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to start this story off i'm going to take you back to 1998. capcom have just released one of their most polished fighting games street fighter alpha 3. the 90s most refined street fighter alpha game that featured a more expensive roster of fighters than ever before fellow arcade giants snk had recently released the fighting game the king of fighters 98 for both the neo-geo arcade and home console king of fighters 98 and street fighter alpha 3 were both critical successes and for many years particularly in south america and asia many fans would debate over which of the two franchises was better however with capcom and snk being direct rivals within both the fighting game and arcane market the chances of seeing the characters from these two games ever face off seemed slim street fighter alpha 3 and king of fighters 98 would be covered by a number of gaming publications obviously even in the same magazines due to being released around the same time a magazine known as arcadia would be one of these publications and since they were covering both games in typical clickbait fashion they smacked king of fighters vs street fighter across their bloody front cover this would lead many people who purchased the magazine to automatically assume there was a crossover in the works and it would only be a matter of time until we saw the castle street fighter duke it out with the king of fighters the magazine's arguably misleading clickbait led to a general uproar within the magazine's metaphorical comment section with many readers voicing their annoyance at the publication's content creators some say that this racket and noise grabbed the attention of both capcom and snk which would supposedly result in the two companies initially signing an agreement that they could make one fighting game each using each other's intellectual properties in addition to this snk would also make some snk versus capcom card games but we will get into talking about these another time with regards to capcom and snk making one fighting game each using both sets of ips the company struck a deal that would entail that the distributing company would gain all the profits from the game they had published and not the company that licensed the characters for use basically meaning that capcom would take all the money from the game they made and snk would receive the whole pot from the game they had made the first of these two games would be published by snk and sia released in 1999. the game will be titled snk vs capcom the match of the millennium and would arrive exclusively on the neo geo pocket color handheld now i could talk about this game now but i'm actually going to save speaking about this one for another time as every thursday we are currently focusing on versus games developed by capcom so let's move straight on to talking about capcom's offering capcom vs smk millennium fight 2000 would first arrive in the arcades in japan on august 13th in the year 2000. like marvel vs capcom 2 that was released the same year the game would run on the powerful sega naomi hardware the arcade board that shared many of the same components with that of the sega dreamcast once again like with marvel vs capcom 2 the hardware similarities between the naomi and sega home console would make porting the game over to the dreamcast extremely easy which would result in the game arriving in homes just one month later anyway without further ado let us check out the introductory scene of capcom vs snk millennium fight 2000. [Music] capcom three match of the first century [Music] capcom [Applause] [Music] capcom vs snk millennium fight 2000 as you can see from the game's introduction the rumor that nobody believed was true was now a reality the opening scene tries to hype the player by showing screenshots from a number of old street fighter and king of fighters games the tech suggests that it is finally time to establish who is the strongest so let's take a look at this unbelievable game rather than arriving instantly at a player select screen when starting the game you're instead asked to select a groove with the two choices either being capcom or snk the two grooves are essentially two different gameplay systems both of which we shall talk about shortly from there you then reach the character select screen where you pick fighters followed by a choice between playing at either normal or turbo play speed now let's talk about the game's roster the game features 33 different playable characters with 28 of those being available from the beginning and the other as unlockables as expected the game presents as an even split of both characters from the capcom universe with those from the snk universe interestingly and perhaps even disappointingly aesthetically the roster is not as diverse as marvel vs capcom 2 and as a result there are far less cutesy and zany characters present no mega man's roles or romingos here in fact when it comes to capcom's offerings nearly every fighter is just from the street fighter franchise the only exception to this is morrigan who features as the lone non-street fighter capcom character i guess they just must have wanted this game to have a slightly more serious tone on snk side of things the roster would mix characters from the king of fighters fatal fury the art of fighting and even samurai showdown leading to a little more diversity in terms of franchises on the snk side of things however most of the characters all look like they mean serious business i guess compared to marvel vs capcom this game was no laughing mata i guess capcom having their characters face off with comic book superheroes and villains was just a rough and tumble but against fighting game characters from another company this was war as you would expect from a game containing roster members from various 2d fighting games capcom vs snk is a 2d fighting game with regards to the game's fighting mechanics let us start off by talking about the two grooves the capcom groove is a gameplay system that has been taken straight from the street fighter alpha series which basically consists of filling the three level combo gauge in order to perform more powerful special moves the snk groove on the other hand consists of manually charging up the meter by holding down both heavy attack buttons in order to perform super moves in addition to this the snk groove also features something known as desperation mode which gives a fighter an advantage when their life is nearly depleted in terms of gameplay mechanics this title introduces more than just a groove system though the game also entails something known as the ratio system which results in every character in the game being split into four different groups the four groups are all based on strength with ratio one characters being the weakest with ratio four characters being the top of the food chain this means that when commencing a match or an entire playthrough you must select a team but the combined team's ratio must equal no higher than four for example you could pick a team of multiple ratio one characters or you could just pick one character from ratio 4 the choice is yours in terms of how the characters were split into these four groups ratio 2 just appears to be more popular characters than that of those from ratio 1. ratio three appears to be characters who were bosses in previous games and ratio four seems to be more powerful hidden fighters such as akuma evil ryu and a rocky iori if i am pronouncing that right which i doubt i am to state the obvious fights are won in this game when all the fighters on the opposing team have been knocked out as expected the sizes of the teams vary depending from which ratio group