CARDBOARD CRAFTS TO MAKE AT HOME || Rich VS Broke Hacks! Awesome DIY Ideas by 123 GO! Series

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okay here it goes I wonder what I'll get yeah this is so exciting a good spin honey what's inside the Box what the it's a credit card wow this is awesome I can't wait to use it I'm so happy I'm going on a shopping spree this may have been a mistake woohoo where is my sock I mean it was right here and I've lost my airpod oh I know hi Mom how can I help you are these my things nope it's mine and it'll cost you are you kidding me hand over the cash I'm not buying my own things I'm out of here and I'm taking my sock huh how'd you get there I think you forgot to pay for them I don't have time for this okay you're going downtown you can explain it to the coop Lizzy what are you doing I tried to give you a chance see you Lizzy get back here this book is so interesting hm I'll put the nail polish right here yeah that looks good I think I'm ready a look at her that looks fun Welcome to My Nail Salon I was looking to get a manicure H let me see your nails G these are terrible who's your nail technician I can't work with these what do you mean oh so it's like that okay maybe this will change your mind uh I don't think so we have high standards here that's all I've got G so cheap okay you can use my credit card wait a second that's mine that's not important Mom are you going to pay I can't believe I'm doing this thanks take a seat I'm actually looking forward to this I work with latest technology like this automatic nail applicator it's so exclusive so you're extremely lucky wow it's so futuristic I'm pretty proud of it I made it myself I'll cut a hole in a paper cup then I'll turn it upside down then I need to cut it in half I'll put the top to one side it looks pretty ordinary so let's add some color I'll go around the hole with a pink pen I want to make a thin line just like this then I'll draw a love heart I want want it to be super cute I'll add more hearts and make them different colors that looks good now I'll scan the cup up I'll place this Barbie drying over it then it's time to design the nails I've drawn them on a strip of paper I'll color them in these are going to be so unique wow they're so colorful next I'll cut them out I'll add them to the cup this will let people know what I offer they can pick what they want then I'll add a Barbie sign there's still work to be done I'll need a wooden rod and a thin strip of foam I'll wrap the card around the stick I'll keep it nice and tight I'll stop wrapping it here I need to stick the nails to the foam I'll space them out that looks good they're all on the foam now I need to put it into the cup this will be easy now it's ready let's try it out put your finger inside the hole the foam will Spin and the design is applied to your nail wow look at that we need to do the rest what do you think I love them I feel so stylish you look amazing thanks sweetie got to focus easy almost got it wo wo that was so cool this is going well nothing can stop me wait no not now why did this have to happen Lizzy are you okay tell Mom what's wrong the G it broke it's the worst thing ever oh I need to fix this ah reliable old Teddy look what I've got seriously mom look at the cute piggy get it away from me all that's left is his cardboard and that's not going to cheer Lizzy up unless I've got an idea Lizzy will love this I'll start by drawing lines in the corners of the cardboard just like this next I'll need scissors I'll cut along the line I don't want to make a big cut I'll do this on each one of the lines that's perfect now I can fold the sides over the cuts make it a lot easier now I need a glue gun I need a small trail of glue right here I'll do this at Each corner I'll insert a strip of cardboard to the box I want it to be a snug fit I'll use the glue gun to hold it in place I'll put a line of glue along the bottom of the strip now I need a wooden rod I've punched a hole in a soda bottle capab I'll Slide the rod through it this will go in the middle section then I'll need a toilet paper tube I'll push another Rod through it I'll insert these into the box this drawing can wrap around the tubes I'll place a length of tape on the soda cap and then spool it around I'll attach Mario to it then I'll add a cover all that's left to do is paint it I can't wait to show Lizzy look what I've got I think you'll like it huh what is it ooh this looks fun it's just like my game look Mario's jumping and if I twist this he moves this is so cool do you see that Mom I'm having the best time a I'm so glad Mommy's going to go now thanks Mom hey guys it's Luna here I'm back for another story time so this is my school hot stuff coming through kidding it's just me wo I'm going to show you a day of my life this is my chance I need to look my best nothing can ruin this moment W Luna I'm sorry huh my bag why are we screaming I need to fix this just give me a second I'll stick this here a little cut there and I made you a new bag I hope you like it wo I love it guys you need to see this it's the cutest bag ever say hi to Brian I better get to class see you around Brian huh no no wait Luna another day another dollar but someone's got to do it does this thing even work huh what's that noise this is so much fun huh welcome to my toy shop take a look around H uh isn't this the playroom wo check that out there's so many toys all my dreams are coming true where do I even begin shopping spree woohoo I'll take this and this I think that's everything I'll ring this up for you