Canon EOS R3 - 30FPS! - Standard Review | DA

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[Music] hi i'm dustin abbott and i'm here today to give you my shorter length standard review of the new canon eos r3 and this is their first kind of high-end sports oriented mirrorless camera essentially the 1dx translated over into the mirrorless eos r system and so for that reason it is a very important camera for a certain type of photographer as i'll try to deal detail as a part of this review and uh you know more of a curiosity for maybe the majority of photographers who really don't need a camera either this size or this expensive it's about 6 000 us dollars around 8 000 here in canada and or a camera that has the particular capabilities that this camera has for many people something like the eos r5 is going to be more of a jack of all trades for them but today i want to give you at least a framework in which to make a more educated decision as to whether or not this camera might be for you and if you want the deeper dive i recommend that you take out check out the definitive review instead where i kind of hit everything in much deeper detail you could also check out my written review text review that is linked in the description down below also if you want that deeper dive or if your style is more to read rather than to watch your reviews i want to preface this review by saying thank you to camera canada who very kindly loaned me an eos r3 and so that i could churn out a quick review for you they're really great i buy most of my gear from them and i always find them to be a a great experience overall so as noted this is the first mirrorless body from canon that has the integrated grip vertical grip as a part of it and so um as a byproduct of that it is a much larger camera than what say the eos r5 is um but it is surprisingly considerably smaller than what the 1dx mark iii is it's about eight millimeters narrower and more obviously 25 millimeters shorter in its overall height and it weighs about 425 grams lighter so the you know equivalent of a medium-sized lens so that makes it about 19 smaller overall and so as noted the price point here is 6 000 us dollars you're going to get to the eos r5 for around 3 900 us dollars but the sony alpha 1 that i'm filming on at the moment and is the other mirrorless full-frame camera i'm aware of that does 30 frames per second it cost even more at 6 500 us dollars so the headline here is that you've got a sports oriented camera that will do 30 frames per second in its electronic shutter without any kind of blackout in the viewfinder making a very engaging tracking experience we'll get to in a moment there's also this is backed up by a 12 frame per second mechanical shutter though these days there are fewer reasons to use the mechanical shutter in that you have sync speed flash sync speeds of up to 1 180th of a second and you can use things like anti-flicker technology even while using the electronic shutter a very fast readout speed means that rolling shutter is really mitigated here and so you've got a lot of reasons to use the electronic shutter including a maximum shutter speed of 1 64 000 of a second and of course the fact that if you want to shoot in a really quiet environment you can turn off that shutter sound altogether and really operate in pretty much complete silence and so obviously that is a very compelling aspect of performance there and i will note that even the 1d mark or 1dx mark 3 only hits a total of 20 frames per second um which is 50 lower than the 30 frames per second that i have found here and by the way i've tested it thoroughly it really does give you that 30 frames per second and with impressive buffer depth that we'll get to in just a moment a few of the other headline features here is that a another kind of technology that is new at least for digital there was a prototype of it way back in the film era but it's i control af and after some calibration which kind of reminds me of a visit to an optometrist office and looking at dots you know in different places it will actually detect where you're looking and will move focus to that place and at least for me it worked really really effectively i understand that there might be some variation depending upon your glasses or contact style and so there could be something that interferes there but for me personally it worked pretty much flawlessly though it has the same kind of limitation that i found with canon cameras even if i were overriding with a thumb and that is that sometimes if it's locked onto a subject in the background it's kind of reluctant to pull to the foreground so i have to kind of you know maneuver around by focusing down at the ground or something you know big and obvious close to the a pro approximate level of where i want it to focus and typically there i can get things to work but the tech certainly works and i found it to be a more intuitive thing than you know overriding in that way but i will also note that inherited from the 1dx mark iii you've got these redundant a off af on buttons that also for focus as smart controllers and so rather than depressing them you can actually move your thumb over them and it'll actually move a point around there and so it's another let's just say you've got a lot of ways of controlling autofocus in this particular camera as a byproduct of having the larger body you're able to use the larger ep 19 battery from the 1dx which gives you a higher overall rating of somewhere around 830 frames um though you know i i have shot over a thousand frames uh during my review period and it's still at nearly a hundred percent and the reason for that is a fair number of those were burst and if you're shooting burst action type photography it's not unusual to get thousands and thousands of frames on a battery like this and so it is a larger capacity than what you find in the eos r5 which by the way is only rated for about 320 frames and so even though practically again i get more like 700 or 800 frames with that in this probably in most real world applications depending on what you're doing you're going to see well over a thousand shots so very likely it's the kind of performance it can get through you get you through most of the day of serious shooting you also have the m-body image stabilization which you know canon debuted on the r5 and the r6 it's well executed here once again and obviously that's something that we never saw in the 1dx series and combined with certain lenses you get a rating of up to eight stops now that's that's canon speak i've never achieved that personally myself but i will say