Raw: Amanda Williams killer gets life during emotional sentencing

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phones are mut turned off and all those great things and we appreciate that all right thank you everyone have a seat so we can probably bring so a couple things right uh I absolutely once again expect proper courtroom decorum no matter what the sheriff's deputies are here they're in charge of courtroom security anybody does or says anything that impacts on cour security they have my full authority to act appropriately and I know none of you wants that happen so uh please make sure you keep that in mind uh ask all your phones be off and put away you guys done or you still oh close all right for the record we are here in Mander state of Ohio versus is Terell Edwards uh good afternoon Mr Edwards Mr Edwards is present in court this afternoon with his attorneys Mr pedri pulis and M brenman and good afternoon to you both good afternoon uh Mr Phat M gram pres on behalf of the government good afternoon to you both afternoon judge we are here in our case uh 686 377 for sentencing where prior date uh jury returned verdicts of not guilty to count one which is the aggravated murder charge uh but guilty to the uh remaining counts which are two counts of murder with fireing specifications two counts of Colonus assault with uh firearm specifications and uh finally account of domestic violence that was a oh yeah that was a felony of the um 4 right Mr actually judge I believe that's mror first yeah and can I see parties with sidebar please real quick Kelly please [Music] okay [Music] two SP so for e all all right and I did not have the benefit of the preparation of a PR sentence investigating report uh having having sat through the trial I felt I had sufficient information to make a decision um Mr filiatro uh can you address the court with respect to the concept of merger yes judge thank you uh your honor pursuant to the uh statute 29 41.25 requires that uh the court address the prosecute should actually address the issue of murder murder in this case um your honor in this case this concedes that counts 2 3 4 and five um so two counts of both counts of murder both counts of FL assault as well as the count of domestic violence will all merge with each other uh the state elects to proceed to sentencing on count two that would be the murder a count where the jury found that the defendant purposely caused the death of Amanda Williams all right that that goes to counts I've got a separate situation with regard to firearm specifications you'd like to make a record you welcome to I will judge thank you your honor um as the court is aware uh there is uh the case State versus bowler uh this is 171 Ohio State 3D 678 2022 oh- 4370 um which requires the court to follow 2929 .14 b1g with regard to firearm specifications and I'd like to read that into the record B1 States quote if an offender is convicted of or pleads guilty to two or more felonies if one or more of those felonies are aggravated murder murder attempted aggravated murder attempted murder aggravated robbery fonus assault or rape and if the offender is convicted of or pleased guilty to a specification of the type described under division b1a of this section in connection with two or more of the felonies the sentencing court shall impose on the offender the prison term specified under division b1a of this section for each of the two most serious specifications of which the offender is convicted or to which the offender pleads guilty and in its discretion Also may impose on the offender the prison term specified under that division for any or all of the remaining specifications so that being said while uh the second count of murder and both counts of fonus assault merged with the first count of murder the firearm specifications do not so the question for this court today the court if I may perhaps that might be a time for that argument when you that's fine mitigation or your portion the sentence right so so yeah so just put the court on noce we've talked about merger fire specifications are different all right anything else by way of preliminary um one other thing judge the defense filed a motion on March 8th 2024 I don't know if you've seen this uh this is defendant's motion to set aside verdict and enter Judgment of acit purs to criminal rle 29 c did you have to walk through a copy of that I I did not I wasn't I had not seen it that okay um so may may I see if yes yes please did you have a sufficient opportunity to file a written response I have not filed a written response I can respond orally today over if the court would prefer a written response uh I'm certainly um able to do that Mr Petra say is your motion what would you like for me to know well just judge uh you know as the motion states um we're asking uh based on criminal rule 29 for motion um after verdict or discharge within 14 days of filing of the sentence and entry of course I did I did it quicker just because of the uh sentencing date but basically the the argument is that um all evidence produced at trial from the um video showing the long butcher knife uh the forensic evidence all indicating you know where it occurred how it occurred um as well as uh um that what was heard downstairs by the only eyewitness we think that um you look at that in the light most favorable even to the state that they have not met their burden would ask the court to ass that verdict based on that Mr phly I try know if you are prepared to respond if you are I'm happy to hear