Canopy Saturday Morning Session 1

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so good morning everyone it's brilliant to have so many of us gathering from all around the country for canopy this weekend i'm glenn ennis pastor at portobello baptist church and from monday i will be the future church lead with the baptist union in scotland i'll be hosting this morning's session with my co-host lisa lisa is also a member of the baptist union national team as our deeper church lead it's been my joy to get to know her over the past couple of weeks so good morning lisa and a very warm welcome to scotland thanks so much glenn so hopefully lots of you were worshiping and praying together yesterday evening what a great evening we had did you see martin's john 15 introduction video yeah wasn't it inspiring and encouraging if you didn't see it let me encourage you to go to the baptist union facebook page and watch it not right now stay with us but uh yeah go and watch that was really great fantastic um we just picked up didn't we from the chat last night how much everyone was loving worshiping together just singing being open to god and and praising him just really really loved that together yeah it was great and it was from the whole country people at home some people here with the band in glasgow and the other thing that struck me was a lot of people just praying for the presence of the holy spirit to be with them and we will hope that that continues today absolutely we just love saying all their prayers in the chat don't we so please do that again today so how does today work out well we are going to be reflecting on our overall theme of fruitfulness throughout the day we have two main sessions this morning with input from simon dennis around john 15 first of all and then after coffee ruth valerio will be speaking into the issue of climate change this afternoon there's a bunch of inspiring seminars that you can be part of check out the baptist union website for all the details it's brilliant to be gathered together this morning all around the nation whether here in the studio with family and friends at home or maybe you're sitting on your couch still in your pajamas so uh let us know where you are put something in the chat post a photo on the bus insta account tweet or hey you can even send us a little video on tick tock so fruitfulness what does that look like well we thought it'd be great to start with a panoramic view a global perspective to inspire and encourage us that god is at work across the whole world so we have a special video from our friends at bms and from that we are going to lead straight into worshiping our awesome creator god and we'd love to hear you singing from all across the nation this morning greetings my name is kang santan i serve as general director of bms world mission one thing i love about the analogy of the vine is just how far and white it can spread unlike a fruit tree or plant which might stay in one place the vine has the image of constantly reaching out i like to think jesus use of the vine was deliberate as he envisioned his message and his followers reaching out across the world as director of bms world mission i get to see the way the baptist church in scotland reaches out and bears fruit across the world for example simon and kathy in northern uganda who thanks to your support were trained in agricultural techniques which have enabled them to develop a livelihood move into a home with a proper roof and provided for their daughter or seven-year-old diana who when we met her couldn't walk and was in enormous pain but after being introduced to a bms medical worker in guinea was able to receive the treatment she needed and can now not only walk but run and protem from thailand who was lost and without hope caught up in illegal gambling rings and suffering multiple bereavements but friends by the grace of god she was met by a bms church planters and has given her life to jesus praise the lord all of this fruit in world mission is only possible because of your support your partnership with bms world mission today the church have grown tremendously in africa latin america and asia and the future of world evangelization is dependent not only from bms but also by the quality and the maturity of the global church and it is our privilege to participate in these exciting new mission movements around the world what let our praise be your welcome let our songs that we are here for you we are here for you let your breath come from heaven fill our hearts with your life we are here for you we are here for your is from let we are here for you is [Music] fall down down oh oh is oh design be welcome in this with place we welcome you with praise man what a lovely moment of worship thank you for leading us in that guys in just a moment simon dennis from sheriff'sly baptist church in aberdeen is going to be speaking with us from jesus words in john 15. so let's just take a moment to prepare ourselves yeah let's do that maybe you'd like to close your eyes perhaps even open up your hands to demonstrate a desire to hear from the lord and to receive from him so let's take a moment to pray together father god we thank you for your word thank you that it's living and active and speaks to us even today and we pray that your spirit would take simon's words and speak to our hearts lord enable us to be open to hear from you this morning to be encouraged and challenged by your word today and lord all across the nation may we hear your words speaking to us in this moment we pray in jesus name amen hi everyone my name's simon and it's a real privilege to be with you today at canopy it's also my privilege to pastor god's people here at sheriff's lee baptist church up in the city of aberdeen so greetings to all of you across the nation today we're going to read from the passage for the weekend and this famous passage of john 15. so i'm going to read you the first six verses uh the words of jesus and a reading from the new living translation jesus said i am the true grapevine and my father is the gardener he cuts off every branch of mine that