Canceled Wedding Motivates Halloween Home Invasion | Napa Valley Murders Analysis

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hello this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of the Napa Valley Halloween murders just a reminder I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoy this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I'll put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background of this case move to the timeline of the crime then offer my analysis Adrien Michelle insa was born on December 30 1977 and raised in Calistoga California this is about an hour and a half north of San Francisco in June 1994 when she was 16 years old she encountered boys from her school and allowed one of them to drive her vehicle he was only 15 and did not have a driver's license he drifted onto the shoulder of a road and then overcorrected the car rolled at least three times and Adrien sustained massive head trauma afterward her grades plummeted and she was depressed Adrienne was treated by a psychotherapist and made significant improvements she graduated from college in 2001 she moved to Napa California and found a job as an assistant engineer at the Napa sanitation department in February 2004 she moved into a rented house only 2600 BL of Dorset Street along with a roommate named Lauren meansa Lauren was a volleyball coach at a local community college in June 2004 a third roommate moved into the house her name was Leslie an mazara Leslie was born on August 1 1978 in Orlando Florida later her family moved to Anderson South Carolina she was a beauty queen and won several pageants Leslie graduated from college in 2003 and in early 2004 moved to Napa California she found a job in the sales department of a local Winery adrianne's best friend was a woman named Lily prudom Lily had a boyfriend named Eric cell they had been engaged and were supposed to marry on November 1 2004 something went wrong and Lily canceled those plans however the was still together romantically Lily planned on traveling to Australia with Adrien on November 25 2004 even though Adrien had exciting plans Leslie was the roommate in the dorsed street house who stood out as far as being adventurous and outgoing she had several potential romantic Partners including two boyfriends some of these men were extremely eager to spend time with leslee she was able to attract men without any effort on October 24th 2004 Leslie had a man over to the Dorset Street house at night she and the man engaged in sexual activity which kept her roommates up this led to a house meeting but the women agreed that it was fine to have men over to the house before moving to the timeline of the crime let's hear a word from today's sponsor has been helping businesses Like Yours save time and money during the holiday rush for 25 years with easy access to USPS and UPS services and premium rates for all your postage needs the holidays are hard enough make things easier than ever with if 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accompanied by her dog Chloe before going to bed Lauren locked all the doors but she did not check any of the windows sometime after 1:00 a.m. now on November 1 Lauren was awakened by her dog growling and barking a motion sensor had turned a light on in the backyard Lauren figured that it was one of the local cats and went back to sleep shortly after this she was once again awakened this time there was noise coming from inside the house near the front door she thought that it could be one of Leslie's boyfriends looking to have a sexual encounter Lauren tried to go to sleep but then heard a noise in Leslie's bedroom which was right above her bedroom the noise then appeared to move from Leslie's bedroom to adrianne's bedroom this didn't make any sense to Lauren but then she thought that maybe the man was using the bathroom upstairs Lauren then heard noises consistent with a bed bumping up against a wall natur naturally she figured this could also be explained by sexual activity a few minutes later Lauren heard a scream which was clearly Adrienne's voice Lauren still believed that sex was an adequate explanation for the behavior even though Leslie was the individual who was supposed to be having sex not Adrien after hearing a second scream and the sound of a struggle Lauren realized that something else was going on Lauren found herself in a terrible situation she wanted to assist her roommates upstairs but she was afraid of being attacked she stepped out of her bedroom and moved to the base of the stairs where she listened for about 30 seconds as Adrien was being attacked after hearing the Intruder start to come down the stairs Lauren ran outside to the backyard patio trapping herself as there was a fence surrounding the backyard she could hear the Intruder exiting through the front window of the house the only sound left that was coming from the house was Adrien crying Lauren entered the house and retrieved the phone in the kitchen but there was no dial tone she walked upstairs to check on her roommates and found that they had been stabbed Lauren went downstairs retrieved her cell phone and called 911 she told the operator that an unknown intruder attacked and both her roommates were hurt Lauren was frightened of where the Intruder might be she disconnected the call grabbed her dog and entered her vehicle she drove away from the house and once again called 911 Lauren kept driving in the area around the house as she was on the phone with the operator she was so frightened that she refused to stop her vehicle until the police arrived at 2:13 a.m. a few moments later when backup arrived the police entered the house on Dorset Street they found that both Leslie and Adrien had been stabbed to death both women were 26 years old here's what the police found during their investigation it appeared as though Leslie was the first victim she had died after being stabbed just a few times her room was closer to the top of the stairs than adrianne's room after killing Leslie the killer attacked Adrien there was a massive fight as Adrien attempted to defend herself but the killer managed to stab her several times blood from the killer was found in a few places including on the window blinds walls and stairs from the DNA the police knew that the Intruder was a man but there was no match in the DNA databases cigarette butts were found in both the front and backyards of the house the killer smoked an unusual brand of cigarettes called Camel Turkish gold the police investigated everybody they could think of who could have been involved in the murders including former and current romantic interests of lesie they ruled out over 200 Men Who provided DNA samples the police asked Lauren mea if she knew anyone who smoked cigarettes she remembered that Lily's boyfriend Eric Copple was a smoker on September 22 2005 the police left a message at Eric's