Canelo Gets Honest About Mayweather, Talks Fighting Jake Paul & Exposes Oscar De La Hoya

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all right boys we got a massive episode today we got Canelo coming on the Pod before we get into it this episode is sponsored by prize picks you guys know we have been messing with prize picks heavy heavy heavy I've tried so many different apps when firing on Sports and prize picks is by far the best voice instead of choosing teams you're choosing individual players so each player has a set projection and you either go more or less than that set projection so if you guys are smart with sports and you know what players are going to perform on what nights dude there's no better app than prize pick for you and boy we got you guys on a code code Neel it's a 100% deposit bonus so take advantage of that if you put in 100 bucks they're literally going to match your at 100 bucks so use code nelk take advantage of that code prize pick is available in 70% of the United States boys California Texas Florida all season long football's back with fire and happies fire and prize picks let's get into the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pod massive massive episode today boys we got Canelo coming in I think it's his only interview that he's really doing before the fight too yeah that's I'm a huge F crazy yeah he's sick he's obviously I mean he's an absolute Legend I don't know how we get them you guys always ask us how do you get these people but it's pretty crazy it's really cool to be able to sit down with people like this too oh absolutely these are the days where it's like yo this is the most lit job ever I woke up this morning and I was like Wow pretty grateful to do this how was it how how did you wake up this morning I woke up this morning and just dude was had a what the moment like I haven't had that in a while how long like a week and a half two weeks no I drink but I never like get to that point I really don't bro like I don't ever get to that point yeah and um I always like to be in control but uh yeah no I went through my phone texted a lot of people one of those scaries but you just own it can we talk about it or no yeah yeah I guess gambles woke up this morning and the uh he had seven Miss calls from steiny at one seven seven Bo yeah of course seven Miss calls from uh steiny at 1:45 a.m. and I guess you were ringing on our doorbell last night at 2: a.m. we went I don't know what my motive was bro I wish I I don't know what you were looking for like I don't know what it was that we went we went to bed super early cuz we're [ __ ] you guys have been seeing we're posting we're on the [ __ ] we're on a gym mission right now Monday to Saturday yeah been dialed admit it yeah no you guys I've never seen this in my life bro it's crazy we've been dialed we're just trying to basically the the cheat code boys is we're still partying it's chicks if you can if you cannot get distracted by that's something I guess were you f you what the [ __ ] happened to you you weren't even chasing [ __ ] last night though I was chasing money yeah I was trying to get my money back was a [ __ ] it was bad bro I think if you could just keep the chicks to Saturday every Saturday like that's what I said I'm [ __ ] working out Monday to Saturday then Saturday morning you work out possibly even get a two a day in Saturday yeah and then you hit the [ __ ] town and you wheel are you beating off more I'm beating off yeah but like more not more prob I mean you don't just get like bored and [ __ ] that's how I get you get bored but it's either you make gains or be bored [ __ ] bro no you're right but I've been doing pretty well you even asked me today like oh why don't I bring like that chick over tonight you could say whatever you want but when you bring them over something is going to be affected guaranteed like they're going to want a drink it's like I don't even want to like I want to stay dialed till Saturday every Saturday is the day you earn that every single time what do you think what's like your ultimate goal with this I think it's going to be great for my career I and I just lookwise I want to be jacked like fighter jacked I don't know I mean f I'm going to shred down first and I might get a little bit skinny because I'm trying to lose the barrel yeah and then after that I'll build back up a little bit but till Thanksgiving November I'm probably going to stick to this like would you feel comfortable with taking a urine test cuz I think you're taking something I can yeah I I will I seriously I don't know bro I just think you're on something cuz your strength is you're you're strong as [ __ ] now you said you put up 225 no problem not no problem I I can't you throwing weight around which is never said that was throwing 225 Round okay well that's big I could do like one and a half reps and then some days I can't even do it CU I'm not just I guess it varies but bro we're turning 30 next year like chill bro I'm pushing 28 you're 29 28 I'm not CL I'm closer to 28 30 you think on your 30th it' be like dope like people are going to trip us for being 30 they're already chirping us for being 29 so like it'd be dope if you were like a shredded 30-year-old yeah cuz then it's like okay and I person feel like 30 30 is that sniping age too like the 30s could actually be the best years of our life honestly you can actually snipe all chicks in the 30s too no 30s are definitely I think that's where you can snipe older chicks and then you can still snipe like the 25y olds like you're you're in the best sniping range in your 30s yeah but I don't go for like older like than 30 ever do you but you can in your 30s if you want to if you so choose I have before but I'm not super into it I'm not a huge like let's [ __ ] a mil guy you know what I