Captains vs. Crew Fights - The Most TENSE Moments of Season 12 | Deadliest Catch

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210 miles north of Dutch Harbor on the 110 foot Brenna a [Music] head oh it's like to cut and blew out on the way up first pot is broken gotta be kidding me it's the only thing that's holding them in there is the bait because the holes wide open on the side of the pot nothing you really do about it except try to throw it up to protect the species Alaska Fish and Game requires a biodegradable line or cotton on each Crab Pot if a pot is lost the line dissolves after 30 days allowing the trapped crab to escape we gotta start checking every pot now cotton I don't know if the Cottons aren't checked by the railman as the pots are set viable crab can escape costing both time and money 32 32. so that sucks costing us crab are you kidding me another one what obviously we were double checking all the pots stacking on it's the rail guy's responsibility to look at the bio whoever was on the rail for this string was not checking them and now we're paying for it is even possible [Music] oh crap we left on the bottom to put on the boat right now dude was on the rail for this string Brett it's a wound that continues to bleed this past week we're having issues with the gear you gonna do anything about it when I was pulling my before don't worry about it so who the said that me oh Brit hasn't maintained gear to the captain's standards honestly that little guy and his attitude it's been even worse hey Brett if you want to talk just know it comes back to me and it pissed me off enough I'm gonna call you out I'm gonna break your balls and send you home crying looking like a little [Music] so Brett you were on the rail for this string we were supposed to be fixing everything ah well that's a debate you know why aren't we getting these numbers because it's so long enough a bad time uh I didn't pick up the cotton it's because you're hauling them too early what got to be responsible for your actions there's consequences to all these blank pots had seven pots so far today number eight what the over the next 12 hours 31 pots 5 000 pounds of crap we've been the damage adds up a whole string without Cottons the captain's patience runs out you know pretty much a fifteen thousand dollar mistake so yeah I'm bitter we gotta go down and offload I gotta get these crab off the boat and frustrating as hell the numbers are you know two-thirds to half of what should be still 20 000 pounds short and out of time the Brenna a shuts down and report so let's have a seat boys well Britt takes first wheel watch we've got some issues I don't know if there's a way to resolve the captain meets with the rest of the crew what's money out of our pockets you know the answer is clear to me Brent's gotta go my concern is minus one guy your job gets twice as hard well Amanda uh we'll be all right you guys we're all for unanimously sin be better without him all right damn you trip to fat get on with the program man he's coming together what's up well kind of the position I'm in is uh you haven't really been getting along it's just not seeming to work you know I mean where I'm at in all this is Brit doesn't fit in with the rest of everybody on a professional or personal level but most importantly I was pissed about the BIOS couldn't even keep crab in the pots you know and I can't have that on my boat anybody have any opinions well it's just that I mean you're not making it very easy to work with on the back you know like it's simple things like hold on the pot when they're Landing in and it's just things like that and it just keeps happening and happening I was pretty happy with things that like working here so up until this last trip it's just like my videos like it's more of a personal fact but see here Brit the deck's getting better and things for you and getting worse and worse the tension is infectious I've talked to everybody everybody here feels we'd be better with somebody else and I'm sorry that it's not working out but I'm gonna have to send you home okay after this next trip or right now today yeah so I've got you a flight that's leaving here I just wishing someone to say something you know last trip for example at the end of last trip or before this trip you know I hate to cut the short but they are gonna have a plan here for you shortly okay so would be nice to have a good day I think it went just about as expected one thing that my dad always told me was that the way he dealt with people was that when their problems became his problems he fixed them and they might not like how he fixes them but they're getting fixed sliding into Dutch Harbor here we got the red king crab on board for 2015. on board the cape culture we're gonna be right at 100 000 pounds on the boat you know what it is what it is it's a great season I gotta tie the boat up Captain Wild Bill wakrowski heads into offloady's Red Cab after a fast season falling in the Dutch stuff to the max trying to say a new record for the cape caution oh my God [Music] that goes up you're the hustle oh my God green horn what I can't even tie up a boat over the last week and a half new deck and Gerard Secrest has not been performing well