I am I am prepared to respond to that judge thank you um your honor the problem with the defense motion is that a lot of what we know about what happened to Amanda Williams only comes from the defendant himself why do I say that we've got video one that was taken at 11:31 p.m. video 2 is 1 second long taken at 11:32 p.m. video 3 is taken at 11:38 p.m. so there are roughly 7 Minutes of time in between the first video and the third video that we don't know what happened other than coming from someone who was there and the only person who was there who can't say anything about it is the defendant so here's his real problem is that he's not believable about what happened in those seven minutes the state needed to prove that he did not use self-defense so the state needed to prove either he created the situation or added to it he did not have reasonable grounds to believe he was in immediate danger or death he did not have an honest belief of that or he used unreasonable Force we needed to prove one of those four things and his problem is he gave conflicting statements on very key issues in the zone car with officer vidic he gives his first story her eyes got real red I seen like a demon coming out of her she got a butcher knife I recorded her on my phone then she goes back downstairs that is when I went and put my two guns in the car thinking she is going to calm down then she gets the knife again and he records her again so what's he saying there in the zone car in that 7 Minute time frame is when he put his guns in his car and later on he says why he did that he says because I didn't want to use them his words I'm sure the court remembers this the next day though everything's different when he's interviewed in the station now it's she told me to sleep with one eye open and she held me hostage for that whole time frame and she reached for the guns and that's why I took them out because I didn't want her to use them that begs the question in the second rendition of what he says happened in those seven minutes when did she reach for the guns causing him to take them down to his car if she's holding him hostage that whole time it doesn't make sense nor does the fact that him saying she held her him hostage when she clearly set the knife on the ledge in video one and then walk towards him with just the lighter in her hand those are big problems for the defendant in his story of self-defense which he gladly told over and over again to officer vidic to Lieutenant Johnson and then to the jury on the witness stand the state's evidence against self-defense is the defendant's lack of credibility combined with his strong desire for the police to to go up there before Tyler went up there you remember from officer cologne's body camera that he said get in there get in there she wants to go up there don't let her see and the knife's still up under her he says to officer Vick she was holding the knife in her hand when she fell we know from the medical examiner that is patently false because one of the shots he fired at her went through her neck and caused her instant paralysis she could not have held that knife anymore when she was shot at that very moment instantaneous so there's no way she could have been holding that knife as she fell to the ground there's no way she could have been holding that knife when she was on the ground yet that's exactly what he told police and I will also point you to video three at the end of it you don't hear a word from the defendant after he shoots her six times you hear Tyler saying what you'all doing up there but you don't hear a word from him and then you hear rustling you hear movement it was the state's argument to the jury that that's when he could have slid the knife right under her body knowing exactly where it was to tell the police where it was when he was downstairs contrast that with officer Jordan who went upstairs and immediately went to to help Amanda Williams and never even noticed the knife until EMS was up there that is the difference between someone who cared for this woman and someone who purposely killed this woman so that being said judge his self-defense was thoroughly defeated at trial and this motion should be flatly denied thank you well the jury received the instruction from the court specifically as cans to self- defense the court will presume that they follow those instructions they render their decision accordingly and I'm going to deny your motion uh for a motion qu at this point in time um going forward for everyone's edification uh Mr petropolis M bman I'll first hear remarks from you with respect to mitigation if there is anyone else who is here that you wish for me to hear from them clients behalf give your direction uh next I'll hear from the state uh Mr filiatro whatever remarks you may have and anyone who you would like to have me hear from that going to be in your direction and then finally Mr Edwards uh you'll not be required to say anything to me but this if there is anything you would like to say to me at the end it be that final moment in time uh with that Mr post Mr thank CH judge um you know preliminarily you know Terrell Edwards minimal record he was working two jobs at the time of this one at uh and then he was also delivering for Walmart three kids uh that are still minors uh pays child support out of his checks every week and a minimal criminal background his father is here as well as a couple of uncles um and you know throughout this process um you know I think he as well well as his family have conducted