doesn't produce fruit and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more you have already been pruned and purified by the message i have given you remain in me and i will remain in you for a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me yes i am the vine and you are the branches those who remain in me and i in them will produce much fruit for apart from me you can do nothing and i just want to read you a verse 15 just skipping down to verse 15. i no longer call you slaves because a master doesn't confide in his slaves now you are my friends since i have told you everything the father told me these are familiar and yet profound words of jesus and it's really one of the only times that jesus explicitly explicitly describes the character of his father he uses this this everyday picture and he describes his heavenly father the creator of the heavens and the earth as a gardener his first words and this passage to us are i'm the vine and my father is the gardener just in gardening terms and some of the words that jesus uses here are are pretty scary to the flesh let me just read you some of the words jesus uses in this passage as he describes his heavenly father as a gardener useless withered burned cut off thrown away purified pruned i don't know about you but every time i've read this passage over the years it's kind of made me nervous but there's a word in this passage that jesus comes back to repeatedly and the word is love jesus describes the to his friends here not long before his death the critical nature of abiding abiding or or another word is remaining remaining in the perfect love that the father shares with the son this relational love of the trinity which reaches out to each one of us even today and includes us in mercy and grace the father loves his son with an eternal love the father rejoices over his son and jesus says if you remain in my love as i remain in the father's love if you love me you'll obey my commandments he emphasizes this this pruning this this gardening this tending to us of the father is from a motive of love not not a brutal uh massacre of our garden of our lives of ours of our souls but a kind incisive loving father we have and that's i think one of the words i feel is for the church and this season is that god wants to speak incisively to us as you watch an expert gardener um clip away at whether it's rose bushes or whether it's big trees whether it's a vine itself whatever it is that that a professional gardener does carefully lovingly but incisively makes incisions at the right point in order to to enable and encourage healthy abundant growth in that particular vine god created a garden for you and i to know him to experience that perfect love to walk with him to talk with him to be his friend that garden was eden and as we know that we chose to to rebel almost against his love against his friendship against his invitation for relationship we chose not to listen to his voice not to commune with him but follow another voice follow a lie follow a whisper that takes us away from that perfect relational abiding in jesus and i don't know about you but in the season of er emerging from covid emerging from restriction emerging from isolation as a church there's sometimes as many whispers to us in this particular season that challenge our faith that discourage us or distract us did god really say he's called you to this town or city did god really say to love your enemy as well as yourselves and your neighbors did god really say to sacrifice it all for the sake of the gospel but i want to encourage you friends this morning that abiding in jesus in this season for us as a union of churches primarily looks like listening to the father prayerful listening has to be the hallmark of the church of jesus if we're going to inherit an experience fruitfulness in the vine i don't know about you but i want to be a vine ripened christian i want to be a vine ripened follower of jesus i don't want to be withered even though i felt lonely this last year i don't want to be um cut off and thrown away even though i felt dislocated from my christian family this last year my heart longs to be healthy no matter and what the circumstances of life are doing with us right now and here's the thing i felt like god wanted to highlight to us today if in this season abiding in christ looks primarily like listening to the father's voice then that's going to require great faith of you and i [Music] remember that scripture tells us faith comes by hearing hearing what exactly while faith comes to your heart and mind today by hearing god speak by hearing god's word our faith grows and in this last year as a church here in sheriff's day and i know many of you too we've just been forced to our knees we've been almost forced to the place of saying lord we don't know what to do we know we don't want to go back we want to go beyond where we've been but we don't know how we don't know what but we know one thing for sure unless your presence goes with us like moses cried we can't go anywhere we can't do it and as jesus reminded his friends in this passage in john 15 apart from me apart from me you can do nothing and i don't know about you but i'm not up for nothing i'm not up for doing any ministry apart from jesus and if i'm really honest with you practically speaking this looks hard theologically this is so exciting and encouraging and wonderful practically for those of us who have been in churches and ministries and leading worship or youth or children or running lunch clubs for elderly this looks costly because it means dying again to the flesh it means being crucified again with christ being on the altar of sacrifice and saying lord not my will not our program not our previous ministries which looked thriving and flourishing but your will be done and just to give you a really encouraging example of that we we had to consider what it looked like for all our ministries i i could tell you about several ministries today but i'll just choose our our community cafe ministry which has been in many ways an outstanding gospel uh success over many