人生單程旅行社,萬元打造退休雅房【72歲女子單人車宿|A180 Toyota ZACE瑞獅露營車】幸福的真諦|柯爾鴨呱呱相親記|車泊車宿| Vanlife《憂娘駕駛Outdoor》

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Today I want to share with you the car parking life of two eldest sisters. Live a rich life with simple devices I sawed a hole myself Wow ~ I saw it myself Oops I thought it was meant to support Turns out he raised it up This will be very stable You'd better know how to eat, just eat it They love Guagua so much We cannot decide the length of life But it can increase the breadth Really, everything I need at home Things used in daily life It's all here All Brush your teeth and wash your face Use water, drink water In all aspects it is It's that simple The end of the video We are taking Gua Gua on a blind date in Pingtung Gua Gua seems a little impatient Wow Your house is so big This is just Amao He was hatched from a chicken Looks like today's protagonist very energetic What is the result? Let's keep looking Remember to like, subscribe and open the little bell Follow FB fan page You can get the latest information Very happy outdoors today Encountered Liugui Aying’s home Sister Aying say hello Hello everyone Sister Aying You go out and drive a car by yourself right Can you tell me how old you are this year? 72 So people who often go outdoors She is very young at heart And sister Aying is so enthusiastic She made tea as soon as we arrived Meet distinguished guests Also our loyal fans Yes Can we come visit your home today? Can buy second hand When did you buy it? It’s been almost two or three years since I bought it. I like to play everywhere What was your job before? I haven’t worked since I got married housewife right now free become free go everywhere to play play everywhere I wasn’t in Liugui before Do you want to open A Ying’s Home Inn? Why is it still open now? I've been feeling a little sick recently oh right Just go back to Kaohsiung to stay healthy Being close to nature makes your body recover quickly Okay, like this Thank you Sister Aying has served many people Blessed where Then let's come and see your home good Come Looks like you have a single bed Single bed yes so you are alone Take this car for a trip right Aren't you afraid? No way I have been driving for more than thirty years This one has a soft cushion on top Upholstered then you see then myself He only has a splint Splint This is ordered Customized take a look This is made of white iron (Stainless steel) White iron, yes look It's two parts, right? Two pieces right Come and take a look look This bed is made of two pieces of white iron Can be folded back right This can carry four people But if it goes out alone Even the bed doesn’t need to be moved You won’t fold it either Not folded One person like this Wherever you drive, wherever you go What is this bucket This is mountain spring water Where did it come from? From that Otsu Falls side So he brought the mountain spring water in the car when he went on a trip. Very simple in the car But sleeping is very comfortable Because you did this right This is shading Shade heat insulation But there is no parking air conditioner in your car right? No, not yet The Six Turtles and Statues are now in Pingtung What should I do if it’s very hot? Liugui, my place is fine It's not bad There are mountains there There are mountains on your side so not hot Do you usually go up to the mountains to play in summer? Start now Just about to start slowly going out to play Inspire my trip That camping dream right It was because Sister Aying said she came out six times less than ten times less than ten times That just came out Yes, just came out Here it is Storage called storage cabinet kitchen utensils sauce So after you arrive at the designated location Take it down and set up a table Here this is a table This can also be used as a table Then how are you going to put it? It looks like it was designed Because she dug a hole here I sawed one myself Wow, I sawed it myself. No need for table legs Sister Aying is so awesome, right? She stuck it here look She raised it I thought she wanted to support Turns out she raised it up This will be very stable Very stable Awesome. I did it myself. This is the board for now right solve life problems Yes, that's it You can make tea just sitting in the car Sister Aying is not only a traveler He is also the King of Life Wisdom no So take this out Put a chair right You can make tea now right Tea oil Tea oil we are we are We are keeping healthy Tea oil Do you want to mix the noodles? Mix noodles OK I cook Bitter tea oil is used to fry fish good health care Let's see what other treasures she keeps under her bed What else is she holding down there? under the bed look Why is there a board here? Look what that board is for There is no such board I tell you I will use it as a bed cabinet at night Bedside