you have expensive tastes I don't like the sound of that that'll be $1 million it's a bar that's a lot of zeros H maybe I need to to lower my prices that's okay how's this happy with that ooh that's more like it I can totally afford that can I pay by card what no we only take cash see there's the sign no problem I'll just use the ATM don't look at my number it's a secret hold on this won't take long I'll need some coins too ah that should be enough these toys will be mine here you go wo that was so cool how' you do that come here I'll tell you all you need is cardboard first I'll sketch the slots then I'll cut them out next I need a small square of cardboard I'll cut grooves into it just like this I'll apply glue to the ends not too much then I'll stick it around the slots while that's drying I can make make my ATM card I'll color a white piece of foam I just need to make sure it fits it should slide in and out that looks about right I'm happy with that now I'll flip the cardboard around I need another small square of cardboard I'll stick it to the edge of the slots I'll do this all the way across and I'll glue them in place that looks good now I need a large piece of card I'll roll it into a tube I'll leave a small section at the end then I'll run glue over it I'll put a line of glue glue here I can seal the tube I'll give it a gentle press then stick it to the cardboard I'll put another Square here now I need to make a box I'll stick a large piece of cardboard on one side then I'll stand it up the next piece will be the back I'll use glue to keep it in place next I need to angle a piece of cardboard I can add the final side I'll roll up money and put them into the slot coins go in the tube when the card goes in the slot it push the money out like this then I just have to decorate it pretty cool huh it keeps all my money safe I want to try it you can work in the shop huh and I'll take this see you what hey it's Party Girls selfie hey open up uh did you hear something who can that be hi what's going on in here you pesky kids and your modern music oh I'm trying to sleep what where granny who ordered the granny granny how dare you I'll show you can a granny do [Applause] this what a rush that felt good O Okay that seemed uncalled for I should have turned it down did you see that so now what do we do look at it we can't use this that was one Angry Granny can anyone beat box this party's over let's go ladies but but this is the worst at least I still have the snacks and drinks and they're all mine H this gives me an idea I need a long cardboard tube this is a perfect size next I need my phone I'll draw a line at the bottom of it that's all I need now I'll cut it out it definitely needs a coat of paint I love this purple I'll cover the tube with it once it's dry I need two drink cups I've cut holes in them I'll place them at either end of the tube just like this it's ready it's my own sneaker system let's try it out I'll place my phone in the slot and then play my music now let's dance this is more like it great party Grace I think everything is ready oh hey Andy you're finally here you actually live here oh well hi take a seat make yourself comfortable I hope you like chips I love them okay thanks I am hungry huh this isn't working I just got a manicure I can't reach come on I want those chips this is so frustrating okay this time my nail my beautiful nail this is all your Vault wo not so fast just relax I think I can fix this and all I need are these coasters well pieces of cardboard check this out I'll place them on the table I'll need my glue gun for this I'll run the glue along the edge of the cardboard I only need to do one side then I'll stick it to the other piece I'll give it a press to make sure it's secure I have another piece that I cut a circle out of I'll do the same with this I'll stick it right here next I'll stick a circular piece of cardboard on a square I'll put it in the middle I'll do the same on the other side now I'll wrap the cardboard around the circles I'll use this strip to hold it in place that seems secure I've punched a hole in either end and I'll push a skewer through it that's perfect this can go into my box I made a hole in one of the sides to hold it I'll make sure it spins now I can complete the box I'll put a cardboard disc on top I'll make two more boxes but I'm not done I'll cut a piece of cardboard and apply glue to it this is going to be my base I'll hold it until it's stuck I'll do the same on the other side then insert a long piece of cardboard at the Bottom now I can attach my boxes I'll arrange them along the top it's looking good we've got a chip dispenser W that looks good I'll go for this one it's not working are you kidding me let me show you turn the disc and the chips will drop into the cup wow that is so cool and I didn't break a nail M my favorite I've worked up an appetite I think I deserve a treat M they're so good good you know this isn't so bad nah it's awesome this drawing is looking good what else should I do I'll play with my toys ra take that I love dinosaurs they're so cool they'd make the best [Music] pet anyway where was I oh yeah a look at Grace she has such an active imagination I wish there was something I could do for her H let me think oh she'd love that but it's too expensive I can't afford that what am I going to do wait a second maybe I can make something instead all I need is some cardboard luckily we've got lots of that I'll start with this big box I'll grab my scissors I'll make a diagonal cut across this flap I'll go down to the corner then