themselves a certain way um you know he stayed on the scene talked to the police multiple times and you know regardless of what is is being said about it um it's sort of like he's being picked apart for for different inconsistencies that that will agree to disagree on but you know he cooperated um when he was asked for follow information he provided it um when he was indicted in the middle of one job heading to another he SP turned himself in uh within hours so uh he's conducted him a c self a certain way um I think there has been a lot of Mis representations about things in the past um from Bond hearings where there was allegations of he stomped on her I mean um I think the phones were going through for a six-year period and there was this allegation about sorry about kick you in the face which we know exactly what happened in that incident and you know it was not an intentional situation and that's the only one and Amanda was a strong woman he knows that and when you know there were reading about the bad woman I mean he responded she would never go for that and and even at that she says you got me looking like this um there there wasn't uh A History of Violence there was things we we had a police report where he's getting his stuff he's injured they see a cut he's not trying to prosecute but you know he said what happened it's not relevant to what happened in that room and and he didn't bring it up not that day not the next day not when he came to my office to see me would not have a bad thing to say about her um even though information that I got suggest that there was some other stuff going on not relevant to the case and we try to contain it to what happened in that room uh his family at all times acted uh dignified not threatening anyone not doing anything to anybody um and uh I mean I think we'll keep it that way he's not going to speak today on my instructions um I am going to um likely file an Affidavit of indigency for terms of the appeal just CU he's been out of work now for three months um and I'll present that to you today um with respect to you know merger I think obviously that's the case with with bowler we we make the argument to you your honor that you know bowler was a case where there was a plea of guilty I I think you have a a four-person Supreme Court majority that's being that's being activist there that is trying to say that conviction something different than we've always said it is um but nonetheless they're holding is that conviction is um being found guilty and that you have to give them the two gun specs we we don't think it should apply uh to a situation like this uh because bowler was different but certainly I can see the the plain language of bowler uh requiring to go to that section however when it comes to murder a and murder B felonious assault a and fonus assault B I I don't think that we should be tacking on uh three and three and three and three you know I think bowler uh gives the court Authority for six years of of gun specs probably um if you read it um you have to do that but I think that that's the appropriate sentence in this case I think to start tacking on for for murder a murder B fonus assault a and fonus assault B which by the way that statute um subsection G does not does not say specifically about being charged with murder and murder it's talking about different offenses and so I think um the court should be contained to a 15 to life sentence and six years on the gun spe I don't think that it would be appropriate for these charges to do more and we would ask that you um impose that sentence and um obviously uh not charell not his family not anyone is is um anything but you know devastated that a life a vibrant life was lost here and um you know the position is the position but he he uh truly devastated by um that loss of life and that can't be minimized we will absolutely not minimize right Mr P I just want to make certain that I follow your arguments I'm looking at 29 294 b1g starts by reading if an offender is convicted of what pleads guilty do you not think that this is a conviction Now by your client is he not well so what bowler what bowler does is it says upon conviction merger has occurred and therefore at sentence the argument was had always been well then you only are convicted of one thing they reading conviction to mean found guilty so you're convicted of all the offenses so now you're required under bowler for the multiple offenses to give consecutive sentences on the two most serious gun specs and and what I'm saying is I I I recognize that's what they say but that flies in the face of how it had always been done and I think in in bowler I think there was differences and I understand that you know you read it that's that's what that's what it says um so so likely you have to do that um but but I would argue on the the that would be on the on the fonus assault and the murder I think to say on murder a and murder B and fonus assault a and fonus assault B I think that's a little different and I don't think the statute clearly specifies the same offense two murders two felonious assaults it talks about two of the other ones so so yes clearly based on that ruling they're saying you have to do two but I don't think that it should be beyond that for two pounds of murder and two pounds of FL assault the same offense thank you there's no one else who wishes to address the court beh your client at this I we've talked extensively and I you know I just gave the fam's you know position that you know everybody's has