Canada USSR 1972 Summit Series - Game 8

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It's amazing that arguably the most important goal called in Canadian history sounds like it's being called from underwater.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Charble1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


"I CAN! Because of the fact, that Tretiak gives up a bad rebound. And look at the Soviet body language now they're crushed! Henderson had to step up and make a magical play"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HandsLikeLuke πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Russia and Canada absolutely hated each other in hockey during the Cold War

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thecbjfan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Theres a pretty good movie about it, Gerry Dee is in it lol, and Kurt Russell makes a small cameo as Herb Brooks

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BillMcCrearysStache πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really hope they do something like this again.

Take the NHL's best and have them face the KHL's best or something like that

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ZombieJesus1987 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
so I go all tied up the Soviets have scored 27 goals in seven games and Canada has scored 25 so if you have been writing the script it couldn't have been written and produced a more dramatic and exciting final tonight we're making hockey history and the teams and fans are really up for this one Brian chroniker will again do the color Brian I wouldn't miss this one for all the tea in China how about you go faster it's no longer an eight game series it's down to a one game theory Team Canada in the past you game can neutralize any conditioning advantage the Soviet team might have had in the earlier game there were phone checking physical style of play both teams are tired for the constant heavy hitting and I expect both of them to play a close second type of game while waiting for scoring chances if it comes down to one key factor in determining the winner tonight I'd have to say that the team with the hot goaltender will win this week and decisive Game two teams are coming out on the ice team having a partner and then they take over on the blue line I note that the Canadian team are carrying white Stetson but the presentation will be made and then they national anthems and then the players in introduced after that the air in the Moscow arena here is tense and we get ready for this agent and final game of the series the international hockey match between Team Canada and the South Koreans is declare it open [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] series of presentations will begin now the first being with Charlie hey president of Hockey Canada and he will present a totem pole for the Soviet official Colonel Jorgen Bo's aloft president of the Soviet Ice Hockey Federation [Applause] [Music] I also see Alan Eagleson there along with Joe Crisco the president of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association [Applause] [Music] [Applause] of course that Howell foster was for the the V for victory sign that Jerry Bergman waved over his head as he was introduced [Applause] again Phil Esposito not taking any chances he hangs on to the bars when he littered [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and posture the white Stetsons of cars are from the Stampede city Calgary this is game eight of the Canada Soviet series from Moscow to changes posture for Team Canada the most noticeable one ends right replaces Tony Esposito in gold assertive critical games and Frank Mohammed's replaces bill goes worthy as an extra forward for the Soviets they've only made one change they've dropped number five regulan the big defenseman who is supposed to have a sore leg they replaced him with number 17 Valeri kharlamov unquestionably one of their star players Rudolph Atta of Czechoslovakia and Joe Kampala West Germany are the two referees and they nearly caused a riot in the discussions prior to the game as to whether they would be allowed to officiate that is the West German but they finally resolved in around noon today the start of the game was very much in doubt there up until noon however the teams are out on the ice doll ready to start bill as Molina was going to try to center ice it was thought that and stapled and might be able to play and Talon was dressed but apparently Stapleton's ankles stood up and he's going to start practice back in goal for the Soviets and they're playing the entire eight game series with him in goal Phil Esposito at centre carne ye on the right as the puck is dropped and shot up to the line here's Alison going up alone quickly and right that'll stop a hot one a pass comes right back near the blue line the shot is stopped at dock down at center ice the silly of going back to get it is not over on the left wing to center ice and the Canadian team were nearly caught there right after the face-off along pass over there Parisi going in tried to lay over a pass Esposito going into the corner Petrov trying to cover them as the Soviet are changing immediately after they could get a chance at setter ice the quick shot is wide as the highlife let a drive go from up the right wing clear tries the Canadians failing at a pass and center but still they have hit Petrov so vehicle haha - sweater status leave us and it's called on the offside at big Canadian zoo line in talking to Johnny Esau just before this game started he's back in Canada in Toronto he says the fan reaction [Applause] probably taking it off anyways well there's one thing about the Canadian supporters beer in Moscow there are 3000 of them and I think they've made more noise than any 16,000 I've ever heard in Canada they're really hoping it up and giving the team every support possible they've been in the air for the last hour and they must be just about worn out by now they've played a minute of the first period no score in the game as the Soviet was Andersen failed again anywhere yakushev couldn't get anywhere the African 25 goes into the corners you'll bears after up retell out there on the forward line with Dennis Hall Mattel stole the puck from the cilia Maltsev took a problem and the shot goes wide here's another drive from close in and it's knocked out by Devils hauled back to the Soviet line Carlos kharlamov has returned to the lineup as an extra forward he was injured for the last game now let's take go at center shot him into the corner Dryden stopped it back to the goal asesinos the backup goalkeeper a quick pass blocked by Pekka loss take the long cleared from the side it goes back to the blue lines against all white doctors and deflection out to center ice Henderson goes up with Ellis on the right and the pass fail to get there also with Bechtel off turning and slides nearly Soviet goal and while step-down hazard at his old blue line numbers and at center and the Soviets math there's a die the real guys they'll be a penalty and that's the fruit subtly of the games with the sword Canada nothing is Soviet nothing this is game team from Moscow bill white we're tripping at 225 or something Pantheon man they spill their evil white hardly touched us penalty it could be a key factor in this game and then such a close checking game and where a break is going to make the difference penalties could cost you dearly from they faked off so he has got the draw but forced back to centre Basilio over newly African 25 at center ice ahead to you dr. Jeff their leading scorer with five goals in the series Henderson is the leading scorer of the entire series with six goals Phil Esposito was tied well you got to share was five apiece doctor chef now cutting in front of his own soul and Peter Mahovlich raped himself and given a host family Canada will play two men short with the sport Canada nothing and the Soviet company escaped 8 from Moscow [Applause] now Canada's Fanshawe Peter Mahovlich offeror holding Africa trying to come in back the Shadrin up to the blue lines the African plated over on the far side they still passes to the app gun here's the shot and a founded on sad room of Soviet players and went into the crowd with two men short here Posterous it's virtually impossible to cover the whole light service in your defense assault but what you have to do is set up a triangular pattern and keep the puck out of the crime scoring area 105 and 120 and 137 and the other for Canada as family sank two men short the epp condone the park either [Applause] jacket [Applause] [Applause] theory wait by the Soviet here they set up good park control they have Canada at their birth date yeah campus in oh thanks that mean a miracle [Music] go me in what animals or than gaming from Moscow [Music] [Applause] five outside hey Otto and a video trouble we're experiencing is occurring at the Moscow enra and it's temporary so please stand by and do not a gesture set the goal by active chef who soared with Canada two men Shore to change the Flair gonna be critical posture in this game that sees Canada that all the players keep cool heads out there because penalties are going to play a decisive factor in this game and so Team Canada has to stay on the ice Phil Esposito out there was briefly as the puck goes back to pickle off also fixes passed in October by it'll be a problem there it was Canada and just one penalty after another in this game greenie nazi-soviet player over seem to get the old elbow into it and as a result we'll get an elbow incredibly and Canada will play two men short the Soviet one race is respect [Applause] [Applause] [Music] higher to ensure that his man his responsibilities ice doesn't get away from this is one of the reasons there's a lot of working tripping and so on [Applause] Green Bay is totally incensed at this all and I think he's going to talk about his name I think wait a Centon I thought there is and Petrov was standing right beside the referee on the opposite side of the rink and he gestured to the referee that should have been a penalty and then his arm went up it was a very questionable call because as I say Parisi and all of these layers are just laying there man extra closely and when they fall down they don't feel that it through [Music] [Applause] [Music] still