Canik TP9SFX Ultimate First Gun Competition Ready?

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what's going on everybody and welcome back so sometimes in this life we eat crow and for me that came in the way of the canik tp9 SFX now this is a buddy of Mines gun that he lent to me because I was just really curious he kept talking about this thing and this is not a guy that buys cheap stuff and he typically has a higher taste when it comes to guns so when he told me about this thing it was like a $450 gun kind of a copy of the q5 match guys so just looking at this Ian's pictures of it you can tell this is almost a dang carbon copy of the Walther q5 match now there are some amazing options in this thing and I kept just making fun of him for it because he'd be shooting it he's actually used it in several matches he's an ex SWAT guy did like 15 years on teams very tactical guy and very well informed when it comes to guns he's an armor he's done all kinds of stuff throughout his life so if he's somebody that I trust but when he initially told me about this thing he said it was imported from Turkey by Century Arms and he said the name was actually called Sonic not Kanak what I guess is what everybody calls it I don't know I looked at the name and I would say Kanak you know but he said kid calling is Jean and I'm like what is a Jean ik what in the hell are you talking about and he pulls this thing out and shows it to me and I'm like I've never seen that before but I've never heard of it either and it kind of sounds like you're doing the Joe dirtay thing we're trying to make dirt sound good or calling target tarjay or something so I kind of scoffed at it and then he's like look take it and shoot it [Music] [Music] and he he rigged it up with that delta point pro DS he actually uses this in matches and he does quite well and I gotta say I had to eat crow because this thing really did shock me because for what you pay for this thing it is an absolutely great firearm it shoots absolutely amazing the trigger on this thing take a quick look right here now the take up is not the shortest but it is shorter than others great break reset break the trigger is right at three pounds on this on my pull gauge and we will take a look at that up close but this thing comes with a ton of stuff that others like the MOS or even the cz p10 F optics ready series do not you're gonna get a lot of options with this thing and the way that it shoots just really was the best part of this it was very flat very good ergonomics to hold in the hand and I found myself just right on target with this each time I went to draw and shoot the thing and I'll roll in some footage here throughout it where I'm actually working this gun out of an ALS style holster it's not an ALS holster it's actually that Blackhawk omnivore holster and I'm gonna do a review on that but I can tell you guys that have things pretty much hot garbage I just I needed something that I could stick every gun that I owned in and try to use it and train with it so you guys can have an idea of what I'm doing and using would actually be for like duty use or how's it gonna run and that's why I got that but it's not necessarily the best holster in the world but as a film in this video right now this thing comes in at gun stores that right around that 450 maybe just a little bit more and I think that is an absolutely an exceptional value for what you are getting now I want to go ahead and get into this thing we'll go ahead and check out some of that range footage as well we're gonna take this apart I'm gonna kind of explain to you what's going on in here because it is a different trigger mechanism than I've ever seen before but you know everybody's got to differentiate themselves from one another so we're gonna go ahead we're gonna get into this thing check it out if you guys like what's going on here and you like learning about this stuff and just seeing these different things that are out there the market wouldn't hit that subscribe button for me but we're going to get into this canik tp9 sfx right now okay we're jumping into the canik tp9 sfx as you can see right here with that Lupo Delta Point Pro on it right now this gun like I said shock the crap out of me it turned out to be actually pretty dang good especially for about a 450 to 500 hour gun the price is kind of range you can look at online so we're gonna run through the basic specs on this real quick guys I'm gonna read them right off the Canon website for you and I'm gonna go ahead and get into my overall feelings from this so what we are looking at right here the TP 9 s FX version so this is a tungsten seracote over a phosphate finish so seracote wears a little faster than some other coatings but this gun has been in and out of a lot of holsters you can see the barrel where this thing has thousands of rounds through it unknown right now I did borrow this from a buddy so but I know it's probably got around that 5k mark tonight millimeter everybody knows that it is 20 plus 1 so you got a 18 round mag basically solid steel mag and then it's got eight plus two on it I think all their mags are actually made by met car which are fairly high quality mags I've used those for other guns in the past if I point two inch barrel overall length of eight point two seven inches so this boy is long but this is kind of geared towards competition guys and we'll get into more of that later it's about 6.2 inches tall it is 1.3 7 on that width and it weighs 1.8 3 pounds unloaded so let's go ahead and get into what comes with this thing here so it's kind of a the back plate usually has the rear sight on it and then the front sight has the same pattern right here so that is actually kind of an industry standard dovetail sight both front and rear and those are made by warren tact one it's got a red in it right now as you guys can see right there fiber optic but it does come with a green as well so that's pretty cool you get a couple of options there for the sights so it does come with four different RMR or optic plates this one's for the delta point pro on here you get an RM r1 you get a vortex one and I can't remember which one the other one does fit pretty dang nice plate for what we got here and then it's got a slot in there you can see the threading right there on both sides that's actually for a small