been obviously devastated by this is going to do anything different than what's been done in the past very good uh Mr filiatro I should also indicate for the record that I have received U numerous numerous I don't say that in a disrespectful there numerous uh letters on behalf of Miss Williams and her family uh which I have read each and every one of them so these P received and read those and then Mr thank you judge uh your honor I'll begin by addressing the firearm specifications uh argument that the defense just made um bowler is talking about what to do when offenses merge but the firearm specification statute d1g says what it says paragraph 20 of bowler this application of the plain language of the statute furthers the apparent legis ative goal in enacting 29 2914 b1g and requiring that offenders like bowler be subject to separate prison terms for multiple firearm specifications the general assembly appears to have acknowledged that the use of firearms and certain violent crimes should carry a hefty penalty paragraph 21 we note that 294125 merger provision does not override 29 2914 b1g as the latter is the more specific and the more recently enacted statute firearms and the use of firearms especially in cases of domestic violence which is what we have here pose a an extremely dangerous situ situation for people in those relationships and that's exactly where a Manda Williams was and the text message and I'm about to read it here word for word that the state brought up during the trial shows that if you remember judge the defendant sat in the back of Officer vid's car and said to himself why did you grab that knife why did you grab that knife Amanda told him why she grabbed that knife in video one to defend myself is what she said and he sat there and said to this jury I'm not a VI I was never violent with her he told the police all about things that she was like never once mentioning himself as part of it on November 27 2020 she wrote a text message to him that reads as follows every time I look in the mirror I get angry all over again to walk around looking like a battered woman is not only embarrassing but humiliating to use your foot to do damage is one of the ultimate sign of Destruction and you complain about me being a strong woman well if I weren't as strong as I am I would have had had you thrown in jail and exposed you to everyone no response needed was her next message his response was I'm glad we're both strong and I hope you feel better I'm sorry for what I did he's not saying wow what a misunderstanding we just had he's admitting he used his foot to cause damage to her face his next response I just wish the love we say we have for each other would show every day unconditionally and her response to that and this is why he knows exactly why she needed to defend herself it will never be the same and she had pictures on her phone of her face pictures of herself in the hospital two days earlier getting treatment you heard Tyler Tyler williams' testimony she did not know about the problems in their relationship on that same phone this happened around Thanksgiving time of 2020 she has a picture with her her son Amanda and she has a CO mask on her face she hid this from her family but he knew exactly what he did to her and he can sit here now and have his say there's a whole different side to that story judge but he sat there and told that jury I'm not violent with her she begs to differ still so um that being said judge I want to talk about what happened this defendant shot her six times in her own bedroom he did not need to in his own testimony he admitted that when she was looking down hitting his phone her attention was to the phone not to him he also said at that time she did not pose a threat to me he also said and you saw the still frame that was on the screen when we was I was asking those questions he was on her side of the bed with the gun in his hand you couldn't see it but he said yep that gun is in my hand and never once on that video did he say I've got your gun please stop he did not try to diffuse that situation he had an opportunity and he killed this woman for that severe punishment is needed that being said judge I have with me as you can see this courtroom is full of Amanda Williams family and friends you've seen the letters many of them many of them being her Sor sisters community members to say she will be missed in this community is an understatement a severe one to say she will be missed by her family is just not true she won't be missed she will be missed she is missed so judge uh with me is uh Mr Ian Freeman who is um the uh Marcy's law lawyer for the family and I'd like to have him come up with we've got a couple speakers then Mr uh Freeman's going to read a letter from her adult okay Mr hey how you doing judge I'm Joey Lewis j o e y l e w s and I'm Amanda's brother and um judge I can't lie we hurt so so Mr here what I would say to you and I say to others I can't imagine being in your shoes right but I want you to know that whatever it is that you have to say to me I know is important so I encourage you maybe take a couple of deep breaths and then you are comfortable I'm will to take as much time is necessary for you to be hurt okay okay yeah I'm going I'll do it with take breath hold it let it go okay so deep breath in hold it yeah yeah we we hurting Jud we Hur one more breath in yeah okay yeah I was raised with her my had two kids me and her yep yep so she is like a second mother to me so here if I can just look at me and talk to me