Captain Rex Clone Armor Suit Up and Explanation

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and here we go the moment my mom has been waiting for I'm gonna suit up an armor and last time we did this hello Brian hello Greg hi hi guys last time we did this we talked about it it was a little bit less than calm it was late at night had an energy drink today we're getting straight to it no 28 minutes of banter I'm going to just begin suiting up so what's up everyone and to the one guy that's gonna say I thought Michael was buffer than that please I don't need it again I'm working on it anything else got me he was like oh I thought I always thought Michael was buff just wait here suited it's like dang bugs man alive Hey all right guys I'm in the clone diaper you know it well if you've seen the other videos we've done this is the base of what we suit up in it is far from flattering but this is where it all begins now if you watched the brian suit up you know how many pieces kind of make this up now add more because when you're a captain you have these pesky holsters that have these metal bars that go down pass key to dude they are so pesky and for a million different reasons I'll explain to you in a minute when I first did this was my first build Greg you helped me through a lot of it um some of the things I didn't do so well example if you cut - there you go Baird is you can actually see that screw and I can see it right here there's a screw that for three years has been digging into my comma and then digging into my thighs have you ever thought of fixing it no nope and unless you have someone like write a little note down it's really hard to remember yeah cuz it's like a little thing on the forearm oh I got to fix this and then you take it off by time you take it off you're like oh get this thing off me all right so I've got the belt on under and we talked about the belt so the belt is just a utility belt it's got a piece of velcro a bit of a fix to the front like this that has these two straps coming down and these straps are gonna grab on to the thighs so it doesn't fall now I have a ton of padding in mind just like brian has in his because we have I guess we have a little skinnier legs and so well I think it's before - you knew how to like fit it to you where is your second kit you made you made a little bit more yeah so I didn't cut this kid down I built it as it was out of the box which means that normally when I'm walking around this thing can flop everywhere but instead I have placed foam and now it sits and this is we just used standard boom you get it Michael's just like the upholstery foam whole street phone and I push it up knowing that it'll drop down a little bit and what's important is it because of the wide you'll see you want this black space here to be symmetrical so often I see people suiting up or inches here 2 inches here it's just it's not a great look so as symmetrical as possible yeah gonna add a lot to what you're doing the commas are just hand sewn a mom yeah it's mom a lot of a lot of people who get their kits they're their captain's kids done they're like yeah my mom sewed it thanks mom it works whatever works clone mom mom can you sew my costume for me same as before you have your clamshell leg so we bondo one side completely and then you've got CRO the other side use white velcro don't use black because in every picture ultimately there's always a little bit showing and even if it's not a bee shoot through the front you can just kind of see darkness use white velcro all over the soup why wouldn't you I use black that's why I use black every time we talk about bondo - we usually get comments I do want to Instagram that there is another product called ever coat I believe it's called it's anybody any quality body filler 3m bondo is the most famous because the retail one you find it at Home Depot Lowe's every coat is one you find it's more Auto motive-based so you can find that at I used to get on Amazon ever coats of it whatever coat is a good brand but it's like flexible yeah flexible one no so it's made it's actually this one that is sued more for plastic it's actually meant for plaster but kind of bends with the plastic so I recommend that ya get a lot of flexing so when you open it up you with a few bondo and seal it the plastic becomes firm and obviously when you try to open it up to put your arm in it it cracks it flexes and it snaps the plastic comes obviously unded you know unattached and it just looks like a hot mess what you can see I think Brian did what did you do Brad you the foam insert no yes so underneath this comm pad here's a piece of foam and it's actually get closer so they just see the do this get comm pad so if you look you can see Brian's isn't isn't it isn't flush completely it's close enough though and on the inside of it is just like foam any type of foam anything you can do so you glue the foam to the to the base form instead of trying to make it seamless this way when you open it you open to put your arm in it the foam will flex with it no problem and it won't crack any plastic or glue little tips that we're gonna be talking about here I think with Brian knows more general how you do it this is a little tip so example these next seals