Canon 5D Mark I: Jpeg King (+ thoughts on the Nikon D700)

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hello everybody and welcome back we are here to discuss a camera long coming as a review I've been on vacation so fair excuse there if I may let myself off the hook but as well I was not sure how to do this review because this camera has been so Monumental in my life so to talk about it we are gonna have to roll it back [Music] when I first saw you I knew that you had a flame in your heart [Music] I found a home in your eyes [Music] foreign [Music] call you to commit to [Music] talk to my heart [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like home this camera basically changed the world it was a truly accessible easy to navigate full frame digital SLR which led to a huge amount of mass migration and adoption to digital at a time when film was still King it did so by having really amazing color science and really remarkable digital performance for its time and I would argue for today it is a wonderful camera and we are going to dive very deeply into it but we're going to start high level once again with some real bulleted spec released in 2005 it has 12.8 megapixels a CMOS full frame sensor it has raw and jpeg capability it has nine autofocus points EF lens mount ISO 100 to 1600 with a low and high boost mode of 50 up to 3200 it has a shutter speed of up to 1 8 000 of a second and it takes CF cards for its memory good old CF and a very easy to find very common oh I don't have it in here uh B L gosh bp511 battery and that's it that's all there is to this camera it is so simple it is so no frills but that's what I love about this camera so much it is very easy to use there is no bells and whistles but what it does it does very well so well in fact that even though it was released in 2005 when I got married 10 years later my photographer showed up with this camera this lens the 50 millimeter 1.2 and a 35 millimeter 1.4 shot my entire wedding with just that set up and those images are still some of my all-time favorites they are Timeless they are classic and it just shows that this camera ages very well [Music] welcome to the absolutely stunning Koya National Park I have never been here before and it is heaven on Earth and we happen to be here at a time where there aren't that many people here a lot of the park is still closed from all the rain and stuff that happened in California this past winter I am shooting this trip on a digital camera in a film-like style whereby I have to get it right in camera I'm shooting jpeg only and I am not touching any of my images with any post-processing not even leveling the image um or any of that so that I can just get the most present experience of being here and not opening up my computer at night or spending any of that time that I could be spending elsewhere um doing the things that I also love there's nothing against that and I will go back to that I still shoot raw 99 of the time but I thought this would be a good challenge to myself it's honestly really hard for me to shoot this way I also added to this challenge this little screen here these were to protect um your screen from Sun so you'd flip it up like that and you would be able to see your image better but what I've done is just kept it like that so that I can't um I can't Peep and that's really really really really really really hard and I gotta I'll be honest like I am peeping because I'm like I have to get this right in camera I want to make sure that I'm like metering correctly here especially with forests and very high contrast lighting I don't know what I'm gonna get guys so um we're gonna cut to me back home where I actually download these images and we can kind of review them and see how it all worked out [Music] like a record we keep stuttering playlist [Music] [Music] rewind all right so that screen idea on the back purest as it was I liked it in principle but it was extremely annoying and inefficient but the jpeg output of this was extraordinary it was oh I'm really happy with all the images I got and when it hit it hit it's just there is something to the color rendition of this the contrast the saturation everything about it these images are just special out of this camera now everything I shot on that Sequoia trip was shot in its standard default profile um and where I really started to have fun with this camera was when I went and got a little bit more in depth in the menus and started to customize my color profiles a little bit more now there's really very little that you can do there's not a lot of customization but I found that moving to a different profile and then just styling in a few of my settings to the place where I got just the color that I was really happy with made all the difference and that's how I kind of shot this for the majority of the remainder of this review [Music] I find that this camera just Nails certain colors in a way that I don't see on a lot of other digital cameras like the Reds and the blues and even the greens just are something so rich and satisfying about the color it's interesting a lot of people I mean so many people have asked me to compare this to the d700 and while this is not going to be an in-depth comparison because I did just review the d700 I will comment on it a bit I find the color profiles of the D7 d700 to be much more natural much more neutral really great if you want something that feels organic this is much more stylized and to me frankly a bit more filmic because the colors aren't necessarily natural but they're very pleasing the white balance on auto as well as the auto exposure is really good on this camera uh generally speaking it it hits almost all the time there are going to be circumstances where it gets thrown but most cam do like a deep dark Forest it's going to try to hit that for you know 50 middle gray and then it's going to over expose it etc etc so you do need to start to take into control your exposure triangle in those circumstances and even your white balance but Auto white balance 99.9 of the time does the job again the Simplicity of this camera as I mentioned was that one scrolling menu page which I love in many ways one thing that does frustrate me though is that you do have to kind of go into the menus a fair amount to get to those things um so that can be a little bit finicky like every time you want to format the card you have to like scroll all the way down it does that's annoying um another thing with this body as you can see there are far fewer buttons than there are on the d700 the d700 has a bespoke