tell me about it right tell me about yeah so um let me start by asking right so yeah look tell me about you right I'm her brother she right she she had she had a big part of raising me she made me the man I am today what you do for I'm I'm a I'm I'm a man I'm a management okay right so in town yep okay so yeah I'm I'm cool okay yeah so it was a big part of um she's a big part of my life was raising my mother she had two kids we both um be grown left the nest and went over our own ways um man she was special my sister did everything right in life but running across the real um man I can't imagine my I can't even look at my my niece and nephew too long I can't imagine what they going through you know they trusted somebody right they trusted somebody and this what they this what he did um I had I I've been around him a I've been around him a lot and I never he he a she he a wolf and sheep clothing a little wolf I I didn't expect I'm so glad I met him so I could protect my daughter from people like him he very smart he's a very smart dude we the same age we talk he very smart he could manipulated that situation any way he wanted to he did exactly what he wanted to do exactly um man I can't begin to tell you how how special she was I mean people she she did everybody here I can imagine them getting their hair done and not thinking about her for the next 10 years it's just he know what he did and I I know that you know I can't forgive him for this I can't personally because he's a man I know how smart he was I know he could have made the right decisions you know he could have been the day on the beach with his bike he he wanted to do exactly what he did and that's what he did and um I am going to keep going I me I I beg I beg he gave my sister everything he had he gave her everything he had to give her in that gun every every ounce of it please give him what you got and your or every ounce of what you can give him he didn't give her no how could you how could you kill that woman like that to real tell me man how did you do that to her man I I just can't understand it as a man I go through problems with my girl but how how a man can do something like that to the person he same to love he came to me at my sister do a um she put together our family Union every year and I walk up and he pulled me to side soon as I walk said man I'm want to ask you man can I marry your sister man show me a ring I gave him dab I said man I I I you know I'm room for you I just had got engaged myself and I feel bad I feel like I'm responsible for a little bit of this I just I put trust in somebody like this man and I'm I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet them man because I I can I can protect the women in my family now and and look at people different man it's not your hat to wear though what you're saying yeah it's not your hat to wear um I think I think he shouldn't have I think that's why he stand up he shouldn't have no problem doing whatever you got to give him my um great got to grow up She was there she told my daughter they both the same age 4 years old I come home my daughter said damn I'm start excuse me my daughter said yeah Tyler said her papa killed her gon and she was in room sleep I say damn I can't believe that kids for year old can understand something like this but I need I need her to be grown enough when she before he get out so she can process this and learn how to forgive I guess from this I don't want as her as a teenager getting out and all going through life and then something like this hitting to just make it that much worse he need she need to be grown enough I think I think where she be able to understand it and uh be able to forgive that's all I got I mean that's it you know ter real I can't I mean go do your time man you put yourself in this position man you know we we liked at you a little bit but we she liked at you we liked at you I tried everything in my my everything to like you man and this what you did I think it's I think it they it's about to be leaning you can't get enough time right now um thank you for your time y you we appreciate it all right I wrot everything down cuz I want to make sure I get every point I know from when I read sometimes I read a little faster keep that in mind again I know it's important that we're all what you have to say so just okay what would you like for me to know honestly I feel if anyone could take a person's life intentionally should never see another day and like I would wish the death penalty but unfortunately that's not here so life in prison is is best bet I just can't stomach the fact that I have to live the rest of my life without my mom my daughter has to live the rest of her life without her grandma because a coward wanted to take her life my mom did not deserve this at all my mother was a family oriented person she was my Mo my motivator my best friend she was the glue to this family she was my guidance my everything my I I I just can't live without her and I can't imagine just living life without my mom I can't never call my mom again and tell her I love her I can't never call and tell her about my day about how my my daughter is doing how she's growing up I can't I can't do that no more he can do that he can still call his mom he can still call call and check on her they can all call and check and see how he's doing in jail we can't get my mom back ever my daughter has to grow up without a grandma she can't she won't see her start kindergarten she won't see her turn five grow up be a teenager