we talked about this last time is from imperial surplus this whole kit is imperial surplus imperial surplus calm these next seals from my neck were too big and I realized that when I put my helmet on it would catch and like flare out and it's just a little detail so all I did was a hand sewed this small part yeah just to suit it up and man that has created a world of difference so watch when I put this on how snug it is and I can actually do Mike's really cool he can do all himself yeah and in case you haven't watched the video so we got to make sure we clarified if they have watched through the video but this is a it's a tune of a two and one so it has the next seal so it kind of covers your neck up so you know exposed skin with the helmet kind of keeps the immersion there as well as the shoulder straps so it holds on to your bicep armor holds it up as well as keeps the you contacts you'll see in a moment were going to attach the biceps on to that strap right there as well the front little pouch it kind of holds a battery it holds a speaker and some people hold those with keys in there Mike and Ikes holds candy food little snacks keep you ready for your costume adventure yeah it's very especially pretty good snug I have a thicker neck so mine doesn't your skinny boy well let's say customizing it to what you're doing so what talking about that and what I did on these biceps which since I've been working out a little bit um it's actually like it's really the most snug it's been which I'm kind of excited about so what we were talking about in the last episode is there's normally a lot of movement in these clones cuz they're huge when you put them together they're one size fits all and what's important is is cutting it down making it unique making it yours and customizing it to a tee so you know you're gonna customize the weather and you might as well customize the sizing something I always do on mine which you'll notice a few times is there's three scratches together and this is a way you can kind of identify it yeah people are wearing armor like oval that's Rex and around all my armor pieces my shoulder my there's like three stretches like what if I got on a little fight with a cat yeah so you make it your own now obviously you can tell this is three years old and the paint is completely weathered off repainting is weathering though it's just kind of part of it add plate we talked about this last time so this is this comes as two pieces you hit the front and you get the back what you do is you bondo these together super glue um there we go yeah bondo super glue and then what you're gonna do it just seems counterintuitive is you just cut right down the middle of the back so it splits open you put velcro on each side and then you have this little cover piece and that's gonna make it seamless so that it looks just like it does in the show remember that velcro piece I have on my belt well that's going to connect to the middle in the front of this add plate and it keeps the I play from riding up as you move around you raise your arms if you don't have something keeping their plate in place it'll float up up into your chest and you'll have this exposed like belly like you're you know you're trying to be the next you know belly dancer person the Britney Spears yeah all right before I added that strap I'll do my ab kept popping up rag would just make sure I took it fix it it's these little things and it's like little tips and you can do it just makes it it's just attention to detail and that's what makes it great yeah I can that little a piece of that strap kind of holds it in place so the shoes are another thing we talk about and I'll go ahead and lift my foot up here in a minute Nizar did you moms get a new one these are aged these are so old there's like a plastic piece imperial surplus gives you you put it on piece of leather it's super easy they're just non-slip shoes nursing shoes they're quite comfortable yes yeah [Music] you know you're gonna need it the more you wear it the more you wear it down so how is this symmetrically looking all right we're fine we're moving forward yeah you can just get these tactical gloves on Amazon super cheap just type in black leather cotton blend Club is it black no max no mace you can get the long ones which is nice because it gets up gets way up under your forearm those short ones that work good too just depends on how your record sig talks you can cut the fingertip off of it or you get touch oh I've been exposed after what I'm month of where I'm the touch screen wears off so yeah dude I just I own it they've got to be on my phone for so many different reasons even if I'm not tick talking if I'm at a convention or you know I'm just reading up your phone I don't put my phone on me but there's a lot of people who put them in these in these boxes right here or the holsters there's some room and the holster sometimes um there's a lot of places you can put where do you put your curious I usually don't have one okay I have a pouch that I don't have on this thing next step this is the difference right now this is gonna be the big difference in the one we reported Brian's we pointed out the shoulder straps in regards to the gluing name is one solid piece in comparison