Canada's NEWEST Wilderness Resort - WHAT IS IT?

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this is canada's newest wilderness resort and while of course it has a focus on wildlife and activities here in beautiful desolation sound it also has a focus on culture because it's owned and operated by the klahoos first nations i'm michael the channel is downey live and i'm going to tell you everything you need to know about the clahoos wilderness resort and when i say everything i mean everything we're going to the grizzly bear viewing platforms the activities we do back at the resort and even how they run the whole place off grid but first i need to explain where we are and how to get here the klahoos wilderness resort is located in desolation sound a remote area on the west coast of british columbia in fact it's so remote that to get here i rode my motorcycle for five hours taking two different ferries up along the sunshine coast to get me to lund the end of highway 101 and from here we still had to take a boat another hour up the inlet just to get to our home here for the next three nights and we are arriving at the house wilderness resort there is not a single other building that we can see at all look how clear this water is just arriving here had you saying wow but if i'm honest it was the greeting that set the tone for the weekend wilderness resort so what i said to you all is hello my name is cheyenne and i come from oak which is church house i'm a hamako first nations band member i'd like to welcome and thank you all for coming to klahu's wilderness resort clue who's traditional land and territory again my name is cheyenne and this is [Music] randy welcome everyone thank you and with that it's time to celebrate our arrival cheers and check out our rooms they've put me in room one but i'm gonna show you a cabin first welcome to cabin one cabin a little welcome package you guys have the patio fantastic views you guys have two bedrooms bathroom loft so you can have tons of friends family whoever but it's just you two enjoy i love this we've arrived 10 minutes ago and it's raining and i mean that honestly it's suddenly so peaceful i'm really happy to be here [Music] other than the cabins you can stay in lodge rooms which is where i'm staying they are attached to the main building but they have fewer bedrooms but that same cottage feel with that incredible view we have two seal friends we have appetizers talk about for a second we've been here for like 45 minutes we've had our welcome drink we've checked in we've seen seals we are now having oysters i'm speechless for once the sun has come out but it's time for us to head in to dinner now the meals here are restaurant quality while being surrounded by good company and the large windows make sure you can always see the water and mountains delicious deemed delicious delicious to the great room we go now wow as it started to rain outside we all settled in around the fire and randy and cheyenne shared a traditional claw story with us which sparked many more stories and conversation which went long into the night and while we didn't want the night to end we all knew that the real adventure would start first thing in the morning for some reason i always have to disturb the peace there's my seal friend again come say hi guys this is susan we're just getting acquainted over a coffee oh that's our sneaky susan now not everyone swims first thing in the morning like susan and i but if you chose to explore on paddle boards while the rest of us were gathered around this rope on the dock yeah leon is this catching release or uh catch and release bro wow oh it's moving it's alive come on look at that look how big that is a nice one yeah it's healthy we just caught our appetizer for later bigger ones long antennas and with that we're headed out on the boat for our adventure to explore toba inlet and hopefully come across some wildlife awesome waterfall no wildlife yet we're at the mouth of this river at this estuary which is normally a grizzly bear hot spot and we don't see anything yet there right wait hang on stop you have binoculars ian are they i think no they're too rock rocks are they rocks because we're moving no they're moving we're seeing what we want to see at this point we're not going to give up we're going to move on to another location see if we can't find from there [Music] so we've just parked at the house private dock we're going to grab some lunch i think but they also have their grizzly bear towers here and we've just arrived at the stunning toba inlet look at this [Music] i mean other than this just being incredibly beautiful why are we here we are here to hopefully see some grizzly bears i'm going to take you guys up to the gracely bear viewing platform so there's six of them in total and right now we are here viewing the memorial totem pole and we had a little bit of snacks for lunch yeah and then we're going to go look for some grizzly bears how guys in our language how good oh i like that yeah what makes this such a good spot for grizzly bears uh not just for grizzly bears bobcats links come down here they hide out in the grass and the grizzly bears love eating the sedge grass now as we drive into the grizzly towers randy has his eyes peeled in the bush for any sign of movement as it's too early in the season for them to be fishing in the river but they might just be looking for berries and well no luck yet this is the grizzly bear platform not much of a grizzly bear-proof gate but apparently it does the trick and they're not really interested in us they're interested in the fish in the river when a bear catches a fish what do they do with it they'll stay close to the river oh yeah which is perfect for you to continue watching because they're right there yes except for the juveniles the young little juveniles with their first year not being with their mom because they know that there's other bigger male bears around and if they sense that there's another male bear coming and they have caught a fish i've seen them a young juvenile just run into the bush which is fish and eat his fish in there that's like when you're afraid of your bigger brother getting all the food off your plate and you have to just get your food and eat it as quickly as possible or take it to your room or whatnot yeah got it i don't know if i trust it when you say yeah you guys go ahead but we're gonna stay back here i trust you cheyenne grizzly bears are not the bear you want to upset by being in their space they will outrun you out climb you out swim you it's like it's like the one bear that you need to play well it's not the one bear polar bears as well you need to play dead if that happens much better to be up in that safely away from them i can picture it you know all the salmon spawning up the river and all the grizzlies just hanging by the shore's edge here scoop them up come over here every little picnic lunch and everyone's just up there watching it's a pretty good little system pretty smart there's a black bear right there now lucky for us we have patrick who's on crutches because as the saying goes you don't have to