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hey there everyone welcome back thanks again for subscribing to the channel today we're going to be talking about our van security which entails the nemesis wheel lock and the Kovach s' hitch lock let's get into it you all right so let's talk about Caravan security people spend anything from five thousand way over a hundred thousand for a caravan or a Motorhome but people fail to spend a little bit of money just on a bit of equipment to secure their van and prevent it from being stolen now the nemesis that I'm just about to show you my purchases secondhand now they're retailing at the moment for about two hundred and forty dollars which if you think about it's not a lot of money if you're going to be spending anything up to almost a hundred thousand bucks on a caravan so yeah two hundred forty bucks online at the moment roughly around about that price I purchased mine secondhand mines pretty much brand new I paid a hundred and twenty bucks for mine so it came with everything from its original purchase so with the Nemesis we a lot it comes with a bag three sets of keys and two parts to the wheel lock itself locking mechanism now they say that this roughly weighs about 12 kilograms I've got a set of weighing scales over there let's go over there and have a look and see how much it weighs so there you go guys eleven point seven kilograms all right so we just wait there we'll clamp so obviously isn't the lightest thing to carry so I think it's up there as one of the top security devices to have on your Caravan so I've watched a few videos on YouTube and I'll leave the links in the description below it took three guys almost three hours to try and get this off so let's face it when someone's coming to steal your van they want the quickest and easiest fan to take so if your van on the street you've got 10 bands on the street and they see that this thing is on there they're not going to even attempt to go to your van and they're gonna go to the next one that doesn't have any security on it they're going to make a lot of noise to try and get this thing off that's why I think that this is probably up there as one of the top ones to buy the only downside to this is that it's not the easiest thing to put on to your Caravan I'm gonna show you how to do it in a second but you'll see that it just takes a little bit of tweaking I've only put this on my Caravan twice once when we first purchased it and we had it in storage for over a month and then pretty much now on the driveway of this house that we can't mean Airbnb at the moment and believe it or not actually on that on that note over 500 caravans are stolen per year in Australia what so over half of that 500 are stolen from people's driveways or front yard now the Nemesis itself is made of high-strength steel so it's pretty tough to try and get into he's got a tubular lock on it all right so it's currently on at the moment let's take it off and I show you each an individual part that comes with it so they recommend and when you put it together that you flip the lot facing down with sews underneath it's harder for them to then try and hack that lock underneath rather than on top some of the YouTube channels that I've seen is that the locks are at the top so they can get a cordless drilling now on an electric drill and they drilling out the lock itself so just remember that if you do purchase this one make sure you put the lock at the bottom not to the top another thing to consider is that this is gonna require you to get down on your hands and knees if you struggle with your knees or bad hips or something like that then obviously something like this may not suit you there are other brands or there are other locking mechanisms that nemesis make they're a lot easier to put on than this now whether they're more secure than these ones I'm unsure I haven't watched those videos so it might be worth just watch it a few videos of what nemesis make and it see if that suits you better all righty so this is a lock that I was talking about the basically just locks in and you turn that's the tubular key right there and that's a lock that you can see so basically yes people have been known to drill a big enough drill piece big enough drill bit inside there and it does drill it out and it comes apart and that's why I say to put it down at the bottom not at the top now this is pretty heavy in itself that's it apart this is where you grab the allen key there we go there's the first pipe and that's the big allen key screw that you put which connects the two together so use the allen key again to loosen the bottom part of the way up and this spreads the arms apart so there you go there's the bottom part and then the top part as you can see just there that's the allen key basically when you wind that clockwise that tightens the arms together now the trick to this is that yes you want it tight but sometimes if you're over tighten it it makes it harder to try and get this on so you're gonna have to just do a few tweaks here and there basically tying it and see if you can get it on if you can't then just keep loosing it a little bit of a time until this finally goes on all righty so the first thing that we need to do is basically grab the bottom part of the wheel clamp itself spread the arms apart make sure you obviously use your you don't obviously get want to do by one second hand pretty sure you can just use a normal time key okay so that's the bottom part on use the disk grab this book move up and down now this screw here it's got a hole hopefully you can see that it's got a hole they should go so just slide over the top and push in now that's great if you can use it that way I can't physically use it that way I basically have to put this on first and then slop is in after so like I said it takes a little bit of tuning and throwing to get it spot-on to where you need it to get this screw in there now I know right now that that's too tight I'm just gonna loosen up the bottom part obviously you don't want to loosen it too much that you know the