fighters have been chosen from the ratio system in this game sadly leads to a few drawbacks for example the combinations of fighters in regards to different teams you can form is limited and restrictive as the ratio can never add up to more than four so the huge variation in teams like in marvel vs capcom 2 is absent here the other drawback is a character is only as powerful as that of the person who happens to be controlling them so calling the ratio 4 characters the most powerful is kind of subjective really in most cases you probably have a better chance of winning most fights with 4 ratio 1 characters rather than just 1 ratio 4. as although the ratio 1 characters deal less damage with regular attacks their specials and their combo abilities can be very effective so strength in numbers often seems to be the winning formula here although these issues can be somewhat rectified later in the game when you unlock the ability to edit character ratios in versus mode opening up a lot more choice and ability to create more tailored teams in terms of the game's visuals personally i think they look pretty fantastic the matches take place in glorious 2d with most of the capcom sprites appearing to have been plucked from the street fighter of the series and the snk ones all being drawn from scratch a strong case could be made that the snk lineup of characters redrawn in the street fighter art style arguably looks even better than ever before these stage backdrops look absolutely great they are more detailed than any found in the earlier marvel versus games and have certainly aged a lot better than the 3d backgrounds found within marvel vs capcom 2. the stages in this game are bright vivid and offer a lot of movement in terms of play modes the dreamcast version of the game offers an arcade versus practice and team attack mode as well as a secret mode where you can spend your points accumulated throughout the game on alternate costumes and stages automatically giving the game additional single player replay value over many older fighting games so as you can see capcom vs snk is a very different beast to the marvel vs capcom series and features many gameplay elements that widely differ from the games within that series with this said i guess it is time to go back and look at how this game was received by journalists of the time period they absolutely loved marvel vs capcom 2 earlier that year but what did they think of the first capcom vs snk game on a home console let us find out gamespot would review the game favourably summarizing that issues of banners aside capcom have produced a great game though the snk character's repertoires of moves had to be simplified in order to fit into the capcom scheme what remains of them works quite well in the present context fans of either series would do well to check the game out as it needed be reiterated how tempting fights between the characters of these rival companies are to watch unfold let alone have an active hand in the video game critic would add to this with the graphics here are stellar and the backgrounds are the best i've seen in any fighter hand down many other stages have interest in intro sequences as well and the excellent music is also worth noting gaming target would pile the praise on by stating if there is only one fighting game to get for the rest of the year surely this is it it may have its share of slight problems but the stupendous gameplay is just too good to pass up ign loved this game too and would round their right up up with capcom vs snk shouldn't be measured by what it isn't but instead by what it is a slightly flawed if not terrific fusion or some of the best fighting games to ever grace out consoles capcom vs snk stands tall as one of the single greatest dreamcast games ever released so there you have it ladies and gentlemen the game was popular with critics despite the game's minor flaws when it comes to capcom though you know just one single iteration of the game is never enough so as a result capcom vs snk will be back in the following year with a new iteration of the game this update would be known as capcom vs snk pro so let us have a look at what this version was all about the game introduced two new characters joe higashi from fatal fury along with dan habiki from the street fighter alpha series on top of this existing characters would be given new moves and new play modes were introduced but was it really worth releasing this update to the game just one year after the last version pro was released on two different home consoles eventually the first of which was the sega dreamcast the dreamcast version of the game was released exclusively in japan which one would probably put down to the slow death of the dreamcast in north america the game remains largely the same as its predecessor with very few tweaks here and there gamespot would cover this japanese exclusive praising the game for many of the same reasons they did the previous year however they would also state that if you already have the first game and have played it long enough to unlock many of its secrets you'll find that picking up an input copy of millennium fight pro amounts to nothing more than paying full price for two characters and that just isn't worth it away from the dreamcast the existence of capcom vs snk pro would lead to the game being released on the sony playstation but let us keep in mind that capcom vs snk was designed to run on the sega naomi so how well could the much weaker sony playstation do when it came to handling the game especially when you consider that the system had never been good when it comes to running 2d sprite based titles for a playstation title capcom vs smk pro is decent but it powers in comparison to its dreamcast counterpart the color palette looks more washed out and the sprites look less vibrant too cuts were also made to both the character and background animations making movement less fluid as a result but apart from those differences the game is not as hindered as the marvel vs capcom series on the platform igen would cover the playstation version of this game stating there hasn't been a ps1 fighter this good since alpha 3. dreamcast vets however may want to stay away as there's nothing here to entice those folk to go the downgrade route even steel capcom vs snk is a great slugger and deserves our wholehearted recommendation for the new and uninitiated alike gamespot on the other hand would be a little less positive with their version stating capcom vs snk pro for the playstation is about as good a port as it could be all things considered however there are a lot of things to consider the game is on the aged playstation hardware it has some pretty substantial load times it doesn't play very well with the standard dual shot controller and thanks to its lower graphical resolution it tends to have less detailed backgrounds and ugly special effects it's also a port of a game that came out two years ago so that about rounds off all the different versions of capcom vs snk millennium fight 2000. the first version of the game on the naomi and dreamcast was a beautiful little title that offered a play experience that was largely different from marvel vs capcom 2 that launched the same year although the ratio system was flawed in places it was interesting to see capcom try something new with their tried and tested fighting game genre capcom vs snk pro on the other hand stinks of a typical capcom-style cash grab where they released the same game with minimal changes multiple times in a greedy effort to make a little bit of extra cash i guess they had those snk ips and they wanted to milk them for all they were worth match of the millennium is a fighting game that was released