waiting to while Phil Esposito speaks to the two referees I'm afraid this kind of officiating is going to cause more than one answer before this game is over but briefly seemed to lose his head completely there when he threatened the referee was his stick but he didn't swing it but he certainly indicated he might glad you pointed out B or the game started there was a great controversy in the last day and a half in Moscow as to who would referee this game Team Canada after they had the two West German referee two games ago that they definitely would play if they refereed the game the Soviets unfortunately had to choice the referee and they were their choice [Applause] the ruling is that Parisi is out of the game and that will likely be a ten minute penalty before he is allowed to be replaced but he is out of the game bars we can learn in this controversial situation here Harry Sinden threw a bench or something on the out on the ice and somebody else threw a chair and the lead guy the player just it all around Sonic's as well [Applause] interference of the first ball and admitted misconduct and then he was put out of the game so it's a very severe penalties to Team Canada and they'll have two men in the penalty box for the second time in the game and the Soviets scored the first and only goal of the game so far as 3:34 yakushev while white and Peter majalis for the friendly block all the Canada members Harry Sinden but there's still over 15 minutes left in this game and cool has just have to prevail because there's no question that the game will be finished and those referees will be there the whole time [Applause] here's how the original penalty came up on Perez a as you see he's trying to check his man very closely and he kept his legs sort of between them and gets in his way a little bit but I really feel that this is how the game is going to be played in a close checking game and that was a fairly severe call for that type of an incident they have 15 50 left in the first period and the game has almost reached a boiling point as the two teams just stayed around the eyes they're still talking to the two referees who seem to be a little hesitant and upset at the time there has been a lot of discussion in the last day as to whether there would be an incident in this last game because they poor games have been so closely contested everybody felt that it what happened through Gary bourbon and that fight with the kicking and the spearing that it wouldn't take too much sassette see the sparks of flame in a game here and unfortunately I believe for Team Canada the parts have flown early and there's still a lot of hockey to be played and if they can collect themselves I don't believe this one goal is going to beat them tonight a great controversy going down there on a bench the players some of the fans but there's no way that the fans are going to get towards the vents because there has to be at least a hundred policemen guarding Team Canada's best from any spectator that might want to venture in that direction a boring play by yeah Chris Jeff brought him up even with Henderson both of them now have six goals that's really what comes because on these assist in international hockey you can't tell really whether the player deserves them or not they seem to be very indifferent to assist over here they're finally getting things cooled out of it few towels have been thrown up the officials especially Joel Kampala the West German but they had this tremendous buildup the last beer so I'm doing a fish gate and it almost tipped off what might happen tonight the feeling was running so high [Applause] on our free seat is out of the game and Canadian team will have to get used to penalties there the way they're going they have two men of the lots the Soviet one and from the feed dog Bikila comes up over the line cleared on the side he hangs on to it back to luchenko bank over on that far side still jiggles around mycological cream spottier big shot now it finally goes and drives picked it out the points shoots it down the ice Soviets have one hand on the pearly blocks in Canada two pumpkins back in the goal of chenko nearing the Maltsev it's better ice over to a oh and it's outside and Piccolo's went in on the left wing handle play 1512 left in the first period what did nothing for the Soviet Union 1:22 left in one penalty and 12 seconds left in the other for Canada 56 for the Soviet on close Pontiac to share the most dangerous player out there from the Soviet Soviet player played it over to Chadron Chadron passed back the Afghan gets ready shoot Rohit's knocked that one down and the Canadian team lop it out Peter Mahovlich breaks down the right side on getting the class comes from the side better now Mahovlich Frank Mahovlich tried to go in and fail together shot on goal a jamming session on the far wing and the shot went wide cactus cam is stopped by Peter Mahovlich but the puck goes up to Chadron he's alone across the line into the corner Chadron still has it played his back and it rolled to one side soviet had it momentarily the barge stopped at a glowstick Chadron and they Hawk given game with the bar going over all that level line being chased back to Soviet at full strength Canada a man short I'm a left-wing for Canada's better eyes over the line in all the defense knocked over to get through a quick life hi lobsters leadoff and the drive was deflected editor recovering Ellis shooting at Thousand Eyes and involved on the I think all the reason is going to be a big loss to Canada because of course he's been getting that puck out to Phil Esposito he's been playing very well along the boards and of course he is exceptionally shot in the corner so don't talk Marines a is going to be a very difficult player but both Harry Sinden were replaced in this game I assume the threat to the referee with Ricci threatening to slash the referee was the reason he was put out of the game but he had a minor a misconduct and then was flipped right over a one-nothing for the Soviets I have 13:44 left of the first period and this is really life and death here tonight the way they're playing lots of time take it on the change of players the chinko is on that key point pickle off comes out number 18 balsam is Federer hi love office on the left wing he was injured for the last game bus goes into the corner bill white played it on the right side shot it down Henderson is Harvard interferes went all the way down there by Suzanne saw they jammed into the corner and here goes the penalty no question about for the soviets one in Canada dose for this is game eight from Moscow the gang golf is off for interference here's a path back to park near down the right side to Ella Wright followed us for pelΓ©zinho as Canada go straight for Jane and they throw me at a man short I mean is having a stretcher Phil Esposito's from part that Sciences for Cinco take the foot first chief but he can't clear the puck away is defenseman convened to help them and the park I think right back into the net with the help of Phillips's 800 watch no chinko Phil Esposito going back into the front of the net parking himself and it ain't go the first starts taken now letter Keiko number three they don't put it in [Applause] Phil Esposito from Park at 6:45 in the first period to trying to score the Gandalf was off and the 28th so Canada hits very quickly on that way Bill Haas potato is parked right in front of it up there to take advantage and it's a what all-time and the Canadian team has pulled out a bit after that rather wild first three and a half minutes a quick pass of satirize Canada on the attack repelled wider shot goes after to get on a hit of stain he's bumped by vasily up against the board he's over by the canadian spectrum Madison has given a jolt the puck rolls back to the defense cecilia shot it out on the right wing and fell out to Cedar Grove one wise retells mystic how stable that took a shot another drive is why their doctor shell breaking it on the left wing was squeezed out a 1-1 tie the African 25 was also welfare at centers over the line stop be boring to get through it's padded out to Center learn why he went after a third time the trick though shoots it into the Canadian zone bill white back together bill white allows Phil Esposito to pass it back to him a rake wide class to the far wing Phil Esposito going in on their left side he shoots but Jack a department and he went down on his knees as it fell to the ice now to the clothes all he Bank corn we they fixed it rebound on Trent Jack slow right out of the air and almost kept Canada their second goal [Applause] I second it like it's very important to get that first goal early because you're always wondering whether you can score in a tight checking game like this in Canada now is right into this game if they keep their composure they can take this game right away from the Soviets I'm scoring that goal fill out the little has now moved into the tie will yakushev and Paul Anderson each of sorts the cold gun theory again the coaches are trying to play a little bit of chess amongst each other as far as matching line I'm not sure who has the home advantage I would imagine the Soviets doing this last game so they'll get the last change which means very soon we'll be allowed to change his line just once and then he has to stick with it he'll bear and Dennis all along with her tell me Indians forward line high five to park the shot is the Canadian player they've got my feel fair does trickled off front Jack love they keep it in an oppressive hardwood staple back of the net it's kissed by Dennis Hall given State so is there are just over to kharlamov Carlebach hopes again passes to listen just roll the together shot away but take the fired one that hit a leg take it back to the goal part fail together lose it comes to the way Jenica lobbed it down the ice sliding slowly it won't go and look Jake doe had to go back to take it Anderson out there will Clark and Ellis mark broke up the rice a pass over to Ellis on the right wing he lost it after chef coming in and drilled one about three feet wide lose all the way back into the Soviet zone a one all time at the 1052 part slider with Brooklyn spearing it right onto got to shell stick doctor chef getting to the blue line at Center eyes over on the wing crossing the line and on side and it's called at