years 12 years now that our fine peace cafe has been established we've seen god's favor it's established a hub in this community for friendship for hospitality for welcome it's been an amazing journey of faith but throughout covert and lockdown we began to sense the restlessness of the holy spirit a holy discontent that what was was not what was to come that what we previously enjoyed and and assumed was just god's best for the city and this church was to be sacrificed unto him once again and so we chose to abide in the vine and that looked like patience patience is a fruit of the spirit doesn't come naturally to me as a father as a husband as a pastor as a friend i'm not a patient person i'd much rather get the cafe up and running again i love hospitality i love to see this place buzzing but it's not been buzzing it's been quiet as the lord has said be still and know that i am god seek my face first and so we've prayed with our cafe team with our volunteers with our church leadership and we've asked we've wondered we've worshipped for many months not a one-off decision meeting but a journey of discernment abiding in christ and being willing to say we're not sure we just don't know being willing to be honest with with jesus and with each other and what the lord has done in that season has he's directed our hearts to the poor to the vulnerable to the emotionally distressed to the to the weak and helpless in our community and and we felt convicted that actually there's not a few tweaks to the men you needed or or a couple of staffing adjustments that there's a radical step of faith being asked of us that it's really a whole new well-being cafe ministry that the lord is asking us to step into and so i'd love to share all about that with you separately but what we've had to do is just lay that down and die again to our flesh and say lord not your will not our will but your will be done we've taken big financial risks we've taken um reputational risks but all of that really is nothing it's nothing compared to the joy of jesus we're now experiencing in a very different setting in a very different setup with a very different purpose being able to pray with our cafe customers leading people to jesus sitting at a table over coffee these last few months have been a revelation of what it means to abide and bear much fruit for the kingdom that's not to say what we did before was wrong this is not a dismissal of what was this is an embrace of what is yet to come so i simply want to encourage you that that was really hard first of all but that the most important holy spirit character growth being encountered was listening listening to jesus listening to his voice you know we're told in this passage that the father does know doesn't treat us as slaves anymore he wants to confide in us and that's a word that i want us to consider carefully today as a church as a nation many times i've heard this passage preached as about abiding but i want you to take this further today in your journey with jesus i want you to consider this that when we truly begin to abide in christ that's prayerful listening patient fellowship expectant hope new wine to be filling our souls and our churches and our ministries then something else begins to take place because when we when we're in the place of abiding in christ the father begins to confide in his children once we abide he confides in us what a wonderful privilege that is in verse 15 he doesn't call you a worker anymore he doesn't call you a slave anymore he calls you a friend he calls us sons and daughters and here is the transformational truth for us today from the words of john 15 when he begins to confide in his children our hearts begin to be renewed and transformed by his incisive words he takes his gardening tools to your heart and mind the father takes his pruning tools his shears all the gardening tools that you'll know much better about than i do he takes all of them and let me assure you the father's words are sharper than any gardening tool you have in your shed at home today when the father speaks to his children it is utterly incisive i'm a father my greatest joy in life is to be married to karen and to father three teenage boys i've often thought that the greatest transformation in my children happens when they confide in me or their mum many times it's a great joy when your child comes to you isn't it and they're really honest they're really vulnerable they might say dad i'm struggling um dad i need some help dad i don't know how to do this tie my school tie or fix my bike or do my homework or dad i'm struggling with this friend at school they're such precious moments and may they be many for us as parents but i've noticed that is not when my children's hearts are transformed my children's hearts are transformed when i confide in them when i as their father their protector their provider confided my hopes and my dreams my love and my life in them when i opened my heart to be vulnerable and share with them something of myself that they have not previously known in appropriate ways of course at appropriate ages when they're mature enough in their life journey i tell you folks what i've observed in those moments is my sons have been transformed in their character in their love for their mum and dads and in their confidence in life when their father confides his heart in them i want to tell you in jesus name today that the father wants to confide in you he wants to share with you the secrets of heaven scripture says who can know the thoughts of god who can know the the treasures of heaven's thinking well here's who knows the holy spirit knows the depths and the mysteries of what god is is longing for in your community today of what new ministries god wants to birth to bear fruit for his glory in this land today the holy spirit knows and the holy spirit dwells in you and an eye and if we'll only abide if we'll only be patient if we'll only pause maybe lay down everything we're doing i remember such a profound word from brian sanders this time last year to us as a nation if we're willing to down our tools like the