Capcom EXPOSED for Accepting Woke Agenda + Batman Arkham Artist REJECTS Suicide Squad

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what's up everyone it's IND demion and there's a ton of interesting stories to go over today from a legacy voice actor getting cancelled over a hit piece one game development Studio tied to Sweet Baby admitting they're actively working to rewrite history and a Batman Arkham series artist blasting his former employer and more there's a lot I know so let's first begin with that Capcom story so this has to do with Ruben Langdon a longtime veteran of the video game voice acting industry Langdon is the voice of Dante and Devil May Cry and he was also the voice of Ken Masters in the street fighter series until what I'm about to discuss happened and the point of this story is how woke lunatics will go to any lengths in order to tear down the legacies of beloved franchises by rewriting new histories so langon was fired from playing Ken and Street Fighter a few years back and the reasoning was never really given as to why this was happening after all in fans eyes Langdon was the deao Ken vo and Street Fighter he's been doing it for years and people obviously love him in the role fans were pissed that Langan was removed without an explanation but now thankfully we have the entire story Langdon was on a Twitter space discussion which in case you don't know what that is basically Twitter has a feature where users can join a channel and they can all speak to one another through their devices it's essentially a live stream podcast but on Twitter and pretty much anybody can do it anyway a bunch of YouTubers like tenryo the light Captain Dave beard Boomer Tio and meichel Casanova as well as others all assembled in a big Twitter space and had langed in on so he could speak unfiltered directly to fans of the games that he's worked on this story starts in 2019 and it's a long one so I will now recite it for you and I quote so 2019 I'm back in Japan and I did an interview for some guys out of Florida YouTubers toy bounty hunters hero hay and yellow flash I didn't even know them very well or what their background was they just asked me if I could come on and do an interview for Devil May Cry 5 since either it just came out or was just coming out in that interview they brought up this whole Fiasco with Vic mogna and because I had worked with Vic they were sort of asking my opinion I had no idea I didn't know what kind of trouble Vic was in I didn't know what was going on there they had asked me some questions about my experience working with him and I just told them hey as far as I know Vic's been a standup guy he's been a man of his word to me I can't say otherwise and as far as I've seen him navigate things with women and that kind of thing of course he seemed like a ladies man but in never seemed like it went much further than that then you hear all of the stuff and I'm like I can't comment on that so then I started talking about other stuff like the me2 movement and black lives matter and how those groups start off as a good thing but often times they get hijacked and at that time I guess it was still a little too early to say that because now we know look at the leaders of black lives matter and what they've done with the money and all that stuff we know with the me too movement at all so Newsweek calls me and says hey we want to do an interview with you in regard to your comments that that you did in that podcast and I said yeah sure absolutely this was all done by email and I have the records I have the receipts and I said sure I'd be happy to do an interview and talk about what I said about me too and black lives matter and clarify that if you wish however when it comes to Vic I'm not going to comment because I don't know the situation and it's not my place to say anything then this Newsweek article by that writer no idea who it was came out and was basically talking things that I had said in the interview out of context or with no context and just saying Ruben said this and this and this about black lives matter and me too that I'm a right-wing extremist that I'm a UFO alien believer crazy nutcase which is crazy because two months prior Newsweek had interviewed me for a magazine article Newsweek special edition life beyond Earth talking about ETS and extraterrestrial life they did an article on me and I'm highlighted in a positive way this other guy from Newsweek puts out this total fake news article I was telling my wife about how fake news is a real thing and and how even mainstream media goes in and does hit pieces on other whistleblowers this is the conspiracy theory stuff before my situation and she was with me but not really and then this whole thing came out and she was witness to everything that happened so some people wrote Capcom particularly Street Fighter series producer Yoshi Nori Ono he saw it and I guess he lost his he didn't understand the nuances and didn't bother to reach out to ask me what the hell's going on he got super scared and actually called I remember this very clearly because this was a few days before E3 started my partner calls me and he goes Ruben what did you do and I'm like what do you mean I didn't do anything you don't realize how much damage you've done we just lost the street fighter gig yeah because of that Newsweek article we the motion capture company just caused Productions that I was no longer a part of actually lost a multi-million doll gig because Ono in a sense thought that I was still part of the company which I wasn't didn't do