charging handle that comes out I don't have all the other parts of them because like I said I borrowed this from a buddy and those parts are somewhere in his garage and you couldn't find them so this is what we're dealing with right here which is the gun a couple of mags so actually pretty dang cool that it comes these very nice optics place you can see they've carried those serrations into the top so if you're doing manipulations you've got a lot of serration here to grab on to so pretty cool there we do have some interchangeable backstraps I think there's three of them in total this is the slim one on there right now got a very very 1911's angle on the grip pretty dang cool got a striker indicator back there once this is in battery you'll have that indicator on the back right there sometimes companies put those in red sometimes they're just there like that and then once you depress trigger that actually disappears so pretty dang cool there we do have a couple different size magazine releases right here they give you some different extensions that's just screw right in over that so that is pretty dang cool because in the competition world anything you can do to go a little bit faster is better I've got a very extended native control there for the slide I actually found that to be a little bit of a problem for my hand size and my hand placement moving forward we've got very nice depressed lever here for the slide lock and pretty dang easy to work with comes apart just like a glock guys we'll get into that in a second standard Picatinny rail up there getting the rest that slide get those front serrations it has been ported we've got some nice kind of machine work across the top you can see right there got a couple holes right there for some pins and then obviously got some more porting job down there very flushed barrel on that so I noticed that as well I'm usually get about I don't know quarter inch of a barrel sticking out on most manufacturers this is extremely flush on this overall this thing shoots very very good this does have some you know basic tape on it here to give it a little bit more grip that's what my buddy did to this to kind of make it more user-friendly for him the overall texture I did touch one in a store I felt to be fine but it's definitely an eyesore to have especially for competition that's extremely aggressive grip here we've got a very generous trigger guard right here I've got really big fingers and in Glocks sometimes a little tight for me so this is a very generous trigger trigger guard right there and it's very nicely rounded so you know you don't have that feeling like you get on some of the Glocks right up in here it's got just the right amount of depression in there from my big old hands and feels just really good in there so let's talk about this trigger real quick as you can see looks like a Glock trigger got the trigger shoe safety but quite a bit larger than a standard Glock trigger now let's check this out here we got our take-up right there is the wall wall break now reset break extremely light for a factory polymer trigger I want to say it's right between three to three and a half pounds feels absolutely great guys I mean the take-up is extremely smooth it's a pretty defined wall right there almost no creep so there's wall break very well done on this trigger this has to be probably one of the best milling triggers out of the box that I have felt in a striker-fired pistol whether it's Sig Glock H&K the cz this thing feels absolutely great out of the box guys really really good stuff here so let's go ahead and break this down comes apart like a Glock cycle it sure it's a dry pull down on the levers and slide off we see that we've got a pretty standard looking guide rod and spring there and then we've got our barrel so pretty long I actually just cleaned this up for my buddy because he lent it to me I'm pretty sure he knew I was gonna get into this thing deep and clean it for him because I really wanted to know how it worked it's a very nice polished feed ramp that it comes with there we so we don't have any target crown in the barrel right there but not that big of a deal overall we can see we have our traditional rifling in there shoots well I didn't have any problems with this barrel at all and I know my buddy has putted a lot of rounds through this thing and it is doing it very well for him as well so very very reminiscent of pretty much every other striker-fired pistol out there the way it comes apart and goes together now let's go ahead and check out what we got going in on the frame right here guy so quite a bit different you know we see we got a bunch of different stuff going on in here we've got two of those fins right there that Glock is notorious for for having that vertical extension on the trigger bar can expand your trigger return spring is back here I'm gonna use this pin with the orange tip because the viewer said he was having trouble with his eyes seeing where that black Glock tool was pointing I'm gonna kind of use this so this is actually your sear right back here you can see a little tiny shiny spot kind of get this to focus in really good that's where the sear makes contact with your striker look right there so our trigger safety works the same as every other pistol right there as we pull the trigger back right down in here guys where you can see the tip of my pen going there is a vertical bar that comes off the side of the trigger bar and it moves right there there's a vertical part of that bar which allows the sear to drop down allows a striker to go forward and then this front right here section of that vertical extension of the trigger bar is that is the one that actually depresses your plunger safety which is right here very reminiscent of a Glock and Smith & Wesson and then the second side actually rides on this portion of the of the slide which is kind of milled down right here so as the slightest cycling and coming back like this across that secondary bar right there you can see where it fits in as that slide comes back and you have pulled the trigger to the rear it's gonna push down on that which is going to allow this bar right here to go back underneath the sear and reset that trigger so kind of the same thing is on a Glock connector where the trigger bar overrides it and goes down pretty much the same thing