Candace Owens: Understanding Kanye 'Ye' West and where Black Lives Matter went wrong | SpectatorTV

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[Music] hello and welcome to Marshall matters with me at Winston Marshall at The Spectator buildings in London today I'm joined by American conservative activist commentator and writer and host of a show on The Daily wire as of last year Candace thank you so much for joining me I'm actually very pleased to be here yeah um uh it's uh it's a it's a great pleasure I've read your book during my lockdown experience and um and you've been very busy it's been a very busy couple of years for you it has I feel like I have not stopped moving between having two children and getting married and then all the projects that I've been working on yeah it has been a tremendously busy couple of years um well I want to kind of get straight into it uh you earlier in October were photographed with Kanye West so on this show I've been exploring free speech in the creative Industries it's it's one of the main themes here and uh you're photographed with Kanye your friend I believe I'm not sure or yay as he is now referred to with the shirts White lives matter what's the story you know the story really is that yay messaged me we are friends and he told me that he needed me to be at Paris fashion week and he was a bit nebulous on the details he just sort of said I really really really need you there and I wasn't sure if he wanted me there as a spectator if he wanted me there to be a part of the show but I knew that I wanted to support him and the reason for that is I believe that he is a creative genius and actually a big piece of my story and what gave me the courage to speak out about who I am as an individual uh was Kanye's music growing up as a girl who had nothing Kanye's music really is almost 10 years into the future in terms of calling out the media and way that they kind of created an enemy out of him as he was getting started and so I was like absolutely jumped on to a plane to Paris basically in 24 with 24 hours notice not even 24 hours notice I think it was more like six hours notice in order for me to get there on time I got there to his show and he had two shirts one was black and one was white and he said I really need you to wear this and he held it up and it said White lives matter and I instantly understood the meaning behind it I understood what he was trying to do I understood the creative genius behind it and it it was very crucial to make such an obvious statement right it really was just an obvious statement obviously White lives matter but it really offered a commentary on the black lives matter movement and the lies that we have been told about black lives matter as being this message of unity we're not saying that white lives don't matter but and in reality what the black lives matter movement organization did was further divide people racially and also silence people you virtually especially in the states were not allowed to speak if you were white you were convicted on the basis of your skin color this wasn't about fighting racism this was about creating racism and so white people were being told at the same time that they needed to shut up but also that they had to keep speaking out Against Racism or else guilty it was almost a witch trial in many ways so wait so just to understand that does that mean that the white life so you say that's very clear but I still don't fully understand is that was it a provocative shirt yes to highlight the problems with black lives matter or was he actually sang and were you saying it's more specifically the White lives matter like is that something it was challenging the hypocrisy right so if it was true that you know black lives matter and we're not seeing White lives matter and putting on a white lives matter t-shirt wouldn't matter it didn't certainly didn't matter when in the states there was this small movement that took place after black lives matter called the Asian lives matter movement you were allowed to put a t-shirt on that said Spanish lives matter you could have said Asian lives matter you could have said Italian lives matter but this statement White lives matter which obviously they do created a firestorm right and white lives matter in America has been called a um a hate speech or something it's just the term itself is supposed is allegedly they say it's uh in science it's a racist white supremacist Mantra or something without any proof of that metal right there's no for that there's no historical connotation it wasn't like you had klansmen walking around wearing white lives Matter t-shirts they just said this is something you're not allowed to say and before you even say it we're going to condemn it as a racist phrase well if White lives matter is a racist phrase in a symbol of white nationalism then black lives matter is a racist phrase and a symbol of black nationalism it's either both of these phrases are wrong or both of these phrases are fine and it we basically were in my opinion patronized by the White Community with the black square and Kanye or you black Americans full stop patronized by people constantly having white people wearing black lives Matter t-shirts and putting up black lives matter signs and your life matters I want you to know that your life matters I get that thank you I'm not a victim I don't need you to tell me that my life matters I need to live my life according to how I how I view myself as an individual not according to my skin color and yet for two black people to put on a white lives matter shirt people found that to be problematic that's hypocritical is the is was the movement though I mean it seems like a semantic problem so black lives matter a lot of the energy behind it was a deep uh unease with anti-black racism which I'm sure you would agree to be anti-anti racism uh uh but mixed up with a slogan that's quite provocative perhaps by intent perhaps that's why it was so successful in in capturing the imagination of so many so a lot of the energy behind black lives matter not the organization not the language but there was a genuine concern with anti-black racism in America I don't believe I believe there was a genuine concern but that concern was created by the media telling you to be genuinely concerned right not because of facts not because people were looking at actual data and facts and determining that hey look it actually does look like black lives are suffering in America and that there's an instance of police brutality disproportionate police brutality towards black Americans the facts portray that narrative right the facts are that white men are killed more often by police officers and unarmed shooting the facts are that black Americans over represent in terms of violence in the states right so you have about six to seven percent of the population being black men that account for over 40 percent of all the homicides right so this whole concept that if black lives actually mattered you would talk about the issue which is black on black crime not police brutality it's a made-up narrative to Foster this resentment and this anger in society and talking about that and saying okay if you really believe black lives matter let's talk about black on black crime was forbidden we can't talk about black on black crime we have to pretend that we're suffering because of an institution of racism that does not exist