button for almost every feature you would ever need you do not have to go into the menus with that camera if you do go into the menus they're much more complicated than this Canon 5D but it's also much more feature-rich this Canon 5D has far fewer buttons in an effort again I think to simplify and I don't mind it it has dual function buttons so this button has AF Plus white balance functions drive plus ISO it just means that it's a two-handed operation so every time you want to do that um you know you're either doing the back scroll wheel with one of these held down or the front scroll wheel to do the other function of that one button if you do want to do custom white balance that's one thing in here that's very annoying because I do like to do a lot of white custom Mount custom white balance and you have to go into the menu do like a bunch of buttons it's it's a very inefficient thing whereas on the d700 it's like one button you can set the white balance this has far more steps so ergonomically menus wise button wise this is you know sub optimal the other thing and this one is a real bummer a heart hitter for me um there's no built-in flash the d700s has the built-in flash this does not uh I don't you know you could use any manual flash with this I don't have a Canon TTL flash to use with this I might get one because I really love flash I love flash it's just man I really just wish it was built in I love me a level there's no virtual Horizon on this it's a very simple viewfinder the information is very sparse in there it's uh you know not as good of viewfinders again the d700 the d700 was made for a I I would say a much more professional audience this does feel a bit more pro-sumer it was used by a lot of Pros so it's not to say it's not a professional camera but it doesn't feel as robust as full featured as anything that the d700 has to offer it's definitely a more plasticky body again not as many buttons on the body on the upside it's very light it's lighter and smaller than the d700 and the big and noticeable way but it doesn't have kind of the the professional guts that the d700 clearly brought to the table one thing that I absolutely love about this is the EF Mount is like the most universal Mount so you can adapt pretty pretty much anything to this and that is key because I've been adapting my old om suico lenses I have an Olympus om4 film camera which I absolutely freaking adore and I have um a couple of Zoom ranges zoom lenses for that I have a 28 millimeter F 2.8 I have a 50 millimeter 1.8 I have a 100 millimeter 2.8 I just love those lenses they are so beautiful and so wonderful and to adapt them onto this body shook me like I couldn't believe how well they performed with this sensor they were sharp they were full of contrast they had beautiful color and they gave this a much more analog feel than even the native glass on here the native glass is great EF lenses are great but using it with those adapted suico lenses just gave it vibe that I really dug it's also like wickedly affordable you can also adapt the Nikon glass from my d700 onto this body so the two biggest things I think that really stand out to me between the d700 and the 5D are the autofocus and the iso um the or rather the implementation of those things so the autofocus on this is nine point the autofocus on the d700 is 51 point and the difference is absolutely um felt when you're shooting these cameras this one definitely hesitates it can be slow and it doesn't really lock or feel super confident in its autofocus where sd700 is like bang bang bang bang you are good to go um I you know really never hesitated to feel like I got the shot with that one where is this I definitely do but it's also just like being realistic with what you're shooting like I'm not shooting super action related items with this camera it's just not what it's for for just day to day everyday scenes or even just my kids for the most part I'm not too worried about it it definitely slows down in lower light but it's totally capable for most you know needs so it's not something to get it's not again a deal breaker it's not something to get super hung up on one thing though that people will get hung up on I think is there is absolutely no auto ISO in this so you really do need to know your exposure triangle and be working your exposure triangle when you're shooting this this is not a passive camera you do need to know what you're doing and how to shoot it um you know that's not to say like you're radically changing things all the time you can shoot on aperture priority mode and just leave it at ISO 400 and like film you're going to be covered in most circumstances so not too big of a deal but something to note whereas like d700 has auto ISO which does make life a little easier so again the main takeaways like the d700 is the more professional camera it does more it's also heavier it's more robust it has you know the this is more the hobbyist camera it's like not a plow on the d700 I love the d700 I'm keeping the d700 this is more of the hobbyist like maybe more of the artists more of the I don't know the d700 I would say the files are more flexible as well I think these raw files are not as flexible as a d700 but these just come out done like they're baked you don't have to do anything more with them whereas with the d700 I felt like I wanted to manipulate them more and to almost to a detriment sometimes um these are just one and done this is the closest thing this is going to sound insane and ridiculous this is the closest thing to like what I wish a Fuji camera output but which I never really got with my Fuji cameras I have a Fuji camera right now that may change my mind more on that later but um I just love the way these come out of the camera they're just oh chef's kiss now here's another crazy thing about the Canon 5D which I did not know just like the d700 where I showed you um you could download picture profiles and install them on your computer via like an SD card you can do a similar thing with the Canon 5D I was like I couldn't believe that this was possible I was initially trying to do it by doing um like a virtual machine on my Mac I have an M1 Mac set up a virtual machine I went into the internet archive and like found all the crap that I needed to load my Canon software to be able to plug my camera into that and anyway this is a long way of saying I spent a full one and a half days doing all of this and it just kept failing and I could not figure out what was going on well if you have a computer that has an M1 chip just don't do this it doesn't