the Canadiens blue line one all time 10:43 remaining jack roush of number 15 really one of the big scars of the Soviet Club the point and Savard are moving out on the Canadian defense Godwin is an added starter on this change and the Canadian team elect to send out Phil Esposito it's better left Ellis and Henderson so Clarke has been relieved for the moment that's better right so it's coming up that spreader a long time dr. Jeff logs and sticks lay is bald and there's going to be a penalty call against Canada for interference and it's Peter Mahovlich who is talking to Ellis Ellis goes over there by the penalty box and he'll get the interference penalty Canada will play a man short again Elinor interference and the time is 9:27 coming up at our first dinner business how we make Greenville good we'll look at minor hockey development in Moscow bill good we'll also chat with Gary Alcorn of Hockey Canada Pat Harrison will talk with some of hockey's top authorities about this unique series leadoff goes in on that left wing number nine going back to the Canadian goal still has the puck he hangs on what clears the science and the drive by Petrov went one ride was down on the play there by the Soviet player and he didn't have a stick and here he gets it no question Ellis Petrov who kept jamming the convenience we're in on the board when he didn't have a stake and Petrov Bob for interfering [Music] [Applause] period a story of penalty after penalty without a stick you can see Petra put the big bear hug on will isolate Oh as he goes along the boards I'm then faced off the puck goes to satirize Cecilia there's about high loss teaming up with clean awful goes ahead of the play fail dues all over her Dryden to lose down on the play and more or less out of it if he had been able to laugh at Hyde surrounded our first intermission we'll have how we make her along as well with the bar of his interesting observations there five-a-side out there handles us to the left soviet to the right 9:57 left in the first period a1 one time into the corner canada in possession a lob pass as Phil Esposito pulled away from clean off got over the line trying to kick the puck the cilium recovered faster hands far side for cleaned off closing was the high log he went back to the net bettered it drive and grab that was my high log cutting right in front of Dryden after Basilio had fired the shot Dryden look sharp on this play he catches the puck he's not absolutely sure where it is but he made a good day and not taking any chances he fathered apart another change of players from theirs rittany frequent and they hitting it hard and the tempers have cooled out a bit after a wild first three and a half Bennet when Frankie was put out of the game a cleared class goes into the corner stapled and over to Henderson to bill white bill white at centre blouse the line but still haven't took them out Clark goes into the quarters pleased out on the boards the pass comes over to actor Cheryl couldn't control it Clark gets it back to the blue line Stapleton's roller bounced it out to center ice with white 17 for Canada playing it to Stapleton a long shot is knocked down up before 2004 the line after chef blows up over the lining my battle stop bill white wrote him off it's goes back to the goal as a Soviet fans whistle that's how they show their displeasure Clark going in back to the vets waited into the quarters Stapledon starting down that far wank over to bill white bill white in on the right side he hit stretch jack to the chest got that punk again large doesn't swing at it the muscles in the air that knocked out into the better ice area finally Soviet players Chadron 829 left in the first period a 1-1 tie dr. Jeff having scored for the Soviet at 3:34 while Canada had two men in the friendly box and then Phil Esposito tied it up from Park 45 wisdom job just getting an interference penalty faceoff will be in front of the Soviet defense bill Esposito etcetera I was back a shot but flies off the boards part coming in from the side passed into the corner when ye centered it out of the shot it hit a body Babak thankfully couldn't get hold of it and then Canadians driving down the ice and the Soviets are back at full strength a quick pass is intercepted Falk said going in on the left wing the puck went high in the air goes back to the net they sure didn't seem to get his head on that one very close long pass goes over the line Canada intercepts Frank Mahovlich that Center going in on the left wing couldn't control the puck the jegos Superman here's our community and it's wider than that another classmate and they roll it off to the language bird but after to the side and bodies are going in all directions Rick piles on the right side the Soviet out of two men Frank homestead was going down on his left side the past ever reached them Baker table is check five Phil Esposito Creek to La Jolla pop goes in on the way [Applause] summers is going to be another Canadian travel days interference Alaska favorites all by the officials since I pata is calling the interference penalty depart ye when ye of Canada it's an interference settling welcome that they can almost entice the referee into giving an interference or a hooking or a holding penalty 12:51 run ye for interference that's built the popular falls all the way through this heavily studied gutted first period of play that 109 left in the first area to what all die they flop it out of those goals also stops it back to the blue line to legit goal with Jake though going into the corner played it back to the board go to the gas flow for shot went wide kharlamov getting it again on that far wing Isaac back to let Jake go here's another shot [Applause] all right [Applause] later in the ice let's lose which frightened had no chance look at the people creating up it sets up and get this back to that Center man as they go that the terrific so it goes now they set it up again they're looking at game for that man in the middle and here comes the shot right through a maze of players makes up nearly today kharlamov was docked over in front of the canadian brent has been to be injured early she's indicating he was first well does Holly was I don't know he was standing back when it just a crowded special there nothing else happened Rochelle is going to center ice and that's rob is coming up making the foie gras and they delay the start now the Soviets late to the one was 642 left in the first period and school was scored by logical a shot about 50 feet from inside the blue line the high loft was stopped at center ice the gang table cleared it it goes loose again the Gandalf comes up together themself is partially stopped by retell Left Behind law carried back into his own zone shoot him to center ice Dennis Hall took a shot wide he'll be right in the foot get a call said that's better honey on the left wing 5/5 to my high low impact to the goal goes to the other side half practice again job got around bachelor-man get him tall boy God was first one I could to fire the shots in the long way out nowhere near the net sweater Savard back to berkland the Dennis home back to the bars the white at center ice Baird over the line close again Mattel tried to crowd to Dennis Hall he mr. the weather to the corner sedans off covers and the players stopped to the right of the Soviet goal 531 left potato number three is on the screen as they change players again they're looking for two men one etcetera Soviets leading Goodwin 529 left in the period here's a shot for a way out but Jack grab that one was down on his knees Ellis was close in there with Clark this Clark Henderson and Ellis up there a point Anna Savard playing Edwards got the draw it goes back to the cilia Henderson broke it up Clark fighting for it with Chadron who covered him against the board at the play is stopped the active number 15 is over on the left wing miss Gulf is on the other Chadron is ready for the face-off Canada playing every man up retell taking the face-off got the drawback to Savard the virus make the shot turn get the bottle up that slide now Emma stood on that far side ahead to got your seventh Center down on into the corner better de henderson block test track here's Ellis on the right side he's bounced off his sex recovered and shout out to Saturday yeah kajam in fact partially docked down it's rate goes loose again and talked to Henderson was check before I could really get going checking is very close is there the Soviet defense Henderson locked in at center the point drives along waterspouts touch Jack covered it the African has blocked on the boards and three of them jam against the board and the players seemed to be cooling out a bit as far as tempers were concerned but they certainly started off in a storm in the first three and a half minutes and the Canadian team lost the services of Parisi on a series of penalty LLL ask you Zito ready for the face-off burn ye on the right side right mahabali's on the left who said trying to go out on that far Wang locked at the center ice bill white shot it in Phil Esposito with traps before I could get back on side for 11 remaining in the first period two to one more than a Soviet Soviets leading two to one goes back to chef and Luke sickle the last one a long shot but it was screen right good said here's Bahamas going in a hard drive on that left wing when ye could get the rebound the Soviets break up [Applause] great scoring opportunity sometimes took his path too often right why a goes in on the left side is shot as away wise lean off took it again to center ice over the line turned around Esposito bearing too far for nya good settles in fact to the net mahovlich fell when he stopped they Soviets clear took them and he just stayed on top of the puck tennis hall Mattel and Jill bear going up for Canada Park and Berkman will be the defense Soviets leading two to one 325 left in the first period and if anything it's really been a tough struggle out there all the way a long shot by Dennis Holly goes after the rebound the Gandalf beat them to it ball says from the corner shoot to the center ice and went out berkland skate a pass he'll bear who couldn't get past Center Heights now they try by Park they're closing in rotella park right in [Applause] or Canada [Applause] rat park and you can tell the 13 dates because they knew exactly what they were doing