for the handheld in the winter of 1999 predating the dreamcast crossover game by nearly a year for a 90s handheld title the game features an impressive roster of characters 26 in total actually eight of which though are hidden and need to be unlocked in addition to the sizeable roster the game offers a large selection of play modes and customisable options all in all making this title pretty deep for simply a handheld offering with a fair bit for me to cover the game is obviously a versus fighter and looks and plays practically the same as king of fighters r2 another great little fighting game released by snk on the neo geo pocket colour earlier that very same year the game's roster mixes a selection of snk and capcom characters just as the name would suggest in terms of individual franchises covered they pretty much match similar ones to those featured within capcom vs snk which was released later on the dreamcast but snk seems to have done a little better job with variation on the capcom side of things with this one in the dreamcast game morrigan is the only playable character who is not from the street fighter games in match of the millennium on the other hand she is joined by fellow dark stalkers combatants bb hood and felicia although the rest are steel wall street fighters upon powering the game on the game's main menu instantly offers a variety of play options we shall start off by talking about the game's tourney mode which as you would expect lets you fight through a tawny upon selecting this mode it then gives you three options you can choose between a single tag and team mode which is pretty self-explanatory really with regards to what each of these functions presents basically modes that consists of one-on-one matches two on two matches and three fighter q teams but then the game gives you a further choice between average counter and rush these are play styles that differ depending on your choice the best way to describe play styles is that they are basically the same as grooves which we covered earlier in the week with the dreamcast game the average style is similar to the style found in most street fighter games basically you are given a multi-level gauge which you must feel in order to perform super combos the counter style is the snk style where you manually fill a gauge through button tapping in addition to this characters enter desperation mode when their life bar is nearly empty which gives them an advantage when they're up against the wall rush mode interestingly is inspired by the dark stalkers franchise which involves saving up a three-level stop of power this power can be used to perform a super combo but unlike average encounter modes will not completely drain the super combo gauge in terms of the tourney modes you obviously must fight your way through various encounters much like one would expect about halfway through a play through you must face off against your character's designated rival in a quick one-round encounter winning and losing this match will help determine how a playthrough ends the final stage of a playthrough if you lose sees you face off against the tag team of geese and bison two respective last bosses from the king of fighters and street fighter series however if you are successful in defeating your rival earlier in the game there is an additional bout against oroki iori or evil ryu if you clear this final stage you will get the game's good ending otherwise the bad ending is presented this is also helpful in unlocking the game's secret characters the eight characters are unlockable by beating the tourney mode once achieved a silhouette appears of the secret characters covered by 3 by 3 grids of blocks the amount of blocks removed will depend on if you defeated your rival along with either evil ryu or araki iori once all blocks have been removed from the character they've then been unlocked this quest for unlockables is one of the many elements of this game that gives it such a large amount of replayability in terms of the character unlocking process it is also of note that this task can be sped up by transferring data from the snk versus capcom card fighter clash that can also be experienced on the neo geo pocket color moving away from tourney mode the other significant play mode is known as olympic mode which involves breaking what the game refers to as event records olympic mode offers a whole range of things to do from survival where you must defeat 100 straight opponents to time attack where you must beat five opponents in the quickest time possible the first blast where you must fight ten one blow matches to achieve a high score in addition to this olympic mode features mini games that are nothing to do with the fighting game genre such as catwalk for example which is a very basic rhythm game similar to guitar hero we also have ghost trick where you must jump backwards and forwards across ledges as arthur from ghosts and goblins whose inclusion is surprising considering they made a sprite for him for this mini-game yet is not a playable fighter there is even a shooter minigame where you play as marco from metal slug and reenact one of the metal slug game's final boss fights and finally there is target 9 where you play as jubi from the samurai showdown series in a reaction based game slashing things with your sword when i say that this little game is packed to the brim with surprising content i am really not exaggerating snk vs capcom the millennium match is very possibly the greatest fighting game made for a handheld in the 90s although cute and simplistic in some ways the scale back nature of this on the simple neo geo color hardware delivers a game that is very fluid looking and responsive to play the music in the game complements the entire experience offering simple renditions of various famous capcom and snk tunes i would guess this is one of those games that remains under celebrated today due to the fact that it was published exclusively for a system that basically no one owned the game is shockingly good and extremely satisfying to play this may be a very controversial thing to say but i think i prefer this one over capcom versus snk for the dreamcast but that could be partially down to the fact that i simply love games on basic handhelds the limitations presented with these things often lead to some very unique games all in all i feel that the game was extremely worthy of highlighting today and acts as yet another chapter within the capcom vs games history it is the summer of 2001. we are now at a point in history where the capcom vs series is now five years old the games released within this line have made the series capcom's most popular fighting game range of the time period this all started out in 1996 with the tantalizing release of x-men versus street fighter which was spurred on and inspired by the inclusion of akuma placed as an unlockable character within x-men children of the atom this game would be followed up by marvel superheroes vs street fighter which expanded the choice of characters to include marvel characters other than just x-men which brought us to the third game marvel vs capcom which would obviously expand capcom's lineup to include more than just the cast of street fighter moving forward to the fourth game we had marvel vs capcom 2 which would utilize sega naomi hardware introducing 3d backdrops and expanding the roster to include a whopping 56 characters this game was absolutely huge in scope past this point we reached capcom vs snk millennium fight 2000 a game that was developed and published by capcom to include characters owned by capcom and fellow fighting game giants snk in order to produce this game a deal was made between the two companies