table? bedside table simple bed Look at her and bring it over bedside table This way it won't Here she can put some tea Put the mobile phone Yes, put tea look look She is a chair then a board add a foot You nailed this I nailed it Aren’t these desks and chairs? simple wood Then she was very stable when she put it like this look Very stable Single room So here This can be used to place things All belongings So you drive this car out Life will be okay Have food and shelter right After eating the rice, I’m getting ready to go home. Went to Liugui the day before yesterday Didn't put some in it I'm pretending a little bit I'm afraid it will get damaged if exposed to the sun I put it all in this The gas tank is also in there There's a pot here clothing Thick coat I think we can also make a cushion here. right This mat compares There won't be any weird noises. There will be no vibration when you drive Put up the mat Not for sitting It's a tea set Sitting Chair Not a bamboo hat This is for sitting The bamboo hat is in Liugui storage basket Miss Jiang gave them to me A good friend gave it to you If a thief dares to come We also have knives Don't mess around She put the storage here If you want to sit here You can sit on it even on rainy days I'm coming too we can come up Excuse me look I will support it This is relatively low Suitable for her height right Sister Aying, you are so happy yeah One person, one car, one camping dream right? Very well said A lifetime of happiness Thank you for sharing today Awesome. I hope you have a safe journey in the future. Healthy Thank you Thank you for your support Bye-Bye So cute Guagua Life doesn’t begin until 70 On Sister Aying I see a heart that has the courage to pursue its dreams young at heart See greatness in the ordinary freedom is priceless Best wishes to Sister Aying on her future journey Peace and happiness Next, continue to share with you Women's single driver Sister Jiang’s warm home very happy today meet us outdoors Sister Jiang from Life One Way Travel Agency say hello Hello everyone We're all on a one-way trip, right? Sister Jiang is a lucky person Thank you help many people Finished the last stretch of the road How come there is a chance to go outdoors? I like the outdoors After seeing all the scenery of life I feel nature is the most comfortable Take advantage of this age I am also 60 years old No longer 16 years old is 60 years old Why don't you go out for a walk at this time? When will I go out for a walk? I won't have a chance to leave Just like I send people away One day they will send me away I would rather walk on my own path So I can take this opportunity to go out and walk around. Just have to walk around Did you modify this car yourself? What convenience do you need? Just buy whatever you want and put it on it and it’ll be fine Although it is very simple Suitable for being methodical And the functions are complete Thank you Watched Youniang Driving Channel See too much I like to watch your videos the most Thanks for the support Use other people's experience Turn it into your own action Just because Watched too many of your videos Only then did I know what I wanted This is what it looks like Parking is not the best Only the most suitable Can we come and visit? good Come and take a look Open it and take a look It's more expensive here It's just this battery How big 320AH 320AH lithium iron phosphate battery All you need is water, electricity and a bed away from home Almost all can be handled right? After parking the car, put everything in the front All pile in front After putting this away, open it My one Salt, oil, etc. All the firewood, rice, oil and salt are here Do you put garlic? Here Here Yes Why is there still garlic in the car? Do you want more ginger? housewife There is a kitchen at the back of the car Just place the chair Simple afternoon tea make lunch It's also very cozy inside Then there is a camp lantern Then there are many dolls There is another doll here There is one here too Storage is the same Look, the storage is all hung here. All storage is hung here strangeness It's very simple, but it feels so warm Its silk scarf has a great background This one The one on the left is from GUCCI On the right is LV Wow cover up ugliness Won't see inside Same as the screen Then here is a storage unit hang up stainless steel This seems to be for the kitchen, right? right Because it seems to me to be quite suitable Hang this place I'll move it here Almost everything was moved from home. Here it is nailed directly on with tacks right simple Where is this cloth from? It's the one at the vegetable market One hundred yuan a piece I like it this what's it called owl pattern Do you like that picture? right And this red wine Wow So this night travel alone Pair it with a little wine I would have been afraid You won’t be