far corner of the net I'm grateful for Team Canada by Brad Park out of the end zone we see it set up he Canada gets control I'm good for now perfect initial move gifted off to a charity [Applause] the top quarter the Bigfoot Jack and it's all tied up against two old camel it to the Soviets to Scott still a Soviet zone doctor chef at his old blue line hang it over on that right wing to Addison hi prof. on the left side didn't follow through quick pass mark near Dover on the left side and center ice Lapointe going in over the line Ellis was fall on the offside to 35 remaining marches on the bench there's the fan of a satisfied look there workman is sitting beside on my face off the puck goes in in the Soviet zone the African after 25 back to the man out doosh a drone on the right side to a defendant's better Anderson over the line has back to Chadron his roller went right across the goal mode no steam behind us a lob pass comes all the way back to the Soviet zone millenium failed to vasilia brother tried to make the basket from Gallup center ice is a long shot right knocked that one down with his glove menace to the corner to Clark Anderson shark Canelo's out there the pass was blocked at center ice the Africans going in make the move there's the shot right cover the short side when Savard was close out of position a plows - Ellis - Clark back to Ellis here's a shot and it was dead on there as the tried to block oh my love down the far side lost it at the defense by being little too fancy I understand Defoe was also given an assist on that last floor by Canada's mark for Brazil at home a long shot goes into the crowd and a wild scramble to pick up the puck a - I'll tie with 120 left in the first period it appears so far in this game thought there was 120 left in the first period that when Team Canada is playing the Russians even as six minutes I Team Canada is a better hockey team when they get the penalties or they go up and short then they get themselves in trouble ready for the faceoff in the Canadian zone [Applause] at Stapleton plated crosses live was not out it's padded in there by pet drop to clean off laid off back to the goal Hill has this overstated it gets it again bill white trying to block of a cycle of that right I love fried too stupid and stapled it was giving him a couple of jokes 101 left in the first period at two old times he's loved is being brought out by the Canadian line [Applause] and they looked at one of the finger joke and Paolo's been really under a liar in West Germany because one of the big arguments before the game started as natives didn't want either of the West German referees a quick pass is intercepted in Feder ice clean off weaving a bit and fetter is dropped on the third try he's trying it again number nine over on that right wing a lob have some right back off the state but it was offside again and the Soviets are passing themselves dizzy and the thing some great scoring chances and there's a good look at the Soviet crowd and there's the big Canadian flag coming out of that crowd with the go Canada go chance mission possible and it is possible buzzer yeah that's quite a dramatic struggle in here it's got everything tension and of course the breezy incident nearly set the place on fire here but they pulled out in their back to playing hockey Phil Esposito now at center ice Alice's on right wing so the Canadian team are still juggling their lines and Peter Mahovlich is over on that left wing Peter Mahovlich tried to slash that puck out balsam prided Park lofted and it's down recovered by pete mahovlich and sent it right on this Petrov stick and a hard shot right covered the short side as the Canadian team are a little like and having difficulty getting that puck clear they're not making sure getting it out of their own zone Dryden is sharp tonight Foster that was an exceptional Davey made the quick glove was up there and he robbed that drive of a good scoring chance 17 seconds remaining in the first period there's a trip Kirkland was upset he upset folks they have a roller comes right back out to center ice Gusev jumper two for the Soviet waiting with four seconds left as goes into the corner it's taken in back to the net and the siren goes and that and the first period with the sword Canada - at the Soviets - this is game eight from Moscow and incidentally of the eight penalties in that first period five of them for interference so on the calls you really can't go on what the actual offense is or follow the is now from the faceoff into the Soviet zone vasilia cleared in front of his own net it's grabbed off by Henderson momentarily after chef comes away on the right wing closes in with a shot wide it's bouncing final [Applause] right was let's clear the right back at him chattering drills at home right between the will dirt bike lane 21 seconds was that scoring play a fast one by Chadron for the Soviets and the Soviets lead 3 to 2 and totally had a corrected score Anitha coming down now for the Soviet cookie shot it was wider than that so Bart goes into the corner hand wider out there on the defense the barn just better ice going up couldn't get over that line comes back just knock down when bodies on the play by Emerson one of the kid line is Canada is a shot and let's Jack been the same on that far wing as Ellis went in another drive from the other side was way out Henderson comes right back at center ice over the line a drop pass to Clark a shot but Jack grabs it fell to the ice and Ellis cuts across in front and they're just going into end here in class you could imagine good save here on a good shot by the Canadian posture I have to comment on that screen we've talked about a little bit but of course it's a netting it's not glass and when the puck goes into it straight on as it did on that additional shot it comes back off the screen even faster than it goes towards it and Dryden really had no chance to get his eye on the that was in the net before he can move 1845 left in the second period 3 to 2 for the Soviets out of Cristal in 21 seconds by Chadron Soviets clear the puck down the ice and it's full for icing and will be brought back till they laughter fret jack this is the Asus final game of this series the two teams are tied and anything could happen it looks one a slider goes right down again from the faceoff going right down right type of it that's tabled on his back of the bed he was a doubtful starter because of his ankle but he's taking his part Kalin was dressed and Katy was ready a long shot the goes off the board it's out this batter Hein tabled and recovered and rotelle shoots it wider than that tennis hall into the corner block Lysenko passed in front of his van over on the right side Pecola coming up over the line couldn't get through Dennis Hall took it off the skate but it's go after it Dennis house stopped trying to look Jake go partially bunny drove it in back to the Canadiens goal going into the corner dumping it back who stapled a number three for Canada I have two white ahead to retell now this left wing Brazil they're over the line she'll be right in on going to Oh Fred guy made a great save there and he'll bear played it perfectly now mihail off trying to get away 13 cleanup on his left no one on the right plane over on the right side out Petrov comes as he was allowed to coast in there without any checking at all something's right practical step at the blue line ahead on the left lane freek going outside of the play and it's gone back for a feed off as the Soviet blue line Soviets leading 3 to 2 with 17:09 left in the second period in the first few minutes of this period the play has opened up considerably and this has probably been the fastest it's been since the game began Phil Esposito out there now with Frank Mahovlich and card ye brakeman and park the defense Berkman lobbed it over to corn yeh burn ye going in couldn't get a shot away clean off is shaped into the corner cleared out at center ice a lob pass over on the right flank Pushkin shot it into the corner butcher's dog back there in the corner Frank Mahovlich passes back to Berkman Berkman cleared it over to Craig ye when ye is covered on the board at both floats is a chance frankly no laid off elected to fire and a wet office state they write back to center ice and the Soviets are over passing in this game another pass at center ice Petrov goes in on the left wing clean-up on the right came in front of the net Sebastian's got that time Frank Mahovlich down the left wing going to first and speed goes in over the line crossing over on the right window Oh Zito at Atrisco two-man race to the Soviet Petrov my daddy won that went horribly to the corners it's on this Wang clean our class to cut Rob let's burn ye hooking you stick at the time Bart you'll stop one side of the Canadian goal coming back on the other side got it ahead to maja bless you fell when ye lobbed it over the line Soviet coming back as better freedom that fabric was dumped jacket l wouldn't follow through over there hunter son and there's the greater the foul and he fired what was flying into the board barn why a shot wise and the Canadian team joins the real firing power there was a little erratic shooting but as packet of the Soviet zone it is long for I think I think Paul is showing people the strength that no one really realized he had when he came in on goal there he fought off two checks and still managed to get the shot away a good effort by Paul Henderson 1503 left in the second period the Soviets leading Canada Rita to Chadron as has swords that circle 21 seconds of this period faceoff will be the start covering and close the party lost it the past close to the corner again cleared pass out to Center by Ella so there was Clark and Henderson a lob shot goes into the Canadian zone the point shot it back to Center he says they was Savard on the defense Adelson now at center ice lobbing the fire stopped by Ellis Chadron intercepted gets it over to Anderson who couldn't go across the African across to yakushev got reshef Epstein back to his blue line and they're taking a second breath here a long shot goes wide over the line right cleared it to the wing he thought it was icing and nearly handles of a shot how big club had Henderson Hubbard on the play and had a chance there but failed to follow through Anderson ran into his check now Clark goes up with