今夜車泊阿里山【栩悦號即將正式啟航】觸口遊客中心|特富野步道|迷糊步道|阿里山車泊充電|Alishan Car Camping 《憂娘駕駛Outdoor》

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阿里山櫻花季開始啦 The Alishan cherry blossom season has begun 這一集我們要帶大家 In this episode, we'll take you 到阿里山看日出、賞雲海 to see the sunrise and enjoy the sea of clouds at Alishan 還要分享最新交通管制資訊 and share the latest traffic control information 這邊的停車位超滿 The parking lot here is full to capacity 好不容易走了一臺馬上就補位完成 As soon as one car leaves, another fills its place immediately 自己用電自己發 晚上煮火鍋就靠他 Generating electricity for oneself, relying on it for hotpot cooking at night 這裡除了新鮮的空氣 Here, besides the fresh air 還有鐵道、森林、最美步道 there are railways, forests, and the most beautiful trails 跟著我們的腳步一起去渡假吧 Follow our footsteps and vacation together 記得按讚訂閱 Remember to like and subscribe 打開小鈴鐺 Turn on the notification bell 關注fb粉絲頁可以獲得最新訊息喔 Follow our Facebook page for the latest updates 14 00:00:46,79 --> 00:00:46,713 大家好 Hello, everyone 我是憂娘駕駛 I am the driver, Yōuniang 這一站帶各位到觸口遊客中心 This stop takes you to the Chukou Visitor Center 這個遊客中心是 This visitor center is 臺18線往阿里山的路上重要的休憩點 an important rest stop on Highway 18 towards Alishan 他的設計手法是 Its design concept involves 地景交織、動線穿梭跟漂浮 integrating with the landscape, dynamic flow, and floating sensation 這幾個意象 These imagery 目前他已經重新整建過 It has recently been renovated 除了有方便的停車場之外 還有乾淨的水廁 Besides convenient parking, there are also clean restrooms 我們去走一走 Let's take a walk 遊客中心正下方 就是他們的廁所 Right below the visitor center is their restroom 在大客車的停車場旁邊 Next to the bus parking lot 這裡新增了一間廁所 A new restroom has been added here 不過他只有在假日、連續假日才會有開放 However, it is only open on holidays and consecutive holidays 開放時間是早上八點到下午的五點 Opening hours are from 8 am to 5 pm 到這裡可以認識鄒族部落文化 Here, you can learn about the culture of the Tsou tribe 阿里山火車歷史 Alishan Train History 還有最新的3D彩繪牆 And the latest 3D painted wall 2樓是遊客中心 1樓是廁所跟賣店 The second floor is the visitor center, and the first floor is the restroom and shop 在廁所的旁邊有一條3D彩繪樓梯 Next to the restroom, there's a 3D painted staircase 外面他有兩台 Outside, there are two 飲水機 非常的方便 water dispensers, very convenient 它是24小時開放使用的 They are open 24 hours a day 我們來走一走 Let's take a look 阿里山是鄒族族人生活的場域 Alishan is the living space of the Tsou tribe 原來在阿里山有八個鄒族的部落 There used to be eight Tsou tribal villages in Alishan 因為88風災的關係 Due to Typhoon 88 他們把鄒族的族人遷村到這裡來 They relocated the Tsou people here 這裡原來是他們祖先獵鹿的場域 This used to be the hunting ground of their ancestors 觸口遊客中心旁邊就是逐鹿社區 Next to the Chukou Visitor Center is the Zhulu Community 這裡也是逐鹿部落 This is also the Zhulu Tribe 這裡是全新成立的鄒族逐鹿文創園區 This is the newly established Zhulu Tsou Cultural and Creative Park 目前進入文創園區它是免收門票 Currently, admission to the cultural and creative park is free 我們去逛一逛 Let's go take a look 目前鄒族逐鹿文創園區 他們有歌舞表演 Currently, at the Tsou veoveoana Cultural and Creative Park, they have song and dance performances 還有逐鹿傳說梅花鹿園 And the veoveoana Legend Formosan Sika Deer Park 需要付費入場 Admission fee required 玩在地吃在地 Play locally, eat locally 在地蔬菜3顆100塊 Local vegetables, 3 for 100 dollars 這裡還有鄒族手作麵包店 There's also a Tsou handmade bread shop here 有桂圓百香果荔枝跟原味葡萄乾 They have longan, passion fruit, lychee, and original flavored raisins 這比憂娘駕駛臉還要大 This is bigger than Yōuniang's driver's face 花季管制時段小型車必須先停在 During the blossom season control period, small vehicles must first stop at 61k的樂野服務區 the 61k Leye Service Area 再搭乘疏運轉乘專車入園 and then take the shuttle