firefighters if we're willing to lay them down we might just find a whole new lung full of oxygen in the heavenly realm that's our testimony at shedductsly it's my testimony this year that it won't be encouraging folks back to church on sundays that bears much fruit it won't be a call to attendance it won't be a new program for a new school term it won't be any of those things but it will be a call to jesus himself it'll be a call to the vine to abide and then to allow the father to confide in your heart and mind the father wants to speak to us today would we be attentive enough would we be still enough in our hearts in our churches as ministries with one another in whatever setting that looks like in a large prayer gathering or a small cup of coffee with a friend would we be willing to say there's no patience or peace or joy that grows on my flesh but there's lots of patience peace and joy that's about to grow on the vine of jesus christ if i will dwell in his peace and presence the gardener is making all things new in our day there's a new eden being created the new garden by the way is you and i we are the new creation of god hallelujah what a privilege that is my prayer for us today as i close is that you would be open to the loving incisive careful gardening work of your heavenly father in your heart in your home and in your church in this season the father is walking his vineyard today the father is not a distant owner i believe he is walking the vineyard in scotland today carefully watching the vine he is attentive to his people he is watching his loving eyes are gazing across his vine today and he has this his sharp incisive fruit-bearing words to speak to you and i if we're willing to open our hearts you know at the end of the day folks you won't be judged on how many live streams you attended on how many meetings you came to and how many ministries you faithfully served in because you have a fruit inspector for a father he's interested in the fruit of his spirit through the sacrifice of his son for his glory amen bless you folks and may you bear much fruit for the father's glory thank you so much simon um just so much wisdom in what you shared with us this morning and so much grace and a sense of the holy spirit of god speaking to us um we've got plenty of time this morning we just want to encourage all of us together to listen to god and to give him some time to meet with us and to speak with us and we just know that some of you will be in the perfect place the perfect quiet chair and there won't be any distractions but for others of you you're going to be with kids running around and just all sorts of things going on in your head this saturday morning and you know that's real life isn't it and our father in heaven can speak to us regardless of our circumstances wherever we are and we just need to make that choice right now to abide and as simon so wisely said as we abide and rest in the presence of the father he confides in us and that's just such a beautiful moment for us isn't it that the father our father in heaven wants to confide in me in you and so we just want to create some space for that to happen so maybe we'll just do that right now um just have a little moment you might want to lift up your hands if you're in a space where you can close your eyes and just ask that question in your own heart father god what do you want to confide in me what do you want to confide in us in our church in our churches across the nation what do you want to say to us this morning let's just have a little moment in inquire to do that if you feel there's something you want to share on the chat then please feel free to do that as we engage with one another as the father speaks to us about god speaking words that bear fruit and i i'm just reminded this morning that in zephaniah it says that the lord rejoices over us with singing he quiets us with his love and i i wonder this morning if whatever you are you need to hear those words that the lord rejoices over you with singing he quiets you with his love that our father the vine grower the one who prunes and who brings life he wants to confide in you this morning words of love words of affirmation words that say i love you so much i sent my one and only son for you this morning that in the midst of the mess and the chaos and the difficulty of life hear those words be quieted with his love this morning the grace of god comes to us as a gift we can't earn it we can't work it up we can't we can't suddenly do some things we can't make our kids be quiet for long enough to earn the grace of god that it will suddenly come it comes to us as we open ourselves to him just like simon talk to us about so father wherever we are this morning we open ourselves to your grace to your love to your mercy holy spirit would you minister the grace of god the love of god to each one of us as we are gathered together this morning by distance but drawn together in christ jesus might we know the love of our father this morning simon just reminded us of that we need to put down our tools in order that we can fill our lungs for the oxygen of god's love and mercy for us today it's been a busy and exhausting season hasn't it and i'm sure each one of us just needs to know that renewing and refreshing of the presence of god in our hearts today so let's encourage you you know so many lists we have on a saturday morning aren't there and just to put those things down and receive as we worship together i love you [Music] his love is like the mighty washer [Music] his arms are strong enough to carry me through it all by the grace of god [Music] his arms are strong enough to carry me through it all by the grace i rest my soul on jesus trust in jesus is will be is [Music] is afraid foreign trust me foreign is jesus my friends oh jesus jesus is are strong enough holy and my heart will sing how great is is is agree to worship our god together this morning all around the nation to be singing how great is our declaring to the streets and the towns and the cities that we live in how great is our god thank you so much for leading us guys we are