mean yeah me neither i' rather [ __ ] a young mil yeah I'm not a huge mil guy at all no I'm not like the cougar C and Cougar Bars and [ __ ] it's just not really for me yeah it's just like it's actually like having a mommy but I can't say I've done it enough that I could really diss it yeah no I haven't done it now that I think about it I don't even think I've ever been with a milk I've taken down a lot of young moms I know you have like 25y old what's good with that I don't like that bro it freaks me out you got to know how to handle them but it's just like the fact that that chick has had a kid like in putting your dick in them I don't know well it's got to be a rich young mom all the young moms I've taken down like their families are loaded so you know they're not after you for like money like their grandparents take care of the kid and [ __ ] they're still out partying in the clubs aren't you worried about like going they're shitty moms but they're hot aren't you worried about like going to the fridge and like the kid comes out of his room and you have to have that like I've never been to their house oh no oh okay they got to slam you at least what five times before you meet the kid [ __ ] see that's the thing is like what if you find a really hot girl that you really get along with but she has a kid would you do it like a relationship with him I it would take me so much to get into a relationship in general dude right now it's just so much work I'm so happy being single damn dude not because it's just like you're like motivating me I feel like I got to change my [ __ ] ways you guys are coming back from the gym I'm waking up [ __ ] yeah you were probably still awake a different planet you were probably still awake when we woke up yeah probably we woke up at 6:00 a.m. [ __ ] bro yeah no it just feels good bro I I just like I like partying still obviously but it's just like it's the [ __ ] it's the balance plus I think yeah can we can we talk about what made you uh want to have this motive no I mean it's just I think it's it's good for everything like especially yeah we're getting older like now it's people want to see us be more of like Role Models like we got the [ __ ] we obviously party yeah we got the business [ __ ] going you know we got the Empire but I think the one thing missing is just being like [ __ ] jacked I know I need to clean up my ass and like healthy yeah and then but also I don't want to be a [ __ ] that doesn't [ __ ] party like I'm not going to be I'm not going to go sober or some [ __ ] and I'm not dissing people that go sober but I'm I'm still going to rip I know I'm kind of over sometimes I'm kind of over the partying though I just dude I am you got [ __ ] blacked out on a Monday man you're not over partying we're going through like this Rebrand and stuff like I'm really I'm trying to do what you're doing more I just dude I have urges and I can't control it yeah you're [ __ ] I'm pretty easily tempted your thing is just like sex though what do you mean like you can't give that up I mean it's pretty [ __ ] hard you're like a cuddle addict too yeah dude I like to have you can't have one night without a chick I mean I like to have somebody with me bro I know well you got to get over that you don't get lonely no I don't I thought I would after I was single but I get [ __ ] Lonely at the house I'm not going to lie okay well get over it what's going to happen you're going to die just like sleeping alone so people know like at the house we don't we don't really all kick it I realized well cuz I go to bed early and wake up early you could come to the gym with us you like it's just I'm just dialed [ __ ] there's nothing to kick it past [ __ ] 93010 on a week night yeah if you're waking up at 5:00 a.m. yeah no you're right yeah but I don't I think that's the key you just got to put aside [ __ ] for [ __ ] three months cuz no matter what the chicks will want to drink and they maybe not other guys but with us they just look at us and they're like okay like no boys I want to party with them yeah you know what I mean yeah they don't come with us to play chess or [ __ ] exactly that's also like our Flex though that's the problem yeah it's good and it works yeah it's a it's a blessing and a curse right yeah but I think it'll be cool I'm going to try to do it till like November thanks like Thanksgiving that's what it is right American Thanksgiving yeah so are we going to pick up uh IRL streaming yeah maybe yeah try it out I think it would be cool I think that we could kill what's your honest opinion on that and do you do you get scared about it think in what way just the fact that it's like real time like no nothing edited basically not not really I don't think so dude I don't I don't know why but I'm kind of surprised like I have had this feeling that something bad's going to happen to a streamer well there's already bad [ __ ] that's probably happened to streamers in the past right but I'm just saying like now that you're doing this in real life definitely well if everyone's going to start to do it and the thing about us is when we do something we're going to do it properly and smart yeah but like obviously everyone else is just going to run around with their heads cut off and try it so there's definitely going to be bad [ __ ] that's going to happen yeah but I think it would be big for us just purely for the fact that like just the clips like we talked about go viral just because it's live and you know it's live yeah like if I show speed lights fireworks off in his room in a YouTube video or on a live stream it's obviously going to go more viral in the clip when it's live cuz you're like yo that was live like it just looks more raw yeah 100% you know what I'm saying so I think if we're not going to like stream all the time but I think