the feeling and the sentiment behind it was legitimate but it was curated by the media right and so people felt they watched the George Floyd uh uh incident and they felt the media told them this is what happened the media lied about that incident as well they lied about who George Floyd was and they created this false idol in terms of George Floyd and then ever everybody else just got on board not because they were horrible people but because they were absent the facts well you you say this but your organization brexit a non-profit organization uh it just is self-described as being to encourage minority groups and communities uh to for advancement I'd say so so implicit there is that some groups are behind or some groups need help and and is that is that a correct interpretation yes but it's not because of this concept of institutional racism it's because of the decisions that we're making so we what we encourage is for Black Americans to stop falling for this liberal narrative to stop falling from this idea that you're a victim in this Society because of the color of your skin and to instead see yourself as an individual to embrace free market capitalism which we believe in uh that you and that your individuals your individual decisions will determine your successes that's what I believe to my core black Americans because of this sort of cultural training that happens for and foremost in the education system we're taught we are literally taught from a time that we get into school that we're victims right that's a plague upon the black mind to plague upon any mind if you just say to someone you're never going to be able to get ahead you're actually forming an attitude and perspective that makes it impossible to get ahead right I see everything as a slight right as a black American I walk outside and someone cuts me off and and as any other individual you go it's normally what happens people are not great all the time it's black American I go it's because I'm black because I can't get ahead why do I even go outside right and instead we're saying no you're not a victim we're or we are all victims right we are victims of our own decision making I'm a big believer that when you believe in your own when you commit to this idea that you are a victim you very much become your own oppressor Black America is oppressing itself because we have bought into this vicious narrative that we're nothing but victims but that's the Paradox of a victimha culture is that even if you are a victim if you take on the mentality of a victim it will make your situation worse right but would you can see any ground that that blacks in America are have experienced setbacks because of the way Society is structured I would concede that we are definitely experiencing setbacks in the education system because of the commitment to things like critical race Theory and because we are quite literally being poisoned brainwash is real black Americans are being systematically brainwashed against their own future teachers and it is being helped by an ecosystem that is furthered by cultural icons and people in Hollywood that patronize us and keep telling us look this is because you're black stop telling black Americans that they can't do well in this society and you will start to see that they do well because they're on equal fitting footing and I think the like I said if you look into the data in the statistics it supports my narrative because it's a true narrative black Americans in the 1950s okay where there was true institutionalized racism my grandfather grew up you were living in a segregated Society my grandfather could not go into white places quite literally despite that the black Americans in 1950s under Jim Crow were outpacing white Americans in terms of economic growth right and every statistic black Americans are doing worse right so you would never make the argument if you were saying individual that America has become a more racist country since the era of Jim Crow so then you have to think critically and say what changed what changed was culture changed black Americans families used to be together when you start to look and examine statistics between white Americans and black Americans you will notice some disparities right but disparity is not discrimination disparities can happen because of the decisions that are being made we are not coming from two parent households anymore and the implications of what happens when you come from a broken household are severe actually if you examine the statistics between black American families that are together with a mother and a father and black and white American families there's virtually no disparity and these are the tougher conversations that people don't want to have because that it implicates that our culture is sick black American culture is sick and actually American culture altogether is becoming sicker every single day do you think that this narrative is is gaining traction are you are you finding that people are agreeing with your narrative and getting behind you on this yeah I do when I first got started it was more than an uphill client him it was it was extreme people had never seen a black American that not just wasn't conservative but that had the audacity to be conservative right I'm not the first black American conservative I'm definitely not the brightest one I mean I would tell you Condoleezza Rice is way more accomplished than me I think Thomas soul is one of the most brilliant people that I've ever read and I will say the same about Clarence Thomas you know Supreme Court Justice way more brilliant than me and way more well-read than me but these individuals when they were smeared and libeld and told that they hated themselves and were called Uncle Toms and Coons they didn't rise to the fight in the way that I have and so I think that that is different people oh my God we've just called you and Uncle Tom how dare you keep saying that and I'm sort of like no the gloves are off let's do this and I come from a place of anger that transformed into action so I went through this cycle of anger when I woke up civilized I used to be a liberal and believe in my own victimhood and when I really began to understand what was happening because I started reading Thomas Soul um I grew very angry and I wanted to fight so that all black Americans could understand what I have come to understand and I realized that that flight that that fight has to take place on the cultural Battlefield right you got to go after the Hollywood types because that's where black Americans are learning unfortunately because we come from these broken down households we're turning to culture to dictate how we think is that you describe you know terms such as Uncle Tom and other racist terms that you're getting from let's say liberal America is that not a sign that America is quite racist it is well there I mean the racism that I experienced typically which people like I said you can racism exists I've never denied that racism does exist in fact my argument is that racism will forever exist right the question is not whether or not racism exists there's always going to be someone who hates somebody right maybe you're Chinese you hate the Japanese people maybe you're Indian and you hate uh Mexicans right that's never going to change the quest question is whether or not racism is preventing an individual if whether it's institutionalized whether it's preventing