Captain Explains Why They Crashed

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so then he goes on to say my preferred option was to point the bow towards the yacht club dock [Music] right hey guys welcome back to the channel welcome back to the vlog if you're new to the channel a big warm welcome my name is tristan mortlock and this is captain's vlog now initially in today's video we were going to be talking about the accent that happened between motion minx and motion vision however today the captain of the motor yacht go which crashed instant martin recently has published a statement on a news article and what we're going to do is go through that statement and see what he says because some of you may know that on uh last week's live stream i said to everybody to wait for the statements from the captain the crew the management and more importantly from the maib because the internet being the internet everybody jumped on the poor captain saying you should fire him he should be driving a taxi without any data without any information that's why it's so important to gather as much data and information as possible before making any kind of judgment because nobody knows what happened on board that vessel apart from the captain and his crew that were on board at the time so we're going to go through the statement i'm going to show you some videos of the incident and after i've read this already it to me it makes sense what he says with this statement i would agree with what he said uh because in the live stream i think i mentioned maybe dropping yanker but i also said there's probably a reason why they didn't and he explained why and let's go through what he's written here and i have to say like i said in the live stream unfortunately this particular gentleman has worked in the super yacht industry or the luxury yachting industry for around 40 years and he's been very successful he's run a number of very well known successful vessels throughout the world and the issue is he might be remembered for this one instant even though he's had a successful 40-year career so let's go through what he said and then at the end i will give a little bit of my opinion but i don't really want to give my opinion based on his statement i'd rather give my opinion based on the maib report assuming the maib do want to do a report on the incident if you don't know what the maib is it's the marine accent investigation branch so let's get straight into it and we can see what he says here so here we have uh the title of the um report on the daily herald is the captain of go opens up on the mega yachts unexplained malfunction here we have a photo of captain simon johnson on the bridge of the motor yacht go so the first thing in quotes he says here i am proud that we walked away from a crash landing captain of the 77 meter long mega yacht go simon johnson has sought to dispel rumors answers critics and sets the record straight with an all-exclusive interview with the daily herald by describing the moments prior to the yacht's sudden control malfunction in the crucial minutes of the lineup procedure to exit simpson bay lagoon on wednesday february 24th he says the instant has inevitably brought his competence into question the ultra modern yacht built in turkey back in 2018 is entirely computer driven now this is very important guys yeah for all the latest electronics and bridge brimming with the computer screens and display the software apparently failed the british captain at the worst possible moment so basically the software had had the critical software failed at the most critical moment as he was lining up to exit simpson bay leading to his choosing a deliberate impact with the sir martin yacht club wooden dock now this is a critical piece of information here because remember he was lining up to exit out of the bridge so it could possibly have been a lot worse more than likely it would have been a lot worse a second run into the dock was caused by yet again a computer miscommunication between the bridge and engine room in a bid to regain control of the vessel the captain confirmed that the yacht's insurance assessors are progressing well in their survey of all the damage sustained to the boat which is minimal and the dock and are engaged to set things right that said the root causes of the malfunction have not yet been definitively identified and an intensive investigation is underway while the yacht remains at the isle de soul marina captain johnson has defended his unblemished record as captain and his split second decisions that adverted a far worse disaster like an airline pilot reacting to something unexpectedly going wrong mid-flight johnson was faced with a similar predicament and the difference obviously being that on a plane there are 400 souls on board cruising at 30 000 feet in some ways wednesday's extraordinary incident was johnson's miracle in the lagoon moment so they're obviously referring here to you know captain sully and what happened on the hudson there were no injuries this is the fight okay this bit is the most crucial part i think about this whole article because the master on any vessel has three main responsibilities the safety of life the safety of the vessel and the safety of the marine environment now listen to this so what they said the miracle on the lagoon moment there were no injuries no lives lost there was no oil spill and the bridge was still intact so he did everything the captain should do based on this article he then goes on to say that he was proud that he walked away from a crash landing and most importantly there was no injuries and the island's arterial road bridge was not compromised now motor yachts goes with is 13.5 meters the widest yacht to date to come through the bridge with just 50 centimeters of space on each side left to