if we did it every once in a while I think it' be big for us huge but it's definitely conflicting with YouTube yeah so that's where we have to follow figure out that balance yeah for sure but I think it' be cool all right let's get Canelo in here what's going on girl great to meet you thanks for thanks for coming through how are you good to meet you man thank you thanks for having us yeah thank you all right guys we got a amazing amazing episode absolute legend in the house we got Canelo fired up thanks for coming through bro we really really appreciate you oh my pleasure thank you for the support of course so what's this what's this week been like and what does this new fight kind of mean to you oh means a lot every fight means a lot for me but at Le this fight especially it means more than the other because he never believed in in my skills and now I'm able to prove him to to show him my my my skills and that's that's something amazing for me you're one of like the best of all time like you're literally a boxing Legend like how do you what what like motivates you still to to like fight I love what I do I love boxing and I love being in this big fights and and and and and fight like this like I just enjoy what I what I do and love what I do that's why I still motivate in boxing so I I think I I have many things to do and more history to accomplish what what what are some of those goals that you want to get or what's like something you just have to achieve in your career just fight the best and and and and and try to do the best fights out there and that people enjoy and and you know it's like I always do moving up and way classes and and go down and win World titles and that's that's the only thing I I I want in in my career do you think a lot of people are like it seems like you're being counted out by a lot of people in this fight too uh like it seems like a lot of people think that charot could like upset you yeah they they want yeah that's why they wanton but ad do it is different that's different because he's going to feel some something different in the ring with me he's no he's not the same fighter he's used to to fight it's going to be different and and I'm going to show them I know they want they they want everybody want him to beat me but I it's going to be difficult where does he rank amongst like your past opponents do you think no he's he's a great fighter he's a good fighter he's a strong fighter uh he know how to to box you know how to go forward he's a strong fighter with a lot of skills but you know I'm me in this position for a long time uh I fought with the every every style and I'm ready for for for everybody do you think that you're like in your best shape you've been in your career right now your best ability even though you're older now than like yeah I I feel one of the best shapes in in my life I feel in my Prime and and this Camp especially is is is one of the best in in my in my career you playing golf during camp or no or do you stay away no golf at all that's that's difficult for me not play gol back right yeah but no that's difficult for me not play golf because I love golf so much but you know first is first and I need to I need to work and be disciplined focused for the fight uh for the fight and I don't play golf like a two months and a half damn has that been tough for you yeah it's tough golf is the best I me yeah but how how good's your game he's good what are you shooting 80 80 78 80 oo you're breaking 80 yeah how long have you been playing um three four years damn what made you decide to pick up golf uh one of my friends invited me to play golf in the pandemic and and that's how I start in golf golf at the beginning I hit the ball everywhere you know sometimes I don't hit the ball and that's when I realize because so before I say no golf is boring like like a for it looks boring from the outside right when when you when you start playing it's [ __ ] addicted so that's how I start and you're already breaking 80 in four years that's yeah my best is 74 dang but nice to shoot under right yeah it's hard for me because when I start training I stop practice I stop everything and to start again is like you want to start again the tempo timing everything you never even broken 100 probably yeah I have I have I could hit low 90s 90s yeah yeah that's that's not bad that's fine because you you in golf you can you can play with your handicap and that's that's funny yeah exactly who's who's your favorite golfer I have yeah a few yeah Rory yon Ram Rory Justin Thomas now Serio Garcia when I start when I have like two months playing I play PR with them in Mexico no like a practice round with them and he he G me a little tips because m is like you know you start Ser he freaks out a little bit though kind of a head case yeah he he had problems with the pot I think you seem like you keep your composure pretty well out there he's Spanish do way I have to ask you this it's kind of like uh it happened a week ago or whatever but what do you think about them aliens I don't know man bro do you believe them you saw like Mexico showed the skeletons yeah I I saw that but uh I really don't care yeah if they look pretty fake yeah yeah I don't know I just curious if I really don't care I don't I don't know if something's going to happen it's going to happen right I really don't care if the alen ens exist we we want to figure out right yeah yeah no I just thought it was a big moment for Mexico um this was your first time not fighting on the the Mexican Independence Day too right no it's a couple times I missed that okay that day uh especially for this I don't have the contract yet the fight ready so but I I don't I don't care too because every day is Mexican day for for my fans from my people yeah there some of the best fans ever I've went to