CANADIAN MARKET TOUR 🍟 ft Poutine in Montreal

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greetings from Montreal Canada it's a beautifully snowy day and we eat all kinds of scrumptious food at the jaunt along Market which happens to be named after jaunt alone the first Intendant of new false from olives stuffed with lemon rind to Middle Eastern pastries there is so much young we also shop with Dean for the first time originally I was thinking we take the metro bye-bye will be our friendly uber driver ignites conversation and we happily practice our rusty French all the while we enjoy the passing scenes of winter this weather really inspires me to cuddle with a good book fresh snow Oh beautifully visually oh I hope this market is open I heard it's a snow day so the kids don't go to school I'm not sure how many entrances they have but this is one of them yes it's open this is the first video we're filming in Montreal it's our first time here and they speak French in English but mostly French and mommy Oh actually she majored in French literature yeah in college in Korea so this is a great time for her to practice French and I studied French in high school a couple steps into the market there's a pastry shop selling middle-eastern treats which we shall try later today right across is a path of fresh produce to the left is a florist and more yummy food but first let's turn right to grab a crepe along the way we pass by hanging plants and pans of pizza course one of our breakfast takes place at eppley du marche these crepes are made of buckwheat thus gluten-free both meat eaters and vegetarians have several options oh butter the gentleman also adds on spinach and sliced tomatoes potatoes and mushrooms and more mushrooms yes more butter look good oh I need to pay you introducing the legume along J cut made with mixed veggies egg and Swiss cheese the circular base is folded into a square the open center reveals its contents who's excited yet so excited friendship crepe those of us in sunflower sprouts and asparagus in there and carrots you can't order the egg to be fully cooked if you want but I was told that it's for creamy in a different way well we have it sunny-side up this is gonna be plenty of food for both of us you know we've been eating a lot of Nadia suits in New York so seeing all these vegetables and because the crepe is also gluten-free oh it is such a joy to fibre up it's a little bit like a salad but also like a breakfast burrito we have cooked elements raw elements sunflower sprouts that's the raw element it is so natural no spices that or no salt but the certain is it just from our cheese if you're vegetarian I highly recommend this place if you want something more maybe or something sweet they have other crepe options as well they have some crepes that include strawberries banana mommio inhale they're great far behind let's give the bass our undivided attention this piece has not touched the egg thus the Chris penis is preserved super-thin the super-crunchy [Music] what a great way to start the day with the breakfast filling and healthy no sugar crush hell is talking to the crepe maker and he was saying that in the summertime the warmer months this market is four times bigger because it's expanded towards the outside but right now it's closed so it keeps warm inside we got juices and through these and it is present really good but if you were selling that in New York or California OB like 20 bucks labatto's wheat offers over 60 types of oysters from different parts of the world including Nova Scotia the west coast and Europe a shop called Nazimova de terroir found something called a flu buster it contains Labrador tea yarrow black spruce large barks cedar I'm gonna try this at home tonight excited mommio picked up some candies this is honey and maple syrup Oh maple syrup with habanero pepper oh it's gonna be spicy it starts off sweet and then it transitions in to spicy never had a spicy maple syrup only in Canada is tasty very unique before we venture further we gotta get some cash Canadian dollars don't think they have a money exchange stall but I did hear they have a ATM machine oh my golly gee it is easy to get deliciously distracted with all these munchies lying around the sample plate seduces you with olives stuffed with carrot and pepper it's olive is very salty woohoo well that one has orange inside but there's also all of the call men inside so created it's a little crunchy but because it was so active softened it's cash only so let's stop by the ATM machine in now we're told we have to go back through the entrance near the entrance we've got the ATM machine beautiful money see-through I think you I think it's waterproof it's always so snow proof can provide Oh perfect for today we're back at the Olive stall the small what we can mix and match three kinds of olives the bigger one a core and how many kinds can fit in here unlimited for the biggest