Can't Do a Resting Squat? Ankle Mobility Might Not Be Your Problem

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if you're having trouble doing this squat it's probably not because of ankle mobility contrary to popular belief typically the limitation is actually in the hip specifically hip flexion range of motion so why do people think it's their ankles because if you have limited hip flexion ability your hips will push you backwards when you get near the bottom of your squat changing your center of gravity your ankles will then attempt to combat this by pulling you forward this creates a large load on the anterior tibialis which can make it seem like the limitation is in the ankles to test this yourself approach a wall put your toes about four to eight centimeters away and see if you can touch your knee to the wall without your heel coming off the ground if you can your ankles are probably not the problem to improve your hip mobility you can use this stretch while holding a weight or sturdy object in front of you or you can try the child's pose emphasizing left and right movement if you're experiencing pinching in the front of the hip back off using your hands for support on the ground and try to slowly settle into this stretch and that's today's beta
Channel: Hooper's Beta
Views: 982,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: climbing, rock climbing, bouldering, sport climbing, rope climbing, climbon, climbingismypassion, climb stronger, climb better, rehab, physical therapy, doctor of physical therapy, orthopedics, strength, mobility, function, training, strength training, functional training, climb harder, sport, athletics, fun, education, sport training, training for climbing, garlands pose, deep squat, hip mobility, ankle mobility, can't deep squat, help with deep squat, hip flexion, ankle dorsiflexion
Id: AtX_x7U9yNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 52sec (52 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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