she won't see any of that I'm about to be 30 years old I won't even be here to see that Milestone she won't be able to see my brother graduate college or anything like that can't believe she's not here no more how can I ever explain to my daughter that my mother is never coming back that's the one that she called her papa the only one that she knew the only person that she was around for 4 years how can I a explain that to her and you said you never wanted me to be traumatized I was traumatized the moment I walked in the in the room and see my mom lying there and I was even more traumatized I couldn't even hold her with her last breath I just K it's not it's not sitting right with me I don't feel like anyone should be out here in this world if they to kill someone I don't respect a person like that and I don't have any sympathy this man never had any remorse for my mom at all he never he didn't try to get her up he didn't try to make sure she was okay he didn't have no remorse or nothing and I don't either I don't think that he should have any time he should be in jail forever for life and this is my beautiful kindhearted mother that he just took a beautiful spirit away she can't even finish her life thank you you're on the way of one more thank you your honor uh as prosecutor filiatro said I I will Ian Freedman be representing have represented the family pursuant to Marc's law and I was provided a statement uh from Amanda son Tristan Bentley uh and and so I've been asked to read it and I will read it exact as presented to me uh and it's entitled in loving memory of Amanda Williams Victim Impact statement and it says firstly I would love to thank the team of prosecutors for doing an amazing job and helping provide a sense of closure for my family the impactful death of my mother was something nobody in the family could prepare for leaving behind such traumatic scars being my mother's only son we were very close and I would tell tell her about everything going on in my life she impacted a lot of my decisions she was always there for me she had unconditional love and support always our relationship was so strong she taught me how to turn everything into a positive and to limit any negative talks she lit up every room with her glow and positive energy in ways I made personal decisions that would make her happy things she would be proud of and things she did not experience in her life that I could introduce to her I learned a million things from her even if it was not an intentional lesson she showed me what a sophisticated woman looked like in this world how to maneuver through life while juggling your own business while also showing me how to treat people you care about as I grow older and continue further in my life I realize that things will never be the same now that she has gone little things throughout my daily life impact me heavily I cannot even listen to some of our favorite songs without crying the heartbroken memories as I passed the places we went to from the time she visited me at school with her being such a family oriented person holidays were very important now holidays just have an empty void without her being the light in the room when things happen my first thought is to call her and let her know what's going on I can't tell my mother about having my best academic semester yet I cannot tell her about the summer research program I got accepted to partake in I'll never be able to buy her that new house I talked about since I was a kid my mother won't be able to see me see me graduate from the Air Force Academy in 2025 a decision that she helped finalize my mother won't be able to see me advance through my military career my mother will never see me striving in graduate school my mother won't be able to see me have my first child who she would have embraced so lovingly there was still so much knowledge to gain from her actual life skills that I have yet to encounter outside of my school agenda in my young 21-year-old life my my mother still had so much potential to see from me Tyler and me my niece Tylen however that ability was stripped from her in the comfort of her own home today and for the rest of my life I'm mourning the loss of my mother although my mother is so far God willing our bond will remain strong this sentence in no way could bring back my mother's life but it will keep the defendant from being able to commit any other nasty acts such as the one that took Amanda away from everyone thank you anyone else this Mr no one else from the family thank you thank you thank you all Billy after SC anything else on beh the government no judge thank you right Mr Edwards uh I know Mr Mr P rather indicated he did not wish to make a statement but so is there anything you'd like for me to know at this time no not so a couple of thumbs uh first of all um I believe because of the nature of this conviction you will be required to role as a violent offender I form here which I can uh I'm going to read to you at this point in time it reads as follows uh you have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a qualifying violent offender offense as def in Ohio Revised Code 29341 you are required to enroll in person with the sheriff of the county which you establish residency within 10 days of coming into that County or if occupying a dwelling for more than three days in the county you're required to provide the sheriff certain information including your social security number full name and any aliases you use your residence address information regarding the