your fight against Triple G and it's actually insane how they are yeah if you see right you saw right now in the gr arrival they are there screaming and and support me very hard and that's that's something motivating myself how how big is the fighting culture in Mexico like how did you even get into it because my older brother he start boxing I saw him when he go into a pro and that's when I when I saw him fighting I said this is what I want for my life this is this is this is what I do for my for my life and then when you got in there did you just pick it up right away yeah not not right away because yeah natural because I start H when I was 13 years old and I get into a pro when I was 15 so a year and a half after and you were still working at the time at the ice cream shop yeah so what was that like did was your dad trying to force you to kind of just yeah he don't want he don't want me to to go to the gym because he wanted me to stay working in the ice creams but I said you know you going to you need to do something because I'm always going to go to the game so what do you think like your draw was to the sport like what made you love boxing so much I don't know I born from this yeah that's that's that's my only thing because when I saw my brother fighting I fell in love in boxing with boxing so but I don't know I just enjoy every moment were you bullied at all as a kid in Mexico yeah because I'm the different from the class right maybe that's why I I love what I do and because I always fighting in the streets yeah oh so you're used to fight in the streets yeah every day damn like how would that happen just random people or you guys would just no they they they say something to me like freckles and my red hair you know they try to [ __ ] with me and I and you just [ __ ] them up yeah damn but I love I love it I enjoy it a lot wait that's awesome yeah that's [ __ ] nuts um what do you think are some of like the biggest moment or what's your been your favorite moment in your career you think being a I think I have a lot a lot of good moments but uh one of my best moment is when I beat Miguel Angel Cotto a legend from boxing I think that changed my my my my my career after that I feel more confident uh better fighter and I think it's is that's one of my best moment how about how about fighting I mean you fought Floyd Mayweather at what were you're 23 23 that's so [ __ ] young yeah like I I and he was like that was one he was probably Prime right prime prime and you're only 23 23 what was that like I trained so hard and obviously I I tried to beat him because you know beat him if you beat him you you you you want to be the best in the world at 23 so imagine that but you know he was the better man that night a lot of experience he's a great fighter so but I learn I learn a lot and that's when I that's when I realize I say this is the no don't going to sto me I'm G to be the the best one day no matter what so that fight H me a lot what do what do you think about how he's doing all the exhibitions and stuff right now I think he's good I think it's good because you know it's easy money to turn down probably easy money and and he don't he don't lie to the people it's for money right and the people enjoy it and enjoy a show and that's fine because you know I think when you retire and you want to miss boxing because you do this your whole life and then you stop doing I think exhibition is is is good because like Tyson Fury even he always retires and comes back to and like I guess you just you're going to miss doing what you love right yeah do you ever like look back on that fight and think about what you could have done differently or you just behind you yeah I always think I I I can do this different and this and this but at the end of the day I can't do nothing right what do you think is was so impressive about him he's experience he's so so smart he he he have everything in a fighter a complete fighter he don't have power in the punches but uh sometimes you know you know when you that kind of fighter you don't need it yeah and do you think you think that was the toughest fight you faced no what do you think I think he's one I tough fights and difficult fights that was a difficult fight okay yeah I think Golovkin is one of my difficult fight tough fights yeah do you like not were you getting frustrated like in the ring yeah very much with him yeah I try to I try to to hit so hard him and and try to know knock out him and and when you don't you don't get you don't catch him and you don't you miss a lot of punches that that's SC yeah that's SC would you ever do like exhibitions like that or like people like Jake Paul call you out or these like other big stars like is that is that business-wise like even worth it when I'm done with boxing why not maybe maybe I do it why not I think it's like when you're done like competing at the highest level you're saying yeah yeah yeah yeah um I think it's good because you know what happened there is other people who never see watch Boxing or they don't know anything about boxing they they want to watch Jay Paul because he's coming from he he bring fans from other yeah world right no boxing fans and that's good that's good because everybody enjoy it so you think you would ever would you ever entertain that idea when you're done maybe maybe do you like respect you know there's this whole new wave of like YouTube Fighters like do you respect them as Fighters as a Fighters I don't know because being a fighter is is different M no but uh what they do um I think they do for business yeah and you need to respect that yeah for sure are you paying attention at all to this the Dylan danis Logan Paul you've seen that card at all not at all no no no I don't know what you're talking about are you are you like pretty active on social