that's going on just a couple of different parts in there pretty cool little trigger setup in there guys we'll go ahead and get back together here and we're gonna do some pull tests because this thing is pretty dang cool on the pool test oh and the the base plates on the plus twos are these the ones you're gonna get the gray ones this black one is just an additional mag that I was using that he gave me so go ahead and make sure we are good to go and we're gonna do some pull tests on this bad boy because it pulls pretty dang low and it is definitely fun to shoot out there so get that zoomed in for you right there guys we are right at three pounds four ounces so that's pretty good that's about where I expected it to be right there is three and a half pounds guys sorry for taking the camera so long for taking to focus in for you we'll do one more I usually like to do three just kind of stay consistent that was an over pull guys we're redoing that one for sure so that one registered at four but I want to say I hit the hit the side of the frame on that so we'll do one more just to make sure we're doing this good see our right there again three and a half so we were between about 3.4 ounces and then about three three and a half something like that so pretty dang good guys overall this thing's shot very well did very well out there on the range the only thing I would have liked to have seen changed out of this a little bit better of a magazine well right here it doesn't really give you any mag well to speak of generally I like the fact that it is closed off here but definitely I had a couple hang-ups when I was out there first getting into this because this is just really really tight around the magazines right there so really would have liked to have seen it a little bit better if a flare down here that would have been awesome I know there are I've seen a couple of mag wells out there for this I don't know which brand they are but in all guys this thing just absolutely a great shooter out there on the range and that trigger is awesome so go ahead and get back up on the cheering wolf finish this up on the canik tp9 sfx this canik tp9 sfx absolutely shocked me and i'm not generally one to be like you know jumping up and down about a 400 to 700 dollar polymer pistol now you give me like a Kimber or an STI or something I'm gonna be an extremely happy camper for the day but for what this thing is I really think that this is an absolutely great firearm now I have heard there's been any issue or two with these things breaking firing pins I know there are some kits out there that sell like two-for-one or something there's probably around 5,000 rounds for this one right now and I know that's not been an issue with this thing but there is just so much good stuff going on in here I mean between the trigger you get the optics plates if you're doing comps you get a charging handle you're getting different extensions for your magazine release I mean this is just a really great package and I don't think there's anything else out there at least then I know of that after talking to some other people that I trust really gives you what this does anywhere near in that price range and I really think that if you're looking to get into competition or just you know here and there doing competitions or stuff and you don't really have a race style gun or a competition style gun I think this is absolutely somewhere would be awesome to start for people I mean I was able to run this thing very very quickly and it did take me a little bit to get going as you saw in those videos I had a Miss hopper here just because of the length of those maggots and coming up in there every different gun is a little bit longer or shorter has a different angle so I'd like to go out and practice with those and you could see once I got used to this after a couple of mag exchanges and a couple of drills I mean this gun was just very easy to run the only issue that I did run into is you did see once or twice where I'd come out and my thumb would hit that extended slide stop slide release because just it's very very extended it is very solid and just the way I would grip it I would actually send that slide back into battery with no round in there and then I would just use that optic to reset find out that I had nothing left in the mag and then do an exchange there and I kind of set those drills up like that on purpose either with a dummy around or I'll have somebody else load my mags or I'll load the mags with two or three or four rounds and then I mix them up because I don't want to know what's in there when I reload or load I want to be able to practice those drills not knowing when and where you know a failure to feed or a bad round or something like that's gonna happen and that's just because of how I use guns for living and I want to always stay up-to-date on that and I really wanted to run this thing like it was gonna be a duty gun because I think that this thing is just awesome I mean for 450 bucks I don't think there's a lot out there that beats or competes with it so I really hoped you guys liked this video and I hope you like learn about this canik tp9 sfx and if you guys like what's going on here with the channel go ahead hit that subscribe button for me you like the video give me a thumbs up if you don't like the video I don't know what you're still doing here but it's the end so go ahead and grab whatever you got around you and throw it at that thumbs down button in an even number of times you guys go ahead stay safe stay ready go out there and shoot some of that ammo you've been buying and I will see you all on the next one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tactical Considerations
Views: 97,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canik tp9sfx, canik tp9 sfx, century arms, optics ready, 3 gun, best 9mm handgun, canik tp9, best 9mm pistol, canik, tactical handgun, tactical considerations, pewtorius, canik elite, canik review, canik tp9sfx review, canik tp9 review, canik tp9 elite combat review, canik tp9 elite review, canik competition, canik competition 9mm, edc, everyday carry, canik handguns review, canik sfx, canik 9mm, budget competition pistol, best budget competition pistol
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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