allowing both entities to publish one fighting game each using each other's ips one of the clauses in this deal would include that each separate company would receive 100 of the profits off the back of the game they individually published as part of this deal snk will publish a game known as snk versus capcom match of the millennium which was a fighting game for the 16-bit neo geo pocket color handheld which we have also covered in depth on this channel previously capcom's game millennium fight 2000 sold very well and as a result was profitable for the big c however match of the millennium by snk sold pretty badly and even combined with its non-fighting game counterpart snk vs capcom card fighters the two snk published games combined sold less than 50 000 units and these were two of the company's most important releases around the time and flagship games for snk's underperforming handheld system snk had recently made a lot of bad business decisions their handhelds had flopped they failed to turn over decent profit from their deal with capcom and other endeavors too had not gone to plan such as the neo grcd home console and the hyper neo g064 arcade system which had also not produced good results despite all of this though capcom vs snk millennium fight 2000 have been successful enough of an endeavor for capcom to successfully negotiate a new deal with the flailing company which would result in the development of the beloved game sequel which i shall show the introduction to now [Music] capcom this is the tournament for the new millennium [Applause] you'll experience the most exciting battle in history let's get ready [Music] [Music] a battle beyond your imagination let welcome to the revolution capcom versus snk 2. millionaire fighting 2001. as you can see the intro doesn't do much really to establish much about the game no gameplay footage is featured only a few of the roster members are shown and it seems more focused on the year the game was released rather than anything else corporate entities did seem pretty obsessed with the millennium in general though to be fair it was almost like they got some kind of bug capcom vs snk 2 mark of the millennium 2001 known as millionaire fighting 2001 in japan instantly opens up by letting the player choose a groove going back to the prior installment in the series a groove is a gameplay style and back in millennium fight you could choose between two one groove often mechanics more in line with the street fighter title whereas the other groove was more in love of mechanics present within the king of fighters series this game however appears to offer six different grooves as opposed to just two we shall get into what these entail shortly however upon picking one we are moved to the character select screen offering a huge roster of fighters with a grand total of 48 which is a lot more choice than with the game that came before it just like in the first capcom vs snk games case the game is yet another traditional 2d fighting game and once again utilizes the power of sega naomi arcade hardware just like in the original the meat and potatoes of this game consist of the player selecting a team of fighters from various capcom and snk games they must fight each other's teams winning battles by defeating all of the opponents from the opposing team elements that were included in the previous game make a return but many are tweaked which would include the ratio system the first game allows you to build a team based around certain characters in-game power levels which could total up to no more than four for example you could build a team of four level one characters have a team of two level two characters or fight with one level 4 character as long as the number added up to 4 you were all good in regards to the ratios in the game sequel teams this time around can consist of no more than a maximum of three fighters which i guess makes a lot of sense as the previous game gave a player an advantage who selected four level one characters over other combination teams in terms of how this fighter controls change were made that made the game different from the predecessor 2. the first title controls were based on the king of fighter series a two strength four button system of punches and kicks this game on the other hand uses a free strength six button system instead which is arguably more appealing to fighting game die hards in terms of other mechanics a lot of it is derivative of street fighter alpha however the biggest changes from that game would relate to the grooves which we touched on earlier in the video the grooves are engineered to mimic other capcom and snk fighters two of these grooves are like the ones that were featured in the previous game before new systems dictate the characters super gauge system special techniques the characters dashing running and guard cancels these are each designated by different letters c-a-p to snk to run through these really quick the sea groove was inspired by street fighter alpha a groove was based off of street fighter alpha 3. p groove draws inspiration from super street fighter 2 turbo s grew from king of fighters 94 and grew from king of fighters 96 and k grew from the samurai showdown series there are a lot of customizable options to experiment with and get your head around here obviously the next major change introduced into this entry in the series is the game's roster of characters themselves as mentioned this game contains 48 different fighters which is a marked improvement over the number included in the previous game the game includes fighters from a broader range of different fighting games than that of before on the capcom side of things this roster would include for example kaisuki kagami from the rival schools franchise and rolento from final fight however to be fair rolento did also appear within the alpha series we also have a debut of meiki generaisai a waifu from final fight 2 an eagle from the first ever street fighter game for some reason jan from street fighter 3 would also be the sole representative from the street fighter 3 games which tells you all you need to know with what capcom thought of that installment in the series really in terms of snk newcomers there will be a few characters on their side of things too these would include rock howard from gairu mark of the wolves hiyo maru from samurai shodhan ryuhaku todo from art of fighting athena asamiya from psycho soldier hibiku taken from the last blade 2 and chang and choi from king of fighters 94. all in all that was a lot of different very japanese names for me to butcher but from all of this it seems pretty clear that the roster is a little bit more diverse in terms of franchises included than with the previous game but i suppose it is still a very street fighter and king of fighters heavy speaking of the many fighters this game includes from numerous games and hardware eras you would hope that capcom would have gone to the effort to redraw the sprites to make sure they all fit into this game's new environment however in spect in this game it appears to be far from the case and often draws some criticism due to this reason it is almost an ongoing joke that capcom have not updated morrigan spike for example from the original dark stalkers game from all the way back in 1994. bearing in mind that this was a game that was released seven years later she looks completely different from newer sprites within this game in contrast the snk characters many of the capcom sprites look substandard and lazily copied and pasted straight into this game from many years prior snk characters look really nice whereas there is no uniformness when it comes to the capcom bunch most are just brought over from street