I'll do the same on the opposite side then it's time for the trusty glue gun I'll apply glue along the edge but I don't want to make a mess now I can stick these flaps together I'll make a hole right here I cut a second box to look like a dinosaur's head this can go on top I have to paint it green is the perfect color for a dinosaur and spray paint really speeds things up there's still more to be done I'll run glue along the head I'll stick this spiky piece of cardboard to it that looks good I'll do the same at the back of the box I'll work from the the top all the way to the bottom this is where the tail will go now for the finishing touches try it on sweetie oh my gosh I'm a dinosaur oo get back I'm going to get you it's terrifying I really could use a day at the spa but what can you do and look at this jewelry I remember when I used to have diamonds and gold bracelets things really have changed I still think they look pretty mom you always look so glamorous that's so kind dear I better go bye Grace have a great day Mom this is my chance I can finally raid mom's jewelry box wo look at this I'm going to look like a model what else has she got check out these earrings and these Rings wow home at last I feel so grown up Mom's home already uh-oh this isn't good hi Grace I'm back I can't wait to relax what am I going to do this is a mess I'm going to be in so much trouble come on this isn't working let's slow things down perfect [Music] W hey this is pretty cool I didn't think that would work uh mom youo phew she doesn't realize I'm here hang on I can use this card board it's just what I need I'll place my hand on it then I'll draw around it I want the outline of my hand this is going to be great mom will be so impressed okay that's the first part done now I'll cut it out then I'll apply glue to it I'll go over the palm of the hand I want to make sure I have enough that looks about [Music] right then I'll stick another hand shape to it then it's time to paint it this orange is so bright I love it I'll leave it to dry I'll make a base for it from a circular piece of cardboard and this is the finished product put it there oh I forgot about Mom I can't hang about all day I still have things to do got to go excuse me coming through oops I almost forgot all this rushing around is hungry work I need a snack and I know exactly what to have I'm sure Mom won't mind ymy you're on a diet anyway mom phew I'm exhausted let's get back to normal hey Mom what's going on here look at my necklaces How Could You Don't Panic it's all under control uh what's that is that for my jewelry that's a good idea I'll put my rings on here it's great it'll keep everything neat and tidy I can't believe you made this you're so talented yeah I know I mean it's really handy get it you deserve a treat huh how did that happen that's so strange thanks Mom M I love chocolate it's so tasty here you go thanks honey give me a [Applause] hug I'm so bored now this is important class Sunny huh yeah sure this happens every day uh what's what going on oh right you know this isn't so bad I suppose good posture is important at least I'm not the only one you know this is kind of humiliating shh I'm trying to concentrate it's so unfair uh mom what is it look at this can I get it please uh yeah of course wo I don't believe it this is for you wow thanks Mom uh what's this a snow globe what am I supposed to do with this what you don't like it I wanted this why would Mom do this to me I'm not giving up she just needs a little more convincing it's all about persistence I need to eat more fiber can I help you you'll need this and I need this are you kidding me fine I'll do anything for a quiet life wo this toy shop is awesome better act professionally we're looking for this my daughter won't stop talking about it please tell me you have it of course it's right over there really wo and it's on sale this is my lucky day wait this can't be happening what's wrong no the toy looks like we're sold out if you snooze you lose better like next time no you don't understand I need it I need to think of something H maybe I can use that cardboard I think I know what to do I'll join up a piece of cardboard like this I want to create a box the candy will roll out of this hole now I'll add wood and rods to the side cut and stick layers of cardboard together I'll slip a wooden rod through the top of them then I'll Place rubber bands on either side of the rod then it can go into the box this will rest on the section with a hole then I'll pull the rubber bands over the vertical rods now for the other side then it's time for the candy when I push the cardboard the candy falls through the hole next I need to work on the top section it needs to be angled then I can fit the front panel I'll place this glass cube over the box then add a lid I'll fill it with candy these are Sunny's favorites I'll add a facee to it I want to make it fun it works what do you think Sunny wo it's a gumball machine press the nose and Watch What Happens ooh I like this m i want more save some for me uh I can't promise [Music] anything um Mom what now look at this I want it but but why do I bother you're behind on the payment uh hang on I might have some money uh do you accept string sorry it's all I've got no that's it you're out of here do I accept string that's so insulting I guess you'll need to find a new place to live this shouldn't be too hard to sell I love my job I'm a people person you know uh I don't remember these decorations what happened here the house is for sale how we're being evicted what is going