10 Awesome Half Square Triangle Quilt Layouts!

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hey guys it's melanie from melaniekham.com welcome back to my channel today's video i've got 10 different layouts for your half square triangle unit so half square triangles this is what it looks like these are a standard basic quilting block that you will use i will put the link to my video on how to make these it's a little bit older video but the same way i still do it so i will link it if you want to know how to do it there are so many layouts that you can do with just this guy it's crazy so i've got 10 of them for you today i'm going to be over at my design wall and i'm going to show you how to just rotate these blocks and get 10 stunning layouts if you would like to see them all photographed a little bit more written description the first blog post the link down below will have all those details and if you're a very beginner totally something you can do basically let's go look at 10 different ways you can do this layout and have a stunning result with a really simple block so let's get going okay here is layout number one this looks like a flying geese but it's not obviously because we've got our half square triangle units now this kind of layout could be really fun just random like this also you could do it in color order right so if you have ombre fabrics or rainbow fabrics you could do it sort of like in color order where you have that gradient color happening looks like a flying geese but it's not so there's our layout number one all right here is layout number two you can see with just one simple rotation in one of the fabrics now we have this kind of diamond pattern and it's still just with our half square triangles so this is really effective if you have two of the same fabrics just like with that flying geese so we're going to talk about some other ones where you don't necessarily have to have two of the exact same fabric but this is very effective if you have two of the same fabric but if you don't have two you could also do the same color so if you have two fabrics that are both green you can kind of get the same result doing it based on color so here is layout number two let's move on to layout number three all right here we go with layout number three and this is the adorable pinwheel so you can arrange your half square triangle units for a pinwheel pattern now you wanna maybe have four of the same style fabric in order to create a pinwheel that is completely cohesive so that you have all four of these patterns or fabrics the same but i also wanted to show you like this one over here we have green so if you don't have four of the same you can adjust them by color or the one up here is done by fabric it's the same fabric in two different color ways so that is how they are related so here's our half square triangle layout number three okay here's our next layout layout number four i'm sure i'm going to forget the numbers here at some point but here is an another way to do your layout so this is similar to that faux flying geese that we did from layout number one but we alternated on the rose so that it's more of like an hourglass shape but the cool thing about this is that secondary pattern that is created so a secondary pattern is what happens kind of you know your eye is drawn toward the printed fabric but our background fabric which is this kind of mint color creates this additional square in between our kind of like hourglass shapes so this is a really great way to practice your quilting so in these sort of secondary shapes are really great opportunities to do quilting motifs things that are in there hand embroidery is really great to do in there or it's just a really fun secondary pattern something that comes unexpectedly from your layout again over here i did two different ones that are sort of in that lighter kind of color family and up here we've got two different options here that i still have alternated you can really play around with your color and how you want these to play together okay here we are with our next layout i've already forgotten what number it is and this is the same thing as sort of layout number one with those kind of faux flying geese however do you see what i did here with this middle row okay so first we we adjusted them so that they're now going in a direction so it completely changes the directional look of the quilt first of all second of all i arranged these a little bit more by color so down here we have kind of the black and green in here we have more blue and up here we have pink so it kind of moves your eye around a little bit differently the third thing that i did was here in the second row i flipped it on its edge or flipped it on its head or i'm not sure what the phrase would be for this but now we have our solid fabric as our quote-unquote geese and so it alters the look completely just imagine if you then had an you know your fourth row down here with that same kind of feature just how dynamic that looks without it being any more or less difficult right so we're still using the exact same half square triangles we have been using we just have laid them out in a little bit different way i love this one honestly i think i might i think this one might be the one i go with with this project that i'm doing let's get going i'm gonna show you our next layout all right here is layout seven and this is really a common way to display your half square triangles you can see here it's really stunning i feel like it looks like sailboat sales really fun way to have your half square triangles and i want to also point out let's say you took every alternating one and you put a solid in there okay so picture in your mind that my background there is a solid right and then here and so that would be a way to have a really great look with a solid in here and having less half square triangles that you need to use that's also a way that you could utilize this exact same layout with your half square triangles all right let's do another one okay now i know is that really the same fabrics you've been using this whole time yes these are the exact same half square triangles i've been using and now we have this sort of directional chevron print and i wanted to show you how you could even extend it out going all the way across the whole length of a quilt or you could have you know there's four blocks here so you could have four blocks going this direction four blocks going the opposite direction or you know there's even within this kind of motif there are endless things that you can do again even though i did these by color you don't have to do them by color because what is going to unify it and be able to show this shape is our background fabric so even if this was all scrappy you could still see that delineated line because of our background fabric okay so just to keep in mind you don't have to have it in color order you could make this really scrappy actually that would be a really great way to use up scraps make a quilt like this and have your cohesive part be your background let's do another one we got more okay here is another layout i wanted to show you how this one i kind of made it a little bit more scrappy looking and then these two of course with our color palette just another great way to use these half square triangles just by rotating them different directions grouping their colors together really kind of utilizing these as lines as arrows i mean you could see here the options really are endless and we haven't even talked about sashing so you could think of all of these things and then bulk it out even more with sashing in between all of them that will create even more secondary patterns we also have we talked briefly about adding solids in here and using you know solid square blocks in the same exact size whatever half square triangle size you want to use so this is just hopefully getting your gears turning uh there's a few more that i want to show you though so i think this is number eight i'm going to show you two more we'll just round it out and make an even 10. so let's let's do a few more okay here we go i love this one also this one it kind of radiates out from the center which i think is really beautiful you could do some really fun things with your color placement with this one also and then the the bigger you make it it just keeps going right so you would have another another kind of angled one this way and then you would just build it out the exact same way it would end up being a square and then you just keep going until you reach the size that you want so i love this one i think it's a really great kind of option it kind of makes a rosette sort of feeling kind of this radiation feeling where it kind of adds a different dimension to all of these angles which i really think is a great way to utilize them all right this was layout number nine let's do our layout number 10. okay here is our tenth layout similar to the other chevron print that we did but on a smaller scale we don't have these giant angles this time we just have these little baby ones classic classic pattern again you can do all kinds of crazy fun things with the different color layouts i just left all the fabrics exactly where they were and rotated them to create this layout i hope this was helpful this is a uh this is part of the quilt along that i'm about to open up we're going to be doing two quilts at once so these are actually from the waist from the block that we're doing in the full quilt along and this is the kind of the second little twofer that we're gonna get so that's why i thought it'd be fun to show different layouts but this is just hopefully opening up your imagination into how much versatility there is with quilting in just one block i'll link my half square triangle video it's an older video i've had it up for a long time but it's the exact same way that i still do it but i will link the method that i've taught before in the description box down below if you want to know how to make these units i hope this was helpful for you guys i'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Melanie Ham
Views: 68,839
Rating: 4.9656906 out of 5
Keywords: quilt, quilts, half square triangle, quilt layout, half square triangle quilt, hst, beginner quilting, sewing, melanie ham, quilting, handmade, homemade, diy, scrappy quilts
Id: t_96wNVxCGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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