to gluing just going the backside and velcroing the front chest piece I'm so ashamed yeah I got you down the side view this is bad so what you see here is dozens of repairs so at one point I had plastic ABS that I put in here and I reglued that snapped and I stood up pretty fast I don't take much care in what I you if you abuse me I do and so you can see all the black gaffers tape that's repaired the different parts the reason why I like gaffers tape here is it has some what's in it so it does allow me to really pull this over now but check out the captain Vaughn suit up video we did you're gonna see a way better way to do this so close to watch the struggle yeah but you can see like whether you can see the plastic or advanced normally if he didn't have the gaffers tape I mean that's you can see how difficult that was especially he's gonna get he's got a little more flex in the shoulders because of the tape so it's not really a catch it's terrible without ya just having it separate because my other kit has separate and it is a game-changer you guys like if you're building a suit of armor separate the chest in the back yeah gonna save you such a headache it's gonna save you so many cracks and it's just pop it on pop it off good to go whenever I mean the nice thing about the imperial surplus kits is they're they're pretty easy to put together I mean it's there self-explanatory he's got tabs and everything that line up but easy afraid yeah easy but don't be afraid to customize it this knows it ones like a lot of things are customizing in regards don't be scared cuz it's like it's plastic you can fix it with glue you can fix it with the body filler either you know whatever brand you use a lot of things can be adjusted and altered to still look good yes and you can use an abuse it repair it I mean this thing has been I probably worn it 150 times yeah easy okay so the the pauldron it's obviously one of his most pronounced identifiers everybody was like you're gonna drill a hole in it after but what I did on mine which I've seen a couple other Rexes do since then is I wanted to be able to remove the pauldrons in any case it's just a huge piece and I was worried about damaging it or breaking it I also wanted to have the ability to change out colors back when I was doing five-o first stuff yeah I did a cancer troop I put pink here so these are actually all and you can take these off and change the colors out repair em weather them whatever you want to do and it also adds just way more depth to it yes look at that dude we're nerding out a little on it but the little things on animated armor when you can add it another level to it it's such a flat a lot of the glove the details there's a lot of flat so adding that dimension to it kind of like you said depth and character to it another way to identify if it is me I'm the only animated Rex with a leather pauldron so I took the measurements of the pod room that's included which is normally just a plastic box and I created out of little foam blocks and I wrapped leather well currently is only like he's only we've seen there's some of that use like legitimate like leather pouches from like like a yeah animated one yeah is the realistic you got it we use a whole thing you try to use a whole leather pauldron and just know this is I like the pauldron this way I wouldn't try to customize this do this differently the Imperial surplice does an amazing job at this yeah but this is just a cool little detail that it does honestly help you stand out when there's a whole fleet of clones that are the same characters you having something that makes you kind of different to spot in the photos but not different enough yeah to make it seem like it's non-canon attention detail in any regard are you even deciding your own little detail to make it you take your hat off so I've got velcro strips here no put your shoulders on yeah so it just sits right on there and it's totally velcro down so I can move and we know you can do oh I run the dances off full sprint did I will full sprint um and then yeah the shoulders so I mentioned the little three stripes before I normally like to put the one with the three stripes on the side that you can see so brain if you will make sure that lick just barely which is good because one thing you want to add is the variety you notice he doesn't put the three stripes on the same side as the bicep with three stripes then it would just look we are the both they're both biceps or three stripes okay yeah this bear SEP has three stripes so the three strips on the same side I mean he's not a sponsored by adidas or anything so it's good this not like it's not some just symmetrical it's I just mean it I don't need him anymore but I put a bar in an L yeah so I know a lot of people do that all right oh sorry I don't need you now though cuz I've got it yeah yeah gotcha so again clamshell pieces like the rest with Velcro and like I said before using white really helps because when you're taking photos or you being seen you know any little bit of black you can kind of notice and it just brings it to the next level white and I think people too like I always try to stress to people you know I see people when they're building their kids they're extra meticulous