on that's not going to happen G we have so much junk pH okay what's next mom what's this oh you saw that huh we have to move homes this is the worst wait a second I think I know what to do we just need these boxes I'll put this one right here I need my glue gun too I'll cover the top of the box with glue then I'll stick a second box to it then I can lay it on its side I'll stack more boxes on top now I need this cardboard tube I'll run glue along the side of the box that should be enough I'll press the tube onto the boxes H something's missing I know this will be the roof it's the perfect fit next I need to decorate it it's the little details that make the difference now I'll tile the roof I've made this lemon out of cardboard and I'll add these little pom poms it makes it look fun I want it to be colorful this is the finishing touch my very own Lemonade Stand oh I almost forgot I need lemonade I think that's everything I'm so happy with this time to cut the [Music] ribbon I guess I'm open for business I just need customers it's so warm hi can I have a glass this is just what I need I'm so glad we hanging out wo I love lemonade come on we'll have two please come on take my money get out of here give me give me give me okay yay wo I'm rich mom look at this I'm an entrepreneur robbing a bank isn't a good business model come on I'll show you I opened a lemonade stand I'm so proud of you you're amazing wait uh you have some customers there's plenty to go around it's going to be a busy day who's next okay class who thinks they can answer these questions H me me how about Sunny yes I was hoping you'd say that ooh this is high here's the chalk go ahead you won't be disappointed I'm glad to hear it h this is going well that's good I'm finished what is that uh teacher is this a joke I mean it has to be there's no other explanation so how did I do uh let me have a look I mean it's interesting I'm not sure about this I thought the answer was four and what about this what about it it's the number five yeah I'm not sure about that how how can I fix this I've got it first I need a long piece of cardboard then I'll draw numbers onto it just like this then I'll cut them out I'll decorate them with these beads it makes it bright and colorful this is just what we need it's like a stencil for the numbers wo that's pretty neat what a great idea here you go give it a try I'll place it against the the board then I'll use the stencils to draw the numbers this is so much easier I wish I had this before I knew it would do the trick I'm all done excellent work Sunny that deserves an A+ I'm so proud of you wow really wo hello yes I need a designer for a new space I have okay don't worry he said he'll be here shortly oh there he is all right we need the space to be absolutely perfect H yes I see this space is indeed a blank canvas to work on okay here's my design what do you think oh my gosh yes it's absolutely perfect no way that's not at all what we need oh I see well I've got some other designs as well for you to look at no I hate blue it's too sad all right how about something more citrus um I mean I guess that's it's okay yeah we'll go with that don't worry I'm sure it'll be fine perfect the total bill for the project will be this much we definitely can't afford that or maybe that's not in our budget no well art isn't cheap my dears so long whatever we can handle this ourselves come on see now this is more within our budget I mean I guess so there is a lot of stuff here trust me you just have to have a Keen Eye for the right thing like maybe that Bust or or that Lantern oh right there that's what we need hand over some of the money jeez all right fine here you go miss our money um is this a joke this isn't nearly enough to pay for what you want um we need more money okay fine here's the rest of our cash that should be enough here you go thank you so much for everything hey what the did we just buy the whole shelving unit huh seems like oh and don't forget your other purchase all right thanks again and have a great rest of the day hey look I've got the little mattress we purchased great now go ahead and unroll it all right okay here it goes it's nice let me put a blanket on it I've got this yellow one right here there we go nice and cozy but I'm not done I'm going to need this glue gun for the next step I'm going to add a line of glue under the mattress just a bit like this around the corner now it's ready for the blanket this will hold it in place what do you think doesn't it look nice and comfy wow good job I'm actually impressed but now it's my turn you might want to move because I have more shelves to arrange ready because here's the next one and the last one wo lost my balance there for a second all right a top or base depending ooh all right time for me to add some of my things just going to crawl right in I've got all my pillows for up here too can't forget my Flamingo light it makes things so bright and then some of my favorite books in this Nook over here can forget my little plants they just make me happy got to make sure these pillows are all nice and fluffy hey I think we're done with the whole thing what a cozy and comfy little private space we made it's [Music] great all right let me put away my vintage record collection huh no room in this cubby or in this one she's filled all these Cubbies already she is hogging all of the storage space and that's not [Music] fair well what am I going to do now there's more room of course but no more shelves well let me check out what's back in the old room maybe there's something around