run faster than the bear just have to run faster than your friends and we know who's getting it we've got a bear spike it's bear spotting bear spotting on the road okay you went into the bushes somewhere around here this is like a safari it's canadian safari it's exciting and so with having spotted two black bears it was time to leave toba inlet but our day isn't over yet [Music] so we finished the bear viewing and we're back on the boat we saw some fantastic waterfalls on the way up here but on the way back we're checking out this one i mean it is raging off of that it's easy to get so focused on trying to spot whales and bears that we forget to look around and take in the beauty of the wilderness around us now i'm not normally at all impressed by waterfalls but to be honest i don't think i've ever seen such a large and powerful waterfall come off a cliff and land in the ocean like this i'm gonna say it best waterfall of the day [Music] got that fresh fresh air mist that's what keeps our skin so young looking out here then suddenly with a little editing we're back at the resort time for a drink yes have a drink drink definitely hold on a second you didn't ask me what time is it it's paddle ball time and with a little time before dinner i plan on living my best life a little rose a little swimming [Music] [Applause] followed by appetizers on the dock the sun's come out and i thought it couldn't get any better then they brought out bruschetta now the beauty of being at a wilderness resort is the lack of cell service and so what do you do with your evenings well you get together oh yeah see how thick it is there that's the part we're gonna use we'll thin it okay and um that's uh that's it we want to get this bark off now tonight anita needed an extra hand to help her strip the bark off this yellow cedar so tomorrow we're going to learn how to make cedar roses but the first step is to remove the bark from the cedar and you've done a fantastic job better than better than mine i have some that have passed just like school barely passed and so these were peeled from a freshly dead tree pretty much and then you just uh just peel peel away look at that okay okay i will there you go like a very weird banana hey it's like a start crisscross now once we got all the barks ripped off anita showed me how to make a rose three times and let's just say she's a very patient person wrapping around your stem oh it's working it's working i'm getting ahead of myself with my cheerleading cheering look at that i just did that from a dead tree over there to a cute little rose it's not perfect it's my first one thank you for teaching me you're welcome anita i made this no no one believes me i'm not giving it to you i'm giving it to your fiance oh wow that's real that's real that's real love the sun set and the rain held off which meant we could have a campfire outdoors tonight and again cheyenne and randy sang for us well until anita spoke up i have a request [Laughter] anita requested the challenge song which pitches the men against the women now unfortunately we hadn't warmed up our vocal cords and weren't as good as we normally would be but i can tell you that we all enjoyed and appreciated the experience now i'll save our ears a little bit of pain and end this segment here but mostly because i have to be up bright and early to learn how this whole resort works off-grid morning leon good morning it's your time to shine your day 6 30 a.m and uh what are we gonna go do go check out the filters and the intake up there so far for the water system clean the make sure the drinking water safe yes yeah we've got ian coming along for the hike as well because he is in environmental sciences yeah yeah renewable energy there you go so it's all related leon was just saying there's some things you can't leave home without in the city cell phone keys wallet out here don't need any of those but you need the bear spray never leave home without it [Music] so this is the renewable runner river right this is the renewable run of river uh power generation oh so when we divert the creek the water flows through these pipes which then turns a wheel which then turns the generator and runs the power like a modern water wheel that you'd see in the river yeah a short walk a little further up the hill brought us to the drinking water system okay so that's the filter that's the this is the filter system yes the water we've been drinking this entire trip comes straight from this incredibly fresh river water now this first grate removes any large debris and then the water travels in these pipes down this hill a little bit more gracefully than us and to the filter house where it goes through multiple filters that leon cleans himself so the water goes through six filters before it comes out of our tap and the way i know i can trust it is because leon drinks it too that's all right when the man in charge drinks the water you're in a good spot thanks again leon yeah now today is our last day and we had a little bit of everything when it came to weather we had some clouds we had some sun we had some rain we had a lot of rain gosh it's incredible how dark it gets when it rains but it didn't last long and anita and i got to show the rest of the group how to make those cedar roses and then we kind of split up and did our own thing to relax and enjoy our last day ian did a little more crab fishing working folks he's working he's earning his dinner tonight some went for a hike others went for a swim in a kayak now as our last day wraps up it's easy to look back on the beautiful rooms the fun activities the incredible views the excitement of wildlife spotting but i'd have to say the best part was trying things i would have never done before meeting fantastic people and learning about a culture that is rich and vibrant but also this was a local experience yet was still completely unique and a weekend that i'll never forget and with that being said our clue wilderness resort getaway has come to an end bye cheyenne bye mandy amazing i'm sad to go but happy we got to come yeah this is the house wilderness resort officially open great place great people well we're back to civilization so that's pretty much it if you enjoyed this video as much as i enjoyed staying at the clahoos wilderness resort you can give the video a like down below and remember i'm mike there are new downy live videos here every week so subscribe if you're new to the channel i don't know where i'm going next but i know i want you there with me so you can subscribe by clicking on my face or watch last week's video there see you next time
Channel: DownieLive
Views: 155,822
Rating: 4.9598684 out of 5
Keywords: downielive, downie live, Canada's wilderness resort, canada wilderness resort, klahoose wilderness resort, desolation sound, Sunshine Coast, First Nation, First Nations, indigenous, indigenous tourism, indigenous travel, travel bc, bc travel, canada tourism, travel canada, canada travel, bc wilderness resort, klahoose, klahoose First Nations
Id: jCfsON38rXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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