me from being able to do something because of the color of my skin and yet it is helping somebody because of the color of their skin that does not exist in America okay so you have made a film The Greatest lie ever told which I think ties a lot of these things together but I haven't seen the film can you tell me about it yeah so I had to sort of in order to get black Americans to really understand the deception of the lies I had to unpack one of the biggest lies of the last few years which was the George Floyd story and the rise of BLM and the rise of BLM being it's now transformed into a 90 million dollar organization and everyone's putting up the bumper stickers and they say oh well that's just the movements different from the organization no it's not of course when people are feeling guilty and they want to donate and they see all these signs they donate to Black lives matter the organization that's why it has this war chest of 90 million dollars and it started with making people realize and and this is the purpose of the film that media is your enemy the media is deciding for you every single day who is the villain and who is the hero right and you're buying that narrative believing that the media has your best interest at heart and what the media always has at its heart is more power that they can Garner from themselves maybe it's power to elect politicians right and so I had to show people the other side of the George Floyd story when the George floor Floyd event happened the millionaire was open and shut it was a racist cop it almost it was like a cartoon a racist cop is patrolling the streets sees a black man and just starts standing on his neck wanting him to die and this is what's happening because police are racist nobody ever talked about who George Floyd was nobody talked about the fact that fentanyl pills were found in the police cruiser nobody talked about the fact that George Floyd asked to be put on the ground that George Floyd was sitting in a police vehicle with his drug dealer the reason that Derek shoving was called as backup was because he resisted arrest for eight minutes right and they kept saying hey man please calm down what did you did you take some drugs nobody talked about the fact what he said I ate too many drugs right it every indication from his autopsy report indicates that he had an overdose right the the lethal the lethal that that video who was not moved by that video of him I don't I don't deny people being moved by videos I actually very much but the the police officer it was clear that he shouldn't have had his his was it neon on his neck so that's a lie that might that might that's why you should watch documentary that it debunks people didn't even watch the trial they just watched the media narrative the police officer the the black uh police head testified that from the angle that we all saw it which was somebody that was on the street named darnella Frazier recording it it very much looks like the police offer is police officers on George Floyd's neck but then which the media never showed you the other angle which is from the police officers cameras that are on their body cameras he then testifies what about from this angle and it shows you that the knee is actually his knee is actually here right under his neck on his back which is what they learn in the police academy that they're supposed to do when they put a suspect on the ground right now if you want to have an honest debate about whether or not once you realize that this man is very clearly having an overdose now when I say having an overdose the average person it takes just three milliliters of fentanyl for them have an overdose George Floyd had 11 milliliters okay it's like it's it's just forget it at the tip I had a forensic pathologist and they're describing he doesn't have a hoarseness race he's he's amazed that people are not talking about the fact that he was in the car with his drug dealer clearly he had drugs right clearly he was trying to get rid of the drugs they found chewed up pills in the back of the police cruiser they tried to arrest him peacefully for minutes and minutes he starts saying put me on the ground he says I can't breathe before he even gets on the ground he demands to be put on the ground right now if you want to have a debate about whether or not the police should have discerns that he was having an overdose and maybe they should have let him lay on his back and breathe I'm happy to have that debate I would say that absolutely and that it would be a totally sensible debate to have right so it says like listen I don't care how you're supposed to hold this person you realize that this person is saying he can't breathe you're realizing that he maybe did ingest some drugs what is the right thing to do right the wrong thing to do is put your knee on the back of his how are they to know that he ingested the drugs they have a guy and this is like we've become a society that is so critical police officers not realizing what happens in a second right you get a call there's a guy sitting in a crew you don't know but he's with his drug dealer you don't know what he's doing if you watch the full tape not the nine minutes but the full tape they're going hey man what are you doing why are you acting so erotic what's going on man he's like no no I don't want to go into the police car I'm claustrophobic I'm claustrophobic put me on the ground right put me on the ground and he's saying he's claustrophobic but they arrived on the scene and he was sitting in his car by the way which my documentary also shows he was previously arrested just a couple of months before and the same exact circumstance happened drugs were found in his vehicle he's trying to get rid of them last second I mean this is a story and I told it with tremendous compassion to George Floyd because I believe that he was a drug addict I sat down with his roommates I spoke to him and drug addiction is hard I don't know any person who doesn't have a family member that is going through drug addiction right that we are facing a drug crisis all across the world this should have been a story that brought people together the idea that Derek shovin arrived there and did this because he was a black man is completely outrageous he never called him in the n-word or should anything that was racist to him right I guess what's so shocking to a British viewers is that even in this country even regardless of race is holding someone down like that it doesn't it doesn't happen they're literally trained to do it so if you wanted to get again totally different debate of whether or not they should be able to do this but keep in mind George Floyd is six seven okay he's huge I mean his roommate's describing how huge he is you have somebody that is six seven and pretend you're a police officer right who's got a who has a violent record not just like a record a violent record George Floyd a tourist who went to prison for five years he went to prison more than that but the big one that he had recently been released in prison for was for putting a gun to a woman's breaking into our house pretending to be the water department searching ransacking her home for drugs and putting a gun to her abdomen you know while her child watched this is a violent criminal so it's so easy for us to sit here and say well you know we just think that here in the UK police officers should be nice you don't it is