thieves can basically pull this off so now I'll just make sure this on there still that they're unable to get it off people you know it would be handy if you had two people if you've got a spare set of hands somewhere make sure you utilize them all right here so just keep it over there well Matt making sure that they're all covered I'm just gently tighten out it's at this point that you want to move it pretty much where you need to with the more time this - the more time this actually times the bottom five as well make sure she's nice and tight now don't - what about you alloys this has got a rubber ring around the outside so it's no it's gonna scratch your alloys alright so she's on me as you can see no one's gonna try and pull that off the only way that they're gonna get this off is by grinding it so next thing that we do we grab the lock so like I said with the tube just make sure the lock is at the bottom and not at the top it's a place that you in the top and then the bottom should just go straight in I need to just get down a little bit if you keep twisting it eventually just push in [Music] once it's together twist the key give it a little tug to make sure that she's uh firmly secured and then put the plastic cap on top and there you have it that is one strong wheel clamp that's not gonna get taken off anytime soon all righty let's talk about the kopecks hitch lock now these retail are around 200 bucks we bought ours brand-new and as you can see already it's got a bit of wear and tear on there already now the good thing about this is it actually as an alarm on it which gets set off at about 120 decibels so to set the alarm obviously put it onto the hitch you turn your key once so that means that the alarm is gonna be activated a minute later sound so that means it is ready to go now if I just try and wiggle this sound an alarm get ready for it it's gonna be loud so you can see from that is pretty loud so if you don't want the alarm on you basically one big is activated then turn it again two beeps is unactivated as you can see as well it's got quite a big neck on there and it's got all these grooves inside in multiple levels of the neck itself now that's Thomas's suit depending on our Biglia hitches but this is for the standard 50 millimeter hitch tow bar and this can come on enough as well now what I do like about this particular one as well is that once you've got your Caravan and car connected together that this can actually go over the tow bar and underneath the tow bar itself unlock the car and the caravan together so the good part about being able to connect together it's gonna deter people to try and from hitching you can ban from your vehicle and taking it the other good safety mechanism to that is that it prevents your hitch coming off the tow bar itself because it's locked in place now kopecks do quite a number of different hitch locks so just make sure you pick the right one that suits your particular hitch on your Caravan so they do do ones that fit the do 35 as well so let's go and put it on the caravan and I'll show you how easy it is to put on there do so the first thing we need to do is pull it apart so just make sure it's unlocked should come apart nice and easy so make sure you put the bottom part in first get the top part and slide it over the top and find the hole that suits you best some mines roughly about there turn it that's now activated one little beep I go to that means that it's not activated now I can honestly say that I use this every time we take our vehicle off now we're traveling family so we're itching Caravan and how much you need quite a lot this basically goes on every time I unhitch the cab ramp on my vehicle so whenever we're staining caravan parks or free parks this has always put on now I can't say that about the wheel clamp it's a lot more tricky heavier it's just a bit more hassles alright so there's one more security measure on our Caravan that I haven't mentioned or showed you and that's our Wi-Fi now our Wi-Fi inside the Koran has got a built in GPS all you need is a SIM card to put in there which is your normal phone SIM card my Caravan is taken I can basically send a text message to that SIM card and it will basically return a message back to me of the coordinates of the caravan now the only way that the thieves are gonna know that he's got one in there is if they get inside the caravan and hunt around for that system itself obviously a thief is not gonna be going inside the caravan to start with all they're gonna be concerned about taking your Caravan itching it to their vehicle and taking off so basically if they've only just done that in a matter of hours before you notice then you potentially are still gonna have your GPS system inside that you can message so you can find out the location of the caravan itself so that's our caravan we've got three security measures on our caravan highly recommend that you get at least one of these items so anything that's on your caravan is gonna deter the thieves upon taking it I'll leave a link in the description below of all the items that we currently have as a security measure on our caravan all right so if you enjoyed that please give us a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to the channel leave any comments below and press on Bell notifications so you're notified next time I put a video thanks for watching guys take it easy see you next time
Channel: Venturing Four
Views: 5,215
Rating: 4.8481011 out of 5
Keywords: Caravan, Caravan Security, Securing Your Caravan, Caravan Alarm, Caravan GPS, GPS, GPS Tracker, Caravan Tracker, Nemesis, Kovix, Kovix Alarm, Kovix Hitch Alarm, Nemesis Wheel Lock, Caravan Hitch Lock, Purpleline, Purple Line Security, Wheel Lock, Caravan Theft, Theft, Prevention, Caravan Thief, Security, Sphere, Sphere Wifi Router, Kovix Caravan Lock, Caravan Lock, Security on Caravans, RV Security, Motorhome Security, Travelling, Caravanning, Travelling with kids, Australia
Id: OFn6sUjzgoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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