Ellis on the right a long pass ahead of Ellis goes wider than that dr. Jeff Henderson stopped him keep that tucked in there flipped it over to Clark there's Vipers over a shot stop as Lapointe let it go Soviet Miceli Oh who's better I'm shooting the puck into the corner going after it the point bump damn pickle off was held against the board by Ellis as Canada carry back Peter Mahovlich going up over on the line failed to get his shot now Ellis tears into the corner the cilium flogged it and it goes back to the net Soviet in possession a block pass getting it again only to have Hill bear break it up as the players change on the goal the Zoe of covering up on the boards and the play is stopped with 1305 left in the second period three to two for the Soviet roster I've just been informed that we are experiencing some video losses and they're being experienced in our signal between Moscow and London and we apologize to you for the interruption at home ready for they faced off in the Soviet zone goes back on the wing a roller pickle of logs that the Soviets come in on a rest here's a chance in front of the net as bad was bowled over as white took it right out of the play Peter Mahovlich carries back at center ice here and Attila Cheng : knocked over the chinko carries the safety back of the Soviet goal there's a shot by Stapledon right on right proper deal there it hit a state bill white goes in for a shot is blocked now another one pirate sell clothes in the affair right from that fret jack the cat's off there [Applause] harlot up those again there's a stop that one as the prouder and the tremendous uproar as they go back and forth there with lightning speed pain to flare but of its period so far with just 8 minutes gone by is just wide open hockey offenses since a totally different game from what we've seen in that first period which was interrupted almost every 30 seconds or so with a penalty Tobias leading 3 to 2 1211 left in the second period let's Rob let's Jack but get that again on the Canadians own shot it back to the that mile off is beaten to it by Berkman Berkman number two goes back to the Canadians goals ride this now it was a fill on Judy coming up with part why and Franklin Harvick got as far as the Soviet lines couldn't get any farther a lot of times to my high loss going on that left wing he passed and it's intercepted Hart right back on the right side goes over the line with Phil Esposito car shoots one wide part why wait back to Muhammad Phil Esposito is dumped on the play and Hart recovers at center ice let's Muhammad going in on the left side bettered it and the passes knock down a free man break for the Soviets Petrov stop the class get the return is and lean off was pulled over on the play and of the coming back when why and Muhammad went in and the shot was graphite don't want any closer than that stretch Jackson stops right over on the play the best save of the night by either both gender house Chris Jackson huh coffee bag corn way I don't know we didn't catch it in the club we picked it up for our my friend Jack 11:07 left is a second period so he has three Canada - Canada playing every man up there has been a penalty in the second period went a different story for the first name settle down and straight hockey Addison is covered on the board and they're playing desperation hockey at this stage the question which team will break the quick pass the actress kevin federline who addleson on the right going in fact with event bailiff entrance anderson returns with Ellis over on the right side and Chadron broke it up the pass by the point was knocked out by Chadron over to Adelson a long drive is wider the Canadian goal for replies to Henderson his relay was intercepted and the Soviet yeah krischell failed to get the pass it goes back to the African and the two teams seem to be taking a breather at the moment Vassiliou number six goes back in front of his own goal played one off doctor chef skate he carries out on the right side leaving a bit passed out of them and the shot was caught by Dryden it was off the target and another change of players at 10:05 of the second period this 10 minutes in this period should well be the best hockey in this period so far and wide open both teams have gone back and forth and both the goaltender's have been called upon to make some great save lining up now with liquor table over there on the left lane there's Harry Sinden keeping a close look out on things and there's plenty happening the Canadians break out let Dennis whole trying to get a long forward pass the Gandalf he'll declare mishegoss goes back to his own that number 12 for the Soviet moves to the blue line at spreader Stockton bill white laid one over to Gina's halls who took a long shot and cut Jack's deflected that slap shot right into the crowd kharlamov number 17 is taken in turn again out on the ice but foster there's no way he's right he's favoring one of his legs and he's not going at a hundred percent tonight ready for they face off in the Soviet zone Patel got the draw kill their turns weights fans they're still backing up takes a shot at [Applause] here in Silas or for Canada [Applause] I feel like bye Raj kill bear still there give him the absolute perfect dip in and bill white find you as a defenseman walks right in when he sees the opportunity and dips it into the net an absolutely beautiful scoring play by Canada White was standing right on the edge of the Gulf Breeze was hill there at junkie that in opposition in front of the net and white tipped it in to give Canada free free time at 10:32 of the expectant period the is in play again Canada on the boat Gilbert coming in again here's a chance of shut-eye retail with wives he'll be required went across the goal vote and Canada have the so the other run here to sample and Chris Jack's is down hanging on for dear life as they were pouring in on them Canada's putting on tremendous pressure here having just scored and Rajal bear if he just hadn't been able to control the puck a little better would have had another goal ready for the faceoff at the Soviet zone and that's word remain Holly finally get it out on that left wing sweater they shoot it in this time instead of the corner for Jill bear number eight for Canada a flip pass retail cuts back to Hill bear over to Peter Mahovlich Peter Muhammad crosses the Soviet lines fired one and this the net that Pat's table went in and I was unable to get the roller good step back to the Soviet goal right Mohammed steps on the ice and burn ye coming in on the wing pass back to retell retell is checked Oh Sophia what bad fact here they're closing in behind offshoot at Bryden I love who was in there alone and strident fell and covered up spectacular stage by time here Christ has to keep his eye on both players down a high lob enough the blistering shot going right and Lundy's across the net and takes it up in the upper body a spectacular day by Ken right 8:21 left in the second period and the Soviets are tied refrain a 21 left in the second period and you hear that Canadians proud really whooping it up Canada carrying the plans of safety they're all right [Applause] there's that the shot is from close hands to give the Soviet of Florida freely [Applause] and that's right along the ice a beautiful goal by a Kirsten got that one from dad run it was right in front of the death after the face-off and that goal of 1143 reactor sham from dad Ruth and now the Soviet take that lead again Alice's roller as covered by Dryden and the Canadian team up until Linda had a clear-cut margin the last five button to play and then that one break on a fake table right around the Canadian goal faster in that first game in Canada kharlamov was so impressive but I have to believe now that Alexander jacket jeff has to be the best hockey player on the Soviet team he's a big rangy left winger he can skate he can shoot and he could handle that puck beautifully and of course he's the top scorer in this series he's based off of me to the left of Bryce Chadron Adam and Hector share of the lime the puck goes over to Ella three times the Canadian team of trying to score now the Soviets have taken the lead again four to three they're really in there fighting and there that's about even on the play the puck goes into the corner the Soviets try to center back Cecilia's got one that hit Savard on the back Ellis into the corner shoots it back to the burn it's over onto the right wing Canada on the attack at center ice led by Clark over on the right wing a shot by Ellis was knocked down so we try a two-man break and Henderson broke it up the bar going back together Soviet changing on the goal here's a long pass over to Ellis slides the Petrov and prep and Petrov shot one at his old man and fret reax nearly had a heart attack there is he hasn't stopped that one from his own player 6:59 left in the second period of three for the Soviets Soviets for Canada three and it's just that kind of a game seven goals scored in about a period and a third it's interesting to observe in this whole series there's only been one score that has been relatively low the rest of the scores have all gone up and of course the explanation for that is that we have the top goal scorers from the National Hockey League representing Team Canada and of course we know that that almost any player on the Soviet team can score goals and all of these games have seen a lot of goals go behind each goaltender there's no question though the best man on the ice so far in this game is vignette to show from they face off the puck rolls off to the side a lob pass to my high loft a head at center ice Petrov fired one right stopped it but that rebound keeps coming out in front bill has bozzetto carrying back now with Frank Mahovlich on the left wing when ye in possession here's a shot Brett jack had it bounce off the screen grabbed it and it's very confusing to the goalkeeper as that puck hits that netting and it just bounces back about 20 feet and generally ends up in front of the net Dryden was pulled on one of those rebounds off the screen Ward is free for the Soviets 636 left in the period Canada in possession puck goes back to coin ye he failed the chipper in front conserve whether Soviet in the corner live bonus better aim to two men Frank but they got back in time to cover up on that play Savard was able to get