transfer bus to enter the park 接下來帶各位探訪阿里山附近的免費泊點 Next, we'll take you to visit the nearby free parking spots around Alishan 這裡是阿里山迷糊步道的停車場 This is the parking lot for the Alishan Confused Trail 水廁方便、停車免費 Convenient restrooms, free parking 現在我們所在的位置就是阿里山公路 We are currently on Alishan Highway 66.4k的迷糊步道入口 at the entrance of the Mihu Trail at 66.4 kilometers 這裡有停車場大概可以停14台車 There's a parking lot here that can accommodate about 14 cars 旁邊有開放的水廁點 There's an open restroom nearby 不過因為山區水源缺乏 However, due to a lack of water sources in the mountain area 所以他開放時間是 so its opening hours are 早上八點到下午的五點 from 8 am to 5 pm 他的名稱由來是因為他在米洋溪的上面 It's named so because it's located above the Miyang Stream 所以我們取這個米字 還有糊湖水的湖的諧音 Thus, we took the character "米" and the homophony of "糊湖水" 所以叫做迷糊步道 Hence, it's called the Mihu Trail 迷糊步道原來叫做米洋溪步道 The Mihu Trail was originally called the Miyang Stream Trail 全長只有2.3公里 It's only 2.3 kilometers long 走在竹林裡 人身心放鬆 Walking through the bamboo forest relaxes both body and mind 下方 停車場停滿的話 If the parking lot below is full 路邊這裡大概還有20個停車格 there are about 20 parking spaces available on the roadside here 呱呱是櫻花鴨 "Guagua" refers to the cherry blossom ducks 阿里山公路臺18線66k湖底到88.2k From 66k to 88.2k on Highway 18 of Alishan Road 阿里山森林遊樂區路段 in the section of the Alishan Forest Recreation Area 在櫻花季早上六點到11點 During the cherry blossom season, from 6 am to 11 am 有車輛通行管制 there's traffic control for vehicles 自行開車的朋友要避開這個時段 Friends driving on their own should avoid this period 這裡是臺18線78.2k的地方 This is the location of 78.2k on Highway 18 每20分鐘放行一次 Vehicles are allowed to pass every 20 minutes 這也是新成立的阿里山轉運站 This is also the newly established Alishan Transfer Station 旁邊有一間便利商店 There's a convenience store nearby 如果要去特富野的朋友要在這裡先補貨 Friends heading to Tefuye should stock up here first 目前阿里山森林遊樂區它裡面的車位滿了 Currently, the parking spaces in the Alishan Forest Recreation Area are full Thank you for the clarification. Here's the revised translation: 所以在門口入口這邊就已經做管制 Therefore, control measures are already in place at the entrance here. 車子不讓他進來 Cars are not allowed to enter. 要到旁邊的停車場再走過來 You have to go to the parking lot nearby and walk over. 再過去還有一些停車場但是蠻遠的 There are some more parking lots further ahead, but it's quite far. 自行開車的朋友建議避開管制時段 Friends who are driving are advised to avoid peak hours of control 或者夜衝過來 or come at night. 我們現在到便利商店看看 Let's go to the convenience store now. 這裡除了有接駁車的時刻表 Here, besides having a shuttle bus schedule, 還有阿里山的旅遊地圖 there is also a tourist map of Alishan. 搭乘公車過來的朋友 Friends coming by bus 憑車票可購買150元的優惠票 can buy discounted tickets for NT$150 with their bus tickets. 搭搭乘高鐵也享有85折聯票的優惠 Those taking the high-speed rail also enjoy a 15% discount on joint tickets. 有興趣的朋友可以參考影片下方資訊 Interested friends can refer to the information below the video. 全部客滿 生意太好了吧 Full house. Business is booming, isn't it? 真的是一位難求我們先在路邊稍微等一下 It's really hard to find a seat. Let's wait on the roadside for a while first. 這邊的停車位超滿 好不容易走了一臺 The parking spaces here are full. We finally managed to find one. 馬上就補位完成 And it's immediately taken. 很多人在這邊繞 Many people are circling around here. 車子在路邊停等著車位 Cars are waiting for parking spaces on the roadside. 這邊的生活機能算不錯 The living facilities here are quite good. 有公車站牌廁所 There are bus stops and restrooms. 旁邊是遊客中心 Next to it is the visitor center. 那邊後面是商店街 Behind it is a shopping street. 