here that I can use huh is that a pile of old VHS tapes hey I think I've got an idea yep I'm definitely going to give this a try come with me tapes you're obsolete but I know a way to make you useful once more wo better set these down o okay there's some glue right there this is just what I need I'll just put some glue right on the end of this tape now to put it where I want it to go on another tape now to build the structure out of the tapes in the glue I can't believe that people used to use these to watch movies and stuff and now I finally have a shelving unit I can use for my things too mirror ball is a check now for my records perfect I can also store my Checkers and chessboard here too and my own lamp to illuminate the space yes I'm so proud of what I've accomplished look at that now all my stuff have their own [Music] space H this room seems like it's missing a little something though time to add some wall hangings and posters there's one and two and how about a third one a nice spooky sky with bats just the way I like it this place is really starting to come together if I say so myself I absolutely love it now I can use some sleep because I'm tired and deserve a rest good morning wo look what you did while I was sleeping wow everything looks so good and now it's time for tea hey you awake I made you some breakfast tea oh no crud now there's tea on the new rug what were you thinking I'm sorry I just thought I'd surprise you don't worry I think I have something around here that can help ah there we go look I have tape I'll just put strips of this tape all over the rug I'll use different angles and lengths from all sides there we go this is the final piece and I'll put it right here and now it's time to bring in the spray paint I'll use different colors and I'll just fill in the spaces on the rug orange and green and now it's time for some purple too it's got a bit of a Marty gr going there we go the last shape has been filled in with the color and now that it's dry I can take off the tape look at that it comes right up to reveal the pattern underneath wow this rug turned out amazing what do you think of my new rug go ahead try it out all right I don't mind if I do you're so clever I know I know sometimes I can be a little genius yes you're very right oh hey Jen Jen just got to get this cord right stop shouting my name I'm busy figure your own stuff out oh yeah well we'll see how well she can play with distractions just a little closer and hey knock it off get that out of here wo look at to fly through the air that gives me an idea you ready Slinky let's do this all right I just got to connect these hooks from the ceiling and now I can hang my Slinky from the hook great now let me just add a couple more near this one wow so colorful and springy I love them oh poor Jen what I'm not struggling with this puppet here you can have it ah okay hey I've got another great idea what if I just hang it on the wall like this yes that works great now let me get the rest of my puppets just got to fill the whole blank space with them just Nestle it right into this empty spot between the [Music] others I'm going to bring them over on this wall too because a corner doesn't have to be the end of w decorations one more down here so things are symmetrical and I'm done yes I totally love it and now I can play with poppets whenever I want pop pop wo look what you did to this corner over here it's so fun I kind of dig it good job oh now I've got an idea here let me take a photo of you it's a great selfie [Music] wall hi look at me having fun by my puppet wall perfect here check out these pictures I got this one's extra good [Music] no way this is such a great photo definitely send that one to me this space is finally starting to feel like home uh what the heck is Jen bringing over here now look out I'm rolling this right over here there we go this is just the place I wanted it taada it's a seat I made wow it's so cushy and cute how'd you make it I'll tell you I started with a bunch of egg cartons and then I just began stacking them together they fit perfectly together see so they're easy to stack when the stack was as high as I wanted I then tipped it onto its side the next part was a little tricky because I sort of had to accordion out the stack but then they made a circle when the two ends met then it was just a matter of adding a foam top for the cushion I had this yellow blanket so it covered the whole thing and then I just used a big purple elastic band to hold the blanket in place and that was it my seat cushion was complete not only that but now our room is complete too I can't believe how well we really turned the whole thing around no kidding you've got your cozy little bed Nook below and your poppet Corner those are two of my favorite Parts but don't forget you've got your cool artsy corner on your side and your bed on [Music] top we really worked hard and it totally paid off high [Music] five quick make a guess will it be pink or green here it goes time to find out the truth ah it's pink amazing look at that spectacular color I'm amazing what the heck I am trying to sleep I was happy but now I'm mad why do you got to be so mean did you just hit me with that plush octopus oh that is it I've had it up to here with you oh yeah well what are you going to do about it battle Time come on bring it on um I need a weapon hiya you think that pool noodle has a chance against me no way well you're wrong I'm holding my own it's great take that and that I parried and a paint how is she so good with that dumb pool noodle hey how