afraid if you drink it Drink to be bold Come There's more here Come and This Wujiapi of Yushan How many years have you been out? Car lodge more than three years Have you ever encountered a special place? Quite impressive Because I won’t be taboo wherever I go This guy drives around in his car Where to look good Where to like Stop wherever you go No taboos right No matter where it is No matter what, he still sleeps next to the grave. This one was also moved from home. Isn't it just right to take it off? No need to spend money No need to spend money yes Just move the things from home They're all the same Come Pick it up here I also sawed this board myself. This is it Cut a hole here Sawed it myself Then put it down here this is simpler When we were this long, we all You must prepare it Convenient Take it out Away from home To this look Wow stuck in King of Life Wisdom It's that simple It's that simple right There's just one more table But this has been dug before Because it has to be dug down. The board is thick. right Dig it down Only in this way can we compare to get stuck This way it won't fall off look will not Then when you are afraid that it will fall Pad it underneath You can still pad it, right? right Pad it underneath It feels more balanced That'll make it okay Yes Then what? all my stuff look Everything is possible Just pick it up and come out Like this rear kitchen You can make tea now Look at the right horse over here give it something Throw it away like this look This way Just grab it Just grab it It's very complete here The pots and pans are out More simple firewood, rice, oil and salt rice is here This will look better if it is covered Open everything up This car costs 620,000 Then this other This bed frame is 6800 And the one in the front (sink cabinet) About 10,000 yuan More than 30,000 batteries That's it It’s so simple, tens of thousands of dollars 50,000 yuan (Modify the car) No need 500,000 It's done for 50,000 yuan 50,000 yuan to buy a home And travel freedom is priceless Open it directly And there's a switch here, right? Then press it down This is ready to drink You can also rinse your mouth brush teeth wash face Just behind the passenger seat Then it also extends a table board out Its main benefit It only wants this if I stuff it like this The length of my bed It won't shake anymore Just withstand it right There won't be any shaking here This bed will never be moved again. right This half This one is so ugly after being cut off. why did you cut it Because I don't want it to be too long sometimes When I'm cooking outside When landing right I'll lift it up After lifting it up Get water from here Get water It’s convenient to get water from here On the contrary, it is too long and is inconvenient for jamming. yes It's so short and convenient Sister Jiang has a good life Let mosquitoes come in and suck your blood Women's solo trip A person is free free it won't hit will not top of head Sometimes I like my own space Get some stuff over here. snack right tea set Is there any You didn't install the parking air conditioner An electric fan is enough Because I am less afraid of heat Not afraid of hot or cold I'm afraid of the cold but not the heat Guagua, you are so cute Just now I thought it was a screen window Screen too short The result is no The window rolls down It's enough gauze That's right, just get to that section. Just stop here So it doesn’t need to be too long On the contrary, it is inconvenient to get in and out There’s room for the car in here I won't hit it If you live alone The space is quite comfortable It originally pointed downwards Bend down and lock him in reverse I think he takes up space I give it the other way around This is awesome Just right This can be used as a curtain Curtain Look at the shelf Always put on lotion or something All cosmetics and skin care products are placed here. The dressing mirror is here too Several floors Look, it’s all mixed up Elastic rope, this daily necessities There are also some tea makers The tea maker is here too so many layers And there is the pot Anyway, at home And needlework These seams and patches You see, I can be a female worker. great a home small suite There's something else you can't think of You can't even see that Drawstring Sometimes there is a tie This is like a home All at home There are also things used in daily life and home hardware. There was also a hole opened Driving it myself It feels like it was processed separately He made another hole Just like this, brush your teeth and wash your face drink water In all aspects it is It's that simple Yes, look All life functions are available Guagua heard the sound of water Stealing other people's flowers can be eaten Simplicity is happiness There's an inverter right over here. Yes, it can be done directly Plug in here This is very