目前到阿里山旅遊 Currently for Alishan tourism, 除了坐小火車之外 他還有電動遊園車 besides taking the small train, there is also an electric park car. 非常方便 Very convenient. 電動遊園車分成日出班次及固定班次 The electric park car is divided into sunrise shifts and regular shifts. 每個季節的日出班次發車時間不同 The departure time for sunrise shifts varies with each season. 可到現場確認 You can confirm on-site. 這邊有垃圾處理點 還有廁所 There's a garbage disposal point and a restroom here. 這裡24小時開放 非常的友善 It's open 24 hours here, very friendly. 停車場旁就是阿里山國家森林遊樂區的 旅客服務中心 Next to the parking lot is the Tourist Service Center of Alishan National Forest Recreation Area. 服務時間早上八點到下午五點 Service hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 裡面哺乳室有熱水 我們去看一看 There is hot water in the breastfeeding room. Let's go take a look. 這裡的工作人員非常和善 The staff here are very friendly. 也有安排志工諮詢 設備也非常方便 Volunteers are also available for consultation, and the facilities are very convenient. 可以說是五星級的服務 You could say it's a five-star service. 這裡的熱水只有上班時間能取用 The hot water here is only available during working hours. 美食餐廳前 In front of the gourmet restaurant, 這裡的停車格他有新設了兩格充電站 two new charging stations have been set up in the parking spaces here. 這兩個充電樁是J1772的 These two charging posts are J1772. 那他使用的是 And they use 充電專用車位 不是電動車專用 dedicated charging spots, not electric vehicle-exclusive. 只要有充電就能停 As long as you're charging, you can park. 給各位參考 Just for your reference. 有需要充電的朋友可以先安裝好app再過來 Friends in need of charging can install the app beforehand and come over. 今天天氣不錯 The weather is nice today. 我們看一下太陽能板的發電情形 Let's check the solar panel's power generation. 這裡的天氣變化莫測 The weather here is unpredictable. 太陽能發電也是一陣一陣 Solar power generation comes in bursts as well. 不無小補 It's not without its advantages. 以現在的發電量來看 Based on the current power generation, 發電3小時可以供1,200瓦的電器 3 hours of power generation can supply 1,200 watts of electricity. 用1小時 For one hour, 這裡是全國海拔最高的郵局 this is the highest-altitude post office in the country. 成立於民國前4年4月1號 Established on April 1st, four years before the Republic of China. 走過路過千萬不要錯過 Don't miss it as you pass by. 知名的打卡景點 A famous check-in spot. 這裡除了有餐廳、商店街之外 In addition to restaurants and shopping streets, 還有24小時營業的便利商店 there's also a 24-hour convenience store. 雖然阿里山停車場停車位一位難求 Although parking spaces are scarce in Alishan parking lots, 但是也不建議停在路邊紅線 it's not advisable to park along the roadside red lines. 除了影響交通之外 還會被開勸導單 Aside from disrupting traffic, you may also receive parking violation tickets. 這裡是全國最高的便利商店 This is the highest convenience store in the country. 也是入住飯店看日出前最佳的補貨地點 It's also the best spot to stock up before staying at a hotel to watch the sunrise. 這邊的seven人潮滿滿 This Seven-Eleven here is always crowded. 天冷大都來找吃的 Most people come here to find something to eat when it's cold. 大家都在裝熱水 所以水溫也不高 Everyone is boiling water, so the water temperature isn't high. 今天來了一臺自走式露營車 Today, a self-driving camper van has arrived. 看一下這停車格停下去 剛剛好 Let's see if it fits into this parking space. It fits perfectly. 在這裡尾幾乎是打不開來的 It's nearly impossible to open the tailgate here. 後面間隔太小 The space behind is too small. 這台長軸的車子停下來 This long-wheelbase vehicle has parked. 已經超線了停車格不夠 It's already over the line, and the parking space isn't enough. 頂到後面去了 It's sticking out at the back. 呱呱運動時間 Guagua Sports Time. 婦駕駛陪他玩一下 The lady driver is playing along with him. 我們運動一下 Let's do some exercise. 12345678 無影手 讓你一下 讓你一下 緩和運動 早上太陽能發的電現在派上用場了 The electricity generated by the solar panels in the morning is coming in handy now. 