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Today, we will join lectures 6 and 7). The subtitles that flow upwards. The second voice. The third. Inserting music. Let's learn about these three things together. Then, we need to import the video first . Drag the video saved in the video import to the track. One, two, three. I'll just put in about three characters. I put in about three characters . Now the video is ready . The video is ready, and then I'll copy the poem from KakaoTalk. First of all, it's good to copy it from somewhere like KakaoTalk or Memoji, or a Korean file, but for now, KakaoTalk is the easiest. There is no copyright in the poem copied from Chat GPT, so I brought the poem I wrote. Text. Copy it from KakaoTalk and press the text. Default text. Now you have to press the text that flows upward. You have to drag the default text bar down. It comes down like this, so that the poem goes together until the end of the video, and the letters go there according to the length of this bar until the end. The length of the bar. Now, here, you have to copy it from KakaoTalk, take the basic text, increase the bar, and then paste the letters that will go into the basic basic text here. The poem is automatically formed like this so that it flows upwards. Paste it . When I put it in, it looks like this. It comes in, but the font size is too big. I'll try to reduce it a little like this. I 'll reduce it like this, and what kind of text should I use ? Since it's attached, the text is loud now . Let's try changing the system font. Next, the letters are too close together so they need to be spaced out. Now, I'll make them stand out one line at a time like this. The color should stand out a bit here and it looks better this way, so I just need to make them space out like this. Now that's it, I'll give it a try with the text like this. Now let's try the XY values ​​that I've only heard about. Yes, so I press it and drag it down. From the beginning, it's good to have the spring visible and come out at first. If you don't make it too visible, it may disappear later, so I 'll make only 'Bom' visible for now. I made only 'Bom' visible and there's a key frame in the middle like this. It looks like it's located here and it's big. Press keyframe here. When I press it, 'Spring' is displayed in a triangle here, and a keyframe has been formed. And the position appears here. The position x value. What is the value of _ You can write it like this and write it as '0'. The y value is. What did you say the y value was? Yes, it's easy. Let me press here. It's going up. Now it has to come down. I said I would come down and upload it from here. Now, 'Bom', we will go up from here. So now we start by giving a key frame. The starting key frame is called a motion cycle in smartphone programs. It's not called a motion key frame, it's the same principle. When I looked at it, it was the same. And it's marked here and there with a triangle. It says start on the letter track, and it's displayed like this. Here, you can say key frame or normal motion on smartphones or key frame in other places. Just know that they mean the same thing. Don't be embarrassed if the terms key frame and motion cycle are different. They mean the same thing. Motion Where should I start from? Here, I said, how far will this go? I said it would go to the end of the letter. Until the end. Bring the baseline to the end on the timeline. It will come to here. But the text is not going. You can grab the text by pressing this and upload it. Upload it and see how far it goes, until it disappears at the end. 'Full of dreams and hopes' I'll make it all disappear. When you look at it up to this point, it has automatically formed here. It says this far. What I mean is, if you don't know for sure, if you press the key frame here again, you can see that it is formed like this. Then, if I drag it, it will go in the opposite direction like this. Then, if you play it here, you can press it like this and play it once, and it goes up like this . It's cool. It would be good if you continued to show great progress. Then I feel good. But anyway, when I hear that we are learning together and doing well, I feel proud. There are many people like that. There are many people who do that and are doing well. Anyway, I think my role is to build others up. First of all, we've gotten to this point, and now we've got this. There's a lot of refinement to this, but the basics are there. The subtitles that flow upwards are now done here. Then, we have to read the poem. I have to read a poem, and there is also audio conversion for this poem. However, I have to read it slowly, but the audio conversion is not well controlled at the moment. It will improve in the future. So for now, I'm going to try reading it out loud and the microphone is here. Let's press the microphone first. When I press the microphone, a sign appears here. And when I say this, the bar here keeps moving. The volume is moving. I have to press it first, and what level do I want the volume to be? I'll usually do it like this. And the input device microphone is currently input. The microphone is made of shwar mv7. If the sound is a bit shaky, it is better to remove the echo. Some people say that the echo sound is good, but some people say that if the sound is shaky or not right, it is also a good idea to remove the echo. If you turn on the project mute to this extent, the sound of all clips will be turned off. All other voices will be turned off, so I'll leave this alone and just remove the echo like this and press it . Let's press it first. Let's go up 'Spring' The brilliant colors of spring come to me in my dreams The moment the warm wind blows, my heart flows freely In this city where flowers are in full bloom, everyone is happy People are smiling without realizing it at the energy of the warm spring days that I missed Welcome to spring. Spring is coming in my heart. It's full of dreams and hopes. It stops right here . Let's listen to it now. Let's go up 'Spring' The brilliant colors of spring have come to me who was dreaming Spring is coming in my heart too Filled with dreams and hope If it's longer, you can cut it, but there's no need to make it longer. And I added all the audio. If you add audio, it's better to add soft music as well. This was the audio and this is the music I downloaded. It's long to drag it down like this. First of all, you have to cut it. What do you cut it with? Here's the division. I took this and cut it. I 'll throw away the cut on the right here. The sound of the music shouldn't be loud. The sound of the reading should be louder. So if I press here, a line will be created. If I pull the line here a little bit, it'll be big and very loud. I think you can lower it a little and make the sound of the poem being recited moderately loud and the music soft, and you can hear it at this level. Let's go up. 'Spring' The gorgeous colors of spring have come to me in my dreams, and it's nice. It's not too big and I'm adjusting it to this. Now I'm adjusting it , but it's better to give it a fade. Fade First, the fade appears here. The volume is also controlled here. It is also adjusted here, and it is also adjusted here in Premiere Pro. It is also very easy to adjust here, so it would be good to look at it and adjust it yourself. Now, when the fade-in first starts, the music starts a little slowly and you can't hear it. It continues like this, so how many seconds is usually 3 seconds. You look at it like this for 3 seconds, and it starts slowly. This is formed. It starts slowly like this. Then, the fade-out is, The same goes for fade out. If you bring it like this, it will be displayed here as well. .
Channel: AI편집진
Views: 8,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 비디오 편집 기초 (Video Editing Basics), 비디오에 텍스트 추가 튜토리얼 (Text in Video Tutorial), 음성 녹음 팁 (Voice Recording Tips), 캡컷 소프트웨어 가이드 (CapCut Software Guide), 오디오 품질 개선 (Audio Quality Improvement), 키프레임 애니메이션 (Keyframe Animation), 비디오 편집 기술 (Video Editing Skills), 단계별 편집 (Step by Step Editing), 비디오 내레이션 기법 (Video Narration Techniques), 편집 소프트웨어 튜토리얼 (Editing Software Tutorial), 창의적 비디오 제작 (Creative Video Production)
Id: l8eC23JevMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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