this is a great embody image stabilization system as effective really as anything that i have seen another nice addition that we never saw on the 1dx is that we now have what canon calls a very angle lcd screen it's nice and large 3.2 inch and it is the highest resolution lcd that i have ever seen at 4.15 million dots it is as all canon touchscreens are it is very responsive it's easy to use it's a delight and by the way just to give you a comparison point it is 2.1 million dot resolution on the eos r5 on the alpha 1 it is a pathetic 1.44 million dot kind of a sore spot for me the one thing that i would really seriously change on that on the video front you get up to 6k 60 frames per second not 8k like we saw on the r5 but also there's no reports of serious overheating issues here and so you've got very good options all kinds of different codecs and wrappers to use there you can go as high as as 12-bit raw footage just be prepared to eat up memory cards really really fast but a lot of other options hdr options there along the way up to 120 frames per second in 4k a lot of very useful video specs to be achieved here so good stuff there and um and very strong performance obviously that great autofocus is also going to be applied here the other thing that i will note as an advantage over the r5 is that there is no recording limit imposed no artificial 29 59 29 minute 59 second limit but rather you can record as much as what your car your card or cards can hold so obviously that's a really really useful change there if long format recording is a part of what you like to do it has added to the autofocus rather than just animal and human eye detect it also now has vehicle eye detect really designed around motor sports and so not only will track vehicles but you know try to find a driver if it's available in the vehicle and so that you can get better tracking performance of that we have an entirely new developed 24 megapixel this is a back illuminated stacked cmos sensor so much like the a9 series but as we're going to see with better overall performance we've got 1dx level weather ceiling so better even than the eos r5 we've got a host of customizable buttons and of course redundant buttons so you can use it in portrait orientation the hot shoe has been upgraded to a a digital audio kind of multi shoe multi-purpose shoe and so you can not only put like flashes or other things on there you can also with certain mics record digital audio through the hot shoe much like you find on something like the alpha one there's also built-in gps which we haven't seen a lot of ironically since the canon eos 6d so nice to see that built in here so a lot of you know important and headline features things that work really well as a part of it overall uh just some quick impressions of the actual you know build in the hand this is a camera that feels good in the hand though obviously it's larger than what many people are looking for as per usual i find that the vertical grip is a little less comfortable than what the standard grip is it's a little less contoured and of course you've got to deal with the solid flat bottom plate here so it just feels a little less good in hand but i will say it feels better than some others that i've used before it's got a new texture material that feels nice two memory cards here one being the cf express type b and the other being a uhs2 rated sd card and so you've got both newer and older tech there and but there are a few things you're only going to be able to unlock like 6k recording by using the cf express type b card in there i generally liked the ergonomics here with a couple of exceptions i don't love the position of the on off lock switch if you'll see if you're typically trying to do a one-handed you know your typical kind of shooting style you're holding the grip with your right hand you're maybe supporting with your left hand lens and operating the lens so that means you're having to do some serious gymnastics with that thumb to reach around and to try to get it that more like you're going to have to use a second hand and so rather than having one hand operation you end up with two hand operation for that i just don't love that position you know your mileage may vary likewise there are some custom buttons here on the front and the same kind of thing is true if you're actually gripping the camera it's a long reach to get to those buttons unless you have really huge hands so those are the the things that i didn't like one thing that i did really like relative to the r5 is that we've got the video record button here at the back but even better there is just a toggle right here that allows you to switch between photos and video i just prefer that much more than having to go through the multi-stage process using the top lcd so uh just a thing that i appreciated and enjoyed on the autofocus front we have got a very similar autofocus system in its basic form to what's found on the eos r5 it's the dual pixel cmos it is a 1053 different af areas to focus on and basically 100 coverage all across the frame is incredibly sensitive you can focus down to lighting conditions as low as -7 and a half ev with certain lenses and even that's the 1.2 lenses but even with the really you know inexpensive rf 50 millimeter f 1.8 stm i was focusing in basic dark conditions um 102 hundred iso setting for this shot and i could barely see my sun i won't say the autofocus was fast but it did find and accurately focus in those lighting conditions then you can focus all in lighting conditions as bright as plus 20 ev so that is a 27 and a half stop range a focus capability very very impressive you can focus with a maximum aperture as small as f 22 with you know a few diminished focus points but certainly a very very impressive import performance and most importantly the tracking here is probably the best that i have used even better i think than the alpha one they achieved probably similar results but what i did find is that the kind of tracking process is a little bit more engaging and natural in this viewfinder to where you really i just felt more connected to the subject and so i felt really really effortless in tracking so obviously a very strong performance there i mentioned about buffer depth buffer depth here is you can get up to 540 jpegs 150 raws but if you're using compact raw which i see no reason not to because it's a smaller file size and they look identical to the full raws you can get up to 420 compact raws so very impressive there so that compares on the r5 to getting 350 jpegs almost 200 less 87 raws and only 180 compact raws so less than half of what