fighter alpha 3 and as mentioned morrigan is straight from dark stalkers making her the lowest resolution fighter of them all to make this game look even more weird some capcom fighters did get redrawn specifically for this series such as ryu ken chun lee and m bison i guess those characters are more popular than most in the game it still seems an odd move though to only bother doing part of the job in terms of the stage backdrops you would have probably noticed that the 2d backgrounds from the first game are now gone and 3d backdrops have been drawn in their places this graphical style is identical to that of which was used in marvel vs capcom 2 which we covered on this channel at an earlier date whilst these backgrounds are bright vibrant and imaginative they still have not aged as well as the backgrounds that were found in the first capcom vs snk game the backgrounds do not look bad by any stretch but they just look a little bit dated today whereas games with 2d backdrops from this time period retain their timeless appeal music wise i don't think it's anything to either complain about or praise really the best way of describing it is that it all sounds very dream casty now i know there are some great tracks here and there on the platform but out of all of the sega systems i find music that appeared on the dreamcast to be the least inspiring once again there is nothing wrong with the music it just all sounds very much like free stock music if that makes any sense to you let me know your thoughts on this matter though as i may not be the best judge in this category as you would expect from a game programmed to run on sega naomi arcade hardware the first platform of the game would arrive on would be the sega dreamcast after the arcade gamespot would cover the launch of this game in october of 2001 which would only ever see a release in japan on this platform due to sega of america cutting off support for the system in the west by that point with regards to gamespot's take of the first console porting of this game they've gave their false stating they believe the changes in the game will have a more significant impact depending on how serious you are about your 2d fighters the new additions make the game technically superior to the first but not necessarily better enough to merit purchase if you already had the first one gamespot would go on to criticize the game's six button controls stating they were not suitable for a dreamcast pad whilst praising the game's groove system allowing the player a lot of customizable options another aspect they would praise would be a feature that would debut in the console version of this game which is the unlockable ability to create your own groove offering even more customization than ever before gamespot would criticize the reuse of many very old sprites within the game stating capcom vs snk 2 looks about the same as last year's game it's been said before but some of those characters look simply arcade by now one-eyed sagat hasn't changed since street fighter alpha from 1995 and morrigan the succubus from the dark stalkers series dates back even earlier the game's biggest graphical problem is still that the art style throughout is so inconsistent from character to character gamespot would rave about the stage backdrops with praise such as the characters all seem to blend in well with the game's attractive new fully 3d background which are filled with some really obscure references to some of capcom's and snk's older games interestingly the gamespot review from 2001 completely agreed with my opinion on the game's music stating all new music mostly consists of the same sort of forgettable and sometimes great in dance beats found in the original so i guess the music never sounded fresh or interesting in 2001 either the write-up would conclude with fans of the first capcom vs snk game should be pleased with the sequel if they don't expect too much from it capcom vs snk 2 offers just enough additions and changes to be justifiable as the next complete game in the series though it doesn't take any major detours it's cut from the same cloth as countless other capcom fighting games but it's got more features more characters and more depth than a lot of them other review sources appear to like this dreamcast game too with for example calling it the most beautifully balanced well-crafted 2d beat-em-up to grace god's fair earth with the dreamcast dead and mostly buried in the west the game would launch worldwide in the living room when it was ported over to the sony playstation 2. a platform which this very day is still the most popular games console of all time gamespot would revisit this game on a different platform literally one month later confirming that the playstation 2 version of this 2d fighting game is essentially identical to the dreamcast version that was recently released in japan as a result that ps2 review for this game by gamespot is pretty similar to their dreamcast article although they did upgrade the review skull from a 7.8 up to an 8.1 for what appears to be on account for the fact that the ps2 at the time had less decent 2d fighters than that of the dreamcast igen would praise it too stating it is a very fine 2d fighter the only disadvantage to its arrival on the ps2 is its inevitable difficulty caused by the ps2 controller past at this point the game would arrive on both the original xbox and the nintendo gamecube meaning that the game had appeared across all four major consoles that generation in fact correct me if i'm wrong but i believe this was the first capcom fighting game to appear on the nintendo console since street fighter alpha 2 on the super nintendo so it had been a while for the big n the ports on these systems were tweaked from the ps2 and the dreamcast versions and as a result the game was released as capcom vs snk 2 e0 with the eo standing for easy operation easy operation referred to a change in control mechanics to allow the player to perform special attacks by simply moving the right analog stick in a certain direction all the home console versions of the game include some bonus characters such as evil ryu oraki irori shin nakuma and ultimate rugel all four of these characters are powered up versions of existing fighters within the arcade game the gamecube version of the game contains a new groove known as the gc groove which has simplified controls for the gamecube's inferior controller that is not particularly suitable for fighting games obviously this is if you do not include smash as a fighting game but i'm opening a can of worms for even mentioning the prospect the groove is also present in the xbox version as for eogroove which we already mentioned stands for easy operation speaking of the xbox version of the game it would include online play for up to two players via the use of the xbox live service as expected from a 2d game which as you would gather would be fairly simple to run on the four consoles the game was ported to the game is virtually identical across all four systems with only minor differences despite this the gamecube version of the game would receive lower scores than for other platforms due to the console's poor native controller which was not designed paying any thought to how traditional fighting games would handle on the platform i have no idea why people love the gamecube controller so much it's awful so i guess that pretty much sums up the history of the game and how it functioned in recent months this game has been one of the most heavily requested games for me to cover on here for quite some time looking at my comments alone it appears that many gamers out there view this as their favorite fighting game of all time from my experience