about this instead pillow fight instead what do you think my watermelon pillow can definitely take you down oh yeah it's on o ow h I'm still out of breath this is hard did I did I just lose yeah you did I told you you would and I'm not done with you yet either wait what are you doing you mean with the Slime right here in my hands ha take this slime bomb shoot I missed oh um oops did you just throw slime at me look what you did to the wall oh my gosh is this even going to come off I mean maybe oh or maybe not are you kidding me it's pulling the wall right off I don't know that tape will cut it maybe glue yesh that does not look good yeah you're right it's really ugly and obvious wait the pool noodle look at this amazing rainbow of noodles time to add some LED lights I'll just slide them right inside the noodle we cut the tube and half lengthwise so this should fit no problem now it's time to get this rainbow back in shape next up we need some clouds to make this prettier ooh so soft and fluffy oh my gosh look a look at you two up here getting along it makes me so happy to see oh my goodness look at that beautiful rainbow on the wall my girls are so clever this book is actually pretty good I'll change the page [Music] we're pretty cool you know all right piggy into the truck you go a she's so cute when she's playing with her toys beep beep we're coming through come on baby and Bunny vroom ow owie oh my goodness what's wrong why are you crying come on now you can tell Mommy what's wrong oh my gosh is that helping at all my poor baby and her poor knees there must be something I can can do wait a moment I know what I can do to help my darling you stay right there Mommy has a plan yes hello can you deliver today you can hello are you the one who ordered the rug I'll just roll it out right here yay this looks fun vroom come on truck oh look at her go on her little knees now so cute huh ma'am ma'am wow you really zoned out there but I need payment for this rug oh right of course payment here you go this should cover it right wait are you serious this rug is 100 bucks oh I see could you make an exception shoot that was a failure my poor baby looks so sad wait a second I think that's the solution all right come to Mama pool noodle we've got work to do I'll use this knife to slice the noodle down the middle like this I want to cut it in half and be as straight as possible there we go now I can pull these two halves apart and now will make Cuts over here on the ends on both of the halves of the noodles that's good and now some more cuts down here too I've just got to cut same size pieces out of the whole noodle these look really good I'm going to want to line them up I want them to be staggered so the humps are alternating and I'm done darling mommy made something for you I think you're really going to love it huh you made me something wow I love it come on be and Bunny we got to play Mommy you're the best mommy time for you to sing your song bear trees shouldn't sing songs is it really time to get up already oh my gosh it's way past wake up time I'm going to be late out of my way out of my way don't think just grab something and throw it on yep this works put my robe away and head to the dresser okay okay make up in here I'll just leave it down this will work and now for powder good that's enough just need my jewelry now I'm not only ready to go but I look good wait I've still got bare feet that won't work at all why is this drawer such a mess oh here's an orange sock looks like it matches too okay that'll totally work then just need to find the other one nope that's not it that was red blue yellow more blue where the heck is it I need that orange sock it's got to be in here somewhere why do I have so many socks and no matching is what the heck this is the last sock in here fine I guess this is the other sock I'll be wearing does this even work she's always running late and making me wait why did it take you so long I had a bit of a problem a sock problem what the heck is a sock problem oh I see all right I'll help you out with this back inside okay we're going to need a strip of Felts and of course the handy dandy hot glue guy done I'll need to add some stripes on the edges but also in the middle three lines of glue should be enough I think and then I'll add this yellow felt on top of it and now for more glue two lines will work and now back to green felt I'll just keep adding more and more layers of the felt alternating colors now I can pull them apart and taada look see and just like that your socks are now organized you don't have to worry about losing one yes you're the best let me put these on thank you so much you're such a great bestie let's go now make sure you remember to call me regularly and most importantly this plant will need regular watering too so take it and take this watering jug and keep it alive okay I'm going to miss you love you so much goodbye man I hate taking care of plants well might as well come with me planty let's go I really don't get why she cares so much about this plant there ooh now I can finally play my guitar as loud as I want I'm going to have a great time while she's on her trip woo here I go time to rock it out time for some gaming I'm super excited for bed now ah morning workouts are the best gets me all ready for the day excellent and now time to go to school going to finish my homework right away that way I don't have to worry about it get rid of those dinosaurs I'm going to be late for class I got to run this game is getting kind of boring honestly that's it I'm done with it h i