on Deck tell us what you can and can't do this will get us a big fine Jared was hired by Bill's son Zach and he's been letting him down I try Jared on the boat [Applause] everything's boiling down to Jerry all the problems are down to Jared no that's pretty simple way to do everything isn't it nobody else taking a responsibility for what's happened it's all his fault when I retire from I really do thank you hello uh-huh really you're kidding me I asked him that before the season two you're serious who do you think you are yeah insurance companies on the boat if you got more no matter what I sat right here and said do you have warrants before the season and you said no and don't tell me you didn't know I I didn't know you didn't know you didn't know I don't know man what am I supposed to do and what am I supposed to say I've asked you man-to-man questions you've given me answers and they've been wrong through the whole thing I've gone to bat for you it's keeping you to stick around what am I supposed to do when I ask you do you have warrants why do you say no I haven't run these votes since 1989 and I've had people with 15 grandmothers die I've heard every excuse and reason and you're kind of full of excuses and reasons I gotta let you go cut and dry man well why don't you be an honest man instead welcome to work I guess when I ask you a manly questioning lie to me time and time again you lied to everybody this job used to be about efficient not about attorneys and babysitters [Music] when I hired him he was supposed to be he told me a lot of stuff so supposed to be more of an asset you know what you can lie all you want but when you get out there you can't hide it yeah really you couldn't hide it I hate always being the bad guy but I got people I have to answer to [Music] over an hour man break Ronnie how do you feel now that Jared's gone I'm gonna start saying he's gone he's I didn't really have too much problem with and we talked a lot but I don't know I think he's gonna go better on Deck that's what that's what less tension less people all mad at each other I mean it goes downhill quick you know yeah exactly so if someone calls and asks us about Jared we're gonna tell me on this truth be 13-year fake gun hey Ronnie what was the most important lesson you learned from Jared don't lie quick learner 260 kilometers Northeast on board the wizard we got good weather we got pots and water on A long soak we've got a mess to clean up we've got a lot of work ahead of us right now but um the good news is we're working [Music] just 100 meters off the boat [Music] Captain Jonathan Hillstrand and The Time Bandit pay a visit to the Wizards you got me here right on right on right on [Laughter] you're weak into this season I gotta hunt you guys are doing pretty good um things are going good uh there's lots of crab around you know you're not too late you're gonna do good no we're the mains running good so that's behind us thank God you know we're behind the eight ball we're just getting started I don't know I don't think people realize how much pressure is on us to get these boats out of town and you know I don't know Roger Roger good deal allowed I heard you went a little bit of crazy in town or something what's the story on that a lot of crap was catching up to me and I ended up hanging out the bar stool about the time the boat was supposed to leave my brother had to come rescue me and drag my ass out of the bar yeah too much time with a bottle not enough time with my kids yeah Roger I'd be out well you know at least you have a brother that that came and got you I spent Christmas out here last winter and I missed out on their six-year-old Christmas I can never get that back so I can't really give any good advice except for us I'll hang out with you more in town there try to be a good influence on you yeah the only time we're a good influence on each other is when we're out here fishing foreign [Music] I think most people would probably think I'm crazy going to John Hillstrand as a therapist but you know it might not actually be a bad idea yeah I know I was thinking I'm only going to give anybody any any advice all right okay John I'll talk to you soon [Applause] uh deck's all secure shots are all put away guys are out back of the house just uh we just made this move and it's crunch time so I figure I'm going to show you what I did there's been a lot of times that I've wanted to share some information and for some reason you haven't really spent the time up here do you am I wasting my time and thought do you want to do this or not I don't get it but I don't really like how I've talked to you all the time well you know what you know what I'm sorry you're gonna have to have some thicker skin to be a captain anyway so a lot of thick skin because I deal with it year in year out you know I'm not going to kiss your ass to get you to the wheel and I've never asked you to kiss my ass I've done well God have I not why can't I what and why does that be a one-way Street this wheelhouse is a one-way Street Zach and it's a street you haven't traveled on and it's obviously it's a street you don't want bad enough because you're not doing anything to get here do you well are you ready to go obviously not