any research any homework didn't look into it or even bother to have a comp conversation I tried to arrange a meeting so I could sit down with onos San and explain what happened that this was all taken out of context this was not the case it was a hitpiece literally from this Newsweek guy but onos San wouldn't have it he wouldn't even take a meeting it was crazy everybody was trying to get me a meeting so you know I just left it as it is did my apologies to my partner I'm sorry this has happened this way this is just the crazy world we're in so basically all that happened years later Co hits and then yes I'm very vocal about the jab about the force vaccinations which is a Breaking of a nurenberg code from World War II to force inject anyone with anything without their consent we already learned this lesson and just to see this industry my industry the entertainment industry take that stance broke my heart and I was like I don't want any part of this and so a few months after that devil make cry series producer hitaki ituno calls me up and says hey Ruben can you come back to Japan and do a moap we're going to do a special edition of DMC 5 so I went back and I asked atuan in my partner too what's the deal how come you guys didn't flip out over Reuben's Newsweek article and they were like yeah we looked into it and it's fine so the DMC team included looking into and saw what a bunch of BS it was including ituno son they did the research and totally validated that I didn't say anything to offend anybody or I wasn't whatever Newsweek tried to make me out as all the lies so it was fine end quote that was a lot to recite but it's important you get the whole picture and what we just witnessed was a legacy voice actor in one of Gaming's oldest franchises getting cancelled and fired from a role over his words being taken out of context and this is why it's important for things like those Twitter spaces and Free Speech Platforms in general because without them langdon's words would be further transformed in order to hurt him solely because he doesn't bend the knee to the woke agenda and notice how when langon was a part of that Twitter space that not a single mainstream site your IGN's or your gam spots would run an article defending Langdon however when Newsweek ran their hitpiece of course the mainstream media Outlets dog piled on him as much as they could this is the danger of modern gaming journalism or honestly entertainment journalism as a whole these days there's a ton of activists and Bad actors out there looking to ruin someone like langden cuz they don't agree with him and this is what I'm saying when I mean these mainstream sites tend to go out of their way to rewrite new histories because even if these stories told are lies all it takes is for people to ignore the truth and then that lie can in time become the new truth and gospel and in langdon's case that's exactly what happened his career took a hit and he lost a lucrative deal with Capcom when it came to Street Fighter thankfully at least the Devil May Cry team didn't fall for the same bait and actually did their research according to Langdon which he also said during that Twitter bace talk is that the street fighter producer that fired him ended up leaving the company the following years due to a lot of inner turmoil with Capcom So Not only was langden wrongfully fired but it was done by a producer who was budding heads with capcom's Executives already it was all a giant mess is what I'm saying but it's important we document and spread awareness for these sorts of stories cuz you and I both know you won't hear IGN or others going out of their way to admit they were wrong when they dog piled on Landing like they did nor will Newsweek and this is the power of the cancel culture these often woke activism drench weirdos push it doesn't matter if what is being said is true or not all that matters is if their Echo Chambers believe it enough to make it a new truth a new history and then a lie can be just as powerful as any other weapon and be used to destroy people who don't agree with them and that's scary to me and it makes what people like myself yellow flash critical Drinker and more do that it's so important because if the actual Community the people like yourself and me don't speak up against these sorts of things they will just become the new normal and like Langdon said when it came to the pandemic it baffled him how easily The public's opinions on things could be swayed or transformed and it was after all only through fear and misinformation this brings me to a sweet baby partner in the form of compulsion games these are the same people who made games like contrast and we happy few and their next game is called south of midnight which you likely haven't heard of cuz it doesn't look particularly interesting or noteworthy but that's not the point like I said compulsion is a client's sweet baby and remember when Crystal Dynamics attack the Tomb Raider remasters and condemn them calling them a collection of racist outof touch games they don't agree with well compulsion Gams then decided to retweet that and had some words to say so let's read it many video games are a product of the times they were created in as we look to recreate and remaster these stories for modern audiences it's important to consider the implications of these harmful portrayals and do our part to rewrite new history and not repeat it we applaud our peers of Crystal Dynamics for their Reflections and Corrections sweet Jesus Christ on a treadmill fellas there's a lot of loaded