container all is filled with cheese other is filled with a dry fruit yep we're taking some home for dinner tonight small container for seven Canadian dollars right next er there's a bunch of cheeses that one looks like a mountain this is the interior of the mountain cheese it looks like a giant white kerchief kid Gannon badge means cranberry this shot may interest those looking for home goods like these hand-painted bowls this is super cool get incense with pine tree and the firm lavender smells very soft when you eat lavender in a dessert or smell it in soap it's very strong but this one is very delicate you know it looks thin but look I think is like 15 pounds are you trying yeah these cars have cute illustrations of landmarks and Montreal they're drawn by team Ludwig Hansen this business is all about kombucha and mushroom despite the cold weather the ice cream shop has customers more cheese up ahead at homage foamy goat cheese heavily spotted with green mold do you eat that part yep you're gonna eat everything Cheers is blue cheese you see but I smell taste of fungus Molly's already this was supposed to be soft and creamy mmm that's good no chef Munya [Music] this is goat cheese as well nouns more firm actually I like the last one it's yummy - that's my favorite yeah I think we're gonna get a Demi Demi is half that's 50 Canadian dollars here we have five-month cheese at six months eight months if you see it in person they're huge they're some of the biggest cash units I've ever seen more seafood some salmon has been seasoned and pista crew has a library of spices and plenty of tea the turmeric ginger has piqued my interest the gentleman writes down details on the teabag so much tea and on this side we have spices Paia petit petit blend here we go upstairs to pay Wow look at this chest beautiful oh yeah essentially I thought he liked who O'Malley cheese cheese and cheese Rockland a gentleman just gave us a sample of the confit it has cranberry and onion in it it's like a jam but with onion and you say you put it with grilled cheese you have the grilled cheese here can I ring it popular items include the Italian sandwich and the deluxe with confit and rock let's cheese for those curious here's the menu our sandwich is freshly grilled and comes with blue tortilla chips butter bring it on the measly bread transforms into a toasty light brown it's cut in half and grilled some more the golden exterior is starting to make me drool even the cut center looks nice and toasty crunch crunch Cheers how do you say cheers in French I look for something I look for something mmm we got that sweetness from the confit it's not that the super deep cheesy flavor it's a smooth cheese flavor let's try the blue corn tortilla chip that has a hint of salt it's a little bit cool so head over all this grilled sandwich it tastes pretty calm it might be also in New York we're having so much intense flavors here in there that our taste buds like got a really high tolerance for intense flavor I wonder if we came to Montreux first if the flavors here will be more intense on to some grocery shopping for dinner tonight we're gonna eat at home so let's get some vegetables mango sample sweet juicy but not like a messy juicy we get some avocados we're not ready for five dollars then French avocado is elbow cut back in America I always start off the day with some avocado so this will be part of a breakfast tomorrow morning $2.00 for this basket of peppers me not garlic's in u.s. this is small but look at this yeah normally it's not this big you're looking like onion still snowing outside but now it's going at a crazier angle like 45 degrees a little bit more maybe look at the icicles over there go back in it's a snowy winter but these colors sure make it feel like spring and summer the vertically stacked green beans look like thick blades of grass we're getting some kale 250 a bunch so mommy-o wants to try some apples these are local grown apples about 45 minutes from here let's see this to me and there's impact this whole basket is 15 Canadian dollars and the top layer is 10 apples that's more than two dozens in that basket it is very mushy may I have one no this is the stall where we had the spicy maple syrup near the entrance there is a shop called Riyadh and I just learned from the gentleman who works here that rillette is a type of Moroccan house it has interior courtyard and just like the way this stall is designed the inside is hollow and around it is all the deserts and the windows very good look at that semolina dough with pistachios pistachios inside so many choices these ones look a little bit like a boomerang what should I first has almonds in it it might look a little crunchy but because is very moist it's not crunchy I'm trying to figure out the best way to explain this to you so you kind of get a better idea it is a lie I'm going for our please or in Germany this is the bestseller at this