I mean no you tell me are you ready to go ready to go why not why not because I obviously have personal issues with you that's what it is wow well I'm glad it's out and you know what you're right I it's something deep in you it's no it's both of us you're your mother's child okay you are your mother's child I worked as much as 10 and a half months when I was living at home with you guys because I thought the key to happiness and success was sending enough money home that your mom had a cleaning lady you guys had a nanny you went to private school and it wasn't the answer it was absolutely the wrong answer because I wasn't there and all it did was tear the family apart I don't know I'm me and I can't change it and I know I wasn't there but I'm here now a little late I'm 31 now well I don't know buddy I didn't know it was just the way I talked to you that would keep you from advancing your life you tell them you can't learn from me and then I guess she can't learn from me I don't know what else to do sorry I let you down as a dad so whatever your plans are good luck I don't I don't understand how you plan on proceeding with this [Music] all right man wow I don't understand I don't know where my son and I go from here I really don't [Music] I'm just like I would have given anything to have somebody push me like I've tried to push him to follow in my footsteps [Music] [Applause] I mean I I can't win [Music] oh I still got a season to finish [Music] it has been a really strange day of soul searching today about this whole exact thing I'm want to be Captain son but Captain Wild Bill mccrowski and his son Zach have had a falling out I'm lost confused I feel a little betrayed it's life-changing for me what Zach told me there's a lot of resentment on who I am being a commercial fisherman and a dad in Zach's mind if you think about it what he resents in me I'm working on turning him into the same guy maybe Zach thinks that by him taking over the captain's chair he's gonna end up like me and obviously he doesn't like the outcome of me I don't know today's was a super tough day I already know I'm not going to be a captain like my dad he wants me to be little mini Bill and I'm not going to be little mini bill would be me I'm gonna take pieces of my dad [Music] but I don't want to take the whole thing the only thing I could say of Zach fall into my footsteps you're gonna have to ask Zach which way he's gonna walk he's either gonna walk up the stairs or walk off the boat he's got to make the choice and if he doesn't I I don't know I don't know what to say that was maybe a big finish so snap him out of it unable to solve the problem with his son I've been sitting on his buoy for bill refocuses on the thing he knows best catching crap I'd love to see a strong one here I hope so I need it Bill decided to make a move this is either Gonna Save Our season last time yeah I took a big risk doing this and there's an outside chance sitting in a payoff [Applause] kind of feeling nervous here it's like this could change my day [Music] nice [Music] yes [Music] well the Brenna a first spot's coming up hey guys have been just driving me nuts been trying to pull this trip together at the last minute you know just work through it after losing two pots because of shoddy rigging when you're only making a fixed amount of money a day you can't afford to lose a big chunk of money rookie Captain Sean Dwyer pushes his crew to make up for the loss Betsy [Music] that's a lot of crap in there 97 97 97 on that one huh numbers numbers numbers that's awesome the Western end is where the crab are the numbers don't lie [Music] a lot of runs can't run from crab Brit says is oh Smalls and females well I don't really give them if you have to dig through 500 rounds if you're getting 100 Keepers you're getting their keepers pretty ridiculous that's the attitude to have on Deck you're gonna be sitting there doubting my decisions you know what you don't know what's going on up here you don't know about catching crap if you did you wouldn't be on deck I mean I experienced this plenty of times I've been on boats where guys get this attitude and they want to tell the captain what to do and the captain brings them to the Wheelhouse puts them in their place and they either leave or they get back to work biggest mistake I could make right now is to drive away from this pile of crap you give them a 10 pound bag a hundred dollar bills he'd probably complain about the weight [Music] [Music] that hook it almost hit Tony in the head you gotta call that out Brad I don't need a lecture from you up here everyone's at home scream it I heard the one guy that yelled out of all the people down there the green horn pair is calling out Hook when the guy at the Rail drops the hook it's the guy on the rails responsibility to call it out and to keep a handle on it if that hook catches someone in the head it'll knock them out or split their eye opener knock teeth out that's a big deal that's just sloppy on bridge part if you got a attitude and you're a mediocre fisherman well I can see where all of the conflict is originating from and it starts with bread there's crab in that pot that's really good first year Captain Sean Dwyer is working overtime on