feel like I'm forgetting something wait a second what's the date mom's coming home today oh no there is something I was forgetting it looks terrible what am I going to do well maybe I should just try watering it and see what happens oh there isn't even any water in here I'm terrible maybe I could water it with a instead could that work no I better not it probably won't make things better anyway oh hey maybe that could work my mister come on plant drink up and quickly is it working a it didn't help at all hey wait a second could I maybe do something with that okay I'll flip this pot upside down and then I'll fill this up with some white paint and then some orange next up blue and then pink and I'll finish with some yellow paint too now I'll pour this paint over the pot got to be careful though ooh look here comes more of the pink paint and now for the blue and the green too there we go all the paint has been used and it's dried on the pot next up time for the pool noodle I'll need a knife to cut it there I've made the slic As I needed to and now to take off bits it's starting to come together it's looking like a plant all right it's shaped now to add some paint this green paint will really help it come alive that's a good pun ooh wow it's looking is so good I'll do some yellow dots and then to really make it look real here are some spines they stuck right to the paint and look amazing perfect I'll just put them with a steak right into the pot mom I'm so glad you're back from your trip was it fun it was and I missed you how are you good and I've been watering the plants like you asked wow it looks like you did a great job I don't remember leaving cacti with you to watch still they're nice well you know me I'm reliable with plant care pH well good to hear because I got you a present oh a little plant just for me thanks all right honey now here are all your school supplies have a good day at school do good work I will I oh my back broke all my stuff is on the ground oh no honey okay don't worry I'll fix it let's see there has to be something around here I can use time for me to get to work on making this solution taada a brand new backpack just for you wow it's so amazing all right I'm off to school see you when I get home okay Miss which bag would you like for school today not that one it's too boring and out of style well you have this little purple one or this one made of gold yep that's the one I want to use today excellent choice Miss Emma here you go I'm sure you'll have a good day pH glad that's over with all right I have this dollhouse as you can see mhm as you can see it's missing a sofa you need to make one make one huh I wonder how I could do this wait a second I've got an idea okay here's this couch time to make some measurements where did she even go weird I'm just going to make this couch with origami I'll fold it in half corner to corner then I'll open and do the same from the other Corners now to fold the corner to the middle line and then unfold and do it again now I'll bring it back to the center got to make sure to crease it well and then I'll repeat those steps on the other side it's going well so far and now I'm caught up to the other side and now I move on to the next steps more folds into the middle on both sides again too it's getting a little harder to fold okay now I get to unfold it a bit but I got to fold the other Corners to the middle now and then more unfolding and folding to the new center line and now we fold it back up can't forget to turn it over and do it on the other side it's starting to come together all right unfold it and refold it again it needs to be a rectangle and now I can fold the ends inside to make a sort of box got to do the other end too great and I'll make another one too I'll put these two boxes together yes this part is done now for this next little piece of paper I'll fold it in half without creasing it and then slide it in the ends another one too for the arms of the sofa you know what it needs some pillows too taada it's so cute here's my sofa Mr Wizard excellent job got to make sure I measure for every length okay now I need to do some math I'm surprised she hasn't come back yet oh she fell asleep well I'm happy with my results I'll just put my little couch right here in the [Music] dollhouse next challenge I expect you to make this okay I think I can do this I'll start with this paper h i wonder what the best way to tackle this paper boat is but gosh I wish I was on a real boat sailing on the blue Waves sun and wind in my hair so relaxing and beautiful I can spend my whole summer on a boat H looks like she's lost in Her Imagination again she's going to fall behind though I better get her attention huh what we're supposed to be making origami boats oh right okay I'll get to work I'll start by folding it in half on the long Edge okay that's good nice start and now I'll turn it around and fold it on the other end too got to make sure it's nice and creased okay I'll open it back up and fold down the corner it's kind of like making a paper airplane but it can't be an airplane of course it needs to be a boat I'll fold up this lip it's sort of got a boat shape now or if not a boat maybe a captain's hat okay now this next step is a bit harder I've got a pop it open and fold it down again and then tuck this Edge under the under one so it's flat back to folding the corners [Music] up look I made a cool triangle but still not a boat got to flip it over here and now for the finishing step woo look I pulled it open and now it's a boat it turned out so great love it now