back there and get that puck between his days as Lapointe was covering in front of the net but it was a tube and break where they Soviet what we saw third Savard do there is all important for any defenseman when a man comes down on you one and one he played the man not the puck he took the player right out of the play the puck went in between his feet he eventually fell down and smothered it but he played the man all away from a face-off the puck goes to the blue line but not out Phil Esposito going with a pass behind the net bill white failed to get out ground his past Mahovlich is forced into the corner shooting it over to Bill white bill white across to Stapleton ahead to Mohammed and the puck got away from him Soviet returned fire clean off his Petrov coming in to clean off at one side of the net and that slider went wide the Soviets get it again clean off over on the far when you use a fake shot to play off the rifles away out of the past and that was save by Phil Esposito's who went in front of the net discover that the the layoffs had a great chance Dryden would beat it was pulled right out of the Hat clean up clean up when to tuck it in the corner and fill that Cedeno seals it right off the sick and prevents their goal against Canada great defensive effort by Phil Esposito from they face off the Soviet gets that draw against again cloth from the corner centered in Stapleton shot it out and it's going down there won't be called the chinko number three from the Soviet turning with Fisher cloth on the Left here's a shot right off the bat as Canada intercepted he'll bear had a drive that meant down the right wing for a ball so he goes into the corners knocked down people that is going to get a penalty I'll bet they call it interference and like maybe a project with the score the Soviets for Canada three this is game eight from Moscow [Applause] [Music] Stapledon all for cross-checking one a few times he has called interference time is 1458 compare e'en so misleading against I've walked a pass in front right knocked into the wayneb also comes from the corner shot already gone solo and it hits the side they're driving and his leg right in the right spot for us it's the Gandalf clearing they have the odd man a bad pass goes back to centre ice Soviet having the odd man advantage kharlamov he's working under wraps in this game gets over on that left wing ball says comes over the line there's the pass to Harlem off a pass but right at clouds the goal mode the game cough into the corner shot but in front bill white broke it up Peter Mahovlich carries back at centre ice shot it back to bill white bill white lobbed it down the ice and Phil Esposito is stepping out to replace Clark he's out there was Peter Bahamas killing off the penalty ball seventh better go to first two speed keeps on going those throwing off dr.mohammed shoots it down the ice and he's replaced by Ellis and they replace players in this game when they're about 25 feet away from the penalty from the event a referee is going to catch somebody one of these times a long pass on the right side by high loss looks left there by first-class doctor chef goes back to the blue line tried to draw his ban away actor shell still has it all that far side passes back on the boards there's that tic-tac-toe passing flavors Elliott is going to take your shot they'll be another prevalent [Applause] poor souls in this game with the score the Soviets v Canada 3 this is game 8 from Moscow [Applause] and our give us back there there was going to be a Canadian penalty handed out but because the Soviets scored the penalty of course will not be called proud are getting a bit upset about that but that's the rule the referee no don't seem to be soon Shores because they were going to put a Canadian player off regardless he is now the argument starts out there dollars who what's going to happened 3:16 is left in the second period the Soviet have taken a to goalie the first time a team has had a two-goal lead in the game tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] on the Canadian scoring play at 10:32 of the second period work by white heelbare and retell were given a since rotelle was added from the faceoff the puck goes into the Soviet zone Soviets leading five to three with three minutes and three seconds remaining was Frank Mahovlich shooting it wider than that Gusev shot one ahead clean off to flexing it into the crowd and the faceoff is going to be to the left of Fred Jack coming up in our second period intermission I'll comment on a feature called the Moscow that was Pat will get some comments from punching black as well as Bobby Orr and Howie maker we'll review the highlights from the faceoff it's kept in there the point had a shot there was brought to the defense another two men break my loss coming in that's like a Petrov and a great save there on a three-way passing play that comes Canada better out over the line and they're being a played at this stage by the Soviet it's a clear path off the state comes in over the line this gun is blocked by corn ye with Bill Esposito helping out who says had a pass blocked by when ye coming in on that side he tried to dig it out for Phil Esposito and then Hamish got one wide from the other side so burned into the corner trying to dig it out here's Gordon Wyatt coming in with a shot here sweat loose another chance is going to be a penalty call here now [Applause] let they score the Soviets 5 Canada 3 this is James 8 from Moscow whose gun is going in the penalty box or they drove it for elbowing at 1806 only Canadian team or one of the few times will have the advantage Soviet leading climb to 3 and Chadron has had two goals well the Soviets and Sohail dr. Cheryl take it back into the Canadian zone Park let's Esposito pick it up Esposito 7 Esposito at the blue line they're moving up slowly and sweater over on the wing to Henderson though there was Ellis on the right but goes back to the net Henderson trying to dig it out the Jayco covered him but Park gets it back to the blue line stapled in the park parts fans they're trying to draw his check back to Staples of the blue line over to Esposito and it deflected off his stick and went into the crowd 116 left in the second period five to three for the Soviet with 122 left in the Soviet penalty what Canada hasn't been able to do when they have had the extra man advantage is established good torque control with their power play in the offensive zone ready for they face off but comes back to centre ice Pat Stapleton number three at Center shot one into the corner Ellis after it it bounced off the boards the cilia fail declare a fake shot goes into the corner Ellis trying to take it out to Phil Esposito in front of the net and Esposito deflected one wide Henderson back to Stapleton over on the way is a shot why to the net the Soviet really under pressure and Henderson fell now boost lef is covered by Henderson in the corner Chadron goes into health and the play is stopped with 39 seconds remaining in the period and Henderson really like a lightning bolt going in that corner to cover his band two or three times the change of players just to reminder to hockey fans at home doing these game you can participate in voting for the most valuable player on Team Canada by sending the name of your choice the box five-o five-o in Toronto Montreal or Vancouver the winner as selected by the fans will receive for the bat best on ice award ballots are available from any Labatt representative Esposito Conway and Mahalo just there for Canada the puck goes around back to the net the African shoots it off the boards Petrov went after it goes right down the ice where's Lapointe going into the corner for Canada Mohammed is cutting in front of him picking off the pass down the right board still going coming in on the right side back to the net was checked it hit the screening AHA bleach and the opposite corner gets it out to Esposito his shot hit the Soviet Larry gets it again he's tearing in on the side by Lysenko and the soviet shooter and the experience is over let's say for the Soviet spies Canada 3 this is gate 8 from Moscow [Applause] two teams back on the ice for the start of the third and last period and of course the score the Soviets v Canada 3 it was - all at the end of the first period doctor chef and the chinko scoring for the Soviets Phil Esposito and Clark for Canada Canada out shot the Soviets 14 to 12 in the second period Chadron scored first in 21 seconds then bill white tied it up for Canada from shield Baron retell doctor chef put someone up again from Chadron at 11:43 and then Chadron from vasilia gave the Soviets a two-goal advantage 1644 that's where the period ended with the Soviets leading Canada 5 to 3 only two penalties in that second period one to Canada one to the Soviets and the Soviets Oakshott Canada 10 to 8 a foster I think when Pat Marsden said that it was five to three for Canada he was really expressing the sentiments of all of us I think that Team Canada can get back in this game in this period and and maybe before it's over Canada will be ahead already now for they face off with the Soviets to the right Canada the left Ellis takes a long shot at fret jack right off the bat he's out of the gold freeze was down on his knees this dad was there to protect them and the payoff is going to be to the left of the Soviet goal I think in this period you'll probably see Treach Jack's mother the puck is often impossible he doesn't want to take any chances I do [Applause] any opportunity it's quite confident that if they have to take a faceoff in there in that his players and his defense especially can get the puck out without any trouble getting ready doll for the face-off Henderson was flipped over the eye and was matched up there on the bench the Canadian team playing every man up the third and last period divided into two Jennifer Tavares jacket jab breaks out of Center and reach speeds gets it over on the wingless shot and ride let's download and server on Emerson shot that Jackets have certainly in those feet Ferriero depth everybody they're laid over the pass to elephant has a piece off will be to the left right Brighton has to make a tremendous Dave here because the game he has to keep his eye on two players cleared out to elephant center ice Eliz going over the line let's get a shot on goal the obligee was