media or no no sometimes I delay my my apps in my in my phone delete them yeah and I don't watch I don't watch just to like stay focused or just yeah you don't like to consume you you lose so much time time right I know you lose and you see and you don't same things every every day you don't see anything new so do you just you don't even really have social media on your phone at all or like when do you yeah sometimes I delayed for six seven months damn I have my people who who in charge and posting things and everything like that but uh sometimes it's good because you know you're more happy definitely well you're just you don't you're just sitting there scrolling and you're consuming so much pointless [ __ ] that you don't even wasting time you're wasting time man sometimes I've been in the in seeing things and I say I see this every day the same thing nothing changeed yeah it's a lot of stuff you don't need to know yeah it's true yeah it's definitely not good for your mental health right what what are some other hobbies that you have outside of golf uh I like horses I like horses cars too how many cars you have I don't know that many I saw a video of a tour house and you had like motorcycles in your living room and stuff yeah that was the the garage but I in the like an a hall is like a motorcycle how many cars like is it like 20 to 30 or like you just have no clue yeah like more than 30 more than 30 do you have a favorite uh La Ferrari oh yeah [ __ ] sick and the Bugatti too but I think La Ferrari is my favorite damn how much is Bugatti worth like 3.5 3 something like that God what do you think's the total value of all your cars I don't know just in two cars he like eight holy shitari those yeah they're [ __ ] crazy is there only like a 100 or something of those huh isn't there only like a 100 of those in the world or something 200 I guess damn so how did you how do you go about like getting that I always wanted La Ferrari but uh sometimes guys selling for so much money and I found found this this guy and and I and I buy it for a for a good price so uh I enjoy my car a lot I love it what's it like being like such a like influential like celebrity of like a country like Mexico that's so like passionate and like I don't know they're like what what's that like like I I feel proud about represen my country because you know is it's a great country Mexico is just something something amazing the people uh Mexico is the Mexico is is something amazing the people that work they hard workers oh yeah we have a lot of good a lot of good things a got of good places good food uh everything we have everything what's the best spots for us to visit like if we want to go do like a boys trip to Mexico we've been I've been to Cabo we've been to Mexico City Mexico City was cool yeah a lot of a lot of good restaurants a lot of good I've been like Tulum we've been there Cancun yeah we from guadara right yeah from gu we never been there right no maybe we that would be cool you want to invite us to your crib yeah why not how many horses do you have I have in in my house I have like 30 and do you you like ride them in the back or yeah I love it [ __ ] awesome I I ride it like uh since I was six years old what's your house like there is it like a big like property big like a ranchan big Ranch wow that's cool yeah any other animals on there or just the horses a lion you have a lion n you should get one I yoke with with h with people who went there yeah hey he a lion in outside because for then they Everybody's scared you looking for the lion and everything bro mes are [ __ ] scary no I just just horses and and peacock peacock peacock uhuh and why like how do you decide to buy like a peacock because you know that that's just a flex though don't lie like you're like I'm that guy I'm going to buy a peacock how much does a peacock cost I don't remember but uh I have white white peacock and and the normal color because I you know I I feel like uh they bring something good for the house really they feel good vibes for the house it is dope having a peacock around yeah can we buy like a goat or something would you accept that go a goat yeah goat that [ __ ] no that [ __ ] destroy your house well we'll keep in the back or something or yeah we got to get something more exotic that was kind of offensive we're not going to get you a goat a goat he's got peacocks bro I don't know what's more exotic uh anything but a goat Bro [ __ ] all right I'll think of something else maybe like a crocodile or something crocodile what about like a baby tiger H what if we got you baby tiger he's fine that'd be good right yeah for the house that would be fun uh who were some of your biggest Inspirations me Muhammad Ali because he do a lot of things outside of boxing for people for us for the fighters too yeah I was going to ask you what's what's something like you've done for Mexico that you're just super proud of I I I always try to help people a lot of people but I don't I don't like to say in the social media because I do from the bottom of my heart so but uh I always try to to help as much I I can yeah everything I can help I I do it yo what the [ __ ] are you doing bro sorry to interrupt the pop but this episode is sponsored by manscape boys I don't advertise anything on the Pod that I don't actually use and I actually really really love landcape the thing I love about it is there's so many different products and it's literally a One-Stop shop so you don't got to buzz around a different websites or go to the store no just go to manscape and they literally have everything I [ __ ] love this razor it literally looks like Elon Musk made it it 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back in the PO what was it like being in Creed 3 I don't I don't know how to respond that because like Fast yeah