going to spend just a few minutes thinking about how we land what simon's been talking to us how what fruitfulness looks like on a really personal level and we have a couple of willing or at least able well we'll find out volunteers uh here this morning who are going to help us think about this david thank you for leading us um here's a question for you what does fruitfulness look like in the midst of your life with all the things going on in it right now yeah so i i'm part of the local church and staff team in natalie place baptist church and i'm also a dad to two young kids um and that for me um kind of uh is is really part of what it means to be fruitful is where are my priorities now i want to serve this church as best as i can and love them well and see them flourish for all god has for them be part of this church family but god has given my wife and i the incredible gift of two young children they're four and two and so for me that's where it starts that's they're my priority in terms of discipling people and i've got a friend a kind of mentor who's basically travels the world talking he's got loads of influence but he said to me a few years ago and stuck with me if i've discipled my kids effectively at the end of my life i've been i'll be happy i've been successful i've been fruitful so it starts at home in the on the school run in the mess of um the tantrums and everything else helping my kids figure out what it means to follow jesus and then inviting other people into that as well as we journey together it's not some polished event or something we do on sunday as great as those are but following jesus in the chaos of the everyday life and inviting others in to be part of that as well thanks dave and so um thanks thank you so much uh for uh volunteering to do this this morning um tell us just what your life looks like right now so people get an idea yeah so i'm actually on maternity leave right now um i had a little girl five four months ago and i have a three year old as well so in my day job i'm part of the leadership team at central church in edinburgh but for the last five months i've been mum and so um yeah i guess my priorities have really changed in this season a lot more focused on my children a lot of what david was sharing there that would be similar for me as well that's what fruitfulness looks like and kind of navigating this shift in season different patterns the chaos the middle of the night feeds trying to find um time to spend with jesus and really yeah focus on bringing up my children and that they know jesus as well praying for them praying with them and looking for opportunities uh where i am as we begin to open up our homes again trying to be hospitable in my home um and also praying for conversations with mums on the school run and stuff like that so that's what fruitfulness looks very different now but that's what it looks like for me at the moment okay and because no one is listening is it quite hard sometimes no i have it all together it's totally fine i've just been running off to go and feed my baby and i'm running back here again but it's actually a real treat to be here and prioritize spending time with god and with everyone this morning so i'm really thankful to be here too so we can abide in christ even when it doesn't feel quite like we thought it might be one day brilliant thank you so much we're going to spend some time uh watching a couple of stories about fruitfulness one that looks at the question of what does fruitfulness look like at the very beginning of something and the other that looks at considering what fruitfulness is through a whole lifetime of ministry and we're also going to spend some time giving thanks for those who've retired from fruitful baptist ministry in these past 12 months hello we're alan and ruth donaldson welcome to our home here in south bank marina in kirkuntilak where we've lived for the last 18 months as disciples of jesus we've been asking how can we demonstrate the good news of god's heart for reconciliation and recreation of this world it's been years since friends of ours have come to faith and we were asking what do we need to do differently how can we change so that that changes when we arrived there were only a couple of other people living here permanently now there's eight or nine and a few others part-time those who were here at the beginning didn't particularly get on together we didn't get much of a welcome but things are changing now just a few weeks ago we all got together for pizza on the pontoon we now have a real sense of community we share possessions with one another we share meals with one another and we talk about what the future of the marina might be together the marina itself was just a concrete jungle when we got here but we planted out a few seeds put some flowers in pots and the colour began to spread a few other boaters did the same and by this spring every pontoon had pots and flowers outside the boats and then alan took over a little piece of land that the council had neglected and replanted it people who were passing and local residents offered topsoil and extra bathing plants and now it's a beautiful flower bed that makes a great focal point and a great conversation starter with those who are passing by i filmed a few sermons round about the boat in fact on easter sunday i was filming my message and later my neighbor told me how the tears were rolling down her face as she thought about how much jesus loved her we've also been involved in pastoral ministry with those who have stopped on the seats around the marina to rest and to just try and refocus their lives mental health and well-being have become a bigger and bigger area of service for us all our neighbours have a reason for living on the canal we're the only married couple who lives in this particular marina others who are here are more introverted and don't cope well with big crowds and that makes us ask well what would church look like for them how local can a local church be can it be as small as a marina with the people who live and work and volunteer here if we eat together on our