we have two little boats we're awesome good job both of you you pass this challenge hey wait a second come with me we'll try them out hey where are you guys going all right the tub is full are you ready to set sail E look they're floating so cute oh they're starting to get soggy well they are just paper definitely got to work on my manicure oh you ready okay here's your next challenge fingernails got it time to break out my manicure kit let's see where I want to start oh these blue ones I think they'll match my outfit all right time to start gluing these on yes take a look at these challenge completed what oh no that's not what I meant at all wow your nails are ridiculous I'm going to use origami again I'll take this corner and fold it halfway down to the other Edge then the other corner to have a triangle on top now for this corner too for another triangle and then the final corner too okay now I've got to fold this up to the top and then fold it across now we've got a full triangle good okay I'll open it back up and then fold the corner down I'll FIP it down now too and then I'll fold the last bit up there's a lot of folding for this project but I still want sharp creases even though the paper is getting thicker this is the tricky bit I've kind of got to pop this open and fold in the corner but that's it look I can slip my finger right in here TAA check out these nails oh creepy good job why aren't my nails good enough you should have seen your face whatever you're too mean what do you think the next challenge will be it's cranes that's your next challenge H I wonder how I can do this one yeah I'm not quite sure where to start ooh I know what I can do I've got my earbuds I'll just pop them into my ears this will work time to start this playlist yeah I feel this this is definitely my Jam Time to get folding I'll start with the usual corner to corner fold and then the other Corners too next up the edge to edge fold crease it sharply and then open it back up and then do the same with the other Edge too okay I've got to open it back up and then for something a little trickier I've got to use the existing folds to make this try Angle now I've got to fold this little Edge to the new middle good and on the other Edge too then this top little corner has to come down but then back up flip the whole thing over and do the same Edge folds okay back over to the front and open it up a bit another trickier fold here but now it looks like a diamond okay now more of those little Edge folds they're pretty small now too keep creasing though what's next flipping it over and repeating of course I like this next step it's it's a fun one this little leg looking part folds up now and then this tip down it's starting to come together using the scissors this cat has to go all the way up to the middle this Wing comes down like this now and the other one too and then fold these little cup flaps like this one 2 three folds yes look I made a little origami crane so cute watch he can do a little crane dance uh uh okay oh she's really into it again hey what are you doing oh I've got my playlist going check it out oh wow I get it now this playlist is a Bop I guess I better get folding too wo dance Little Crane yes my Crane's done and ready to dance Too look at them go they're dancing up a storm uh what's going on over there where's that music coming from oo I feel like dancing too kind of bored [Music] now oh the wizard guy is back let's see what he's got next challenge is a flower get to [Music] work okay I think I know how to do this one hey yeah I'm I'm hoping you can help me out thanks here you go please sign here ah great and here are your roses have a nice day wizard guy I've got my roses what that's not what I meant at all come on okay fine let me try something else instead all right a little of this and some more over here and now for my scissors okay I think that's it and I'm done taada what is that huh looks like you fa the challenge again time for me to try something with my scissors but first more paper folding okay let me use this ruler in a pencil to draw a line okay now I'm ready to do some snipping I'll just cut lines all the way up to the mark line all the way from one end to another time to open it up oo that looks pretty cool now to add some glue to this part down here and then fold it over and secure it with the glue now I need a green straw and more glue I'll put the glue all around this end of the straw all right I'll add the straw to the paper just got to keep rolling the paper onto the straw keep going keep going keep going and now to do it again with another paper this is turning out great y yes I'm done with my flower ooh I see what you did there nice job what oh I guess he's right it is pretty cool aw she looks pretty sad hey look I made one for you too ooh a purple one thank you so much you're such a good friend aw their friendship is finally repaired
Channel: 123 GO! Series
Views: 202,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 123 GO!, 123 go, 123 GO! SERIES, 123 go series, series, funny, comedy, hacks, pranks, DIY, crafts, school, how to, diy school, tik tok hacks, tik tok tricks, popular hacks, viral, food hacks, school hacks, how to school, tutorial, gadgets, DIY ideas, back to school hacks, diy ideas, diy crafts, cool gadgets, school gadgets, how to become popular in school, cardboard, parenting, cardboard crafts
Id: cCECG6rewpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 30sec (3450 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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