big numbers this is on 24 hours so 118 in that one 118 in 24 hours is awesome I'm going for two crab an hour and that was almost five this might be half big but it seemed like it wants it it had Harry in them and getting more crap they don't like those sardines yeah what do you think about it it's like animals are creatures that happen they like what's around them what's in this and here they fly here in here it's local it's a it's American you could be 100 right with that because we're using these imported sardines from Morocco captains use different types of baits to attract crab this school seems partial to herring yeah awesome dude good eye good call never underestimate a green horn that's the moral of that little story right there so switch all of these bait bags over to Herring if Herring is the ticket then that's what we'll go with we're gonna experiment with it it looks like Harry's fishing a lot better than sardines so I'm gonna change our bait game from here on out they don't like what they're eating they're not going to get in the pot simple now that we know the whole hearing thing um I should change changes quite a bit expensive now what are we doing here is this uh I'm just plotting on how I'm Gonna Knock Out Brit make it look like an accident it sounds like an expensive mistake to make we should have been using Herring the whole time really really for Britt to come at me like that like it's my fault like I knew better that that little means to say that to my face if he wants to make a difference he's bad on Deck he likes drama and he tries to spread cancer on Deck to try to get everybody against me down there do that dude one more snide comment and he's going down burn me like that okay we're gonna take a break foreign if you want to talk just know it comes back to me it pissed me off enough I'm gonna call you out I'm gonna break your balls and send you home crying looking like a little bit oh yeah like what you're like well that's an expensive mistake to make sure everybody knows what you said if you wanna jab back and forth just know that I don't lose I guess you're taking him as Jabs but I'm not being I'm not being a people or trying to talk about anybody that's what I understand why the talking line is no no no it you're totally talking I mean it makes you look like but that's besides the point just be careful I'm giving you this kind of as a courtesy if you want to bring it up about you know any of that where it tries to make me look like I'm an idiot or incompetent and if you piss me off I will react and then it's game on [Music] Beauty top notch on the Saga I'm just kicking right now you guys are jamming pretty much every one of these crabs is going in so right now I'm definitely glad that I moved my gear here holy cow it was a gambling at work Captain Jake Anderson continues to cash in on his latest ophelio set by my numbers I'm catching my quota in a timely fashion I can deliver it at St Paul as soon as I haul these last two pots and with an offload just 48 hours away the skipper is primed to the liver with his tanks plugged that makes me feel like a fisherman [Applause] holy what do you think about that Tommy beer in the Dungey part huh Tommy's got a second wind he's moving around again they just rocking might be slower because he's big but he's still got his heart in the game and I I just truly love that about him my body feels so much better it's like nice to me last one thought [Music] [Applause] when you get on crab it makes everything a lot better you know the overall picks up people pick it up even Tommy's moving now you're telling me how you doing I think I seen a half smile out of you there I really think Tommy's turn around he just has to uh really dig in and he's already doing that I'm hoping I can convince him to come back for king crab makes me feel really good and makes me really proud of him nice job you guys everyone is very happy right now [Music] [Applause] you guys can die you can come in it doesn't matter what you start off with matters what you make of it [Music] to tell you what's going on unfortunately I have to take off [Music] for Dungeon as I'm taking it yeah I just got a call from my wife supporting School in there one of the middle school week after the sporties I'm so pretty good I know I'm sorry it worked out this week I thought we could get to our last tripod how much do you usually make the first couple of weeks like how much you know before I came out here for this last trip I'm a hundred and eighty thousand dollars in the hole backwards so going to dodge is another six thousand dollars I can't yell at you I I don't have it in me I gotta find any crew member [Music] whoa it's not going to take much so I mean it's all water on the bridge and I'll have to I'll I'll manage it I'll get through and I'll make it we got a ways to go to Dutch I'm gonna take it and I'll uh outside Saint Paul Harbor last trip was just a surprise out of left field well we did it on the Saka land see a town knowing you're about to offload it's kind of the culmination of all your hard work after we could see Captain Jake Anderson ties up at the dock we are officially now in St Paul time we are gonna pump down and uh we're gonna offload this crab are