your it is life or death every single time you are a police officer right well there's a lot of the notable difference is that there's guns in your country and there isn't guns really over here in this country was so the police there's a lot more pressure on police to do in those situations yeah well anyway so you're thinking maybe are you saying that George Floyd could have had a gun well no but I'm saying that the training of police will be very different in your country than it would be it might well full stop there has to he there wasn't a gun used on George Floyd so that's not even a part of this debate there was no gun used on him he wasn't BT but there was no gun use on him at all they just were trying to arrest him someone with a tremendously violent record right a drug addict who was six seven right to even be able if George Floyd wanted to fight them he could have overcome them that's the truth he's six seven and he is in fact a violent criminal now that doesn't it's it's sad that he died there's no question to me no matter what when somebody dies it's very sad but we need to tether ourselves to having a realistic discussion if you want to debate whether or not police should ever have a right to put their knee on the top of someone's back right we can have that debate but what we should not be doing is pretending that this was about race what we should not be doing is not acknowledging the fact that George Floyd would have made it to the police um officers their compounds completely safely had he complied right he asked to be taken out of the car when they were trying to peaceably arrest him he was acting erratic they didn't know that he had consumed drugs they have no way to determine that and so you know hindsight is 2020 would have could have should have now with all of the knowledge and the facts that we know now but the majority of people still don't know all the facts and that was the purpose of my documentary let's have a real honest conversation about this story which shocked the world absent very little facts about who this person was and how they got there um does the film go is it specifically about Floyd or does it go into the BLM organization as well both so I wanted I wanted to tell George Floyd's story because after meeting his roommates I felt tremendous compassion for him and for his struggles as a drug addict and then I wanted to tell Derek Chauvin story because after realizing that the media just told you he was a racist not a sliver of facts behind that and this man is now spending 23 hours a day in a top security prison how does anybody feel okay about that it boggles my mind there are two victims in my mind in the story and then I wanted to move on to talk about that this narrative which we were all lied to about inflated an organization that purported to be about black lives mattering I went into the finances yeah what did you find what I found was that millions and millions of dollars are going to trans organizations what kind of organizations quite literally trans organizations like we focus on providing trans houses one was we are focused on building the first ever fully transgender District in San Francisco we are focused on they're all buying houses in building districts I'll say that it's a lot of real estate we are focused on providing a Oasis for transgendered people in Ohio right house of Gigi House of tulip um a transgender District we are focused on sex workers uh all sex workers how does any of this go to furthering black lives right we found that 30 plus million dollars went to the stock market I thought this was about tearing down the institutions of white supremacy and so it was important then to show people that your emotions were guided you donated to this organization and let's see how black lives have been how have been helped let's actually go back to where this all started in Minneapolis the crime rates up over 60 percent it's a it's a completely destitute town the people are going what just happened no money has been given nobody even paid George Floyd's rent the back rent that happened because he died and his car is running in the driveway his family members who were given millions of dollars didn't even go to collect his belongings his roommates told me they had no relationship with George Floyd they had never met he had lived with him for four to five years and they had never met a single brother cousin daughter friend nothing he was a drug addict that was moved to Minnesota after he came out of prison and we were so supposed to believe that we needed to feel bad for his family members didn't even have the inkling to go collect his belongings there were a lot of questions here can I ask about the the BLM I'm curious here because the BLM was the organization and as in America over here in Britain got huge support in in that time in the music industry where I was working if you didn't post a black Square on your social media they came after you in fact the band Hanson who you might remember the song who didn't exist because they didn't exist they didn't post anything on their social media their fans came after them for not putting a black square and so then had to issue an apology even though they did not exist for not putting up a black square and then BLM became the de facto charity to donate to and so where did that money go you've described some of it am I right in Remembering as 90 million dollars the majority of it going to trans organizations um going to transgender organizations the majority of going to the stock market transgender organizations million dollar homes bought for the owners who uh Patrice colors is one of the founders of black lives matter she married a trans person um that person then received eight million dollars to her charity in Canada purchased more real estate it's like a real estate Empire almost um nothing and he's holding these people to account me yeah and the truth is that everybody was duped and lied to and so I do want to have compassion for individuals who gave to this and I want to have compassion for people who stepped into this psychosis there are very there are a lot of media driven psychosis because psychosis full stop right covid was a media driven psychosis all right just after the Alum came coveted or in between at the same time and I have compassion for individuals because when you your instincts are to you want to help right I want I feel Justice yeah because it's propaganda right it is is for some reason people are able to understand propaganda when you examine Germany in the 1930s if you're reading about it different time oh we'll never let that it's happening to the West right now right the media is furthering divide they are furthering these various psychosis and people are becoming you know and I hate to use the term Nazi like because people it's so overused but they are becoming like the brown shirts posted black Square we're going to kill you you know what I mean is the sentiment poster black Square are your best they're showing up and they're stripping away people's entire livelihoods because the media has driven them into a psychosis and they have no facts they have no data all they have is emotion and the reason why they have no facts and no data is because they're not even being trained to think critically a part of the ecosystem is an education system which is now training people like what I said earlier to just react emotionally right