How to Make and Can Homemade Applesauce

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today I am making and canning homemade applesauce if you've never home can anything before don't be intimidated this is perfect for first timers this is what you'll need and let's get started the first thing you want to do is make sure that your apples are nice and clean I'm using grocery store apples because that's all I have available to me but you can use apples from a farmers market from an orchard from your backyard if you happen to have an apple tree and you can use any variety of Apple that you wish I'm using Gallo's which is a sweet apple you can also use tart apples if you wish the nice thing about sweet apples is you don't have to add additional sugars that finished apple sauce and since I am using grocery store apples I want to make sure that that wax coating that's on them gets taken off before I cook it down because I don't want that wax in my finished apple sauce so I'm just going to put them into my sink and pour boiling water over them and then let them soak for 10 or 20 seconds and then that'll soften up that wax and allow me to just wipe it off with a towel and I just go ahead and set them off to the side until all your apples are gone then I'm going to cut my apples into sixths I'm going to leave the peels and cores on the apples because I will be using a food mill if you don't have one or don't want to use one go ahead and peel and core your apples before cooking them and then I'm going to put my apples into a large pot and I'm going to add just enough water to barely cover them and I'm going to bring them to a boil storing every so often because you don't want them to stick and I'm gonna cook these for it depends on the variety of apples that you're using if you're using a sweeter softer apple I can take as little as four or five minutes such as these Gallo's if you're using a tart apple such as a Granny Smith or so it can take upwards of 20 minutes but just go ahead and continually test them with a fork and you know they'll be done when a fork goes in easily and you can kind of mash it a little bit with the back of a fork I'm going to drain my apples Here I am saving the liquid you don't have to if you don't want to you it's not needed for the finished applesauce I just say that to add it to food has a little treat now to process these I'm just gonna add them into my food mill and by spinning it you will see the applesauce come out the bottom and it leaves all these skins and seeds in the top kind of a nifty little contraption but it is kind of nice to use and like I said before if you don't have one of these food mills and you've already cored and peeled your apples go ahead and just add a mini food processor control until it's nice and smooth and once you're finished processing your apples this is what your apple sauce will look like and you can see on the left just the seeds and the skins that remain obviously you won't have this if you use a food processor and if you don't want to can your apple sauce by all means you can just put the apple sauce into a bowl and store it in your refrigerator for up to two weeks or so since I will be canning my apple sauce I'm going to go ahead and get my jars ready I'm using a half pint jars you can use pint or quart sized ours whatever you wish I've already gone ahead and washed them and rinsed them and I'm going to go ahead and sterilize them by putting them into a pot with maybe a tablespoon or two of vinegar so it doesn't cloud my jars and I'm gonna oil them for ten minutes and that will sterilize the jars and you can see the back of my lids and rings are in another pot and I've brought the water up to a simmer and I'm just gonna leave them set like that until I'm ready to use them to get my apple sauce ready to can I'm going to bring it up to a boil over medium-high heat stirring constantly and to make sure that the acidity is at the proper level so I can safely water bath can this I'm going to need to add lemon juice to this and now would be the time to add sugar it's really to taste you can add as much sugar or as little sugar as you want I'm not having any sugar to mine and once your applesauce is up to heat go ahead and turn the heat off and it's time to fill your jars grab a jar with a jar lifter and pour the water out back into the canner and using a candle funnel I'm going to ladle in my applesauce [Music] and using a plastic or wood a spatula of sorts I member to make sure that there's no air bubbles on the outside and you want a half an inch of headroom so you may have to add more applesauce to make sure that it's at a half an inch and then using a moist paper towel or towel go ahead and wipe the rim of your jar make sure it's nice and clean grab a hot lid and put it on and a hot ring and you want to screw this down they say finger tight finger tight is kind of a misnomer you want it tight but you don't want to relieved you don't want it too tight but you want it on firmly using a journal after go ahead and put it back into your canner and finish filling up the rest of your jars once your jars are filled go ahead and turn the heat back on on your tanner bring the water up to a whole rolling boil put a lid on it and process this for 20 minutes whether you're using half pint jars pipe jars or quart jars it is all 20 minutes after your 20 minutes is up go ahead and turn the heat off on your burner and let it sit undisturbed for about 5 minutes and after 5 minutes go ahead and remove the jars to a towel on your kitchen counter and leave the jars undisturbed for at least 24 hours after 24 hours go ahead and make sure that they have all sealed by pressing the button in the center the buttons should be in the down position and then clean off your jars label them and date them and you're ready to store them they store for up to a year or so in your pantry any jars that have not sealed you can go ahead and put in your refrigerator and eat within a week or two and there you have it how to make and can homemade applesauce hope you guys enjoy and thanks so much for watching [Music] you
Channel: Crouton Crackerjacks
Views: 330,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: croutoncrackerjacks, croutoncrackerjack, how, to, how-to, make, homemade, Apple Sauce (Ingredient), home can, canning, canner, water bath can, water bath canner, jars, sugar free, natural, real, chunky, how to can, applesauce, easy, quick, first timer, delicious, best, prep, prepper, prepping, food storage, long term, recipe, recipes
Id: KBXjHqpc7t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2013
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