beautiful Sean and the guys did an excellent job putting in nothing but the best product I just want to get out of here Tommy's leaving uh which now in turn I have to head to Dutch as fast as I possibly can to drop Tommy off instead of heading right back out to the fishing grounds Jake must make a 40-hour detour to Dutch Harbor to offload Deca and Tommy Walsh he's done he's got to go run his Dungeness bow so I'm it's awesome it's typical anyway should just be a textbook offload over the next five hours The Saga delivered 132 000 pounds of crab worth three hundred thirty thousand dollars they just finished up with the last brailler now I gotta hurry up drop Tommy off so I can keep fishing and keep him on crap we're gonna get out of here throw the line I'll move up a little bit and I'll spring off that bow [Music] watch my block tell him to watch my glock I got a crew reading at home I got a I got a full trip on that hole I got uh Tommy in between the block oh my God don't slack it off don't slack it up and in between the boat and the it's gonna smash my block stick around the motor stick it right on the motor [Music] good job good job Tommy thanks I'm so done with that guy it's a good thing Tommy's going home so pissed at him right now not in the mood to deal with right now broke my captain's chair too I can't wait till this season's over Bridal's forward are you okay are you okay Jamie Jamie are you all right okay I can't run a crane what are you talking about dude how's your foot okay a crab pot appears to have landed on deckhand Jimmy Smith it's all bleeding that's good but what happened don't check a roll dude I had to set the part down and he didn't move his footwork dude it wasn't quick man it's just how are you of course it's my fault this is my fault that this happened I know dude ain't sure where your feet are though just pull your sock off let's make sure you're okay [Music] fixed your boot huh yeah and whatever's underneath in between them yeah if that pot would have really got your foot dude I know I [Music] I'll take this yeah dude bro who's this guy man running your deck cool man that's why I hired him you saw what he did this morning he got everything you could have used so many he has so many other s but they he got it out I didn't see you digging in that's because I he's sitting there talking smack stuff huh what man were you talking smack about me are you saying I don't know what I'm doing is that what you're saying we don't know I don't know anything is that what you always say Don I'm trying to help you and teach you what is there to teach you Jake just keep going what is there to keep there's not even a mark on it dude right right don't even listen to it let me do it I'm gonna quit in my mouth Jamie I'm serious talk to me Tim just don't I can't lose you Tim Jamie don't start this he's fine I need him I need him good that's good that guy [Music] he's in there telling him that I don't know how to run the Hydraulics and I can't land the parts right there's not even a mark on this but not one part dude he's Faking It [Music] because they either get rid of him or get rid of me all right now [Music] Jamie You Gotta Throw You Gotta Throw now oh number three [Laughter] oh my God Jamie kidding me there you go missing on the hook forces the boat to Circle back costing both time and money what's this going go from up there to down there turn around face the rail coil up your line and throw that's it stop talking and turn around Jamie please don't quit well then go to die that's inside I pay him good I pay him good I got enough on my plate to have my whole day revolving around Jamie is I gotta worry about fishing no no you listen to me you called me and you you thank me okay oh oh my God your life up you made your choice now I'm here you made the choice to come here shut up you listen don't you ever tell me up your life yeah [Music] I don't have time for you right now I have two million dollars worth of crab to catch and all day every day it's been about you and these guys are and these guys are hard on me forth his ass who cares you're making just as much money that's why we're idiot oh I know why because this is just different dude this is different yeah this is what they deal with all day is you giving excuses and this and that you don't even understand it's you 450 miles Northwest of Dutch Harbor on the 107-foot Saga crunch time I only have two days to fish I need to leave on the 22nd for offload I had planned to bring in two tanks minimum prospecting made up a lot of time one and a half weeks into his opilio season Captain Jake Anderson is staring at empty tanks and a 470 thousand pound quota is the plant care no I have a delivery date I have no choice I need 45 000 pounds to be completely where I want to be there is a lot of pressure right now I mean right now [Music] when we set this we're going to set like right now you're gonna have to be quick you can only have so many days left Jake's ready to pick up the pace and get his pots in the water please look for Kenny but deckhand Kenny Jensen didn't get the memo we're on time for this did they wake you up already everybody's up everybody's been up outside yeah sleeping on the job winning on the line another one