work it just literally doesn't work there's a break in the something or other and it just cannot be loaded on an M1 if you have an older laptop from Mac and want to run a virtual machine you can do it that way the easiest thing to do and what I happen to have because I'm a freaking crazy person is an old uh Toshiba laptop which I was able to load Windows XP onto and then find that software again load that software from Canon on here and get the profiles onto my camera that was very easy when I realized I could just use my old computer which I completely forgot that I had bought for a different camera way back in the day so that's definitely the easiest thing but oh trying to do this on my Mac was just brutal and frankly I don't think any of it was worth it because the best profiles are the ones just already in the camera but I did like trying some of these other profiles I try to a Kodachrome profile because I'm very obsessed with Kodachrome and it was nice it gave a really cool unique look not my favorite look and I still would prefer to use my faithful settings in the default menu however if you would like to try this I'm going to put a bunch of links down below because oh my God I did way too much research and I'm not going to just keep that to myself so feel free have at it if you want to just like spend a day going down the rabbit hole of Windows XP alright so just a few last things that I jotted down to cover before we wrap this up the lens I use probably the most was this Good Old Brick this 24 to 72.8 Mark 1 L lens now hot tip for you I got this lens for chips because one the filter is damaged here but I'm shooting a up to 1 800 8 000 of a second so I don't really worry about needing to put ND filters on this I'm also not using this for video I don't have a camera with video capabilities note the the mark 150 does not have video that was not until the Mark II for some reason people get that really confused they think that the mark one was the groundbreaking one that had video that was actually the Mark II there was no video on Mark one um just the 5D classic no video keep that in mind so I don't worry about video so I'm not putting any filters on here so the filter is a little bit busted I can't get an indie on here and there is a nice little scratch which I don't know if you can see here right on the lens um let me see if I can get a good shot here no I can't uh oh geez anyway there is a scratch right across the front of this lens and it is a visible scratch and you know what it doesn't matter you do not see anything in the final image that is affected by that scratch there's a really fun old article where they like completely smashed up like the front of a lens and it still performed almost perfectly so don't be afraid of lenses that are imperfect they will still perform pretty damn well especially on older vintage digital cameras that don't have the resolution to really show these imperfections as far as things that I really wish this had which it doesn't is there's one custom setting on here so like if you wanted to set this up a particular way and save it as a custom setting there's only one option for that I really wish there were more I also wish there were more like custom color profiles that you could save in the menu it's just it's just a really simple camera and there aren't so you get one custom setting which is definitely a bit of a bummer far more available on the d700 at high ISO this still performs pretty well uh not not like the autofocus or anything like that but like the digital grain structure is really nice at high ISO I think it's because the pixel pitch of this like sensor because it's 12 megapixels or a 12.8 megapixels and while the dynamic range of this is definitely limited like it does blow out the way that it blows out the roll-off and the highlights is really remarkable like it feels very smooth like it feels like a curve it doesn't feel like a clip which is very unusual for digital um and so whatever kind of voodoo magic they did in the in the um the jpeg engine here was really nice and and I think really good and the last thing I have to say is damn I love this camera I love this camera so much and in some ways when I think about starting this journey this project one month two cameras like what I was looking for in a camera largely comes down to this like it comes back to probably me just trying to find that quality of the images I originally shot on this back in 2009 I think this is kind of the colors and the feel that I was going for this whole time in a lot of ways now is this the only camera I'm going to keep because it's perfect no I love it it has this place in my cabinet but there's definitely shortcomings and things I don't love about it I don't really love the raw files I think they come off the camera looking really nice but they don't have as much flexibility as say the the Nikon d700 in my experience at least as far as my processing skills are concerned so there is that but I just as far as the jpeg engine and color science this tops the pile for me I just absolutely love the way the images come off of this straight out of camera alright folks we did it that's it that's the Canon 5D classic we did it we covered it I won't be so it will be staying with me surprise I know um was not I am really I am really starting to cut down on my cameras and start selling things that um are either backups or not needed or whatnot so I do have an eBay store I'll put the link down below you can follow me on one with two cameras on Instagram and on threads on Instagram I'm really just really getting most of my content there to the actual camera I'm shooting for that block of time two weeks threads it's just me I just do what I want on that channel I don't do X whatever Elon and um yeah so that that's just happening there and I'll see you in the next video Until Then mwah I love you bye [Music] hmm foreign
Channel: One Month Two Cameras
Views: 10,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canon 5d, canon 5d classic, 5d classic 2022, Canon 5D mark 1, Canon 5d Mark I, Canon 5D settings, Canon 5D in 2023, canon a630 powershot, canon powershot a630 review, canon powershot a630 video test, powershot, a630, camera, digital camera, review, repair, manual, guide, pictures, how, to, 640 x 480, 30fps, panasonic l1, leica m8, olympus e420, leica m-e, sigma dp1, konica minolta 5d, pentax istdl, ccd camera, CCD, CCD sensor, no bad cameras, vintage digital
Id: G1sm0um96Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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