which is cool like be meticulous you know if you do you know measure three times cut once because if you do mess up you can't fix it it's a pain but you can't fix it but it is it is hard to add material it's easier to remove material but at the end of the day like especially with these characters there's a lot of weathering involved you know a tiny little imperfection you're really not gonna notice it in the long run so don't stress yourself out about it I guess what I'm trying to get to yeah absolutely Ryan do you want to show him your hand strapping system so Brian's it's just a small detail but Brian's got some straps here that allow him to just slide it on and off whereas I always go for velcro and it's the one time the black actually paid off was that way so he doesn't have a strap depends on what you I know when I did it I didn't really know how to attach the velcro to the fabric of the glove the ones I was using so that's why did the I did the wrist band or the wrist little thing yeah I had dinner gloves that's why I've had stormtrooper hand plates where I've glue them on yeah and finally the helmet let me talk a little bit about the helmet so Rex's obviously phase one and phase two welded together a lot of people are still discovering that these blue lines are actually weld marks where he took a phase-one visor chopped it into a phase to a little bit of a character what would you call that like a character plot like it basically told us a little bit about who he was he was a little rebellious kind of when his own way and then he's got the rangefinder which you know after three years of trooping parades videos it becomes very weak it's just a hollow aluminum tube had at one point I had zip ties and you know people always like to comment on the zip ties they're gone now they've been gone but there is aid I couldn't find anything better so there's a drill bit it sits inside of here that mounts in here and then goes up the side of the or up the inside of the antenna and that just gives it I mean this thing is not going anywhere is it drill bit there's a drill bit this tarp is heavy this is resin cast so it's like a beefy part on a hollow aluminum pole and I know a lot of people have trouble no it doesn't move anymore I did at one point but now just become such a hassle that it's not worth it I use cycling helmet padding it is premium comfort so if you do helmets or you order helmets on Amazon and we'll put the link below there's these $28 cycling pads that just they're like a memory foam they're so snug you want to feel luxurious in your clone trooper helmet you get one of those I have a square piece very different I mean depends on a head size head size I need less padding I got a big dome compared to you did you paint your seams on your elbows oh yeah dude I didn't paint um but after season seven came out I like that little bit of depth there so just to collect a first tape they do not my knees you know I got I got I got distracted half way through so in season seven they have like separated elbows and knees and so I put a little bit of black gaffers tape there but yes thank you hate it no it was good notice that too and I thought maybe you took up sharpies yeah it's not a man look - it's nice right it's just a little it's a little tiny baby pay attention detail yeah watch my nose get roasted my structured might need that next I dogs get roasted yeah yeah thanks guys Wow I honestly like you guys who say whatever you want about me now my boy said I did something right all right so finally helmet goes on oh my flowing locks and that's a good-looking boy it's a captain or sir captain or sir I mean captain actually in your case I'm Andrew when I'm with you I'm glad I mean it captain we're not in fun yeah I'm commander idiot you wanna be commander look at those boys I didn't watch the Clone Wars what what a hype man leave those look at those guys Rick sad sack I just hit you sad sad sad sad shot I don't want to hit the plain white shot down here Greg shot front shot finger finger guns trigger discipline all right that's Captain Rex well then you out row standard haha thank you guys so much for watching the rest you get there you get there keep it on order 66 this time we gotta go please be sure to LIKE and subscribe if you liked what we did we have a lot of suit up videos Mandalorians clones the whole lot of them if you're new to this channel we do a weekly podcast we love it it's our passion project it's kind of the most important thing to us so if you like Star Wars you like us check us out we do a weekly podcast we're on tic toc or on instagram Rexton around everything by link below yes you guys thank you so much for watching and until next time if things
Channel: Michael C
Views: 259,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captain rex, captain rex armor, clone trooper armor, stormtrooper armor, Star Wars cosplay, full armor suit up, home made armor, Star Wars armor, Star Wars costume, how to make clone trooper armor, captain rex suit, captain rex costume, clone trooper costume, clone wars cosplay, captain vaughn armor, armor tutorial, clone armor tutorial
Id: TDvphXLrb20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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