in Kenny's bold moves since joining The Saga [Music] Kenny has struggled with his demons his Focus and his attitude can he gets off the deck it's not really okay at all I'm just trying to stay calm it's like a zombie [Music] please candy let's not do that anymore every second you waste matters we'll get there it'll happen it's stuff like this that adds up I gotta set go ahead ride here we go I'm concerned very concerned and I still have a take it as it needs to be topped off just to make a processing plant happy with an offload slated in just 48 hours all I need is 20 more thousand pounds and I have a tank of crab I've only got one full strength that I can haul one chance and just land on crab Captain Jake Anderson's next string will have to hit with a skipper will come in short [Music] here we go first pot not open for big numbers I have a gut feeling there's going to be something in this [Music] oh hell no zip zero I ain't gonna fill the tank with that I really thought that there was going to be a lot of crab coming on it's like we're eating off food stamps please let it get better please let it get better [Music] hey in the ditch [Music] [Applause] [Music] talking you know Kenny was already on my mind you know pissed off at him for the way he talks and it's just you know I just I give up it just I get irritated I don't want him in my head anymore I'm going to crowd right now staring at low numbers so over this the skipper has no tolerance for Kenny's bad attitude much more going on just throwing the hook I'm tired of his stupid mouth and Jake making me throw hell far he's a stupid buoys oh that's all right Kenny's got it [Music] Jake's gotta figure it out but I'm not out here without them Jake's really uh Jake's really a hit or miss [Applause] right now yeah I do right now just heads off hate having to yell at people hey you throw me a bad attitude for that I'm pissed about it they don't say nothing Jake and I come up and I get this boat don't need you out there oh fire right now I should for sleeping on the floor and I was nice about it and I've given you because where are you scared about the rail the whole time running around that's all you do I work all the time I know what the you do so do they what was the matter with me having a backbone I'm your captain [Laughter] I clean all the spots that they don't clean all the spots they don't clean I clean they didn't bust my this is how I get traded I just I couldn't have it in my head anymore Kenny I mean he just wants to separate himself from the others he only wants to notice what he does on the boat but that's his own fault I'm finishing my duties what I have left to do I'm done here we get the Dutch later back talk the skipper gave that good job Caesar really stacked up right now the tides run into the west and we have a big northwest wind which is a pretty combination it's crazy this came out of nowhere it's uh not a lot of fun right now on the 108 foot Cape caution the best of all my strings were in this area right here and it's a pretty good sized little spot I mean I'm gonna set a little bit South then I'm gonna go a little deeper and if they're working towards the Deep we should run right into them Captain Wild Bill wakrowski has only 20 000 pounds of opilio crab left to catch alrighty let's get ready before he makes the switch to Paradise hopefully through these pots I have the remaining car we need to feed our quota 's time [Music] I was gonna do a little training exercise but I'm getting trained myself on these kind of kind of Lumpy from a weird Direction and anybody can haul crab pots on a lake throwing a lump in there and things change I want to get Zach in a wheelhouse I really do he's got a lot to learn this way this season all right hey we got two strings here what I was thinking is maybe um Wild Bill had hoped to motivate his son to take more initiative look at all that excitement but Zach hasn't always taken the bait and the most enthusiastic thing you can say or do is go one is make sure Zach has the knowledge to follow behind me so far I'm a little disappointed in his exact motivation to learn how to fish he's got an opportunity that such a small number of people in the world will ever have and is he gonna watch it go by foreign the problem is you have to take control when you're in this position there's a little potential for banging people up in this tonight probably better that I just do it myself Hunter needs to be safe back there it's crazy we get some crazy big swells coming through here right now look out come on what's your line don't move your feet yeah right there a rogue wave crashed over the starboard wall nearly crushed 22 year old greenhorn Hunter Cooper with an 800 pound pot Zach's quick reaction prevented a fellow crew member from getting caught in the bite and dragged overboard it was real close [Music] attacked yeah good reaction Zach did a great job he's gotten to be a damn good deckhamp but it's a little different going from there to here there's so much that is right here for the asking for Zach you want to back your own you want to you want to advance your your family but the jury's still out thank you 185 miles Northwest of Dutch Harbor yeah I can't believe we're done on the wire