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<font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Good morning? Siri is an easy digital TV</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>that helps anyone easily enjoy their digital life.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Today, I’m going to tell you about one of the things</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>that many of you are most curious about: how to insert audio right away.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>If you look at the comments,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>"How can I import it when editing this video?"</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Or "How do I put music?" From the most basic to the application,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>many people are really curious.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>So, in a very simple way, today I will tell you</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>how to insert audio.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Then shall we go to music once</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>From now on, I must enter when I edit videos using</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>the capcut application.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Let’s do a look at how to select the audio for the part to be done.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Install the capcut application and press the open button</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Then click on the new project that is the space you want to edit</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>All the videos stored on my smartphone will be shown here</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Among these videos, I click the video I want to edit and add.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Then, the video I selected is shown as a preview.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Today we are going to insert the audio of this video</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>If you look at the lower part of this,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>there is a part called audio among the additional or lower layers</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>You can choose one of these two</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>But what's important here is this white playhead</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>This is because you pick the location</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>where I want to start inserting the audio.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>I'm going to insert an audio saying from scratch</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Or, in the middle of editing this video,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>when I want to add audio from here or want to start with this song,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>the playhead plays the role of that position.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>I'll put the audio in a short video from the beginning</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Add the audio below Then, the sound editing effect,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>sound extraction, voice recording,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>and there are 4 types</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>The sound that appears at the beginning is the part</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>that I use when I say that I will bring the music built</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>into the capcut application and insert the music.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Let's see</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Then, the music is categorized as it is related to 6 topics.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Or you can move the scroll bar down like this and select music like this</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>I’m going to choose a rhythm because it’s a dance video</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Then, among various kinds of music, I listen to the music I like in advance,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>and that is to download the selection when I like it.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Then, I’ll listen to it. There is music like this in advance.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>The music was really exciting</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>After listening to various music, I</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Yeah</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Because the music is so exciting</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>If you say that I like this music without knowing it,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>click the + sign next to it</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>when you select it after listening to it in advance.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Like this, the audio below the video was inserted right away.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Editing is also possible in the part where this audio is inserted</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Click on the audio and look here: Volume, Fade, Split,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Cut Match, Speed, and then copied and these layers</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>The first thing to do is the length of the video and the audio are different.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Match it to what the audio goes through first by dividing it</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>If you look at it like this</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>The video is now in a little less than 6 seconds</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>The audio is quite long</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Divide this and delete the part behind it,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>so the video and audio will have the same length</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>You can click the audio again in this part and use the music as it is,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>but you can see the volume at the bottom here</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>This volume is for me to select the volume of the audio in the video,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>whether to make it low or loud.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>The smaller the number, the smaller the audio sound.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>The higher the number, the louder the audio becomes.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Usually it is in the middle of 100 like this</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Leave it on and mark it as complete,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>and this part of the fade is awkward</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>when the music starts suddenly and suddenly the music comes out.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>And as amazed, I wonder what this is</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>It’s a function that alleviates these areas</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Right into the fade.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Like this, when the music first starts,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>you adjust the sound from a very small sound</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>until the music reaches the normal volume.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>If you look here, you can see the numbers</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Something in blue is changing the slope</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>In this part, when I start music, I look at the length of time</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>that the music seems to come out more and more naturally.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Likewise, the fade-out part plays a role</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>in which the music naturally disappears from the part behind the end,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>so you can see the effect of the sound</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>This is also how much time I want to adjust the time</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>so that the music disappears like this fade out.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>If you select this, mark it as complete.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>The division was earlier</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>When you discard unnecessary audio, you can delete it</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>when you throw it in the trash.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>The speed is the speed of this music,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>how fast or how slow I control it</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>The larger the number, the shorter the audio length.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>The smaller the number, the longer the audio length.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>When you put it around 1 like this, you use the speed a lot</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>when you put the effect of music on it.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>If you adjust the speed you want,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>the completion mark is like this, I brought music through sound</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>But there is another function in sound</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>I want to see you</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>When you click the sound, there are music by subject like this,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>and you selected it by previewing the music below and downloaded</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>it as background music.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>But the part you'll see here is the sound insertion</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Because you ask this part the most</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Take a look at what this sound insertion is</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>When I click, there is sound extraction and the device has sound</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>This story tells me that sound extraction does not</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>need video from the video on my smartphone,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>so I want to bring only the audio contained in this video,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>click Insert this sound-Extract sound-Extract sound from video.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Then there are videos stored on my smartphone like this</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>I chose this video for example here</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Then, the image of this video is not shown,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>only the audio sound is imported.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Right here at the bottom,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>I just selected only the sound from the video</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Because that part shows like this</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Would you like to listen</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Good morning? Easy to help anyone easily enjoy digital life.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>You can preview the audio extracted from the video as before.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>If the part is well done, mark + and bring the audio</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>with the sound extracted below the video like this.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Likewise, it’s editable</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>I am deleting this part</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Then you can insert sound again</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>It’s the method that many people use the most by pressing the sound</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Insert sound in the same way and there is sound in the device</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Sound extraction only extracts audio</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>from the video on my smartphone.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>But when I click the sound in the device,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>I bring my other audio files stored in my smartphone.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>For example,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>I downloaded audio free audio from the YouTube library</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>and saved it to my smartphone.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Because I bring it</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>I'll take a look</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>For example, once I listened to this music,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>I saved a free sound source related to Christmas on my smartphone.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Then, I want to load this sound source into the capcut.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Then, listen in advance and ask, "Is this music right?"</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Like this, I'm on my smartphone in advance</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>When you bring a downloaded sound source,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>you bring it from the device's sound, just like you did just before.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>This editing effect section at the bottom is literally a sound effect.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>You use a lot of sound effects</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>when you want to give the cabinet a point in a certain scene.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>There are different topics</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Let’s listen to the sound effects</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>that I need here while looking at each topic like this.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Let’s see something like this</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Because the sound effects are literally the parts</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>that go into the sound effect shortly where the point is placed</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Select the one you want from this editing effect</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>and do it like this</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Then, finally, I have this voice recording</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>This voice recording is literally the part</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>where I pick and insert my voice right away</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>while I am now recording and editing.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Let's see</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Tap the voice recording and tap</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>It says,'Please record it.'</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>As soon as I click</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>this with my hand here my voice is entering the editing effect</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Exciting Dance Time Dance with me and enjoy this time</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>As for voice recording,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>the voice enters immediately at the same time as you press it</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>with your hand, and the recording stops when you release your hand.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>When you're done like this, just click the check box.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Because I do this</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>One recording is displayed like this.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>When importing the music embedded in the capcut through sound like this,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>or when selecting the necessary sound effect from the editing effect, and</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>when you want to extract the sound only with my audio from this video,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>or when you bring the sound sources</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>that I have downloaded in advance to the smartphone</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>And voice recording was a function to record by inserting</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>my voice right in the middle of editing.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Have you solved a lot of the part of inserting audio,</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>which is the most important part of video editing like this?</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Today, I’m going to tell you how to use the music that</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>I need through video like this.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>I'll see you with better information next time.</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Subscribe and Like</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Press firmly</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>See you again next time</b></font> <font color="#F5F0FA"><b>Bye!</b></font>
Channel: 쉬운 디지털
Views: 87,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BGM, yt:cc=on, 동영상에서음원추출하기, 쉬운디지털TV, 스마트폰에서음원파일가져오기, 스마트폰편집어플, 영상편집, 음성녹음, 캡컷노래넣는방법, 캡컷배경음악, 캡컷효과음
Id: KOmMjaB-4Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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