Deep Squats Are Not Safe (This Makes Me So Mad) + 1 POWERFUL Exercise!

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today we're going to talk about a squat myth that makes me so angry I just want to punch my computer screen every time I see it and I'm going to show you one powerful exercise to help you improve your deep squat that I've never really talked about before so if you're ready let's get ready to think right move right and feel right if you've been on my channel before you know that I've talked a lot about the Deep Asian squat slob squat Russian squat gopnic squat Peruvian squat Hindu squat don't forget the minor squat the minor squat kimchi Squad the Arab squat Primal squat all of these are just different names for a squatting deep so your butt is close to the ground oh yeah don't forget Emma oh yeah Emma recently shared a great name that I had never heard of for the Deep Squad it's Yankee zuwadi are we gonna put subtitles on this yunki zuari is how you say the Yankee squad or the delinquent Squad in Japanese in post-world War II Japan a lot of Japanese delinquents like to emulate American style and those delinquents would hang out a lot sitting in the Deep squat chatting with one another trying to look like James Dean James Dean taking a poop which by the way is another Japanese term for this position means poop sitting oh perfect segue and while we're on the topic of Pooh do you think your squat is good enough that you'd be able to poo without using a toilet drop me a comment down below I often see comments from people who have been infected with this mind virus which claims that squatting deep is bad for you this mind virus comes from doctors physical therapists even chiropractors and massage therapists people who should know better but whose educations have wiped their common sense you sound a little angry I'm not angry at the people but I am angry that this idea keeps circulating and has spread so pervasively so I want to make sure you understand something very clearly I really don't like this segment it'll be over in a second your poo comes out of your butt in order for your poo to get out of your butt safely and without smearing it all over your own legs you've got to get your butt away from your legs you don't want to have your butt directly over your feet or your thighs this is so mortifying before the invention of the western toilet how would you do that yeah it's your turn I don't think humans went around pooping like this if you've ever had to hover over a dirty public toilet seat you know how uncomfortable and how impractical it is to do this on a regular basis although now that I think about it you'd probably develop pretty strong quads children get into this position all day every day without any issue people who live in countries where they still use squat toilets get into this position all day every day without issue it doesn't matter how old they are or how young they are old people and young people are able to get in and out of this position because they do it on a regular basis as a regular course of their daily lives so when a doctor or a trainer or a physical therapist tells you squatting deep is not natural for some human beings you know that they're full of humans in the western world who have become accustomed to sitting on Western toilets have hips and legs and ankles that have gotten a little bit weak atrophied and inflexible that's why at the end of this video I'm going to be linking to my full Asian squat playlist it's all free a whole bunch of videos to help you improve ankles knees and hips but in this video I'm going to now show you an exercise I haven't shown before that's going to help you improve hip internal rotation so that you can improve your deep Asian squat so first I want you to understand what hip internal rotation is this is your pelvis this is a hip joint another hip joint the femur right here this thigh bone internally rotates like this okay that means that the front of the thigh is turning to point in towards the midline like that okay external rotation is like that when you go into a deep Asian squat your hip joints go into hip flexion meaning the knee comes up closer to the chest and what needs to happen is the femur still needs to maintain that alignment where it's pointing at least kind of straight and up towards the sky or even a little bit in what happens for a lot of people is as you go into hip flexion the femur is getting pulled into external rotation and then you feel like you're just kind of stuck because your glutes and your hamstrings are just jamming up and nobody knows what to do people who have been doing barbells squats and being told to externally rotate all the time train in this weird dysfunctional pattern that actually stops you from being able to do a deep squat over the last two decades there was a huge trend for people to say externally rotate when you go down into your squat get your knees way way out but that creates a muscle firing pattern that is not helpful when you're actually trying to sit down to poo just imagine trying to poo when you're keeping your glutes squeezed and you're firing and firing to try to get your knees out this is not a comfortable pulling position and in fact all that glute tension is probably going to keep you all stopped up what I hope you'll discover from the exercise I'm about to show you is that firing up your hip in internal rotators is going to help you sit in a relaxed deep Asian squat position and that means you'll have a nice hey I want to say a big thanks to mimics Jamie Lou staffin and Jorge for becoming stabilizing muscles to support me here on YouTube if you want to support me too use the links you'll find in the description box or the join and thanks buttons here on YouTube now let's get back to it you're going to lie down on the floor with a yoga block or a stack of cushions whatever you got to put your knee on you are going to have the hips in flexion okay so it's around 90 degrees right here but we're going to play with that later and then we're going to be lifting your foot and ankle up towards the ceiling okay when you're doing this you want to try to feel activity right here okay towards the front of your body on the side of the pelvis that should be this area so we're looking at the glute Minimus a little bit of medius and the tfl those all live up front here on the pelvis you want to do this with control you want to do it slowly and you want to do it with some pauses up at the top so you can really feel those muscles complaining about what you're doing when I first started doing this I could barely get my shin parallel to the floor but over time it has improved and it continues to improve daily as I work and work and work one thing you want to be very clear on when you do this exercise is that the motion is happening from the hip joint and not from you just pulling your pelvis up on the right side in towards the shoulder so try to keep this open you can try jamming away here here you can try stretching out this way you can even try just blocking it this way so there's nowhere for it to go and then just keep lifting lifting go until you get tired and keep track of how many it takes to actually get tired maybe it's five maybe it's ten maybe it's 15. maybe it's 20. if it's 20 then you should definitely start putting some weight on it put on a light ankle weight to start notice that I'm using a light ankle weight I'm not using a 10 pound or even a five pound ankle weight to start with start with a light weight so that you know you can maintain good form and you're using the right muscles the whole time same setup here and just do the exercise the same way I showed you making sure you feel the muscles in the right spot make sure you do this on both sides so you don't get all wobbly and asymmetrical if you have one side that's weaker than the other side make sure to do an extra set for that weaker side earlier I mentioned that we can play around with the amount of hip flexion and that is an important thing to explore because the Deep squat requires you to control many different angles of hip flexion while still maintaining that hip internal rotation so to do that just play around with where you put the yoga block you can put it higher you can put it lower you can even put it all the way down here to work on hip internal rotation with full hip extension when you first start doing this I suggest starting with twice a week with some rest days in between maybe three days a week if it feels okay for you do two sets on each side and do a third set for your weaker side and if you feel like you can handle the challenge without crippling yourself with soreness use an ankle weight after you've done these hip internal rotation exercises I encourage you to then try out your deep squat see how it feels see where your sticking points now are what many people will notice is that turning on these internal rotators makes this whole thing feel a lot smoother I actually find that doing hip internal rotation exercises like this helps improve my Squat and also my forward fold and my ability to touch my toes or punch the ground turning on these atrophied muscles helps helps you control your hip joints better you feel safer your body realizes that you actually control the positions and so you don't feel like you get stuck so much let me know what you notice in the comments section down below after you've done this exercise I'm really excited to hear about it can we go have lunch now ignore him I promised I would share the entire Asian squat playlist at the end of this video and here it is to support this channel use the links you'll find in the description box or use the join and thanks buttons that are on YouTube like share and subscribe with the Bell notification on and as always I hope you remember that pain sucks life shouldn't thank you [Music]
Channel: Upright Health
Views: 1,400,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: squat, deep squat, squat mobility, asian squat, primal squat, asian squat exercise, deep squat exercise, deep squat mobility, improve deep squat, improve asian squat, improve primal squat, primal squat exercise, squat form, squat tutorial, squats for beginners
Id: yRhaqvNRBEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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