for the Open Season 2016. on the 108 foot Cape caution my delivery time set my delivery date set it's a little bit nerve-wracking we need to see some numbers today that's the whole thing trying to get to town trying to get our quota at halftime [Music] first it looks pretty Dandy looks pretty healthy thing and I've been just fighting the clock in numbers and pots and we can keep this up we're gonna make it this is what we need right here yeah we're almost done with the season here as long as there's no major surprises today it's over we got a problem here something wrong from the launcher the launcher just shifted real funny check that first ramp the pin is out couldn't happen the worst time two pins connect the hydraulic arms to the launcher when you shake the pot and after a while it uh things come loose without them the Hydraulics can't power the launcher and the boats can't fish [Music] right in and I mean he had the tools coming out he had the rack off and kind of prompted everybody to give them a hand deck boss Vic mcglossian takes control of the fix she's got a deeper like Drive embedded into him an explored old school than that Bill's son sack assumes a supervisory posture exactly standard and say he wants to be Captain but is he just kind of let this thing go by because he knows I'm not going to just walk away and give it to him United States almost done it just couldn't come at a worse time [Music] this quick fix is gonna work for coming out I hope that'd be great if we're we're there we're there how we looking guys hopefully this thing lasts another four hours good to go all right it could have been a disaster we're still within the window I mean if we can keep up a similar Pace get out of here and the weather's supposed to be bearable we can still make our arrival time so ladies and gentlemen this is our Open Season deliver this and a half to bear that we go the 155-foot wizard we need a new home Doom is gone Bloom is gone way below that at this point it's not enough to pay the bills not enough after we get these 50 bots on here to get the heck out of here get back down to the Z string or the Z set which we dumped because it was shaped like a z we haven't even checked a pot there but we're excited we're excited because it's a new spot [Music] teeth will stack and make a move towards his Eastern gear yeah and uh get back where hopefully we will find our future okay where's the baby it wasn't in the pot that's why there's zero grab in there to attract crab the pot requires a bait sack and hanging Cod guys no bait this one has neither I hope no more come up without pay because I'm gonna get my two in a row [Music] we just had two pots without bait obviously the bait guy the guy's baiting the pot shouldn't bait the pot responsible for baiting the pots mic paint chips garoppo and Jacob JJ James all right I really don't know how that happened you know I legitimately don't understand how we got Todd's going over with no Banning we got two main boys at the same time I can't remember the last time I ever saw two pots in row come up without bait in them it's been years or you don't bait a pot you're not gonna get anything out of it in this cycle right now JJ and paint chips come in the gear room real quick how am I supposed to trust you if I can't trust you up there in the bait station I can't you're dodging work is very reason why nope guys let me give you an order you do it all right Roger last thing I need to be worrying about right now is my green horns forming an alliance of stupidity in the bait station that's probably what's going on right now 165 miles north of Dutch Harbor on the wizard coming up we are hauling disease during we're hoping we got crab in the gear that would be great make up for some of these lost days after striking out in the West Captain Keith Colburn is counting on his Eastern gear to fill his tanks we just need to get on some crab and just start fishing get this party started [Music] wow fishes [Music] boys are pumped I'm pumped got some crab out of it it's a good sign oh yeah Roger Roger 108. there is cram here because we are seeing solid crap so what we're going to do is we're gonna Bank this crab the set right back see those two bigger and back out there about who's doing what I'm hoping Our Fate team has finally got their act together up there some issues with JJ and paint chips getting the job done yeah like right now that pot should have been out rack already reprimanded for sloppy work bait boys JJ and pink chips need to pick up the pace to avoid getting an earful from the cabinet [Music] oh [Music] where that pot shouldn't have been done five minutes ago four minutes ago chips and JJ are just wandering up and down the deck just everything's in super slow-mo right now for those kids hey JJ and paint chip get tired of watching the slow motion tour we need to haul gear get your ass in and out of that spot and get a faded hey JJ can you hear me yeah go grab that bait you just hung right there open The Jug show me how much bait's in the bait jug oh my God this is infuriating some of the jugs weren't stuffed very well at all they don't catch crab without bait without bait nothing close in the pot chips JJ some of the jugs look like they're