words in that statement that are awful what compulsion says here especially that one part to do their part to rewrite new history is what I've said previously concerning langon and the whole street fighter DMC situation Studios like compulsion as well as Crystal Dynamics are companies hellbent on erasing the past and creating new narratives that benefit their ideological stances this means rejecting what core franchises are about whether it's Tomb Raider or creating new ones like this south of midnight game that nobody will play and the fact they unironically use the term modern audiences when saying what they're making their products for is all the proof you need as to what they're making is absolutely going to be dead on arrival nothing of any worth comes when a studio says the thing they're making is for modern audiences cuz I don't know how many times I have to say this but that term doesn't make any sense because there is no modern audience there's only the audience the same people that have always been there this magical super left leaning woke mind roded monolith places like compulsion or Crystal Dynamics believes exists is ridiculous and we already saw what happened when Crystal Dynamics made an Avengers game for modern audiences it failed it imploded and now you can't even buy the game anymore unless you have it pre-installed on something prior to it being delisted because they took an Avengers game and they made Kamala Khan one of the most woke tokenized New Age Marvel characters that fans have been rejecting for years now the same Kamala Khan who had the least watched Disney Plus show and headlined Disney's biggest bomb in their history and they forced that character into a leading role with Avengers and the result was utter Oblivion cuz like I said that Avengers game is now gone forever so it's incredible to me that when faced with the financial Devastation of Marvel's Avengers that Dynamics has decided to double down on this woke narrative and it's pathetic to see exactly what harmed Ruben langdon's voice acting career being pushed by these moronic game studios compulsion has also been outed for having a rather racist employee in their midst who by the way has no problem shouting from the rooftops just how racist they are this compulsion games employee is this person Katie and don't harass this person by the way let's just look into what they're saying and you can see in real time how this sort of insanity is rotting the games industry Within they're a Dei consultant which is already a red flag but it gets worse they're also your typical left leaning openly racist person where they Tweet stuff like how I sleep at night not caring about making white people uncomfortable expecting people of color to extend empathy take the moral High Ground over a racist imperialist colonizer you want white people to be oppressed so bad like I'm sorry y'all don't have lips but that's a personal problem as you can see this is someone who very clearly thinks white individuals are the devil and believes they're a victim and all their problems are tied to the existence of white people because it's a convenient copout for them and I think this other tweet just says it all honestly I hate Gamers ah yes this is definitely someone who should be working in video games someone who hates the people who keeps them employed and attacks large demographics of people for simply existing hateful people like this exist a dime a dozen in the game industry but it's but a taste of what I'm saying when I present to you how these companies allow these people to not only stay employed but these Studios actually endorse and encourage this sort of behavior cuz we both know if a white developer said this exact same thing about black players they would be excommunicated immediately it's not okay no matter which way this sort of rhetoric goes and I'm tired of the double standards and that phrase rewrite new history should become a new term when talking about these sorts of like-minded racist individuals because it's proving the point which is that what's going on these days especially in Western Studios is a deliberate push to change things it's not necessarily about the creativity of what video games are even about anymore but instead it's about overwriting and implementing the sociopolitical stances these Echo chambered Cycles believe in into every piece of media that they make and it's done deliberately without a care of what came before or what made the things they're ruining popular to begin with this leads me to the next story which concerns Batman Arkham and of course Suicide Squad kill the Justice League Gabe elabe who's an American comic book artist and writer he worked on the Batman Arkham comics and had this to say when it came to rock steady suicide Squad game I guess I was right you left-wing activists cannot make great or even mediocre art enjoy your failure you've earned it you could never match what I did with Carlos danda and paulini in the Arkham Universe art is about truth and Beauty commies are nothing but cowards and hacks don't hire social justice Warrior activists unless you want to lose money as for what Gabe is referring to well there's been some articles recently where it said that Suicide Squad kill the Justice League has dipped below 1,000 players on Steam this article from the sites that suicide squad has lost around 85% of its player base already since launch which need I remind you as of the making of this video it hasn't even been a full month since squad's release but it's actually gotten even worse since