to just believe you're a victim because you're black right to and then now to go attack someone because they didn't post a black Square this is psychotic this is quite literally psychotic and it's difficult for me to try to tow the line between feeling compassion for their psychosis and then being angry about their psychosis how dare you ruin someone's life in livelihood because you're an idiot right because you're a prop you know you're propagandized idiot I mean to extent so I was certainly affected by the video of Floyd I would say murder but you probably would dispute that but when it came to BLM they were so explicitly anti-family anti-capitalist anti the nuclear family to be more specific and they were in a Marxist organization that I was like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa how do how are we going straight to this are there other organizations that you think are worthy of support every media driven psychosis just to be clear is all about destroying the family I mean covet what was that if you see your grandmother you're a killer if you want to hang out with your friends and family you're a killer it's it's creating this this loneliness right of this individual feeling like it's not good to Aspire to family the entire LBGTQ million letters being tapped onto it every day is anti-family right you know and what happens when a child takes a drug like Lupron which is used to to sexually castrate pedophiles right is that they become sexually castrated right these people go on and they cannot have productive sexual relationship productive relationships a bunch of formerly trans people are speaking out about that what this drug has done to their body they're not going to go on to have productive families right they're not going to be able to go on and have productive families because they're ruining their parts before they even become adults right so it's actually and this is very important it is the common theme in all of the left's extreme positions even the green New Deal climate change Lobby which people go I like the environment of course I like the environment I want the environment to stay healthy what you are seeing with this Greta thundberg push it's not about people that are just want the environment to be healthy what you're seeing when people are throwing you know tomato soup on a van Gogh painting it's a watermelon it's green on the outside it's communist on the inside right and you can see this when you start to realize at the same time they are encouraging kids in the classroom in the United States at the very least I don't know about here the politicians that support the green New Deal like AOC overseas um and you know the language of people like WETA thundberg and people like Harry and Megan who recently received an award for their uh commitment to climate change is that they are receiving an award because they're committing to not having big families they got they literally Prince Harry and Megan receives an award for agreeing to only have two children the kids in our classrooms the United States are being told that it would be bad for the planet it is a wrong thing the future is already ruined how selfish of you to have a family that anti-family messaging is that ant that marks this belief is what they're hiding that's what's at the root of everything that you're seeing do you think that anti-natalist anti-family is conscious or subconscious do they do you think they really know they're doing or do you think they've been marinated in a philosophy and they don't really understand what they're that's how propaganda works and they never understand it they don't I do not believe that people that donated to Black lives matter wanted to donate to trans organizations I don't believe that no they were impacted emotionally I don't believe that the kids that are skipping school and saying the planet's going to be over in 10 years are doing that and and agreeing I'm not going to have kids because it's irresponsible are doing that because they're anti-family they're not connecting the dots it's it's very important that people have the courage to connect the dots it's what I do full-time because where we land upon is going to be the determination for my children I've now got kids right I've got I've got some real skin in this game in this game and you have a bunch of adults that are too scared to speak up because despite the fact that I do believe they represent a radical minority they do own the airwaves right they are a majority when you're talking about the Hollywood types and they are dominant in the sphere of influence and so it's incumbent upon the majority my belief is that we are the majority to stop being silent and to have the courage to say things so how do we what do we say to encourage people to have children people to have families what how do we do that you say it just like that we're doing it right now right Having the courage to talk about where that money went which people now are too shy to admit they were wrong because they become so radicalized by the media and so angry and so committed that it's quite embarrassing right it's quite embarrassing to say oh well uh turns out you know black lives matter was a scam organization and in fact you see they start to slowly backpedal and they say oh well I never cared about the organization it was about the movement that's cowardice okay that is cowardice the movement was the marketing firm for the organization admit you were wrong take down your signs if you want to actually help black Americans stop looking at us like we're children okay tell us that we have to be just like every other person in society which is that how you behave and how you perform will dictate your futures okay if you commit to a life of crime if you if you believe that these black kids that you see looting and rioting targets right are doing this in the name of racism and not because they're going getting free flat screen TVs you are furthering the problem is crime doesn't matter who commits it kind of can I go back to Kanye West because we've flowed on so I I went with it but I I want to ask about uh Carney or yay because um after the White lives matter shirts that you were photographed with in Paris uh he's since then been banned across social media for a series of what I would call anti-semitic tweets um if I may read one um this is one tweet that had got him suspended from Twitter which is I'm a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I'm going Defcon 3 on Jewish people the funny thing is I actually can't be anti-semitic because black people are actually Jew also you guys have toyed with me and tried to blackball anyone whoever opposes your agenda and um he has then he said that of Adidas again in October I can say anti-semitic things and Adidas can't drop me but Adidas have now gone and dropped him which is worth four to eight percent of Adidas's uh business but it's actually worth one and a half billion dollars to yeah so this is a major thing JP Morgan although they claim this was before the anti-symmetics stuff have dropped and stopped doing business with him uh Balenciaga have uh stopped doing business from the production company called MRC have shelved a documentary about him creative artist agencies have gone uh have dropped him Gap have closed the Yeezy online store and you have on your podcast carefully saying that you weren't defending him but didn't sound like