offense of which you were convicted or completely guilty a description of any scars tattoos or other distinguishing marks on your person the name and address of any place where you are employed or attend school any driver's license number or commercial driver's license number or state identification card number issued to you the license plate number of each vehicle owned or operated by you or registered in your name the vehicle identification number and a description of the vehicle must also be provided to the sheriff you are required to provide the sheriff fingerprints and palm prints if the sheriff will also obtain a photograph with you at the time so the sheriff will also obtain a photograph of you at the time of your enrollment after the date of initial enrollment you are required to reenroll annually you must update and or amend any of the above information describ that has changed and provide any additional information requested at the County Sheriff's Office uh within 10 days of the anniversary of the calendar date on which you initially enrolled if you change your resident address you shall provide written notice of that change to the sheriff with whom you most recently enrolled and to the sheriff of the county which you intend to reside you are required to comply with all the above requirements for a period of 10 years um since your last residence or your current residence is in Kaa County you'll need to register with the Kaa County Sheriff's Office upon your release failure to enroll or failure to verify residents at the specified times will result in criminal prosecution this next paragraph number nine is really for you but it reads I acknowledge that the above requirements have been explained to me I understand that I must abide by all provisions of the Ohio Revis code ch section is 29341 through 29344 have any questions for me Mr hward about these obligations all right I'm going to uh with your permission sign this form on your behalf is that okay since you're currently handcuffed yes the last paragraph is really for me it reads I certified i' specifically informed the offender of their duties as set forth above they've indicated to me an understanding of those duties I believe that to be in the statement I will execute this for tomorrow I want to also advise you because this case has gone to trial resulting in a conviction we have a right to an appeal I want you to understand that you have the right to an appeal in this matter within 30 days after the filing of the Court's sentencing journal entry I want you to understand that if you are unable to pay for the cost of the transcript the record and all relevant documents required for the appeal it will be provided without cost to you I want you to understand that if you are unable to pay for an appeal you are entitled to have the notice of appeal file without the payment of a filing fee and I want you to understand that if you are unable to obtain Council for appeal Council will be app for you no cost you understand these rights which I've just provided you Mr pet the UN will have an affid with I will accept that affid I'll sign Council you know to say that this is a tragic case is understatement to say the very least loss to this family the community is immeasurable and there is no amount of time terms of years that is any way meant to or will ever equate to loss of U Amanda's life and to do so or to try to do so really is disrespectful to her memory I do find that counts 2 through six merge and we'll proceed the sentence on count two sentence on count two will be a 15-year sentence or actually it's a life sentence with parole eligibility after serving the full 15 years that will one consecutive two uh two threeyear fire ifications pursuant to count pursuant to 29 2914 b1g additionally I've been uh he'll serve an additional three years of fire specifications again pursuing to my discretion under 29 2914 b1g uh I'll not impose any fines I will have him pay one half of the court costs and proceedings um I'll still advise you that may subject to PRC upon your release this will be for a mandatory period of 5 years um Viola any rules or conditions of PRC you can go back up for half your time the rule violation is a new F that time could be run consecutive anything else at this point in time after no judge thank you just to confirm that then the total s sentence is life with Pro eligibility after 24 years correct thank you anything else Mr Metropolis other than that we correct tax Ser yeah should we specify what each of those three are I don't I don't know if it's necessary pursuing to the statute again I had a discretion to impose but it's required that I impose two most serious fire specifications all the same threeyear fire specifications um if it makes a difference for we review in the court I will merge the two fire specifications uh for each of assault counsil to one threeyear F specification but that'll run consecutive to the three-year F specification I count two the charge of murder and consecutive to the three part specification on count three the charge of murder any else no you're all right and we PR time serve sh transport thank you we'll be a recess all right now recess
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Views: 174,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amanda williams, tirrell edwards
Id: DxsHWrwMNR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 57sec (3477 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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