Canning and Smoking Alaskan Copper River Red Salmon Bellies | HUGE HOMEMADE PSI CANNER |

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everybody so a couple weeks ago we went to chitina went dip net infrareds and uh today what we're gonna do is we're gonna prep for smoking our fish tomorrow what we're gonna do is we're gonna get all of the fish in this cooler here we keep all of the bellies and then we keep the smaller fillets and uh we've got about 50 or 60 pounds of meat in there that we're gonna grind tonight and uh we're gonna go for like a 12 hour 12 to 15 hour brine we're gonna make smoked salmon that we vacuum pack we're gonna make some salmon candy some salmon jerky and what we most of is smoked canned salmon that we'll be canning in the pressure cooker that i built so when we fillet our fish we take the bellies not everybody does that we do i really like i really like cannon the bellies because it's there's a lot more fat in them it comes out it's it's perfect for canning it's always super slimy when we get back this stuff has been rinsed it just the slime is just always there i'm just going to put it in there to try to get rid of some of the slime we caught 65 total and uh we gave 20 fish to my mom and dad and then we kept 45. when we smoke them smoke them whole don't try taking the fins off what we do is we smoke them we leave this membrane off on the inside and we smoke them just long enough to where this starts peeling off and where it wants to peel right off the skin and then we just sit there for however long and we just pull all the good meat off and we put it in jars [Music] so for our the salmon that we smoke like i said is going to be our smaller fillets or the ones that didn't turn out that good because we don't fillet fish for a living it takes a little bit to get a get it back every year so what we're gonna do is i don't like doing with the bones so you can see right here these are all bones what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna come back to the last bone and i'm gonna in that area i'm gonna cut it off this piece of the fish we're gonna can because when we can it it dissolves all the bones this piece of the fish here is what we're gonna make our salmon candy and salmon jerky out of for the salmon candy i'm gonna go cut it into like one to two inch wide strips actually that's probably more like a jerky so you can just see you see all the little bones right there so this is what we ended up with this is the front half of the fish some of the smaller fillets [Applause] stuffed with bones in it this is going to be smoked and then put in jars and pressure cooked this is our salmon candy this is going to be our salmon jerky and this is the 65 salmon bellies all we do for our brine is a one to one ratio brown sugar to salt it's a dry brine we're gonna go for 12 ish hours so last night before we went to bed we made our brine and uh what we did is just a one-to-one forever for a cup of salt a cup of brown sugar so these have been in the brine for about 12 hours this is their salmon jerky you can really see that they're stiffening up and then this is going to be our candy and uh it calls for what two hour two hour burn so we're going to brine it right now yeah and one one thing this was a dry brine you can see how much moisture it pulls out of the fish so let me mix this one up we'll get some video of it put the quarter inch layer on the bottom so that's what it looks like you can see it's dry put a couple layers in the bottom of the five gallon bucket we're gonna put it in the fridge for what was it two hours and pull them out in two hours what they look like we don't like ours our salmon super salty so we do a little bit better rinse job than some wood so that's all 60 well i don't know if it's all 65 but that's all the bellies that would normally have been thrown back in the river a few years ago we started doing this we leave the fins on it seems maybe weird but we leave the fins on and we will smoke these just long enough to where the meat once start coming off the skin and then we'll peel all the meat off and take all the bones out and just [Music] mechanics we'll leave it here with the fan blown for probably two hours or just until uh start to get yeah that tacky really stiff too so all this liquid right here was not there yesterday it's a dry brine it's getting tacky put all the bellies in a small smoker so so so we just got a big chief smoker here this i run it on the lowest setting but it's it's too much so we just got to constantly watch it rotate it the stuff on bottom starts cooking way fast and stuff on top then this is an old warming oven then we just have a hot plate put the wood chips on we're using all their wood chips you can see all the bones in there now all of the meat in here is just going to be cooked for a couple hours or smoked for a couple hours just for flavor and it's going to get canned it's been two hours since we put the salmon candy in the fridge that's how much moisture it pulls out here's the candy after two hours in the brine it's starting to get firm our salmon jerky right here is getting really really stiff that's been how many hours now 12. so i think we're going to call