Carla Makes a Giant Blueberry Pancake | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit

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I tried flipping the pancake in the pan didn't work it was too delicate and there was like all kinds of problems and I truly thought that defeat was upon me and I said to my colleague Sara Chantal I said Sara I don't think it's gonna happen if this next one doesn't work we might have to talk about going back to just using the batter in individual pancakes which there's nothing wrong with that but I really had this dream of this giant pancake and Sara said what about putting it in the oven and I was like an oven pancake she said I've never heard anybody say those words before and I was like Sara you're a goddamn genius okay the first thing that I've done is mixed together all-purpose flour and cornmeal if you were using more finely ground cornmeal keep all of the measurements the same it will totally work exactly it's written you just won't get the little bits of cornmeal which I like to look for stone-ground cornmeal you should be able to find in any supermarket this recipe I played around a lot with the leaveners and I ended up with an entire tablespoon of baking powder and then just a little bit of baking soda half of a teaspoon the other thing that I'm doing that looks weird and seems weird is instead of adding my dry ingredients to my flour mixture I'm adding the dry ingredients that was sugar and this is salt also a healthy amount of salt but you need it directly into the eggs and then whisking that together first another part of the inspiration and something that I'm doing a little bit differently starting with the wet ingredients and then adding the dry which reminded me of Claire soffits reversed creaming cake technique which I actually don't know if this is truly connected to but it was in my head so I did it and it came out great so that's that you have your eggs sugar salt baking powder baking soda and I'm just whisking it until everything is like completely dissolved and the eggs are a little bit lighter and they look a little bit shiny next thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna do this is similar if you you've probably done this in cake batters as well adding half of your dry ingredients and half of your wet ingredients and combining that and then adding and a half and a half again again I don't actually know why I'm doing it I just know that I did it this way from the very beginning and it came out great so why mess it up you know what I mean I would not say that in the end I'm making a cakey pancake because actually the pancake is very light and very fluffy it's got a great texture I think that the leavener is really important in this because of the cornmeal it doesn't dissolve the way that flour will dissolve it retains its integrity and it absorbs that liquid and the little beads of the cornmeal kind of plump up so they're heavy so the leavener is really there to make sure that the pan cake itself doesn't feel wet or gummy or let him so this is the other half and on this edition I'm also gonna pour in two tablespoons of melted butter and I want to mix it just until it's combined but a few lumps are okay you don't want it over a whip pancake batter because it will get a little bit tough so this makes a more tender later pancake to just have it combined and that's really all it takes okay and then now obviously we need the blueberries it's a cup of blueberries I tried it with a cup and a half it became old wet in the middle and it wasn't nice switching to a spoon because if I tried to whisk this all the blueberries would get stuck in the metal parts you know so that wouldn't work so that's it batter's done you can tell already it's very active baking powder kind of leavens on its own as soon as it's combined with a wet thing and that is very much happening here there's a lot of bubbles there's a lot of action Jackson so you know it's gonna be even later and I don't want to wait too long so that all of this initial air dissipates so going over to the stove I'm starting by combining butter and a little bit of oil the reason why I'm combining butter and oil is because the oil is there to raise the smoke point of the fat mixture if it's just butter for the amount of time that this has to sit on top of the stove before going into the oven and then being in the oven the butter would burn having the oil there gives me the best of both worlds I'm getting all the flavor of the butter and the Browning properties of the butter like I do want that and I want to wait just until some of this foaming subsides but not too much and that's just a sign that the the fat mixture is hot I'm over medium-high and now I'm going to add the batter you can just pour it all don't you don't have to move the batter around the pan just pour it into the middle of the pan and it will get to the side so at this stage this really reminds me a lot of making a frittata and in fact it looks kind of frittata it's starting to bubble up around the edges if I were making a frittata though I would be stirring vigorously like this whole time to make sure that the egg mixture was pretty uniform I don't want to do that here all I'm trying to do in this first stage is to make sure that the edge is totally set that the pancake is starting to brown underneath and I'm looking for a lot of bubbles to appear on the surface and actually break so you can see that bubbling is actually the fat that we added to the pan and not the batter itself we're really just getting browning on the one side that's in the bottom of the pan right now and the heating up of the pan is happening on the stovetop before it goes down the other thing that's happening is it's looking a little bit more puffed I can see that the edge is pretty set this whole perimeter and there's bubbles all across the surface and a lot of them in the middle are starting to pop which means that the batter is not only on the edges is it hot but through the center too starting to create larger and larger air bubbles that are rising to the surface I'm gonna put it in on it oh it looks perfect it's puffed its said it's bright yellow from all that cornmeal it's still bubbling around the sides its puffy but it's not like uncooked batter on top but it's really tender tenderoni its flip-out abble but it's also cooked through and we had to be ok with the fact that this side doesn't see action as far as like being in contact with the pan very different from an ordinary pancake so the reason why I like this and I was attached to the idea of making one big one instead of using the batter and going back into individual pancakes coz this is great for brunch when you have a bunch of people over or even just a family of four and you can't possibly get all the pancakes to come out at the same time and then you keep them warm in the oven but those oven warmed ones are never the same alright so now we have to do the flip see just flop it out and then you've got little blueberries and it's really giant and it's just got the most incredible color and you can see the little flecks of the cornmeal and it's totally cooked through and you already forgot that the other side hadn't been browned right you see this and you forget everything so the right amount of serving so we arbitrarily decided for this is six it is you know tall you're getting like the kit you like we put the cake back into pancake you know any man kind of get a wedge of pancake although all of them pronunciation cuts like a dream crispy on the edge it's about right I think ooh la la I just have a feeling if I cut another wedge I might get a friend you know what I mean we all need a friend but he needs a friend so one of the things I learned from one of my friends is that these toast very beautifully day after or perhaps even two days after so if you don't have the wherewithal to get through six wedges of your pancake on the day that it's made you can cut it in wedges and put it in your toaster or your toaster oven apparently it's glorious I haven't had it myself because every time I made it here they disappeared would anybody care to join me for some pancake go ride ride or hands up first first up Best Dressed oh wow a whole party have you not had giant Jam pancake okay do you like butter and syrup sure great that one's already buttered in syrup yeah of course do you like butter and syrup would you like to self butter this one will just be mine you guys like it for reals I think you could use also blackberries raspberries strawberries have you cut into each other's hips according to you never why it's just like so sweet but somehow the blueberries are in you're gonna bring it to a friend oh good we know that's so big okay okay oh my god looks like I'm not sure my grandma is to say just as much as you can fit on the end of my knife so she would say for dessert just as much as you could we're like you're getting you're getting a piece really glad you like it I love it syrup yes please thank you it's like sundae every day is Sunday around here I hope you guys enjoyed giant blueberry pancake or a big ol blueberry pancake or blueberry oven pancake we're gonna just get a little trademark registered certified on that one but really yeah one of my favorite recipes I've worked on in a long time did enjoy like most of my great ideas the idea for this pancake came about during a really nice long hot shower one evening at home and this pancake was born from the creative juices that floweth liked the hot water upon my weary bones
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 803,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pancake, pancakes, pancake recipe, carla music, carla, carla bon appetit, carla makes, carla test kitchen, carla makes pancakes, oven pancakes, carla pancakes, no flip pancakes, make pancakes, making pancakes, giant pancake, giant pancakes, make pancake, making pancake, how to pancakes, how to make pancakes, oven pancake, make pancake in oven, carla oven pancake, no flip pancake recipe, pancakes bon appetit, pancake bon appetit, how to oven pancake, food, bon appetit
Id: iBgkqEl0rHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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