this article came out I can confirm again as of this video being posted that Suicide Squad is sitting at around 127 players currently on Steam you read that right friends 127 people are all that's playing Suicide Squad not even a month after release and the game has an entire year of content coming and they've effectively lost the majority of their player base entirely already at least on Steam anyway I'm sure some will come back to check out the game once DLC drops but 127 players this soon after release is beyond abysmal as I've stated in some recent videos I've actually gone back and played some Batman Arkham myself I Platinum Batman Arkham Asylum again already recently this time on PS4 and I'm currently 47% done the entirety of Batman Arkham City again and loving every minute of it Arkham City is 13 years old at this point yet it feels like it was made yesterday everything about that game sings of gameplay Perfection and its level design is so incredible and when I first played City and completed it back in 2011 I largely ignored the Riddler trophies cuz I was younger and impatient but now I've thrown myself into collecting them and finding the puzzle surrounding these regular trophies to honestly be some of the best content in the game like Gabe who drew those Arkham Comics said art is about truth and the Rock City of today is but a shadow of itself as it's been overrun by like-minded activist weirdos the likes who would agree with someone like that person who works at compulsion games and Suicide Squad like Crystal Dynamics or compulsion games these Studios that personify that belief of rewriting new history by killing the legacies of what made these companies Great before whether it's shooting Batman dead in an alley or turning Lura Croft into a manjaw feminist it's as they say part of the plan which is to rewrite old stories purge them of anything they don't agree with and use lies however they can to inject new histories and truths into Legacy Media until they no longer resemble what fans loved about these series to begin with Reuben langon was a victim of these woke Psychopaths and he lost a role of a lifetime in Street Fighter because a single writer who gained langdon's trust decided Langdon must be purged from the industry for no other reason than because they felt threatened by his existence could it be because langon is a white man could it be because he verbally spoke out against the pandemic or The Virtue signaling nonsense that plagues his industry maybe it's all of that and more the point is that there is a concerted effort no matter how big or small that's being pushed constantly from all corners of the gaming industry and Beyond unfortunately I am but one man running a solo operation here on this channel and I cannot realistically cover everything simultaneously but I am doing my best to bring to light the stories of those who are being silenced for unethical reasons and I want to shine a light no matter how bright on the part of these industries that are plaguing this medium for all the wrong reasons I have no problem with anyone regardless of their skin color or gender but I don't think it's right to enforce these beliefs while also cherry-picking who needs to be canceled like this what compulsion Crystal and Rock City have done here as well as Capcom to a degree is horrible and how much more do we have to lose before enough is enough it pains me knowing I'll never have another new Rock City Batman game that respects a source material like those four games did in the 2010s it pains me that Lura Croft will likely become a feminist charge woke disaster and it angers me that people like Langdon are being unjustly ruined to fit narratives the stink of this industry needs to be fixed but I can't do it alone so I ask you if you have any stories that need telling you find a way to tell them whether it's through social media comments emails to me or whoever else I need the help of the people watching to save gaming and Beyond I refuse to believe that things can only get worse and I'm sure there are those out there who see what I do as only a negative light but the truth is that in order for there to be good sometimes you need to do bad things and the truth is dear viewer we have to work together as a community to keep this industry more accountable and just of their actions otherwise all that will be left is utter chaos and I don't know about you but I love gaming too much to see it fall to ruin so I thank you for watching consider liking subscribing and sharing the video to spread awareness as well I genuinely appreciate anyone who even considers watching anything I've made and know that without your viewership I'm nothing so I will do my best to be worthy of your support thanks to my patrons as always and have a wonderful day there sure is a lot of darkness in this industry but if you ask me I think the light is winning I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 146,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, woke media, nerdrotic, woke disney, culture war, marvel, endymiontv, woke tiktok, open bar, South Park, woke bad, exposed, gta6 woke, Warhammer 40k, Henry Cavill, reacher, yellow flash, woke character, reacher clips, baldurs gate 3, palworld, Asmongold, suicide squad, kill the justice league, rocksteady, stellar blade, model, the last of us, madame web, Sony marvel, mcu, Spiderman, disney, elden ring, capcom, devil may cry, batman Arkham
Id: Tr3RClI8iPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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