that good we were thinking about going longer to let it dry out even more but we'll just seems pretty firm so been smoking for about an hour it's right at 200. [Music] it's looking good so we're coming up on like the two hour mark see it's starting to come off the skin that's what we're looking for we don't want to over smoke these or over cook them all the all the good oils and everything start coming off we want that to be in the jars so i think this one's done so here's most of the salmon bellies there's the thumbs on the inside [Music] so miranda's just about done with all the bellies everybody huh it's okay if my dogs are in here yep if you don't like my dogs in here you just turn the channel that's all going in jars that's all the front halves of the fish and any of the smaller fillets for the salmon candy and the last six fillets that we're doing i decided to use the apple wood chips i don't know how it's going to turn out but that's what we're doing the applewood is a lot smokier than the older stuff but that's the salmon candy right up there there's six decent fillets right there that we're gonna smoke all the way and then all of our our uh salmon jerky's down there so what we're going to do is we're going to put maple syrup and we have a lot of honey from our bees so we're going to put honey on half half of the candy and then maple syrup on the other half and then on our jerky strips i think we're just going to do all syrup okay it's been an hour since we put these in here the recipe that we're following says put it in for an hour let the smoke do its thing and then uh start basting it and then every half hour will come out here until it's done so jalapeno garlic and onion in the bottom of every one we used to put it on the top of the salmon but this time we're putting it on the bottom i think it'll cook into the meat better we ended up with 32 pints and 36 half pints without those half pints yeah 36 half pints this is all the bellies right there that's that's what we got from the bellies and then this over here is just blaze we're gonna do is we're gonna get the lids on these tonight and i'm gonna put them in the fridge for the night and then tomorrow we're gonna fire up the pressure cooker and usually do this all in one batch so i get that expanded metal i don't know it's like an inch inch and a half off the bright inch and a half off the floor just sitting on some angle iron down there we're going to put about an inch of water in the bottom it's not going to be a very full load [Music] brew a half pints that's it it's about i don't know a little less than half full [Music] right foreign and that's the setup we use at first we use the uh the torch speed up the process to get it up the tent it's a lot of steel to heat up and a lot of material in the jars we're just gonna go till we got steady steam coming out of there for 10 minutes let me start our timer as everything warms up we'll shut the cold off and yes i know i don't have a psv on here but i will sit here and monitor this the entire time so we've got a pretty steady flow of steam for the last 10 minutes now i'm going to slightly pinch down on this valve and then the pressure should start to rise once we had about 13 pounds let me start my timer so we're over 11. i'm going to bring it up to about 13 pounds and now that i'm over 11 11 psi i'm going to start my timer 200 minute timer and sit here and watch it so it's been an hour and 40 minutes timer just went off now we'll just let it be pressurized on its own [Music] a little more okay no it goes so we're wrapping it up just about got everything done just put the jerky and the same candy and bags and get the backing pack we finished chaining everything earlier today really good every single jar seal almost there so we're all done got all our salmon candy all of our jerky and just smoked salmon vacuum packed here's all the jars we ended up with and the one thing that everything tastes good except for uh the salmon jerky is a little salty for what we like so next time we'll definitely rinse better and probably not leave it in the brine so long so we did about a 15 hour brine so if you don't like it salty don't do it for 15 hours but other than that it was really good we used honey we used our honey this year from our bees and uh that's good i like just so much as i like the syrup so we'll probably just use that every year so we also probably have 15 fish probably 30 fillets 25 or 30 fillets that we vacuum packed in our is in the freezer for barbecue so for bacon what's up
Channel: DIY Alaskan lifestyle
Views: 21,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salmon, copper river red, dip netting, dip net, sockeye salmon, king salmon, Chitna, smoked salmon, canning salmon, salmon roe, salmon filet, obrien creek, haley creek, Copper River Red Salmon Meat Run, filleting fish, fishing Alaska, subsistence fishing, salmon bellies, salt brown sugar brine, smoked salmon recipe, salmon candy, Smoked Copper River Red Salmon Bellies, Salmon Candy | HUGE HOMEMADE PSI CANNER |, salmon jerky, canned salmon, salmon canning recipe
Id: c6c-EkEo8EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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