a criticism saying that uh that he's not anti-semitic that um the the Tweet inspired questions um and so I wanted to ask him on that how is that sentence I'm a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I'm going Defcon 3 on Jewish people how is that not anti-semitic I'm glad that you asked that question and I think that it's important to impress upon people the timeline of when I responded to uh what he tweeted I responded to what he tweeted people now are like well you he said this after blah blah when I did my podcast I was responding to specifically that tweet and what I said in which I stand by is that the Tweet is incoherent I don't know what death Con 3 means right I know what deaf Con 3 is is he which is a defense military strategy I don't know what he's saying we should ask him people were asking me to say what he meant by this and you know I am in a situation where I know Kanye personally and I know that all of his best friends are Jewish I met Kanye through a Jewish person right it was Jewish Jewish best friend reached out said yeah I would like to meet you and he's still friends with all these people so it's for me you have to understand when I see that tweet the first thing I think is what are we even talking about I'm I'm texting with his Jewish friends there's other so for me to jump in into the midst of what was said and to say he's anti-semitic that doesn't register as something that would make sense right to me I'm confused I said that this is confusing to me since he's tweeted that and by the way the headlines after that was that he calls for the deaf to all Jewish people I thought that was quite hysterical I don't believe that Kanye West wants all Jewish people to be dead and that seemed to me like not a measured response if you will and by the way I'm consistent on this certainly I agree with you he didn't but but people were so angry that I said that I don't think he wants all Jewish people to be dead this tweet seems incoherent to me let's wait and let him describe it was essentially my statement we've waited no I know I know he's gone on the Lex Freedom right right cast and he's yeah I just I just want to answer please I just want to provide that context of like me responding to just that tweet right so now people are saying well he said all this now I'm like okay but when I said I don't know what this means I literally didn't know what it meant and he then clarified that he did not mean to write the word death he's clarified about four times now he did mean to write deaf Con 3 and he was saying that he was going on the defensive because he felt that he was being attacked by Jewish people in his life so he has clarified that tweet which is what I essentially said give him the opportunity to clarify this incoherent tweet and people took this as like oh my gosh how dare you um and yeah so I just wanted to clarify that so now that you've clarified it would you say that it is an anti-semitic sentence I'm not saying no no now that he's clarified and said he meant death yeah would you accept that that is a anti-semitic sentence well I I think Defcon 3 is a defensive position and he said that he felt that he was under attack by Jewish people in his life so you know if I understand why there are people that feel personally attacked because he's looping in all Jewish people and they don't really know what's going on in his personal life and why he said that and I have to again state that I am colored by the fact that I know what led to the moment of him kind of saying this stuff and I wish that he would be more explicit in talking about what he's going through personally because I think that it would help people not it wouldn't justify what he says but it would help people understand where he's coming from because I think for a lot of people it felt like a shock attack on the entire faith of Judaism right it was just like how you're saying that all Jewish people are like because you're saying that all Jewish people are best Jewish people or that and I do know that he went on Piers Morgan and he said I apologize for saying this I realize that hurt people hurt people and I have felt hurt but for whatever reason him saying that doesn't make the same impact you know him saying sorry does it make the same impact as him having said the initial you know the initial tweet and people are still pretending that he meant death to all Jews which I don't think is fair you know we have to decide whether or not we are a society that believes in forgiveness and believes in apologies or for society that just says here's who you are for life and we want you canceled and we never want to see you again I believe in forgiveness and and if I didn't realize she'd apologized and I believe multiple times important to to forgive but I guess that's not kind exactly my question because he went on onto the Lex Friedman podcast and I didn't see this and he apparented some more tropes about the Jewish record labels being somehow behind uh abortions of blacks in America and uh Jewish record labels yeah being behind abortion of blacks in America okay it's it's not totally coherent but um a fit to that kind of those tropes those ancient tropes about Jews uh referring to the Jewish media um and uh it was banned on Instagram for a conversation with Diddy uh about it saying Jewish people told you to call me don't think so these These are troops now I'm not saying I don't know what's going on inside Kane's heart inside his mind I'm a huge fan like you are of his music and he said some brilliant things as well I happen to think but I don't have any trouble in saying that those are artists cosmetic tropes what what the intention is behind them it is easy enough to to identify those but you don't feel so comfortable well I don't I don't feel so comfortable with people seeing that he's been condemned by every single person in the world he's lost basically everything he has and they're not satisfied because they need to see his friends hurt him publicly I'm his friend and I've asked people to recognize that I am his friend and to realize that it's quite sadistic to then say we know what he is has dropped him Gap has dropped him his list everybody's dropped him everybody is condemned him the entire world every celebrity has come down on him but we need you Candace his personal friend to also say bad things about him on the airwaves I think that's it's quite cruel now right but you can you can you can say loving things about him but I could also say could you respect that I don't feel comfortable talking about my friend sure and I hope I wish that we could live in a sire people will go that totally makes sense because it's it's a bizarre thing to ask people to harm their friends in public you know whether or not you are asking me if I agree that Jewish people are controlling my every action no I don't agree with that obviously I won't agree with that sentiment right but don't you I don't think Kanye would be offended if you say you disagree with him on something I I've been here I've been well first off you're talking about the Lex Friedman stuff I haven't even watched a podcast so I can't respond to something that I haven't seen but um so I'm listening to you paraphrase what he said I can watch if you give me an exact sentence I can tell you whether or not I agree with that if you're saying Jewish people cause abortions that doesn't make any sense to me so yeah I