shop looks at confectioner sugar so there is some flour in that there's lemon in that the exterior is crumbly the filling is moist the owl said is dry so when you bite into the filling that doesn't drop out Wow inside this one it looks like grill marks you know the George Foreman grill the tips looks like that and the filling is visible from the outside you see it in the side super Dottie this reminds me a fig bar but like super thick no me no it reminds me of Korean aqua you know of all the three desserts we had this one is the most toughest our silent cup caster bird we choices vary because each has its own flavor is so different from a childless own personality yet in terms of texture and flavor but all of them they're not too sweet which one's your favorite I like all of them I think the first one might be my favorite the third one the texture is a little bit too tough for me my favorite is does that get one half below one but I left this one too I like this one I love the cigars because that one has a very flora aftertaste I need a cappuccino cappuccino is prissom Espanyol desperate or americano lucky for mommy oh there's a cafe a few steps away along with egg tarts and a rainbow of Malka home meet the creme brulee maka home this also try the pistachio and caramel soft and smooth that much as the dick was strong in the coffee flavor duck duck goose let's go pistachio um tomorrow home is good it's making me a little thirsty texturize is a little bit a gummy yeah my man you definitely feel the caramel and that one continues to make me thirsty on to Clem brulee Mahal that's my favorite who is this girl this is the line the outside has a little shimmer look on your favorite one head I had enough sugar for the day there's also a Polish pastry shop selling bagels quiche stacks of pies and cookies near the entrance there is a book store that sells everything about cooking mostly in French some in English before leaving let's say goodbye to the flowers Maxie it's a little past 2:20 p.m. and we're gonna go home but you know what place that sells good poutine poutine I think I'm pronouncing it right I think shet - xenial I heard they sell good poutine so let's try it it's a three minute walk from Agilent alone market snow is getting in my eyes we don't get too much snow experience white everywhere [Music] they might say it's a 3-minute walk but it feels longer than that oozing yo watch your step it might be I see here here's a menu the burgers sandwiches children home poutine Oh booty yeah trying to practice a little bit of French I know various eating options bar style kitchen view regular tables and chairs also views outside with natural light flooding in so what is within its french fries cheese curd and a brown gravy I've never had a cheese like that she's is so interesting it makes squeaky sound I would categorize this as a winter food a comfort food perfect for a day like this the gravy it reminds me of Shimla myung sauce you know that packet of powder like that savoriness that's what my team some of the fries do get very flexible like they've been doing yoga for years some fries though like this very crunchy our first poutine and it was delicious the first bite it was a little salty but then you get used to it and then it gets good for those of you who are from Canada maybe you grew up eating poutine where is your favorite place to get it let us know in the comments section we gotta get mommy o some wine for tonight we're gonna walk back to the market that sells wine we have to turn around because it's February but it feels like Christmas are you gonna get some red wine look at how small this heart is so cute if I lived in Montreal I'd be getting one of these almond butter oh it's spicy remember the tea I got earlier all these so more of those here this is like a cleanser bottle or like some kind of toiletry it says you could use it as a sauce if you thin it out 30% and if you fit it out that 50% you could be addressing this is from epic swirls of snow take over the street a bike half covered in snow some days you might feel useless or unworthy but remember there are brighter days ahead there comes a time when the winter in your heart transforms into blossoming flowers hang in there and you'll see Wow who knew a bike covered in snow it put me in a mood [Music] welcome to our home for the next three days super excited to try this we'll have a small smelled like that so relaxing can't wait to have a sip but gotta let it cool down otherwise I'm gonna burn my taste buds in the meantime we can admire the colors and shapes for the rest of the day I'm gonna be saving video files shower early I'll have dinner with the stuff we got at Sean Telo market I have been journaling every night since the beginning of this trip so I'm so proud of myself for sticking with some of my habits my habits when I'm back at home versus when I'm traveling it differs because you know when you travel