace but consistent with other offenders in that same circumstance. There's one other thing that I want to discuss with the tree though they mentioned it but I think that we have a full screen because Russell did some Internet searches and the state brought this up she did things like do you have to pay for an amber alert search. How to take money from a register without being caught the ball Birmingham bus station, a one-way bus ticket from Birmingham. The movie taken that once stood out to me. Amber alert and maximum age for an alert. I mean that sounds like a pretty determined doing some research figuring out how to stage her disappearance and do you think that was really considered or do you think once there's a guilty plea that sit in the judge goes to sentencing. >> It's certainly part of it and something the judge can take into consideration. I again as the process, Bush and and the the police chief pointed out there seems to have been a we call for this type of premeditated false reporting versus somebody who just false reports on the flight to the police. >> So I don't know that any of that should make a huge difference in this particular case and in the grand scheme of things of the types of cases that these prosecutors that police chief and this judge see on a daily and weekly basis we all know that it would Mister resources to continue to punish are just so that we can do better. You know about it. >> Yeah I completely agree with you also joining us now we have Philippa Dube deputy public defender, thank you Philip for joining us. I want you to get it you to weigh in please and say how you feel about the fact that she did get supervised probation for 12 months along with restitution continued mental health counseling community service she did not get jail time as the state was requesting your thoughts. >> I think she got a screaming deal and frankly I think the deal was that the gate that this was filed as a misdemeanor and in reaction to this case Alabama's changing its laws. They are now going to make also reporting and false incident reporting a 10 year felony. it's caused a groundswell of reaction from the community there and now there is going to be reform in this area, the of criminal law. The only thing I respectfully disagree with in this sentence I take exception with the court ordered her to pay restitution. In essence. She is being asked to pay for that cost of her own prosecution. We don't see that very often sometimes you might see it with very specific statutory violations like weights and measures you know that kind of thing but when you're arrested apprehended brought to court and prosecuted. You're never ever has to reimburse as a government entity the cause the prosecution and search and rescue efforts just never seen it. It's unusual. >> I think that community was a little outrage, the amount of money time concerned that was spent when they then in retrospect realize she staged her own disappearance another part of this I have to point out is that continue mental health counseling that I'm grateful. >> The court put in the corridor to ensure that she can get whatever help she needs all right Gentlemen,
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Id: OzhzjAtcf3s
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Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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