it was fun was fun that people think I'm going to be in the ring or something they want to watch me in the ring something but I just fast like in the red gu but that's it was fun do you like like do you like doing stuff like that like the Hollywood stuff or movies TV I don't like that kind of stuff but you know if I some I have the opportunity to act in a movie like like a like uh Vikings or something like that yeah I was going to say what what would be a role you'd want yeah Vikings or something from something like that like a viking yeah what's your training like like today what what was your training session I train in the morning I just light work because you know I don't the the hard work I use light work PS and everything and remember everything we going to do in the fight and and and and make that weight so maintain that weight as you're getting older has your like training become harder for you no or have you made any changes nothing wow no I feel I feel but you're 33 right I'm I'm [ __ ] fresh been this for a long time though he's only four years older than us bro bro but he's been you like you said you fought 10 years ago yeah like you've been doing this [ __ ] for a while yeah but I feel fresh I feel like a no that wasn't shade either you look look like you're in my best yeah yeah you've been kind of I've seen some stuff about with the whole like Oscar De La Hoya thing just like that relationship and you guys kind of falling out and just in like business and stuff like switching over to the new promotion yeah I'm glad to go away from him yeah he's [ __ ] crazy see yeah one of our we're really good friends with Dana White yeah and he he doesn't like Oscar de too I said I think nobody nobody I think nobody why do you think nobody who knows close I think cuz he's a vacuum right he's he's I don't know what he's [ __ ] crazy he's hypocrite hypocrite that's the word he's [ __ ] he's no he don't have nothing no loyal he what do you mean by that though he's he's how can someone not be loyal to you like yeah I don't know I don't know yeah but uh you know that's my favorite clip of Dana White when they ask him that's why he right now he's every everything he's in in problems he don't have any Fighters left Ryan Garcia because he he sign with with him but uh now Ryan Garcia I think he's he's in a problem with him but uh that's why nobody wants to be with him because he's he's not loyal how does that work like like don't you sign a deal and then it's either right now he's talking about Chad about me but if I went with him in his promoter oh Canelo is the best and this and we want to do this and he's the best and but I'm not with him anymore and he he's always is it the opposite isn't it like important too cuz just like be both being Mexican Fighters like you have that initial Bond right H like you're both Mexican Fighters right and same with like Ryan Garcia so you guys have that Bond were you surprised that like things didn't go well no I don't know but I I I I I tell Ryan Garcia before he signed hey just be careful and you need to see first what do you want for you for your career because this and that and at the end of the day he signed with him and and look what happened so how does that work like in the business of boxing like are you signing like a per fight deal like is that how it works when you sign with the promotion company it depends the fighter right so obviously the bigger you get the more leverage you have but yeah it depends the fighter like uh right now I can do whatever I want right but when you don't sell anything know you need to sign with a promoter and you want to get this and this and this and but you have guarantees yeah so and that's fine because wor for for for you but uh Ryan like fighting like me or Ryan Garcia can do too but he don't visualize that in that moment he can do like a I'm I'm I I sell tickets I sell pay-per-views i i a big draw so I can do whatever I want at the end of the day what do what do you think of Garcia after's like lost to tank do you still think he has that potential to be like one the best in the sport yeah he have potential he have a lot of skills he have a lot of potential to to be one of the biggest star in boxing do you think it's like a mental thing when you have all that pressure and you go in there and you get like some would say you got like embarrassed kind of it's SC it's he obviously SC I mean that was a big fight for him to take too right I guess he could have they could have both dodged you think that it was too early to take that fight or do you think it was smart what I what I think he need to do is take that loss and learn from the loss he need to fight soon to to to give in the eyes of the people who saw him fighting with tang right because no matter what he's a big star he's a big attraction for young people yeah for sure so I think he he need to he need to to fight soon yeah you think social media plays a role cuz he's such a big big young star on social media too like yeah I bet it's tough for him to block out the noise he need to focus on boxing yeah that's must because the other thing come along being famous and win a lot of money come alone if you focus on one thing and you you accomplish what you want the the money and the and the F and everything come come together you can't think about peacocks right now you got to focus on boxing does he he probably doesn't I don't think I don't think many people do he's a he's a good dude though I really like yeah no he's dope uh what would be your dream for some who who who would be if you had to play golf with three people TIG Goods tiger Goods Jon RAM and Rory and Rory that seems possible yeah I feel like they'd probably be down to do that yeah of course maybe tiger not but Ramer yeah I like John ROM too yeah yeah do you watch any UFC