you achieve on this looking at the alpha 1 400 jpegs so still 140 less than what you get on the r3 238 that's lossy raws and so um that is less comparatively than what you're going to see on the r3 so the buffer depth was amazing and what i will say is that i could shoot 150 frames in a row look down for the camera there's no evidence of any kind of buffering it was ready to shoot again so very very impressive there and i i really enjoyed the process of tracking action with the camera and as you can see from the results it really really performed 30 frames per second is obviously a huge number of frames it gives you lots of choices to get that perfect moment out of any kind of burst of activity the sensor that i mentioned this newly developed 24 megapixel sensor has already been rated by dxo mark as the there according to them the best canon sensor uh yet at this point which is impressive because they're not particularly kind to canon sensors typically it reminds me in its architecture a lot of an a9 series sensor but with better performance here the a9 sensors suffered compared to what you find in like these you know similar resolution a7 3 or a7c sensor and that has a lot to do with that stacked design where it's designed for very fast readout where those others have slower readout but maybe make use of the the pixels and the photons a little bit better as a part of that in this case canon seems to have gotten the best of both worlds because as far as iso performance i think this is probably the best canon camera pretty easily that i've ever seen before and so you can shoot at 25 600 and as you can see it is very very clean even at 51 200 it looks very good and i didn't really see breakdown until 102 400 where you can see some you know obvious banding that is there but i would say it is useful even up to that 51 200 range which is very very impressive and it was very obviously better than what say the eos r5 was at that though to be fair the sr5 is pushing a lot more pixels but even when i down sampled it to the same resolution factor it was clearly better from the r3 when it comes to dynamic range i found that in shadow recovery this was a little bit better than the r5 and in some ways you know just as good as what i saw from the alpha one the alpha one did have a little bit more tendency to move towards a slight green cast when recovering deeply although it had retained really good contrast and really good black levels which is impressive again since it has more than double the resolution of this camera also i found that on the high end it performed about similar to both the alpha 1 and the r5 with some give and take in some certain areas there but suffice it to say this is a very good performance and according to photons to photos the r5 is a hair better at through about iso 400 maybe 800 but after that because this is so well tuned for high iso performance it actually delivered better dynamic range than basically any of the other cameras i compared at the higher iso settings so this really is a camera that is designed for sports photographers and the reality that if sports and wildlife you often don't get to choose the best kinds of light you need to stop action that's going to mean jacking the iso which this camera is very ready to uh to take care of and so as far as the the major downside to that 24 megapixel resolution point is that when you talk about you know canon's crop factor so if you want to shoot in aps-c mode you have a not overly useful little over nine megapixels left over and crop which you know obviously is not going to be enough to really excite too many people so one thing i will add to this if you're curious i'm of course this is a very expensive camera so maybe you're not concerned if you're buying this about third-party lenses but i will note that as has become unfortunately all too typical on the canon r space that out of the three third-party rf mount auto focusing lenses i had on hand only one functioned normally the other two were bricked to some capacity or another so you know that often happens just bear that in mind canon really is is staying pretty closed thus far so you're mostly stuck with canon lenses though i did note that for example in some of those tracking shots i was using a converted ef 100 to 400 l mark ii and it worked beautifully for that so this is designed for a niche market at the end of the day it's not a camera for everyone it's very possibly not a camera for you but if you want if you're serious about sports or wildlife photography and maybe that's where you're actually earning your living a camera like this is maybe the natural the final natural upgrade path for everyone who has loved shooting with a 1d series camera in the past in that it doesn't introduce some new innovations and it does the basic things that a 1d did i think a little bit better with both you know faster burst rates and higher resolution and a few other features that i really like and so at the end of the day it may well be worth 6 000 for the right kind photographer but for many other other people the eos r5 does a number of the same things and a more accessible body size that's at a much cheaper price point it all comes down to what your priorities are but i hope hope that this review gives helps you to make a little bit more informed decision i'm dustin abbott if you look in that description there is that text review i alluded to there's also an image gallery if you want to go look at photos beyond that there are buying links if you'd like to purchase one for yourself linkage to check out craig and i's new channel let the light in tv tekken videos so go check out that and subscribe there also there is linkage to follow myself or craig on social media to become a patron um and buy merchandise and of course if you haven't already please click that subscribe button right here on youtube be sure to ring that bell so you get notifications when new content drops thanks for watching have a great day and let the light in [Music] good
Channel: Dustin Abbott
Views: 4,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canon EOS R3, EOS, R3, EOS R3, mirrorless, full frame, EOS R3 Review, Canon R3 Review, Canon EOS R3 Review, Dustin Abbott, Real World, Comparison, Handling, Dynamic Range, Tracking, Focus, Burst Rate, Sports, Portraits, Resolution, High ISO, Image Quality, Sample Images, Photography, Dogs, Ergonomics, 24Mp, Sony a9, Sony Alpha 1, Canon EOS R5, RF 70-200mm F2.8L IS, RF 15-35mm F2.8L IS, Canon Letthelightin
Id: svJ-Q8g8VFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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