don't agree that Jewish people cause all of the abortions you know what I mean that I mean that it's incoherent to me um but you know I do ask for people to just exercise a little bit of Grace and to recognize that it's a real friendship and that it's it's not normal to not be satisfied by the fact that he's already been basically wiped off of the face of the planet virtually by every organization like he's basically until he's not allowed to exist right now and there is a part of this that does feel a bit sadistic to me that it's like that's not enough we need you his friend to say that he is this or he is that oh no no I'm not saying that you should say he is this or is that I'm only suggesting that ask me my opinions about Jewish people I'm happy to open openly talk about I think I would hope my record speaks for itself I mean how many times have I spoken at The JCC I was there for the Israel opening in you know in in Jerusalem so it's you know this idea that well if you don't say this exactly that we wanted to then you are also anti-semitic is completely unfair and it's it's wrong quite frankly you know and it's it's as I said very bizarre that people think that you get to just paint me with your personal feelings about yay West we're two different individuals I'm not married to him I have a husband you know it's like why do I have to why do you need Candace Owens what more do you want you've got Adidas you got Gap you've got easy you've got every store every Airway Banning him why do you need Candace Owens like personally to say something horrible about him well I understand that you would have been getting a lot of pushback and the the reason I've asked you is because I saw you on your podcast taking his defense so but you didn't take his defense I actually quite literally said this is not a defense but this tweet deathcon 3 is incoherent and yet people were angry that I said that but and you admit I mean what is deathcon 3. well you have to explain to me it's an American term oh Defcon 3. yeah yeah and that's what I was saying I was like did he mean Defcon 3 deathcon 3 is incoherent right and he said he typo'd and he meant to write Defcon 3 and Defcon 3 is a defensive position so if you say you're going to go Defcon 3 on someone you're saying someone on a whole race of people yeah no I know but what I'm saying is that the I was responding to the headlines that he calls for the death of all Jewish people that's why I say it's really important so that is still a an aggressive statement to make about racism yeah it's it's aggressive 100 but what I'm saying is that what I how I've been taken out of context is when I said on my podcast following that tweet and I still will say a thousand times Kanye West does not want all Jewish people to be dead I stand by what I said on my podcast right it is not it is it is completely ridiculous to think that he was calling for the death of all Jews right I have been very measured in my responses every time there's been somebody that is hyperbolic I remember for a few months ago or at the end of last year they were saying Gal Gadot the Israeli actress wants the death of all Palestinians that's dramatic okay she's pro-israel I remember they then flipped that and so that Bella Hadid wanted every single Jewish person to be wiped out that seems dramatic we should be measured in our responses I believe that I do not believe irrespective of people that he is angry at that are in his inner circle who happen to be Jewish right that there's not all Jewish people it's you know painting a broad brush which we shouldn't be doing ever um and I think that he should call those people out by name because I think that it would provide more clarity as opposed to making it seem like it's every Jewish person that you ever deal with and I've said that I've said that on my podcast there is probably more clarity that needs to be provided here and they shouldn't even mention that they're Jewish you just call out individuals he has a problem but uh Kanye is uh pushing back against this consolation cancellation and is bought a I believe buying a state in parlor social media and um which is the uncancelable social media or so yay says is that something to be excited about exciting in general that he's the first black person to ever own a social media company that could be the headline instead it's Kanye West this can't you know Kanye West that and he's this he's that and I think that it's exciting that the markets are breaking a bit and that people that there's more than one option in general that's a kind of a larger way to answer the question I think it's great that Elon Musk is taking over Twitter I think it's great that you know Donald Trump started his own organization I think we have all felt that on Twitter I mean my account got locked because I said that we need to talk about transgenderism as a mental illness is it fair that my lock my account got locked and yet people can throw the n-word at me every second I can't get along for two months the double standards are insane yeah and so I think it's great that we're diversifying and having more platforms and more options full stop irrespective of whether it's yay or somebody else so you've in your book and uh across your work you've spoken about the problem of big tech and and media uh propaganda do you think that the social media industry or can be disrupted do you think this is an achievable to create an uncastable social media that can compete with your Instagrams your twitters I do yeah and I think that before perhaps we didn't realize that we needed to compete in that regard because we just thought okay it's a platform and everybody should be allowed on it which tends to be my perspective I don't by the way believe that the answer to hate speech is censorship I think the answer to hate speech is Love Speech I think if you if you believe that somebody is saying something that is hateful you should debunk them Point by point on what they're saying right and like if you believe that the Jewish people don't control the media why are you censoring it give them a platform and say let me show you why you're wrong right that's my personal opinion it's like it doesn't make hate go away to censor it actually what ends up happening if you don't believe say that like if so if we sit here and we say well Kanye West said was completely crazy and wrong right the Jewish people don't control the media yeah you don't prove that by censoring him you prove that by actually allowing him to say it sitting across from somebody and having them debunk it Point by point right right and saying uh no actually Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdoch and he's not a Jewish person right for some reason we've gotten into this weird space where people believe that if you just censor it it goes away actually what happens is it makes it bigger right well it makes it bigger so now you have people that are saying did they just prove yay's point right and now these are the things people they just proved his point and it's like no guys this is why it's important to conquer speech that we believe is wrong with more speech right and so it is my hope that people start to see that all across society that censorship is not a strategy it's it's actually if something is wrong prove it to be wrong so that we can as a society move forward yeah um if that truth doesn't need a sense to defend it it doesn't