Carbohydrate Digestion And Absorption - Carbohydrate Metabolism

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what's up dudes and what is up beautiful ladies out there Brian's sitting here enjoying an ice cream cookie sandwich which is packed full of fat molecules some protein molecules and a ton of carbohydrate molecules so how does our body digest and absorb the carbohydrate molecules from food a quick review there are three main types of carbohydrates monosaccharides which are single molecules disaccharides which are two monosaccharides molecules bonded together and polysaccharides which are many monosaccharides molecules bonded together and some shorter strands of polysaccharides are often called Olga saccharides our bodies produce some release enzymes that basically break down larger carbohydrate molecules into smaller units there are two places that carbohydrate digestion or breakdown takes place in the mouth and in the small intestine in the mouth salivary glands release salivary amylase which is an enzyme that starts breaking down starch molecules starch is a polysaccharide molecule that contains a large number of glucose units bonded together and he just found in many foods including rice and potatoes once the food or bolus is swallowed it enters the stomach the low pH of the stomach in activates the salivary amylase there's virtually no digestion of disaccharides until they reach the small intestine and we'll cover them in a minute as the bolus moves from the stomach into the duodenum and jejunum which are the first parts of the small intestine the pancreas releases pancreatic juice into the small intestine this juice contains pancreatic amylase which is an enzyme that continues to break down our digestion of starch into shorter strands of glucose the brush border or micro villi which are tiny hairlike projections located on the anthracite cells of the small intestine also contain enzymes that finish the breakdown of starch into single glucose molecules that are ready for absorption now for the two unit disaccharides which my ice cream cookie had a ton of so the three main disaccharides are sucrose or sugar which is comprised of a glucose molecule and a fructose molecule lactose which is galactose and glucose and maltose which is two glucose units the enzymes that act on these are sucrase lactase and maltase which are also located in the brush border of the enter site cells so basically the body is broken down these carbohydrate molecules into glucose fructose and galactose units glucose and galactose are mainly absorbed into the intra site cells through an SG LT one protein transporter on the membrane of the cell and fructose is absorbed into the cells through a glute 5 transporter on the other side of the enter site cells glucose galactose and fructose are transported out of the cell through a glue to transporter into the blood where they traveled to the liver in the liver fructose and galactose are mainly converted into glucose the actual glucose molecules from food can be taken up by the liver and stored as liver glycogen or they can become part of blood glucose and be used by cells throughout the body as energy they can also be taken up by muscle cells and stored as muscle glycogen well they can be converted into fat and stored in adipose or fat tissue and folks happy the basics on how carbohydrates are digested and absorbed you can hit the thumbs up or thumbs down if you have any comments you can leave those down below till next time folks I am out of here
Channel: Whats Up Dude
Views: 100,586
Rating: 4.9180517 out of 5
Keywords: Carbohydrate Digestion And Absorption, Carbohydrate Metabolism, carbohydrate digestion and absorption process, carbohydrate absorption, carbohydrate absorption in small intestine, carbohydrate absorption and digestion, carbohydrate catabolism, carbohydrate absorption process, how are carbohydrates digested, how are carbohydrates metabolized, how are carbohydrates broken down and absorbed by the body
Id: wgZyNW1dVxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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