or MMA no not at all you're not into it one bit watch uh when Brandon Moreno or Mexican fighter uh is there I I watch it but uh I don't even watch Boxing I don't I don't like I don't like watch Boxing do you like watch TV or Netflix or anything like that golf every weekend my wife my wife is mad the rider cups coming up right yeah there's nothing better watching Golf and relaxing is a pretty good combo Netflix obviously yeah TV shows mhm no to be show documentaries yeah I like I like it do you think you'll have like uh another like May weather super fight before the end of your career um like someone you know I think it's going to be hard compare it with of course but like is there any other like just how people are doing those crossover fights like not against Jake Paul but like is there like a I don't know an MMA star that like just one of those super fights yeah could be I think there's anyone in the MMA world that you'd ever box or like has called you out kamaru man called me out one time oh right and say the other day he say he can box we I can box we Canelo yeah you can he can do those type of super fights excite you though cuz me as like a MMA fan like those like those like excite me for sure yeah yeah yeah yeah like it's just like just I don't know what it's different yeah something different yeah it's good do something something different Usman I love Usman but I don't think that would be no no no no nobody just different if I go to the Octagon the same thing yeah right how do you think McGregor did against Floyd you see that fight yeah I see the fight I think Floyd play a little bit with K need to make show for the people right that's the yeah that's the I think that was was that the most fight of all time yeah four million something yeah you don't seem like you don't do much like do you talk [ __ ] at all you're so calm and nice no I take show I I talk shed when when they come in a bad mood so I respond that yeah and I'm a good talk [ __ ] but uh no I don't like I always like to respect the the fighter and the op the the the the the fighter because you know I just focus on the fight and bring my best because you can talk Chad and and say a lot of things but at the end of the day you go in the fight and you don't do nothing is the same it depends what mood they bring M yeah has has any any of your sorry has any of your previous fights like has it ever gotten personal with you where you only yeah it's like a couple three yeah a couple fight what does it have to do to get to that point where it's not just business they they [ __ ] with my mother or something like that and yeah so if they talk about talk about your I just love that I just love that [ __ ] and then you get pissed off in there yeah is that a good thing or a bad thing when you let your anger no it's a good good thing I think I I fight I fight better when I'm mad when you're pissed off yeah [ __ ] so when can we come to the crib huh when can we come to the house yeah when can we come to the house you yeah Co or no yeah why know yeah you we can we can do that what do you do when you're not training do you like party ever or do you do you drink at all or no I used to used to you're completely sober now I used to but uh I just play golf enjoy my family and travels and that's it nice was it hard for you but when you became like flooding Floyd at 23 like were there a lot of distractions or was it yeah what was that initial rise like startom like yeah it's I think things happen for a reason right imagine if I [ __ ] beat Floy maywe I age 23 yeah you would have yeah maybe I don't and were you sing time were you married at that time yet or no no okay you would have went crazy yeah and I don't know how it's going to be my life after that right you probably would have been doing what Oscar De La Hoya does spare time no that's that's that's his his personality you guys would have been best friends probably could be no that's I think things happen for a reason and and that's true that's a good way to look at it that's that's what I I looked like in that way I say you know maybe not my time when did you like yeah when was that when did you really notice like you were really starting to get like famous I I don't I don't know I don't remember like at one day to the other I say oh my God like right now I have rival heting MBM and I see all the people scream my name and everything I said it's still always weird right yeah it's weird and and but I'm glad that and I try I tried to be Saul no Canelo to be me so always with my family with my friends I enjoy everything obviously because uh I work hard to be here but I always try to be me in Mexico uh when you were just starting in your career was there like like underground boxing events or anything like when you're first starting out that you started boxing before you like started taking underground yeah just or like how how you see it like at bars or anything like that you know talk about no no what you see in the movies have you seen AO Libre yeah I [ __ ] Fu SE Libre yeah he played juancho yeah I [ __ ] I [ __ ] hate the movies the I mean I hate the movies because they just put the bad things of Mexico and and try to put things doesn't six what do you think is the biggest like misconception or like false thing that they show the the houses the the worst houses in Mexico and and the little [Music] towns and I don't I don't like that kind of Mexico is beautiful yeah it is Mex is beautiful it's like it's like here in USA if you go into the little towns or or or places is horrible too one of the places right it's the same we have there's poor and rich areas in every country country that's what I learned from traveling too yeah I think you're right they only highlight the they try and highlight the bad parts yeah it does that's show the good that's what