convenient if not long enough I just inserted this directly You can also extend the cord Extend this Cook directly without open flame If you are in the car, it is safer if there is no gas. Thank you Sister Jiang for sharing with us today Thank you Simple mini But a comfortable home Thank you freedom is most important After Qianfan passed away, I knew what I wanted Live the life you want this is happiness thank you for sharing Thank you Bye-Bye After visiting the mobile private room of the two elder sisters We are going to continue south to Pingtung Help Gua Gua go on a blind date Guagua has been long awaited a little husband You're getting married, Guagua Why did you do this to him? He can't wait to find his boyfriend He seems to know We drove five or six hours to Pingtung Today we are going to help Gua Gua find a husband. Gua Gua seems a little impatient He has a spirit. Everything has a spirit. come down Guagua Get off the car Let’s see my husband Today we come to Chaozhou, Pingtung Help Gua Gua find a husband our fans I have brought my husband here to foster care for a while. let's take a look Walk Hello Guagua first meeting Where did he get it from? This one comes from the north (sent by duck friends for adoption) Received from the north Come here to foster care How many ducks do you have at home? six in total eight chickens three turtles she is our fan She knows Guagua is single Then he started laying eggs But it's empty eggs Then I gave this one to Gua Gua as my husband. Ouch, what a fate Marriage Is it a good idea to marry in the north? OK He is so good Very well behaved He won't bully other ducks Hello what is she doing Pippi, what are you doing? Ouch fall in love Why do you have so many Cole ducks in your house? Because our family raises many Then when the baby is born we will want to say Materials exchanged for ducks Open for adoption But we need to prepare supplies. right If we need supplies, we will donate them to disadvantaged groups. No more trading Cole ducks are not bought and sold but can be exchanged for supplies. Such a cute duck All supplies will be donated to disadvantaged groups friends in need Friends who want to make a contribution You can see the information below our video Guagua will lay more eggs in the future. The sound is different Hey, right Why is the sound so strange? The difference is that the male one will be quieter. Why is it dark here? Is it a birthmark? No. Dirty Oh, I thought it was a birthmark Dirty Short-billed Cole Duck So cute Come, come, come Pippi Oh, flew away They have a lot of Cole ducks at home Wow, your house is so big. This is also Cole Duck This is just Amao He was hatched from a chicken Which one This one was hatched by SUZUKI Yes, he is a foster mother That chicken is the foster mother right Chickens hatch duck eggs right This is a couple, right? Yes, it's a couple Bullying Let Guagua play with them She hasn't seen any other ducks Guagua is the first duck to meet other ducks Pippi has social phobia Pippi ran back it has social fear He only cares about the door This Amao Amao, why do you eat like this? What does its mouth look like? Born, born black Amao is about to lay an egg And the turtle This is the chicken coop Come and take a look Their chickens help hatch duck eggs You buy so much Can it fit in? sure It refuses to wear Wear it otherwise you will be prone to fowl palmitis OK, let's give it a try See how to wear it Just look at this I'm injured. It's avian palmitis. As a dowry, you see there are diapers This is the 12th ceremony, right? There are also straps These are the 12 rites for marrying a wife You see, there are so many shoes. There is also a QR code on it We have our itinerary Okay, let's eat and see We are from the whole province There are them all over the province. There are them all over the province. You can buy it all over the country. OK thank you There are so many more Take them all back to eat Isn’t this gift too generous? From now on, we will always be together, you know? My mother-in-law is here Is there anything in particular that you want to explain? Our Pipi came into your house You should take good care of him Don't bully it We are still virgins Okay, we must take good care of it Play with Guagua Hey, Guagua escaped from marriage Hahaha Today’s video is shared with you here I want to know about Pippi and Guagua sex life after marriage Oh no, a new life? Please lock You Niang Driving Channel Remember to click below the video Leave your blessings to them I am the driver of Youniang See you on the road Bye-Bye
Channel: 憂娘駕駛Outdoor
Views: 277,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A180露營車, 女子單人車泊, 女子單人車宿, Toyota ZACE露營車, 露營車改裝, 柯爾鴨, 領養柯爾鴨, 露營, 車泊, 車宿, 女子單人露營
Id: COrpca2ZPT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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