and for some reason people have this category of hate speech which I could just answer it and it in my honest opinion it creates more hate because people get angry and frustrated do you have a personal line on on what speech is not acceptable so for example in this country if you incite violence it's illegal it's do you are you a free speech absolutist it's absolutely okay to say anything or do you have your own lines on that I I personally if you gave me a scenario where I might draw a limit I'd be interested to find it okay I'm I'm you know I believe that free speech is 1A I'm very 1A I would almost say I'm a free free speech absolutist yeah well you might come up with some scenario I'd be like you know what but by the way speech has consequences you know what I mean it has consequences it clearly has had consequences for gay and I have said you know if Adidas wants to drop on that as well from the right to their company yeah so freedom of Association you feel that's you're totally acceptable response to Kanye you don't think you haven't got a problem you're a private company they if the you could drop someone I I mean at my company I would drop someone if they told me that they believed in trans children and the surgeries are forming on them I've dropped my heartbeat that's my line it's my company yeah it's my company if somebody said that you know we're going to use this platform and talk about why children should be you know I work for you but I'm going to have my child go through I would drop them it's for me it's a it's a morality thing but I'm not saying that you should be able to get another job go align yourself with whoever you know you want to um align yourself with you know and so yeah I think that it can come out of consequence and you know that's within that Adidas as well within their right to stop association with whomever they want for whatever reason um so the last thing I want to ask you about is the future of America you are a conservative activist and a commentator are you hopeful for the conservatives for the Republicans Will trump come back at the next election if he does would you support him what what do we need to know so I'm very positive I do believe that conservatives are winning and one of the litmus tests for that is the fact that they're using fact Checkers now for everything we say the one of them is at their demanding censorship always like I said for me talking about the trans stuff they just ban it you know I want to discuss it I believe that censorship is only necessary when you're losing the narrative and I think that the left had a Stranglehold in the narrative but because people like me have broken through and other conservatives people on The Daily wire platform Matt Walsh talking about the trans kids and stuff and we've garnered to following they're realizing wait a second we no longer have a Stranglehold in the conversation and they're becoming more desperate and they're starting to think that they can just censor it and make it go away going back to my point of why it doesn't work um we need good ideas to conquer bad ideas and so I always say people be encouraged by that there I I sense a desperation in the media we have you know CNN is our far left Network and they're saying we must you know ban all conservatives I mean we need to have more functions left far left they're not Communists I know um what do you mean I I don't a CNN Marxist Communists left yeah they're definitely marxists without question I mean like the principles if you read Karl Marx about being anti-family and why it was against the state what they are trying to do in every regard is to grow up state right the state will deal with climate change the state will deal with you if you need to have pills for the rest of your life because you're trans the state will deal with covid you just stay at home and lock yourself down it's Marxism you know I mean it's it's belief in the state as a higher power and they mock Christians on air they mock Christians so yeah I believe they're Marxist at CNN 100 I stand by that and that's why I like to differentiate between the left and the far left because not necessarily everybody watching CNN is a Marxist right and I think that some of them are just have not yet fallen out of love with what it used to mean to be on to be a Democrat you know you grew up in a time like I said where it was much more normal and I like when I was growing up it just wasn't this radical I was a liberal I was friends with Republicans um and all of that was perfectly fine but we're now in an entirely different circumstance so I do think that CNN has leaned into full Marxism uh you do you do think they have gone into full Marxism okay well I've yet to see evidence of that but I think it's possible to you know to have some ideas that align with Marxism but but anyway back to Trump what's do you think he'll run again what does that mean for America if he does I do think that he'll run again I hope he runs again because I think there's a lot of you know fundraising that's being done um maybe not directly with his campaign but people believe that he's going to run again I think it would be sort of like why didn't you run you know instead of just teasing it for years and I think that we'll have to see you know I have always said I'm committed to truth whatever that truth is obviously I was very vocal in my support for Trump but I'm not just oh my gosh worship Trump I'm gonna vote for him automatically if he runs who are the candidates running against him yeah are there any politicians you are excited about there's I mean like new politicians that have kind of I I really like Christy gnome in North Dakota I love somebody who's not known at all uh but he's a congressman Thomas Massey if he ran for president like goodbye I'm like I'd vote for him a million times he's just a congressman from Kentucky that has every single value and belief that um and he stands by his principles and uh obviously DeSantis is I think he has really risen to the challenge he wasn't as good on his feet when he was running for governor but I think what he did in covid during covet was heroic I think he he put an end to covid because of his State saying no more and then it kind of pressured all the other states to do something about that um and he's he's measured you know he's quite measured and I think his team the team around him is great so there's a lot of people that I'm very excited about and when I know everyone who's running I'll be able to make a more measured you know conclusion about who I'm gonna vote for well I look forward at that time to speaking with you and uh are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of America I'm optimistic I think you know we are having a Clash of the Titans in many ways but I think we're winning so there's nothing not to be optimistic about if I wasn't optimistic I wouldn't get out of bed I'd be depressed kind of zones thank you so much for your time it's been a pleasure speaking with you thank you thanks for having me [Music]
Channel: The Spectator
Views: 90,421
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Keywords: The Spectator, Spectator, SpectatorTV, Spectator TV, SpecTV, The Week in 60 Minutes, TWI60
Id: Xw1AbSQlefM
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Length: 54min 27sec (3267 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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