cruising in back of the net there's a jump there Goodman cilium little went flying on Jack you're the quick shot by hanussen away why does at that facility of keeping it in the blue line to the corner another pass that went to Edison Adams and holds his ground [Applause] yesterday replies to the hablas right knowledge back to the point he's got it over the line in back of the net and the Soviets recover whispering why a mix it up Bakula that it's up to center ice over to my high loss bill white stopped his pass there to Phil Esposito and has grabbed off again by yakushev I think the Petrov who putting it up in time to get a shot they move into the corner is deflected by corn ye that drop getting it again in the pass and Canada recovered passed by Peter Mahovlich a slider goes to cut jack and he way out in front of the goal tree went down on his knees and covered off the play again Chris Jack not giving Team Canada any chance on any possible rebound or not giving him chance to gain control of the puck in the corner smothers it and sets up another big dog goes into the corner from the feed off Soviets leading five to three Chadron got that path up to to serve do step to its center over to my high-low high-low feed the pass intercepted by turn why ain't a Filipino fail to get away and the shot was wide clean off and forced into the opposite corner Muhammad locked him but those back of the net bill white the Stapledon stapled and cleared ahead to Peter Mahovlich and banged off a state now he clears it on the wing burn y8o Peter Mahovlich coming down the right wing keeps on going into the corner is bumped back to the bat better than frontiers [Applause] try try again Phil Esposito can't get the first job through and he just drills the second one right between Chris jackleg and Phil Esposito is the big man again this one is Gemma Hamish does a lot of work in this corner here he sets it up Oh Esposito has to bang it once and then again probably a proper focus married into the Soviet zone Tobias leading five to four and Canada trying to make a real comeback here Helen so they know from Peter Mahovlich [Music] su-27 was the time now the Soviets get a two-man break and fall head over state of the puck mouse left and at center ice over on to the far wing mr. Cobb drive his high-end wives he'll bear into the corner quick pass to the blue line Dennis hold a pass to Hill bear on the right he fakes a shot goes into the corner shattered one it goes up pulses stick over onto the far side table that broke up the play the camps off back of his own soul got it on the boards Victor loves going up on the left wing and Scott right kicks it out a rebound and it retail doc to you to the side will be a tree cover again passing back to the blue line to get their shots and that's covered up on the loose puck on the side of the net I see left business part of the Canadian soul it's still there struggling with the Soviets we're off now that Gilbert swings Adam districts awesome go down again [Applause] that's the first fight and the game [Applause] and you can feel attention almost everywhere as the player look around [Applause] are usually whistling l hear that but they represent the middle of the fact that no player really did anything on it we know one thing for sure posture that Roger bear definitely got a good punch in because Misha conquered the bloody nose there and there's no question that you'll bear ding damag oould won but they score the Soviets v Canada floor this is game 8 from Moscow he'll bear and make a cop off together matrix officers in the penalty box down Gil Bear number 8 is going into the bench you being something close to the referee and two basic love but they're talking back to one another but they really need an interpreter this is an interesting call here because it was my understanding that if you did fight in international hockey you not only got the five-minute penalty but you were kicked out of the game but it appears that there's been some liberalized ation of that rule for this series because they're both getting major penalties but it doesn't appear that either one of them is going to have to leave the game [Applause] well you're getting quite a weird interpretation of the rules almost every time because when a man has put out of the game he Gurley gets a ten minute penalty but that didn't happen in three C's case now we have a situation where generally if it's a fight you're throwing out for the game and that's it but they're both in here and they both have major penalty five bonus each 16 19 left in the game as the puck come back to the app Caen the five-a-side the shot is wide the cilium keeps it in their shed run from the corner coming from the side took a shot and tried covered up as he slid to one side Frank wouldn't fail to get out here's doctor chef getting that puck back to the app gently after shoot away wider than that but dr. Jeff goes right over to get it finally Berkman played it out over the line Clark in Henderson they tried to kill off the penalty for Canada now Clark steals the puck [Applause] mentally they're worshipping at for the first time in the game the Soviets will play two men short to Canada's one an interesting call their foster because the cilium gets Bobby Clarke was a tremendous hip check we end up getting a tripping penalty but they were very upset at the call 4:27 is a time of a penalty the Sicilian for cooking and they Soviet will have two men in the penalty box Canada one 1633 our 1533 left in the game of course we'll have a break at ten minutes and change in which is normal in international rules from a face-off Lysenko carries into the corner Henderson and Phil Esposito had him covered and face off again in the Soviet zone Canada playing every man up but goes rolling off to the side the damn cough shot it around on the left boards he's covered there by part and there was no further play score Soviets five Canada for and Canada threatening to tie it up Canada is trying to establish that all-important heart control here with that extra man the Soviets only having three men to cover that large ice surface if they can get good control and they can start to move it around and get that scoring chance they need to tie this game up that drop is the lone player for the Soviets the forward part gets back quickly made a bad pass there which is recovered by the point and the point is now turning coming up over the line Canada with five men attacking for they have that odd man as part goes into the corner a bad pass the Soviets break out on the left side getting in fast and God bless wide and that was close the gang table keeps it in goes back to the Canadians goal quick pass to Phil Esposito who fail to get very far apart plated over at center ice three men drive over the line Anderson classes knock down kicked out as part has to wait for the point to get on side the point I had to have Susie know going in on the left wing played it back to the blue line over the park mark says there he shoots one wide Anderson from the corner is check by sag and off who covered up in the corner and the faceoff will be to the left of the Soviet goal and Bergman goes over to check on the Canadian penalty Canadian professional football returned to television Saturday September the 30th is the Toronto Argonauts hosts the Edmonton Eskimos then on Sunday October the first two game in the East Hamilton is in Ottawa both the Statue one is it's Calgary in the West check your local listings for time and stations 14:04 left in the third period that means four minutes and four seconds before they change ends on the ten minutes break from the faceoff for nya nearly got a chance there he gets that puck again back to the blue line Phil Esposito passed in front of the net white why you missed a pass that didn't rhyme and still I was eat a lot one y ou Ratelle head right in front of the ice repel as they triangle in his best there and was over anxious on the plane Phil Esposito tearing up now lobbed it over the line they're closing in the point fasted Soviets have one man back so they're even outside five aside each one has a fat pad of the penalty box and there comes out of the bracket and I thought that jarrah tell that cold turkey I didn't see how he get this and he feels this god wide I couldn't believe it wealthy Soviets leading five to four 1326 there's John Battelle it has that triangle practically in his best but he was overacting a roller comes back here's a shot by Dennis halls that hit Chadron it careened off him and katli up Caen as he went down low I might also add that will be going to Prague Czechoslovakia where Team Canada will play the Czech national team this Saturday afternoon also checks your local listing for the time and station on the faceoff the Soviets get that puck at Chadron at center I&C yakushev he's the dangerous fan the puck rolls after the fence canada carrying it back with a long pass over to Dennis hull he's going on into the corner so we have beat him till the pup get across grabbed at him the back to the net and his gesture chef down the left wing made over a pass with shchedrin he's partially stopped he goes in on the boards and covered with mill white playing it over on the far side to stapled and who's working under handicap with a bad ankle a long shot but over the net bounced in front they worked at it Chadron taking it to the corner Chadron loves at the bill white in front of the net and to get a shot away when Sicilian soda shoved him off and struck him off balance on this right-wing Ellis is trying to go in on the right side with Clarke got run goes into the corner Clarke after him he covered and sewed in Ella's five-to-four for the Soviet 1209 left in the game 50 seconds left in the to penalty marker I might mention at this point that over the four games in Moscow here many of the Soviet top the USSR and Leonid brace has the head of the Communist Party we have not shown them to you because our cameramen are hesitant to take pictures of them when it is an on state occasions already for these faceoff to the Soviet zone bill white cap to the head the shot was blocked by crying it going into the corner went off stride to save six Wiggum Clark goes back to Lynette trying to dig it out he's still fighting for it my high loaf is covered by Ellis and Kukushkin goes in back to the net and a forward goes back to the