residence that same day they publicly released information about the cigarette butts including the name of the unusual brand 5 days later on September 27 Eric went to a police station and confessed to the murders here is the story he supplied to investigators on Halloween night Eric and his girlfriend Lily were at the home of friends Eric was drinking excessively he said something that embarrassed Lily in response she drove him to the apartment that they shared and left him there alone Lily went to spend the night at her parents home after sleeping for a while Eric woke up and retrieved a knife and zip ties he drove to the house on Dorset Street he smoked cigarettes for a few minutes outside as he was standing there the motion sensor on the house turned the light on and off Eric Pride open a window with a knife this wasn't difficult because the window was unlocked he could hear a dog growling as he entered the house Eric made his way upstairs and fell asleep on a pile of clothes in a bedroom he remembered a light being turned on and making eye contact with Adrien at this point he blacked out Eric did not remember stabbing anyone he only had flashes of memory Eric did however recall driving home building a fire in a fire pit and burning all his clothing on December 5 2006 Eric Coppel pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree murder just over a month later he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole now moving to my analysis here are my thoughts on a few areas that stood out to me in this case item number one Eric Coppel was a land surveyor he did not have a criminal record he was described as depressed obsessive compulsive neat shy and unremarkable people who knew him said that he would just blend in with the scenery he did not stand out for any reason good or bad item number two Adrian and Eric cpp's girlfriend Lily were best friends and co-workers Adrien was not a fan of Eric she thought that he was not good enough for Lily Eric and Lily were supposed to be married on November 1 2004 in Hawaii this is the same day that he committed the murders it appeared as though Eric's World revolved around Lily and he was highly threatened by adrianne's involvement in his relationship maybe he blamed Adrian for Lily's decision to cancel the wedding when Adrian and Lily planned a trip to Australia the same month when Eric was supposed to be getting married it just pushed him over the edge item number three 3 months after Eric committed the murders he married Lily it would appear as though they had patched up their relationship I guess everything worked out for Eric in the end except for the double homicide part eventually Eric's conscience started to bother him he wrote notes to family member saying that he had a dark side that no one knew about I think it's also likely that Eric realized the police were going to arrest him eventually they were going to connect him to the crime through his DNA at his sentencing Lily spoke on Eric's behalf even though he was going to get life in prison either way she talked about how Eric had come to talk to her about something that was bothering him she said to him there's nothing in the world you can do to make me love you less Lily said these words are just as true as they were on that afternoon Lily believed it was inexplicable how a fine man could be responsible for such a terrible crime nothing in Eric's past indicated the potential for violence she blamed his difficult family situation depression and alcohol item number four Eric spoke at his sentencing he claimed that he was a broken man who had been splintered by a penetrating awareness of his own potential for wickedness he was sorry for the terrific Agony that inflicted through his sinful Deeds Eric said that he had experienced several traumatic events in Rapid succession this fertilized the seed of anger in his heart Eric maintained that his vague and incomplete confession was true he stood by his story of unexplained and improbable memory loss this of course is imp possible to believe I think Eric was just trying to escape embarrassment like he did not want to describe all the details about his behavior Eric burned all his clothing after committing the murders clearly he remembered what happened item number five I think there are elements of this case which will remain a mystery because Eric was not forthcoming his intended target was Adrien but the exact reason he killed her may never be known for example why was he carrying zip tie was there a sexual motive involved in this case there are a few possibilities regarding Eric's motive he wanted Revenge he wanted to get rid of a person who was distracting Lily I think it's also possible that Eric thought that Adrienne's death would create a bonding opportunity between him and Lily not long after the murder he went to console Lily I believe that Eric went to the house on Dorset Street intending to kill Adrien but ended up in the wrong room this is is why he murdered Leslie she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time item number six the police and many other people thought that Leslie was the Killer's Target Leslie was outgoing and being chased by many different men whereas Adrien was not as popular some of the men who were pursuing Leslie were engaged in behavior that could be considered stalking many men regularly gave her expensive gifts and Leslie was receiving money and unmarked envelopes it's interesting how Leslie's romantic life affected the events in this case even though it was unrelated to the motive Leslie's vigorous interest in dating LED investigators down the wrong path but her behavior also played apart on the night of the murders as I mentioned Lauren initially assumed that the man who entered the house was one of Leslie's love interests if she had not believed that she probably would have called for help immediately now moving to my final thoughts this story attracted a lot of attention due to its brutal nature and its timing it occurred right after Halloween one theme of Halloween is how certain entities can be frightening ghosts skeletons zombies children dressed up as Kim Kardashian in the case of Eric Coppell he was the last person anyone would have suspected scary was not a word used to describe him he was so reserved people barely recognized that he existed I think the theme of this case is how relying on fear to protect people is not logical often people do not know who to fear Eric did not appear dangerous but beneath the surface he was Lethal there was a skeleton in his closet which did not give his victims a ghost of a chance those are my thoughts on the Napa Valley Halloween murder case please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 92,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 66_Lp5Sa4b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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