Canned Biscuit Donuts EASY | How to make donuts at home QUICK!

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okay so today I'm gonna make a treat for my family this is something my mom did when I was growing up and I'm going to use biscuit dough from the store to make donuts um I might do a regular donut I might do some twists I don't know I'm using the flaky layers but the regular biscuit dough the grams that also that's actually what we use growing up but I had flaky layer Grands biscuit dough so that's what I'm using I'm gonna open this foreign I'm working with um this little mat here it's a non-stick mat pretty easy to work with these were actually kind of cut weird what that's weird okay Okay so what I'm gonna do first I mean you could flower your work surface but this is non-stick so I really don't need to use flour but what I am going to do I'm Gonna Roll this out and I'm going to cut this into two strips just like that and then I can kind of stretch it a little bit and I am working this is cold still it might stretch a little bit better if it's room temp okay I mean you could kind of do this you know do this thing kind of make it into like a log snake shape same thing with this side okay now you you put two of these together here and then you're gonna twist and then you pinch it closed and there's the twist there we go hopefully it stays that way sometimes I I have good luck with this and sometimes it's just not my day with the twists that that should do the trick okay so one twist we'll do a donut here we go and another little donut hole for the donuts I'm going to make a glaze so I'm going to add roughly like a cup and a half of confectioners sugar you may know it as powdered sugar there we go I'm also going to add a pinch of salt I'm going to add some ground cinnamon to mine you don't have to I want to have and then maybe like a half teaspoon okay to a full teaspoon I'm gonna give this a mix before I add any liquid to this and you probably want to um mine is kind of clumpy and lumpy so I'm going to try to work out some of those lumps two tablespoons of water you could also Subway that with milk and just a little bit of vanilla extract teaspoon works oh so just work that in and if I need more water I'll add that and that's it that's going to be the glaze for these Donuts it's a cinnamon sugar glaze you can skip the cinnamon and just add the powdered sugar water and vanilla it all works oh smells great already okay here I have a baking sheet with a wire rack for the donuts once they're done and I'm preheating my cooking oil here in a small pot so my little Chopstick as you can see starts to Bubble around the wooden chopstick the oil is that a good fry temp 350 degrees Fahrenheit works okay so let's try let's try this twist let's see if it stays twisty sometimes I have luck with this and sometimes I don't so going in there we go okay okay so I had to get my little spider thing so it is going to cook quite nicely and the key here with this store-bought dough or even if you make scratch dough is to make sure the inside Cooks before the outside starts to burn I'm gonna throw in some donut holes as well I don't want to put too much in the pot careful careful and careful okay flip the donut this this twisty one a little bit more it's almost done it takes a minute or so so I think this one's done looks good a nice deep golden brown color I'll take that and then put it on your wire rack there we go so for the donut holes give them a little flip make sure they cook on both sides this is a little tedious here with this okay so these are also done and they you can see one of them kind of puffed up again the key here is to make sure the inside Cooks before the outside Burns and feel free to adjust your fried temp if things cook too quick on the outside okay so now let's try donut the donut shaped one going in that cook and then I'll flip it over flip it over there we go this is hot actually I'm gonna add another donut in there we go I think this little pot will fit too just fine okay so let's go in with the twist here and let's glaze it oh the exterior is nice and golden brown and crispy so just and I'm going to let the glaze kind of drip a little bit and if you need to thin out your glaze do that this one might be a little too thick but yeah this is going to be great we go and back onto the rack so let's go with the donut going right in give it a flip oh yes this is going to be a nice treat for the family today look at that that looks great let it drip a little bit and then we're going to take it over to the rack there we go next one glaze it flip it and like I stated earlier you can just dredge it in a nice coating of cinnamon and sugar that is also something my mom did actually that's usually what she did was the cinnamon sugar but I wanted to glaze them today that really gives you that donut texture you're looking for when you get a glazed donut you know from the bakery or from your donut local donut shop okay good stuff going back on to the right to hang out and then I'm just going to coat the donut holes these are fun too I'll just repeat the process for all of my little donut treats and then I'll show you what they look like on the inside okay so they're all done my son already snuck a donut hole but check these out these look so good and these were the last ones that I made so they're super hot I'm not even gonna touch those they still have to set but with that cinnamon sugar glaze the store-bought biscuit dough these literally are quick and easy donuts and this is what I'm treating my family with today so I hope you give this recipe a try I hope you like it and thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Simply Mamá Cooks
Views: 3,338,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft glazed donuts, homemade donuts, canned biscuit dough, donuts easy, recipes, quick and easy recipes, simply mama cooks
Id: OlwsPgHevQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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