Cancer Update: Is treatment working?

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hey guys it's melanie from thanks so much for clicking on this video to watch it i'm gonna be sharing a health update today if you've been following along with my cancer journey it still feels weird to say that out loud um then you know i had surgery back in august um a really major surgery and i had a video that i did post surgery if you want to check it out and i'll have all those links down below but i do have an update so i did have a scan a couple weeks ago and they compared the scan from the scan i did right after surgery so right after surgery i did a scan to kind of get a baseline of what everything's looking like in there after my surgery and then i just had a scan a couple weeks ago and we went over the results of my oncologist last week and it's good news so um the good news is that what is left in my body i do have a tumor left in my body and it is shrinking so we are down by almost half what it was so it was i think six centimeters and we're down to three and a half so that is great we also have no new growths so i have no new additional growths cancerous growths happening in my body so that is great the best besides everything being gone um this is great great news we are so excited and thrilled i'm not other ones yet obviously there's still a tumor in my body and so the drug is working it's called an mtor inhibitor and it's not technically chemo it functions in a totally different way so it's not melting the tumor and other things in my body like chemo typically does that's why i still have my hair this specific drug has been shown with my type of rare cancer which is epithelioid angiomyel it's a type of sarcoma very very rare but it does show it stops from creating the blood vessels that turn into tumors and making tumors larger so that's what my drug is doing it does have a couple of side effects but nothing super bad um it does lower my white blood cell counts like kind of chemo does um so i have to be really careful about not getting sick but you know we're in a pandemic so everybody's worried about not getting sick so you know in that way it's not too bad and i'm feeling just super grateful and thankful my husband has been such a huge rock in my life and my family and my faith my children everybody's been such troopers and sorry uh i'm just really thankful so i'm gonna keep doing what i'm doing i am eating totally different uh all the health stuff i'm like changing everything about my life not everything obviously but health-wise everything about my life so if you if you guys ever want me to share any of that stuff i'm happy to share but i'm i'm not going to talk about that in this video um this video is just for the good news yes uh so thank you for your prayers keep praying please keep praying for me i really really appreciate it and i think it's working a combination of the drug and the great care i'm getting at cedars-sinai and also all the health stuff that i'm doing and your prayers i really believe that holistically all of those things are contributing to my improved health so um that's the update so we're just gonna keep doing what we're doing i won't have another scan till probably january or something february i'm not sure we don't have a date we're really excited um yeah so i'm feeling really good i'm really excited to kind of be healthy in this holiday season and be mom to my kids and be you know just able to participate i feel a sense of relief from the scan results it's just like you know the fear is a real thing anxiety is a real thing and so i'm feeling much lighter and able to sort of just breathe a little bit um so i'm thankful i'm so thankful so if you like this news smash that thumbs up button because all of your support watching my videos visiting my blog posts sharing my videos doing my projects like that is sustaining our family um that is how i am paying for cancer treatment um so it really does like all those things really help us out and so i appreciate it so so much so yay all right uh i am going to go back to filming my other video that i was working on to get that ready for you guys for next week but thanks for watching i'll see you guys next video bye
Channel: Melanie Ham
Views: 63,251
Rating: 4.9963694 out of 5
Keywords: cancer, health, update, melanie ham, sarcoma
Id: sTx0sXQt29k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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