Capture One 21 Dehaze Troubleshooting Tips

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hi everybody it's thomas here from thomas fitzgerald photography and welcome to my first video of 2021 uh yes i know i've been a bit late and uh it's been a while since my last video and i do apologize but getting right back down to us um here is a capture one tip for you so um in december uh chapter one launched capture 121 and it had the long-awaited dehaze tool and um i'll be honest i was a little disappointed with the results because there are a few bugs in it um and i do hope they fix it but in the meantime in this video i'm going to show you some tips on how to get around the problem so i'm going to start off by just giving you a quick overview of the new dehaze tool just so you know what i'm talking about um if you haven't used it already um so let me dive right in um so you will find the details tool in the exposure tab which you can see up here and let me just close the layers here for a second so we have more room um so it's there are two controls there is the amount slider which does what you would expect so you drag it up and it will increase the amount of details and then drag it down and that will add hasty image so if you want to make it more foggy for some reason um so in this fairly straightforward image here i'm just going to drag it up a good bit and you can see if i go to before and after you know it's doing a fairly good job of removing the haze so one of the things that you might find with dehaze in other software is you end up getting uh results that can sometimes tint a little bit blue and when you apply a lot of details it's usually it usually goes blue though or purple um but with this you have the second control here which is the shadow tone and what this basically does is corrects for this kind of um colorization effect so to use it all you have to do is simply click on the color picker here and what you want to do is pick a shadow area in where you're using your dehaze you're not actually picking the color of the haze you actually want to go for the shadow area so in this case i'm just going to pick some of the dark kind of rocks here and okay that's fairly good so and you can see we kind of got rid of that hazy color so if i just undo that it wasn't particularly bad to begin with in this image so um but yeah so that's basically what that control does so when you're using this the thing is you want to pick a shadow area and not the area of the haze itself um so again here i can just bring down the highlights a bit more as well and maybe bring up the shadows a little bit and there you have it so there's our before and after so that's fairly straightforward the problem occurs um on certain images you end up getting this effect that's kind of like a luminous black effect so i'll just bring up my browser for a second and i will give you an example so here we have an image of new york and again we have our d haze and it's on this default and if i just drag this up you can see it's doing an okay job but if i look down here you have this problem where you get the blacks get set up and clipped and inverted and you get this kind of luminous black effect now obviously this is not really acceptable um and depending on your image it actually can take over quite a significant chunk of it so like if i just show you before and after you can see like there is detail there it's not like it's losing detail so whatever the algorithm is doing it is clipping the blacks and then pushing them up a bit so so i've noticed a couple of things um haven't played around with this for the last month or so and the first thing is it tends to happen if your image is quite cool to begin with so in this case this is a fairly cool image um and i don't mean cool as trendy i mean cool as in the tones are cool so it's like a lot of blue in it so let's just get rid of that for a second and if i just warm up the image and i will need to warm it up a good bit you notice the luminous black problem goes away so whatever it is it seems to be in the blue channel that's doing it um so if your image is quite blue just even just changing the white balance may actually solve the problem now if you look very carefully here you can see this is the tiny bit of it left so we can probably get away with that and again here's that before and after all right that's just two adjustments i've done there that's literally just the dehaze and the color balance okay so i'm just going to reset this today for example though you want your image to remain cool um so again if i bring this up and we have again we still have this limit block problem but you don't want to warm the image up um so another solution possible solution um is you can sometimes fix it by just selecting the right shadow tone um and it sometimes takes a few guesses to get it right and even at that it's you're not always going to get it right and it can kind of seriously affect the overall color in the image as well so that's not too bad again just a little bit here but the the greens are pretty much corrected however if i zoom back out you can see the overall color balance has gone a bit funky on this and again we probably end up having to correct it um a bit more but again that's another that's another way you can go about fixing this issue again i'm not really defending this i don't think this is something that should be this this is a bulk basically they need to fix it i shouldn't be doing this that's all there is to it okay so another option is we'll start by creating a layer and we'll add a mask to it in this case what i'm going to do is the area that kind of most needs it is here in the distance so if we apply it to that and kind of we're masking this foreground area out so it can also help solve the problem still a little bit of it here but it's uh it's one it's another possible option to help solve this issue um you can still apply your color corrections to various parts um and it's helpful too if like i said in the previous um you're trying to uh just kind of restrict it from an area you could also apply to a layer and then just mask that out but it wouldn't really solve the problem because you're still going to have it in the foreground here um so one more option is you could actually use a loom range on this so i'm just going to get rid of this create a new field there and again i'm going to bring my dehaze up and in this case i'm going to go to luma range and what we want to do is kind of limit the blacks so because something like this and this is kind of i would view this as kind of a last resort to solve this problem because by bringing up the blacks like this you're actually limiting what it's going to do with the djs anyway but again it's sort of solved the problem of our luminous blacks here okay so that's three possible ways of solving the limits black issue with the dehaze tool so to give you one more here's one i made earlier um let me just reset this here's a new variant um and i'm just gonna hide that and again so if i start by just dragging up the dehaze you see again we have our luminous blacks down here it's not as bad as the other image but it's still you can see particularly in some of the windows here it's got a bit too much so again we can start by to see if we select a different shadow tone and see that can then just exacerbate the problem and it kind of messes with the overall tone so let's put this back on auto for a second so in this case once more we have um an overall color correction can help solve it but if i zoom back in here we still see there's still some weird stuff going on with the blacks um and if i look at my histogram you'll see you end up with the blue kind of channel being pushed up around here so i don't know why it's doing that um but it is a bit of a pain so we can try and correct for this and there we go that's much better um so yeah so it's you do kind of need to play around with it a bit the ability to correct shadows is quite good but the overall um the overall algorithm they're using does seem to have some problems but with these some of these tips uh hopefully you'll be able to get around it um i have a blog version of this article or of this video which i will link in the description below um it's probably a bit easier to follow when it's written down and uh i hope um this has been useful uh apologies again for today and creating new videos hopefully i'll get back to a bit more of a regular schedule now going forward and yeah this has probably been a bit bitty as well so i do apologize anyway hope you have found this useful if you do please like share and subscribe and we'll see in the next one okay thanks for watching see you next time [Music] you
Channel: thomas fitzgerald
Views: 1,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Capture One, Dehaze, Capture One 21, Tutorial, Photography, Photo Editing, Capture One Dehaze, capture one pro, post processing, how to, image editing, photo editing software
Id: Idk2jJ47ixY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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