車上我們是使用無名火料理 We're using a nameless gas stove in the car. 包含煮食 微波 Including cooking and microwaving. 甚至是燒熱水洗澡 Even for boiling water for a bath. 全部都是用電力 It's all powered by electricity. 哇7.3度 Wow, 7.3 degrees. 難怪這麼冷 No wonder it's so cold. 今天晚上就靠這台 We'll rely on this tonight. 自製的12V電暖器 Our homemade 12V electric heater. 馬上車內就熱 了 It heats up the car immediately. 在清冷的夜晚來壺熱茶 A hot tea on a chilly night, 就是最幸福的事啦 is the most blissful thing. 這次安排三天兩夜的旅行 We've arranged a three-day, two-night trip this time. 電力不足可以利用離峰時段充電 If the power is insufficient, you can charge during off-peak hours. 這裡有兩格充電專用車位 There are two designated charging spots here. 只要有付費充電就能停車 As long as you pay for charging, you can park. 目前充電瓦數2,200瓦左右 Currently, the charging power is around 2,200 watts. 在旅行中充電 Charging during the journey, 時間就是金錢 time is money. 這裡一度電9元 Electricity costs 9 NTD per kWh here. 12V300AH的電池充飽大約32元 Charging a fully drained 12V 300AH battery costs about 32 NTD. 建議各位在使用充電樁之前 It's recommended to install their app and set up automatic payment before using the charging station. 先安裝他們的app 設定好自動扣款方式 Prior installation of their app and setting up automatic payment is advised. 停車場旁邊就是阿里山的商店街 Next to the parking lot is Alishan's shopping street. 有美食與在地的伴手禮可以走走看看 There are delicious foods and local souvenirs to explore. 凌晨12點半 It's half past midnight. 氣溫七度左右 The temperature is around seven degrees Celsius. 這裡的停車場 The parking lot here 幾乎也是客滿的狀態 is almost full. 大概只有一兩格 There are probably only one or two spaces left. 停車場就是停車用 The parking lot is for parking only. 只適合不落地車泊 It's only suitable for non-overnight parking. 車上屬於私領域 The car is considered a private space. 要休息用餐屬於個人行為 Resting and dining are considered personal activities. 但垃圾廚餘要處理好 However, kitchen waste should be properly disposed of. 不要造成管理單位的困擾 To avoid causing inconvenience to the management. 阿里山的祝山觀日列車 The Zhushan Sunrise Train in Alishan. 因為四季的日出時間都不一樣 As the sunrise times vary by season, 會隨著日出時間旅客數量做彈性的調整 the number of passengers will be adjusted accordingly. 除了小火車之外 也有接駁車可以搭乘 In addition to the small train, there are also shuttle buses available. 接下來透過鏡頭帶各位一起觀賞 Next, let's watch together through the lens 阿里山壯闊的日出 the magnificent sunrise of Alishan. 剛剛還是藍天白雲 現在已經雲霧繚繞 Just a moment ago, it was blue sky and white clouds, now it's shrouded in mist. 山上的天氣真的是變幻莫測 The weather in the mountains is truly unpredictable. 123到臺灣 臺灣有座阿里山 123 to Taiwan, Taiwan has Alishan. 阿里山最有名的就是森林小火車 Alishan is most famous for its forest railway. 現在我們看到的阿里山園區裡面的 What we see now inside the Alishan Park is the 森林小火車就是阿里山支線 Alishan Branch Line of the Forest Railway. 他分成神木線祝山線跟沼平線 It's divided into the Shenmu Line, Zhushan Line, and Chaoping Line. 阿里山本線的小火車 The main line of the Alishan Forest Railway. 就是從嘉義車站到十字站的 It runs from Chiayi Station to Shizi Station. 小火車 The small train. 阿里山必看的六個奇景 The six must-see wonders of Alishan. 日出、雲海、鐵道、森林晚霞 Sunrise, Sea of Clouds, Railway, Forest Sunset Glow, 還有豐富的生 態 and the rich ecology. 您看過幾種呢? How many have you seen? 賞完櫻花 After enjoying the cherry blossoms, 我們帶各位到阿里山森林遊樂區附近 we'll take you to the vicinity of Alishan Forest Recreation Area 最美的鐵道森林步道去走走 to walk along the most beautiful railway forest trails. 阿里山的門口管制之後 路邊有些停車格 After the entrance control of Alishan, there are some parking spaces by the road. 