I hate yeah but it is what it is what's uh what's what do you like about America I I think you guys have everything correct and you follow that their rules and that's that's good for for to know the culture and everything you know because you respect the the the the rules and and that's that's good and you you have a I know a lot of good people from America and and where I live I live so relaxed and and I have very good life there and I I know very good people from here and and I think the whole country have good things mhm would you ever want like your your son like would you want them to be a boxer I don't I don't really want him to be a boxer but uh it's not my choice why why wouldn't you want him to because boxing is hard you know it's To Be A Champion to be a great boxer is it's [ __ ] hard so much dedication right it's [ __ ] hard so much dedication you need to have everything dedication discipline uh your mind Talent obviously and I don't want it but uh at the end of the day it's not my it's not what I want what he wants are they ever in the gym like messing around with you and stuff yeah he wants to be a boxer okay he wants to be a boxer he say when when I'm going to fight in Vegas how old is he he's five okay how's his hands he's good they're good he's good he's good I think you got to let him do it though if he wants I to support that would you rather have him be a boxer or pro golfer pro golfer oo that's what's harder though being pro golfer would be a dream bro both both yeah but what do you think what do you think would be harder I think both but a boxing you can you RIS your life come on yeah boxing you you risk your life and golf's so chill there's you can't risk any at all I think golf I think golf could be mentally [ __ ] cuz like to be at the top level it's so thin and it's all mental probably just [ __ ] with you right I need to I think you need to be good 10% just 10% 10% Talent 10% talent and 90s mental yeah that's probably actually yeah I'm a head you ever lose your temper out there yeah you throw clubs a lot of times I no you not yet you ever right hook your like golf bag yeah F many times [ __ ] golf is hard where's the best places to play in Mexico uh we have a lot of good places Cabo is have a lot of good courses halisco have a good courses damn I'm fired up for Mexico now I want to soon I know well we're going to stay at your house bro we'll we'll do we'll do like three nights yeah yeah that's not that bad just three nights well I mean if you'll have us for a month say a month bro and then which which which car could we borrow you you can drive any car can't okay no nobody can't drive you have 30 bro huh you have 30 yeah but just for me does anybody else get to drive them or no nobody how many how many that's a nice watch how many watches you have uh I don't know but more more than 50 more than 50 yeah what's what's the most expensive watch you bought I have you've got a Richard I've seen yeah I have like a a few probably a few yeah 3 million yeah two million 3 million one watch yeah God God that's such a flex damn I don't know if he'd fit in at your house bro no why not I don't know why know tell me you're you're too good of a guy you're too good of a person bro no no no no you can you can what's been your favorite purchase you've ever made my favorite is I think my house my ring my ring it's not that it's not it's not how much it's the location and the and the house I buil I build my my dream house how often do you look back at this and you're just like I can't believe how far I've come no I can't believe right now because it seem very grateful yeah I can't believe right now because I just come in boxing I say I Want To Be A Champion but then you realize he's going more things there and when you turn around and you say oh look what I did and all the the all the things I have like I used to sell ice creams in the buses when I was seven years old and right now I'm on the buses I'm on the company the biggest company in Mexico so it's something and I buy it because I feel proud and I wanted to show every single people in Mex they can do everything if they want if they want they able to to to put the sacrifice and the discipline need to be they can do anything everybody can do anything you need you you just need to find what you love and what you have talent yeah damn I'm fired up I know that was inspiring yeah all right you got anything no I think that was great Saturday fight go go buy it yeah Saturday's the fight tune in we're going to be watching for sure supporting we're excited and uh we appreciate man been an honor bro thank you so inspiring just uh you seem like a great guy and I wish you all the success and congrats on everything thank you thank you guys and yeah maybe I don't know maybe we'll we we'll pull up with some like a gift we'll buy you an exotic guy to get a gift for that's the only problem but we'll get like a like a rabbit or like don't don't don't tell me okay surprise me no we'll buy something exotic you're not in charge but yeah all right thank you bro can so much thank you [Music] awesome
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Keywords: the full send podcast, full send, fullsend, podcast, kyle, kyle forgeard, nelk, nelkboys, nelk boys, nelk boys podcast, stevewilldoit, new podcast, Canelo Gets Honest About Mayweather, Talks Fighting Jake Paul & Exposes Oscar De La Hoya, canelo, canelo vs charlo, canelo press conference, canelo highlights, canelo showtime, boxing, canelo boxing, canelo alvarez, canelo podcast, canelo interview, boxing podcast, showtime boxing, qb room, the qb room, one night with steiny
Id: QpYIioAHyz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 42sec (3042 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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