with the game along with the research i've performed on this title this appears to be one of those fighting games that seems to really click with more hardcore fighting game appreciators out there but a game that gets somewhat overlooked by the greater public for this reason it has quite a lot in common with the street fighter 3 series in regards to the fact that mechanically it is a great fighting game however it does not appear to have the same amount of demand to be played as some other games from the company marvel vs capcom 2 for example seem to have a much bigger and more vocal fan base which makes a lot of sense considering how big marvel and its branding is today let alone how popular the game was at the time snk on the other hand is a brand that is only extremely popular in certain regions and remains either on the peripheral or appreciated amongst the connoisseurs of the genre elsewhere so is capcom vs snk 2 one of the greatest fighting games ever once again it all depends on your taste some may like the simple classics like street fighter 2 some may prefer the chaotic nature of the marvel vs capcom series there are so many factors to account into all of this i think at the very least it would be tough to argue a case for this game not at least being the greatest capcom vs snk crossover game of them all and we still have one more fighting game to cover which featured the two companies [ __ ] it out as just mentioned we have already analyzed many of the titles from this fighting crossover series this includes the first two fighting games that were published as a result of capcom and snk striking the business deal capcom would release capcom vs snk for the arcade dreamcast and other platforms whereas snk released their title snk vs capcom match of the millennium as an exclusive for one of their own systems the neo geo pocket color capcom's game would prove successful enough for the company to strike a new deal allowing them to publish capcom vs snk-2 the second crossover game using these ips by capcom and the third crossover game between the two brands overall the fourth game though snk vs capcom svc chaos was neither published by capcom or snk and instead published by a company known as playmore so let us take a quick look at what happened here to get everyone up to scratch the late 90s and early 2000s were a tough time for snk the company would continue to make mistake after mistake that would continue to shape their future as mentioned in previous weeks in the space of just a few years snk had released the neo geo cd for hyper neo g064 and the neo geo pocket handheld all platforms that never really caught on with consumers to the same level as the neo geo aes through all of this nonsense in january 2000 snk's or financial status would lead to the company being acquired by a corporation known as arrows arrows are a company known for manufacturing pachinko machines this acquisition was mostly driven so that a ruse could feature king of fighters characters on their pachinko devices video games at this point were simply a secondary purpose of the corporate procurement all this would take place the same year that the original deal would be struck between capcom and snk to make the crossover games so with this in mind it starts to make a lot more sense why snk did not take full advantage of capcom's properties as it appears they were simply much more preoccupied with pachinko in fact snk under aruz's control would continue to downsize the game inside of the company's business and would cease all american operations by june of that year rights to the distribution of their arcades in the region were sold and localization of releases for their console games were sold to outside companies through all of this a mass exodus of snk employees would take place with many of their best and brightest jump into capcom and others found in their own development houses such as dimps for example who would ironically be the company who snk would allow to develop match of the millennium snk would continue to hemorrhage employees including another group leaving to make a development house known as breezasoft who would win the rights to develop games such as king of fighters 2001 through this period of turmoil even ikichi karasaki would leave the company a very man who founded snk in the first place like other levers e2 would form a company in his case in august of 2001 with a little company known as playmore the company we mentioned that developed and published svc chaos at the beginning of this video the game i promise we will get to very soon by october 2001 snk would be in such a bad financial situation that they would have to file for bankruptcy this would result in them having to put all of their intellectual property rights for its franchises up for auction this arc in snk history though would fortunately have a happy ending as the winning bid for snk's intellectual property rights would be won by playmore the company owned by karasaki the man who was the very brand's original owner yeah from here playmore would even go as far as to hire back many of the snk employees and would even acquire breezasoft and other development houses in this period of mass reconstruction distribution deals and new international offices were re-established around the world including a return to the good old usa operating under the new name snk neo-geo by 2002 karasaki would manage yet another huge win when he successfully sued a ruse for 6.2 billion japanese yen due to the fact they were continuing to use snk intellectual properties on their bloody pachinko machines after the acquisition snk founder kawasaki really did get the ultimate revenge on the company that drove the brand into the ground in my opinion this story is a hugely inspirational one and snk's arise from its deathbed is as interesting as story as any however now we have got to this stage of the journey we finally arrive at the release of snk vs capcom svc chaos so let's jump straight to this game's introduction [Music] as you can see the game's introduction does not show off any gameplay however it shows off a few of the game's characters including keo akuma and pallet swap ken it even shows off a mysterious new character who we shall get to shortly from the player select screen the original arcade version of this game opens up with offering the player a choice of 24 different fighters however when you include bosses and secret characters the roster opens up to a total of 36 since this game was not developed by capcom like capcom vs snk 2 the game is both artistically and graphically very different to capcom's offering from two years earlier changes do not end here though as the gameplay is very different too the title is heavily based on those found within the king of fighters series with king of fighters 2002 being the most similar this means that the game has a four button configuration and many of the same techniques being carried over before button system incorporates light and strong kicks punches cancels and charging attacks the game differs though from the regular king of fighters formula as the team battle format is not carried over instead offering players simple round-based one-on-one encounters teddy long was not pleased with this one all matches start out with some dialogue and often trash talk between the fighters which i guess at least gives the characters a little more motivation to fight in terms of completely new mechanics that this game would introduce a technique would debut known as the front grand step a maneuver that would allow players to cancel attacks with a forward dash this can be executed while guarding from an opponent's move but will consume one power gauge level speaking