pass so that says to me he's been in and out of um simpson bay multiple times and it's the wireless yacht ever to go through the bridge with half a meter on each side bear in mind the length of this vessel is 77 meters now to do that it takes an exceptional amount experience an exceptional amount of knowledge and extraordinary ship handling skills and it goes on to say here that motor yacht go has passed through the bridge instant martin perhaps 20 times always with a well-trained crew now i'm guessing for a lot of you your opinion about the whole incident is probably starting to change and i must say you know the the master is ultimately responsible for the vessel but after reading this a lot of it what i saw in the video is starting to make sense this is why i said in last week's live stream let's wait to hear about the reports okay so then the captain goes on to say with not much water between us and the bridge i always set to align my stern and get parallel well in time for the bridge basically what that means he needs so he so let's say the bridge opening is here he needs to come in and then turn to starboard bring his stern and his bow align with the bridge before going between you know going through the bridge once the bridge has been lifted he then goes on to say we left the dock an hour before and went through all the checks so by checks this will be his pre-departure checks so assuming they they'll be full ism they will have like we do on motor aol a pre-departure checklist and a pre arrival checklist and there'll be a checklist for both the engineering the bridge and the interior department on this day there was nothing different from other times we've done this exit i was in good shape the wind was a brisk 24 knots that's quite i must say that's that's quite a wind to be going through the bridge that's quite brave but he's done it multiple times and they're getting pushed pushed towards the bridge okay so um for those who don't really know about boat handling uh personally now i'm not sure all caps don't agree with this uh on awol we have most control on the vessel when we have winds at stern of us we've got two big propellers on the very sun we have full control if we had the wind say on the beam on the bow it starts pushing the bow around and then you don't lose control the vessel but it's it's harder work to control the vessel so in this situation he had the wind on his stern which is it for me personally it's my favorite situation in high wind maneuvering so then the captain johnson goes on to say there we were about 50 meters away and holding position so basically what was happening he was 50 meters away from the bridge and he was waiting for the bridge to open then the yacht started moving mysteriously forward there was nothing i seem to be able to do all the controls on the bridge were showing normal i called the engine room and everything was normal down there i found i had extremely limited control almost limited to only the bow thruster so imagine that imagine your engines are doing whatever they want to do and your rudders and it seems that the only control you have is your bow thruster what would you do in that situation now you're probably thinking i'll probably drop the anchor probably see if i can do the emergency stops in the main engines but just you know hold fast and let's read the rest of this um article so i found i had extremely limited control almost limited to only the bowel thruster but with now only 50 meters between us and the bridge i had to make a decision fast i certainly did not want to put the anchor down here's why that would have been disastrous by the time that anchor hit the bottom we would have been 30 meters further in then we would have pinned the bow okay so going into drop the anchor 30 meters further in any way you're saying remember that the wind's behind him then what he's saying he would have pinned the bow and slewed the stern towards the rocks and the road bridge so what he's saying is say the vessel is moving forward he dropped the anchor the vessel continues to move forward until the anchor hits the bottom anchor then locks and then it locks the bow spinning the bow around and then the stern of the vessel will start coming in towards the road and to the bridge so given what he's saying there it was a good call again i want to wait for the maib report he says we have 160 000 liters of fuel on board if i had done that so he had dropped the anchor i would not only have disabled the bridge but potentially breached the hull so what would happen the vessel would have come towards the rocks and what he's saying is that all the wind would have pushed the vessel onto a rocks therefore possibly piercing the hull possibly piercing the fuel tanks spilling 160 000 liters of diesel into the bay so then he goes on to say my preferred option was to point the bow towards the yacht club dock and beach her gently there i had a crew member up front shouting a warning to make sure everyone was out of the way if you remember if you saw the video they had crew members on the bow also with um you know a few fenders uh calling people off captain johnson said he is deeply upset by the incident understandably honestly as a captain i feel for the guy these things happen to the best of us you have a malfunction in a critical situation these malfunctions don't happen in the middle of the scene when you've got big open space and not a crash into anything they have they happened when you're docking the boat coming to port high wind conditions in this case 24 knots and that's when you're at your most alert is in those situations and that's when you you what you can do is hope that noise is going to malfunction but sometimes these things do happen um so you'll still be upset by the instant but not concerned for his own record so