things get out of whack you don't have your normal routine but journaling I've stuck with it on this trip and I've got a plan for tomorrow tomorrow's plan changed we've been eating a lot in New York and we just don't feel like eating a ton anymore I want to show you guys as many places to eat and give you reviews but we have to think about our health as well so balance got a balance everything out so for the purposes of filming and for the purposes of our health and to actually enjoy the process we're gonna cut down on the eating tomorrow and I'm changing the theme of the video I got to change itinerary so I'm gonna do a little bit more research figure out the logistics that's good it's not sweet though it's a try I like it a little smoky I mean I try one bite Cal try one bite other wine huh oh that's smoky mm-hmm I think that's the first time add smoky wine I didn't know that's a thing round two this little flowers in here the best way to describe this flavor it tastes like a hike you know when you go walking out in those mountains and you get that fresh air brings those kind of feelings let go at mom you prepared with all this stuff we bought today we've got our kale green beans as well as Brussels sprouts and on this plate we have apples and these bagels are from New York and the cheese from today and we also have the olives for Napa deep one minute to 7:00 p.m. actually I'm still not hungry but I will have some of the olives because I did not get to try the one with the lemon in sight yet wheels how the cranberry and the goat cheese here's the one with the cranberry I think it was dried cranberry but rehydrated in the veggies on the plain side and that's a good thing because the olives are salty and very flavorful I wasn't hungry but now I have a appetite this one has the goat cheese this time let's try the lemon whoa lemon olive refresh your mouth I predicted I would like the goat cheese all of the most but actually because the goat cheese inside is salty and the olive is salty it's like salt he squared it turns out the cranberry one is really good because you got the sweet and the salty combo ask for the lemon skin inside the olive that one the skin is more firm so texturally I prefer the goat cheese though cuz Allen's soft I'm gonna miss the white you cannot buy a one more bottle I love vegetables makes you feel good you know I used to hate vegetables as a kid but the older I get the more and more I love the greens the leaf here the better [Music] remember to subscribe and hit that notification bell for food and travel in Korea check out my other channel sweet and tasty TV toodles maan noodles good morning mommy always still sleeping usually she's up before me but today it was a different story morning last night we have our buna was dark so we didn't get to see how the city's like when it's all lit up let's take a look outside maybe a view of a hotel then the ice cream here Ben and Jerry's the tonight dough Wow take a look outside this window I've got a fire escape triple-layered pants I got thermals on the first layer second layer leggings third layer it's actually kind of like pajama and sometimes gym pants but just sort of new around my lens if we take the car that we could see the streets if we go in the metro underground and just you know black originally we're gonna have a day we're just walk around outside doing a food tour but seeing the snow today and then it's gonna get even colder tomorrow and then even more colder on Thursday we're gonna reduce the amount we're gonna be outside we want to stay nice and cozy as possible walk short distances in the cold not long distances we're gonna have to come back in the spring or the summer or autumn when it's warmer so that we could really enjoy the outdoors that's a bench right there covered now watch your step because everything is kind of camouflage right now open greetings from Chantal o market in French its moksha jumped alone it's a super snowy day I was worried that the market is gonna be closed but thankfully they are open currently it's just one man running the show here a basket of Honey Crisp apples is eight Canadian dollars since it is cold we're gonna apply some produce here and all kinds of goodies and eat it at home for dinner we're gonna go in early and get cozy do some journaling maybe some meditation mo mio is gonna watch some Netflix our birds inside this market 86's s capital policies test cheats 80s music plays in the background I had you say left turn was it gosh or droite gosh oh gosh we have to token a a gauche and mocks at Z and now we have to turn the what that's the goal a icicles warming under the car the snow continues it's windy [Music]
Channel: Miss Mina
Views: 451,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, food, canada, market tour, market, montreal, poutine
Id: Teq5Mxt0H4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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