of the game's power gauges the ones featured in this game are known as the groove power gauge system these gauges consist of three levels that feel as a player both lands and blocks attacks unlike its predecessor capcom vs snk-2 svc chaos on the other hand features no air guards and has no traditional groove system instead focusing on quicker gameplay going back to the gauges when the gauge is filled to either the first or the second level players have the ability to perform special moves guard against cancel attacks and even guard against guard cancel front step maneuvers when the gauge is filled up all three levels and it's at max power your characters reach a state known as max activation during this phase a timer is activated and the character has the ability to cancel any of their moves at any time as well as still being able to perform super special moves and guard cancels when the time expires the gauge simply returns to level two further from the super special moves characters also have something known as exceed moves additional attacks that can be executed when the player's life bar is less than half basically a desperation move if you will like previous crossover games between these two brands this title's fighting roster is extremely king of fighters and street fighter 2 heavy which begs the question as to why they never simply called these titles street fighter 2 vs king of fighters in the first place as this is certainly the main sources where most characters have been taken from to be fair though to svc chaos this game has more characters from elsewhere than others from the two corporate entities so let us touch on some of these character additions starting with those who are available in the game's initial 24 character selection on snk side of things they present several characters from the samurai showdown series including earthquake from the first game genjiro from the second and most quirky of all shiki from the fouled samurai showdown 64 game for the hyper neo geo arcade hardware capcom would present two non-street fighter characters in their initial lineup which would consist of hugo from final fight who does appear in street fighter 3 to be fair but it does also have tessa a sorcerorologist from a more obscure capcom fighting game known as red earth a title a few people have been asking me to cover on here so maybe i'll consider that one soon the 12 characters not up for initial selection from the game are all varieties of different boss characters that can be accessed to fight against in different ways which we will begin discussing with the four regular end boss characters one may encounter depending on who they play as on the capcom side of things we first have shinokuma the powered up version of regular akuma we also have violent ken who would very recently be included in ultra street fighter 2 on the nintendo switch this was the first time the character ever appeared in a game after taking inspiration from a form of ken which was included in the street fighter 2 manga i wish they would hurry up and give bluster kong the same respect so that they could place him in smash he is such a benevolent ape snk's bosses consist of araki iori who has also appeared in all the other capcom snk crossover games and secondly a ridiculous character known as sirius mr karate who was first shown off in the game's introductory sequence basically the king of fighters and art of fighting series has a character known as takuma who sometimes dons a tengu mask and insists he's mr karate he delivers speeches that are supposed to rally morale but often just make him look silly serious mr karate seems to be based upon takuma's personality but this film appears to be non-canon with the other games like which is often the case with these crazy crossover scenarios moving on from the standard boss encounters the game also features mid-boss encounters too in order to face off with these mid bosses various requirements must be met such as using an exceed attack for example out of the mid bosses from other snk versus titles both geese howard and dan hibiki return to this game going it's from king of fighters 96 is also present here but then we have some more refreshing characters too these include dimitri from the dark stalker series which makes a change from simply getting morrigan in everything mega man zero from the rather underrated game boy advance series and the freaking mars people from metal slug 2. it is cliche at this point but to quote chief palpatine all of this was a surprise to be sure but a welcome one finally the third type of boss is what is known as a secret boss these are once again accessible by reaching certain requirements if these requirements are met and you defeat the game's usual emboss then extra cinematic sequences play before beginning a secret boss encounter there is one capcom character and one snk character in this category snk brings to us athena from the 1986 game athena athena is significant and was popular in japan at the time for being gaiman's first ever bikini clad heroine so with her popularity in mind she is a decent addition to this game's fighting roster finally capcom brings to the table a secret boss too but gargoyle known as redorima who is featured in both the ghost and goblin series and the game's spin-off title known as gargoyle's quest these are very fun and surprising additions to the game all these characters are drawn using the king of fighters art style and fight it out on a range of stages that suggest that the setting takes place in a post-apocalyptic earth with most stages appearing to be abandoned decrepit and mostly devoid of life all in all giving the game a unique aesthetic and feel that separates from all of the other capcom and snk crossover games whilst the game was released in the arcades in 2003 it was developed to run using an mvs arcade board meaning that the game technically ran on tech that debuted 13 years prior so with this in mind the game arguably does not look as good as capcom's snk crossover games as they run on the much newer and more technically impressive sega naomi hardware the counterpart to the sega dreamcast rather than the neo geo aes obviously being an mds game also meant that snk could also release the game on their age aes hardware meaning that people who own the aes could bring the exact arcade experience home thinking about it it is bloody weird to think that the world was still getting games on a system as old as the aes after the dreamcast had bitten the dust and most of us had moved on to playstation 2s and xboxes reviews for the mvs and aes version of this game from the time period are scarce however i did manage to find one on it took a little over a decade but finally the two wells of snk and capcom collide on the neo geo home console in the form of snk vs capcom chaos this highly anticipated game takes fighters from both sides and pins them against each other in an all-out battle the graphics are a mixed bag the fighters are all animated very well and there are plenty of spectacular looking moves and effects the music is pretty good with various rock dunes playing in the back i've heard better come out of my neo gear but it's still pretty good in the end aside from a few problems this is a fighting fan's dream come true to be able to match terry bogard against ryu or iori against ken masters on a neo-geo it's like a little slice of heaven if you got the cash to spend 200 ish i'd recommend picking this game up snk vs capcom svc chaos would be the only fighting crossover game released by snk or play more to be released on multiple platforms away from the company's own hardware the game would also see releases on both the sony playstation 2 and microsoft