再過來這裡他新闢了一區 Moreover, a new area has been opened here. 有做流動廁所 你看 They've set up mobile toilets. Take a look. 哇 通通停外面 了 Wow, they're all parked outside. 因為它裡面客滿就不讓人家停了 Because it's full inside, they don't allow people to park. 這邊的停車格 The parking spaces here 每一區都有安排接駁車的停靠站 in each area have shuttle bus stops arranged. 也有流動廁所 There are also mobile toilets. 這一站我們來到特富野古道自忠段的入口 This station, we've arrived at the entrance of the Teapot Mountain Trail's Zizhong Section. 從阿里山森林遊樂區過來 It's about a 15 to 20-minute drive from Alishan Forest Recreation Area. 大概15到20分鐘 Roadside parking is available; you can park along the white lines. 路邊都可以停車 白線都可以停 Restrooms are available ahead; let's take a look. 前面有廁所 我們去看一看 There are some parking spaces opposite the restroom, not many, and a garbage truck. 廁所的對面有一些停車格 Opposite the restroom, there are a few parking spaces. 不多 還有垃圾子車 Not many, and there's also a garbage truck. 特富野古道自忠段的入口 Entrance to the Zizhong Section of the Teapot Mountain Trail. 位於嘉義縣阿里山鄉和南投縣信義鄉的交界 Located at the border of Alishan Township, Chiayi County, and Xinyi Township, Nantou County. 天氣好的時候可以遠眺重巒疊嶂的山峰 On clear days, you can enjoy distant views of the majestic peaks. 從阿里山轉運站過來 這裡也有停靠站 Coming from Alishan Transfer Station, there's also a stop here. 搭到自忠站就可以了 Just get off at the Zizhong Station. 這一站帶各位來到特富野古道 This station takes you to the Teapot Mountain Trail. 這裡海拔高度在1,600到2,200公尺左右 The altitude here is around 1,600 to 2,200 meters. 步道全長6.3公里左右 The trail is approximately 6.3 kilometers long. 這裡早期是鄒族狩獵的山徑 Originally a hunting trail for the Tsou indigenous people, it's now a beautiful hiking path. 目前已經開闢成人行的步道 非常的美 It has been developed into a pedestrian trail and is incredibly scenic. 今天憂娘駕駛帶各位去走一走 Today, we'll take a walk here with you. 特富野古道前面這一段道路平坦 The section of the Teapot Mountain Trail ahead is flat, 大概是3公里左右 about 3 kilometers long. 種的是柳杉林 Lined with cypress forests. 這裡我們可以看到早期火車的軌跡 Here we can see traces of the early railway tracks, 旁邊種植的都是人工林 with artificial forests planted alongside. 他是柳杉又稱為日本杉 They are cypresses, also known as Japanese cypresses. 非常筆直 They grow remarkably straight. 這裡的海拔在1,600到2,200公尺左右 The altitude here is around 1,600 to 2,200 meters, 走起來非常舒服 making for a comfortable walk. 我們從特富野的古道入口進來 We entered from the entrance of the Teapot Mountain Trail 穿越了12座橋穿越的柳杉林 and crossed through 12 bridges surrounded by cypress forests 來到了3.7k的休息點 and arrived at the resting point at 3.7 kilometers. 後面還有2.62公里是比較陡的 Behind, there's another 2.62 kilometers, which is steeper. 所以如果是不常登山健行的朋友 So, if you're not used to hiking or trekking, 建議到這裡稍微休息一下 it's recommended to take a short rest here. 就可以折返了 You can turn back from here. 275 00:18:50,63 --> 00:18:50,397 好了 Alright, 今天的影片就跟各位分享到這裡 that's it for today's video. 櫻花盛開的季節 In the season of cherry blossoms, 為自己安排一場賞櫻之旅吧 why not plan a cherry blossom viewing trip for yourself? 我是憂娘駕駛 I'm your driver, YoNiang. 我們路上見 See you on our next journey. 掰掰 Goodbye. (行程相關資訊請參閱影片下方連結) (For itinerary information, please check the links below the video.) (本頻道所有影片禁止商業用途) (All videos on this channel are prohibited for commercial use.)
Channel: 憂娘駕駛Outdoor
Views: 61,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2024阿里山櫻花季, 阿里山櫻花季交通管制, 阿里山停車場車泊, 阿里山停車場車宿, 阿里山櫻花, 阿里山車泊, Alishan Car Camping
Id: DRmEk45xp9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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