half full when they were going over the side so I'm not sure who's stuffing Frozen bait and then it settles down to nothing when it falls out I'm just telling you what I saw what I saw is not a hallucination I saw jugs going over the side hey shut the chips am I talking to you chips you listen biggest problem you got out there is you'd think too little and you talk too much all right now I'm definitely going outside it's Mike JJ how much bait you got made uh you guys are rock guitars you don't even got what enough for two or three pots I don't know what's going on with YouTube I'm tired worrying about bait our biggest problem is we have the blind leading the blind up here here's the deal you're in charge you're in charge station okay it means he's your boss that way there'll be no discrepancy over who's responsible from here on out if I come up here and see there's no bait gun it's gonna be on your bus all right this is my last conversation with you guys have to do what the captain says Scott's just wrong he's he's always right [Music] the weather has been crap crap and more crap we're five days into this fishery and we haven't caught anything for 36 hours the Bering Sea crab fleet has taken a beating from a massive Arctic hurricane the weather is always so nice right here on top of the 70 knots winds and 30-foot Seas fishing has been non-existent that sucks this is no way to start this thing only smokes until the raging Storm moves on captains and Crews remain at the mercy of the Bering Sea we'll just keep picking them up and searching that's all we can do 445 miles Northwest of Dutch Harbor [Music] The 107-foot Saga oh dear God worse by the back in this day will not end I just shot up here specifically to get ahead and away from everybody I wanted my own stuff I wanted my own Glory fighting the final blow of the Arctic hurricane nothing Captain Jake Anderson has barely dented his 470 thousand pound quota that's not good enough nobody likes to see Barrett on still early in his career the young Skipper has much to prove ah discouraged I need I need to practice like patience you guys hear me down there yeah you guys want to put those toads in the Cod bin close the doors as soon as you can get off deck the better and will you tell Kenny to come upstairs with heavy weather and few crab Landing in his pots not Bond just you know I just wanna I just wanna crush up want to crush him Jake shuts down for the night so you got first watch tonight [Music] crew member takes wheel watching one hour shifts first up deckhand Kenny Jensen I mean you cannot turn around I mean your eyes are all in those waves while the rest of the crew sleeps Kenny's job is to make sure the boat stays clear of any foreign objects hey Nikki hey you got last watch no problem hey get us to the Gear by 9 30. all right well I'm gonna get some rest no no sweat bro cool foreign four hours sleeping in the chair proves uncomfortable so Kenny stretches out on the Wheelhouse floor [Music] after sleeping through four shifts yo wake up Kenny wakes the last man in the rotation Nick tocman I just got a the rotation on here is any of Austin's house totally should awaken you should have woken me up I was relieved by Kenny I don't know what's going on I'm hoping that there's psychological explanation I got I Gotta Wait Jacob yep [Music] what'd you do uh what happened he ran over one of my pots no I got woken up by Kenny only didn't wake me up again yeah candy fell asleep that's what happened does he think he is I don't know like I I mean I just want to know what happened I hope that there's a logical explanation but I mean Nick that's not cool dude I don't know he thinks he is that's a quick way to get fired will you tell Kenny to come upstairs you wanna explain to me what the is going on um last night I was doing real watch do my stomach hurt really bad all of a sudden and laid down on the floor right here and I fell asleep dude you're around with something that's bigger than you you got seven people's lives here and it ain't that pretty out if you have a stomach ache then you get me up or you get somebody else I will cover you that's standard issue well my pride coming up on that your pride could have killed us that's what it could have done breaks my heart dude like hearing that selfish you know let's go get geared up and I toned it down how I wanted to react to that you know I really wanted to just scream it's really that big a deal the fine Cruise fine how is on nobody got hurt please let it get better please let it get better 255 miles Southeast the 113 foot Titan [Music]
Channel: Rush NZ
Views: 949,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival videos, rush by discovery new zealand, discovery videos 2022, deadliest catch cast, discovery channel, deadliest catch, captain vs crew, captain fights crew, deadliest catch tense moments, deadliest catch season 12, Brenna A, Wizard, Sage, Northwestern, Sig, Sig Hansen, Jake Anderson, Keith Colburn, Deadliest Catch fights, Deadliest catch fights compilation, deadliest catch compilation
Id: PjB5880ERVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 18sec (4758 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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