xbox however the playstation 2 version of the game missed a north american release i have read a number of sources online that sony computer entertainment's american game approval policy would prevent the game being released on the hardware due to its basic two-dimensional graphics whereas others say it was not approved simply due to 2d fighting games no longer being popular in the region by that point but take all of this with a pinch of salt as i cannot find any solid evidence as to why the game was not released stateside on the playstation 2. yet made it everywhere else including europe out of these games when playing the xbox version of the game you could have matches online using the xbox live feature which we shall cover more on shortly anyway let us take a look at how the mainstream console releases were perceived when eventually released starting with gamespot's perspective they stated that svc chaos combined tons of different characters from each publisher's respective decade old fighting game franchises and let them and you have at it in traditional one-on-one martial arts matches not only does svc chaos simply not play particularly well by the standards of 2d fighting games but also the game's implementation of xbox life support is flawed the main problem with the life support is that you can't choose to have a rematch against the other player once a fight is over that means as soon as you win or lose you're first awkwardly prompted either to save a replay of the match or not and then you're unceremoniously dropped at the xbox live main menu where you can choose from for standard quick match and optimatch features all over again despite the problems with the live functionality and the actual gameplay svc chaos can still be pretty fun if you find yourself pitted against a similarly skilled opponent nevertheless the sort of long time fighting game fans who'd be interested in this game will be quick to pick up on the flaws in the fighting mechanics simply put the game feels rushed the fundamentals of any good fighting game namely the collision detection which is to say the stuff that happens when one character hits another character just aren't very well implemented in svc chaos as mentioned svc chaos chaos's cast of characters is obviously the main attraction although little care seems to have been given to ensure that the fighters were appropriately balanced at any rate the game basically plays okay if just barely the controls are responsive for instance you're just wish that the whole thing felt more solid instead of all flimsy and ramshackle svc chaos looks like a neo-geo fighting game and the venerable neo-geo hardware is about 15 years old now so don't expect to be dazzled by the visuals here in fact if you're a fan of snk fighting games then don't expect to see a ton of new graphics it's a shame that one of snk's first forays onto the xbox and its first attempts at taking its fighting games online is with a game that's decidedly below par and yet still somehow promising gamespot would end up awarding the game a 6.3 out of 10 which as you know is pretty low for a review score and the lowest score given to any fighting game i have ever covered on this channel yet ign 2 would only give 6 out of 10 stating svc chaos snk vs capcom is a decent fighter with a stripped-down fighting system that some may prefer over fancier more combo studded variations trip down pretty much describes this game well in most respects the graphics and sound aren't terrible but then again they're also very old-school in both their design and in their technical approach the online functions are probably the aspect that will really grab your interest and keep you playing well after you've beaten the game a zillion times whilst it's obvious this game was more or less slapped together and the online is as crude as it gets at least for fighting in snk versus capcom holds up relatively well reviews across the information super highway at the time all seem to draw similar conclusions with the biggest criticisms for the xbox version being the online features not being particularly well implemented and the graphics looking like they have come straight from the past obviously these are all perspectives that have come directly from the dawn of the naughties and looking at the amount of comments i regularly get asking me to cover the history of this game it seems like perceptions have shifted somewhat over time the game stands out for being the only game ever to see release that lets you play as the cast of street fighter 2 drawn in the king of fighters art style and placed into a world with a king of fighters play style in those respects the game is very unique and it is also pretty novel that you can play using street fighter characters on the neo geo aes home system a platform that some would argue to be the greatest home console for fighting games in the history of mankind then we have the winds of change through the sands of time itself to factor into this no longer do we live in a world where 3d game is the only graphical style that is respected by gamers and journalists alike and although sbc chaos was criticized for its looks the game now looks a lot more beautiful than many games reviewers were gushing about at the time like let's be honest which game looks graphically better today gta 3 one of the best looking games around during its prime or svc chaos i can guarantee that most people would choose the latter the 2d graphics are more of a positive today rather than a hindrance like when the game was first released on the xbox in 2004 the xbox ps2 era is legitimately my least favorite era in gaming due to this support track so whilst svc chaos clearly has its flaws the game is certainly a lot less flawed looking at the game through a modern lens than it was on release is the game as significant or well produced as capcom's crossover games well obviously not however it is still an important game with its own flavor that marks a final chapter in the capcom vs snk cross over game fighting series so really it is a welcome addition to anyone's gaming library yeah so ladies and gentlemen that was the mad story of snk vs capcom svc chaos let me know in the comment section what you think of this game and share some of your experiences with it leave a comment down below and subscribe for multiple videos a week covering various facets of gaming history there's new fighting game content every single thursday finally my channel is partially funded by the generous donations i received via patreon patrons can earn a credit and a shout out at the end of these videos these people make working full-time on youtube just that little bit less scary so i would like to thank you all very much for that so huge shout outs go out to carol johnson sebastian villas jd robbins tint spaces andrew berzansky wasabi kwang dx michael baker from elliot computer man antonio rodriguez craig jenkins daniel daley house of ted dan barlow jr joel and all of my other patrons yeah cheerio you
Channel: Top Hat Gaming Man
Views: 79,265
Rating: 4.9139972 out of 5
Keywords: capcom vs snk, snk vs capcom, snk vs capcom switch, match of the millennium switch, capcom vs snk 2, snk vs capcom svc chaos, capcom vs snk history, capcom vs snk movie, capcom vs snk documentary, snk vs capcom documentary, street fighter history, king of fighters history, fatal fury history, snk games, capcom games, capcom fighters, snk fighters, capcom vs snk story, capcom vs snk 2 documentary, retro gaming history, fighting game history
Id: bW60BptT9e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 38sec (4298 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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