he has done 28 000 miles on motor yacht go during his three and a half years as its captain he has been in the business for 40 years guys 40 years he's been in business for and and 35 of those years as a captain on motor yacht go alone he has visited well over 200 ports 276 to be exact and often maneuvered her in the highest so and often maneuvered her in the tightest places so for sure he's got great handling experience captain johnson goes on to say i'm very proud of my handling of yachts he stressed my biggest concern was not to stop the activity of the island which i'm very fond of by taking out the bridge i used to live here and have many friendships over the years so captain johnson then goes on to say the fact that there were no warning alarms no lights on board to indicate something was wrong was really scary i can understand that i know this yacht so well yeah i had 13 seconds to make a decision before hitting the bridge the decision i made was one i would make again if faced with the same circumstances so let me let me know guys what would you have done in this situation bear in mind you've got a 77 meter yacht in a very tight space 24 knots of wind and he had no control of your vessel i think he did pretty well considering most important thing no loss of life no damage to the marine environment and the vessel i believe is not the hole wasn't pierced so the vessel still attacks and seaworthy um i i guess i haven't i don't know if the um flag state or the uh classification societies have done any investigations on the state of the whole yet but looking at it it looked looking it from the videos again it's a bit blurry it looked okay but he did well he goes on to say we will not leave this dock until the lawyers insurers approve the repairs and then we'll and then we will have to do a sea trial to check all the systems i might not be a at liberty to share a conclusion yet with these investigations ongoing but it's looking like a computer malfunction seized us into gear we are of course confident this will be solved he criticized monoelectronics as getting ridiculously over the top with no manual overrides i honestly couldn't agree with him more the amount of electronics that the new yachts are getting with no manual overrides is simply ridiculous go has 14 computers on the bridge and two more below decks now let me tell you guys something about these i know you in your mind for those who don't work on on super yachts and mega yachts you probably think these things are indestructible that how can you how can you spend that much money and have a malfunction believe me it happens you know it's like it's to be honest you although the computers are what we call so last approved they had the wheel mark they still crash they still malfunctioned they're not perfect and unfortunately um that day wasn't captain johnson's day so questions so then he goes on to say questions have to be asked in this industry about what's going on who is building these boats who is designing them who is supervising them and why why why we aren't being asked what we captains need to operate them he said right so this is exactly what i said in last week's live stream i had an up-and-coming naval architect yacht designer asking me you know what would i do to you know how would i design a boat and i my answer was i don't understand why these boat designers and naval architects don't speak more to captains to engineers the people that end up spending the most time on board and the most time at sea and we are not ever called i don't understand it so i completely agree with him there the owner of go released the following statement the owner is extremely supportive of the captain's decisions and performance personal economic environmental disaster was averted for the island i have full faith and confidence in the captain and i'm very grateful so my hat goes off to the owner some of you know when we had the fire on board in barcelona back in 2008 the owner kept me on board kept me employed and all these years later how long is it now 15 14 15 years still working for the same guy and that ladies and gentlemen is the end of the article so again i ask you do you agree with what captain johnson says here i have to say reading what's being said again i'd like to read the maib report assuming they do one is he made the right decision he there's no loss of life there's no damage to the marine environment and the the vessel um was not compromised so good on him and let me know what you guys think all right so that's the end of the video guys thank you so much for watching i know i was supposed to do the maib reports uh on the instant between minx and vision uh if you haven't seen that video i'll put a link up here that was me just reading the report going through it in the next video i'm gonna be dissecting the report because i think there's a few weaknesses in the report that's not very clear and some um paragraphs in the report in my opinion seem a bit misleading anyway guys really hope you enjoy that video i look forward to seeing you next time see you and ciao [Music] bye
Channel: Super Yacht Captain
Views: 534,849
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Keywords: super-yacht, luxury, captain, crew, sea, living, millionaire, billionaire, jared watney, yachts for sale, aquaholic, the yacht guy, tom joe show, heesen, fraser yacht, ship, Denison yachting, yacht, boat, benietti, ferretti, San Lorenzo, feadship, lurssen, amels, damen, Tristan Mortlock, sailing, sail, mediterranean, esysman, megayacht, jeffhk, navy, jon olsson, below deck, boattube, nautistyles, iyc, dw documentary, water sports, wakeboarding, jet surf, kayak, sup, skiing, seabed, jetski, seadoo
Id: Fnd7RpMmF0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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