boat and chat about faith is that church what makes a church a church when we sold our house and moved on to the boat we believed that we were following the leading of god traveling lightly without status and to be honest without any preconceived ideas of what god might do or where we were going we are learning as we go we are growing as we go we touch the lives of many people would you join us in prayer that some of these people would come to know the love and transforming hope of the lord jesus christ and that we might learn how to disciple them in the future here we are in merely allotments south side of glasgow just down from qatar baptist church and uh very grateful to graham with me as as well and this seems a very hard place to talk about fruitfulness and pruning and ministry as you look back over things in your ministry um what does fruitfulness look like for you so um four minutes to describe the exciting journey that has taken me through ministry and seen the growth and blessing in god's people and fruitfulness i think for me has always been about transformation and about and fullness of life like um the fullness that jesus brings as described in john 10 10. and then um for me that has meant that i followed the compassion of jesus and i'm working alongside other people and caring for the poor and the broken and that's been a theme throughout my ministry whatever i've been i've been caring for for the poor and there i have seen god do amazing things in restoration and redemption in people's life and that's the fruitfulness which i love to see when people come from a dark place into a light place when they come from a place which has got death kind of written all over it into a place of life that's just wonderful and you see that power of god to transform yeah that's so exciting when you put up with that is fantastic a second key aspect of ministry for me has been to encourage women to be who they truly are for me it's been drawing women into leadership and also um i've had the privilege of participating in the induction and ordination of three women into ministry and others i've supported in leadership of christian organizations and that's been amazing to see the fruit which has come through the ministry of these women has been a real encouragement to me and then thirdly um for me art and imagination has been incredibly important as i've assisted in running festivals and um in um sponsoring artists great messages and images of fruitfulness and all of that we're in um merely allotments just now people are around and are pruning back and cutting back and things preparing for a new season uh different taking a season our winter season other times in ministry where you felt that pruning to take place and be needed well absolutely um and over the years pruning for me has meant taking away the things that steal life from people and hopefully that's had an effect on me as well and ministry engages us in dealing with a lot of pain lots of pain and through my postgraduate studies in psychodynamics i discovered that i kind of built up walls of myself in our walls to to to protect myself from that pain and so i needed to to take these walls down to get them cut down whether the hedges or walls for the sake we don't know but and when these walls were removed i found that i had a deeper relationship to people a more redemptive and healing relationship to people and with others and then a few years ago i had a heart attack and that cut me off from health and for some months from ministry and i discovered two things one is that i'm not needed the people of central did a wonderful job without me and and that was good but the other thing was to celebrate every day of life because every day is about abundant life and we need to treasure each day and every day and then finally i've been retired in this last covered year and um that's meant that i've left people that i loved i've been cut off from people that i grew to love over a long time um but the amazing thing is i'm really excited about the new possibilities so you get cut off from one thing but it opens up new doors and new avenues and so i'm really excited about where god's going to take me now lord we first want to say thank you to you for the grace the wisdom and the gift of these women and men of god as they lay down the joys the burdens the responsibilities and the hopes of these years of ministry where they served and followed your calling lord thank you that they're calling as a child of god a loved one continues as speakers and doers of new creation and hope and resurrection and lord thank you that they take such calling and witness into this next stage of their lives as new patterns of ministry and relationships open up we name them and acknowledge our debt to their faithfulness and the ongoing wisdom that they hold graham and christine clark carol campbell david and heather gordon gilmore and pam lilly brian and christine moraine richard and ruth tuller douglas and dan white we bless you for each one with thankfulness and ask that you would shape the new land they walk in with mountains and hills that burst into song that they would go with joy held in peace and come to a new fruitfulness in their lives as they find the new paths and dream new visions bless and we pray in jesus name amen what a great morning thank you so much for gathering together with us let's have a brief prayer together father thank you so much for all the words that you have spoken to us the words that you have confided in each one of us this morning may they dig deep down into our lives and may you give us the power by your holy spirit to live out the truth of those words you have spoken i mean amen so go grab yourself a coffee maybe even a biscuit have a chat with those around you about what fruitfulness looks like for you where you are right now and we'll see you back here at 11 30. bye everyone you
Channel: Baptist Union of Scotland
Views: 906
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 28sec (3748 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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