defense for high loss 13 for the Soviet over there Pushkin Bill White intercepted played it on the left way to client my high loss stated them off goes into the corner for the Soviet Phil Esposito coming out as a replacement to Clark Soviet went back to their own defense now the teams are at full strength 11:15 [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] it was uncovered out to play my wife laid it over to Peter Mahovlich up there with Phil Esposito burn ye and centers along shot off the screen at the back of the net sous chef just covered it against the boards and the reserves are coming out repeatedly in this last period the Soviet team is just checking unbelievably closely right now in team candidates having some difficulty and getting some skating room and some stick handling room to move that puck around to get a good scoring chance five to four from the Soviets at special table number 12 he was in the frightfully field they're the only one really of the game and really in the spirit already for Phil Esposito at centers it's recovered by Esposito he /title a banking analyze Annette burn why a trying to dig it from the side putting Burke with took this job that goes back to love that there's [Applause] down in front of the goal box s jumps down the left wing locked at the defense with Sean anyway part taking it into the corner mark covered his band still has Busey no clear defender than ye when ye fakes the shot and a pass too wide for our Mahovlich who goes back to the matarese coming out in front goes to the Defense Department Bricklin fail together shot he took his band down and they run the side the Soviet tried to clear out [Applause] right and the play is so the state score the Soviets v Canada for this is game 8 from Moscow from the face off the puck goes back at center Ides is the second beginning of the second 10 minutes session here in the last period they have 10 minutes left before the end of the game Soviets still leading 5 to 4 they've changed in Canada to the right the Soviets to the left puck is at center ice Dennis Howell gets it over on the left wing to Lapointe he is clearinghouses he'll bear goes to the corner it hit a skate goes back to the net they grabbed each other six retail had a hold of Petrov he had to hold him and clean off goes in front of his own net takes over on the right wing to the blue line took a pump from Dennis Howell he stops Ratelle goes in with Dennis Hall and his outside Martha playing worse there's no overtime regardless whether it's a tie score or not 858 left in the game five to four for the Soviets the only one goals scored in the third period so far bill Esposito from Peter Mohammed at 2:27 [Applause] Ellis and hinders without therefore Canada bill white and stapled on the defense Anacin Chadron and yakushev for the Soviets staple displayed a pastor Henderson he shot it onto the boards Cecilia goes back to the net stopped gets that much loose stapled and came up to block it stick handles couldn't get any farther and Addison recovers at center ice Clark took it from him goes down the right wing and fired the shot that was easy Sicilians take it in the boards by Henderson Soviet shoot a forward pass that Ehlo stopped Clark at center ice still has it Clark made it over to Henderson and it's outside on the play with 8:11 left in the game Soviets cleaning five to four the Soviets of course with that one goal lead will now try for part control Team Canada will have to get the puck back they have to get the puck up the ice because they need several good chances before they're going to get that goal Romney faced off Cyrus got the pumps back to the Canadian blue line staple good number three just a moment ago and the puck goes back to the cilia then they Soviet offensive zone they pass it back and forth but certainly have lost it he failed to clear it out Ellis as heelbare got his shot there he's out there now sharing pass at center ice and Stapledon lock one over the line they're changing Phil Esposito is out there with Peter Mahovlich and Ellis's out there too as the puck goes into the corner as they go back to the net Canada covering up to one side of their own goal the puck is loose bill white covered his van against the boards with the help of Ellis and they'll make further changes both teams on this break bill whiten stapled and bring replays Brooklyn going back up there and see the Soviet players they're not too perky as they state our Chadron and yekta gel so the screen has been terrific on the two teams Bob Robb giving them a speech in baby if they cut off now they're all set now mr. Cobb a setter knocked the puck back to the Canadian goal mark is trying to come out on the left side a long pass to Phil Esposito going any shoot oh right the front of the net Esposito Bank out here's another chance by Cartier I is grabbing each other there as a loose puck went around of it [Applause] esposito makes an incredible individual effort on this goal I can't say enough look at him safe for the puck he gets it back out in front of the net after having missed it once himself and I believe it's even court McKay who gets the goal these days for now and he keeps fighting he gets it out it shot into the goal now we see a fight pre-orders on their board they step on the far side the Canadian team are mixing it up with the spectators that I believe Alan Eagleson is in on it over there as far as we can tell and the Canadian team are all over there when that rumpus started of whatever it was nobody knows but Canada's time that score at 12:56 and it appeared to be corn yaa-hoo got the goal the wild scramble around the slope frankly a place we're trying to throw Eagles went out and that's when they reserved from the Canadian team came over there to help out so that scoring play will likely be card yn from Esposito when Wyatt seemed to be the hero of it as they a wild Scrabble around event phil has will be between Esposito Accord ye as they both went to the puck the poorly played often pass with Jack and they have seven minutes four seconds left in the game of five thank you I have never seen as playing it safe mahaki I have to believe sake of his career so far with the score Canada 5 as a Soviet 5 this game ain't from Moscow [Applause] at all well it was a white wire from Esposito and Clark a wild scramble around the net wine ye getting the goal Esposito and Clark assisting at 12:56 but there was heavy traffic around that Soviet goal before Crenn why a was able to poke at home after Phil Esposito it had a chance so head Clark there's a great effort a real team effort all the way and now Canada moved up into a time with a so it's a five five times and the Canadian players are point up terrifically by that fifth goal for Canada they claimed all that Park will likely get an assist as well as Esposito instead of Clark but it was that kind of a goal that everyone seemed to be in it so it's part of I ain't from Esposito and park the in they Soviet zone and slides out to survive who comes back on that far wing shooting it fly to the Soviet goal flopped in Henderson broke it up only to have the African trying to get it out he's helped by Vasily F who goes down the right side facility of going in back of the net it's Lapointe had him covered but the pass goes to the corner again vasilia shot it back to an orphan who shattered at hope Jackson Chev comes in with a backhand wide Anacin shot one it's deflected capped over onto the wing anderson breaks out on the right wing going in with a shot and a bulk stop but Jack's glove another shot goes wide loose Elia shoots the factor than that part of the goal and he couldn't control the puck Ellis has it in the corner track I have a Lapointe there to practice satirize a loose puck goes the actor shell one man back is with white and back here the shot and the drive went over the top of the net Canada failed to get that puck out a high lob had his shot blocked the bird there's it over to repeal repeal bringing it out over the line ahead to Hill bear Jill bear failed together shot by high lob coming back at the rape board table that got back and time to break it up on a change of players 502 left in the game of five all kinds stapled and lock one into the Soviet zone off the board retail shot at wide Soviet trying to get out on the right side bearing up at center ice rotelle over the line 442 left in the game Alice dorri is arguing about the call at the same time Dennis Hall is going into the penalty box Trump is going to follow Dennis Hall and Petrov going off together so they'll playing five of signs [Applause] [Music] 15:24 history time of the double pedal day it's the trying store Bible for 36 left in the game [Applause] [Music] [Applause] number 16 USSR too many penalties for always I'm sticking to Dennis hall and elbowing just Petra now against all feeds the pass so in flares dropped by birth button marks going back together with when ye on the right side Brenda why you ain't got the tying goal from Esposito and park at 12:56 bunkers in the Soviet zone they're breaking it out a long pass found it off into the corner and it's on side as the Gandalf was coming in on the right way his teammate was above 25 feet outside in front of the Canadian gold Peter Mahovlich coming out on the forward line with Phil Esposito learn why a is going to gather a rest birth mothers Park the Canadian defense after chef was on that left-wing guy run a sweater they're firemen side war 10 left in the game of five all-time and the two teams are at the breaking point they've given just about everything mark goes in back to the net stands there tries to make his booth coming up now at the blue line two as Lucido and a ticket back and he turns again Esposito to center ice going in on the defense failed to get a shot and rolls over on the way here's our shot flied by Peter Mahovlich a roller on the right wing Chadron clearing it into the corner de leche Co a chinko shoots it out off the boards Berkman coming down beats a Soviet player and the actor chef in the center ice very there's a Gandalf intercepted by Peter Mohammed taped over on the left wing he's going in a dangerous right but fail to get through brought back bias against off on the right wing over the line of drop pass for Chadron a closet the blue light a longshot false gospel player part carries it out at center ice over the line Bergman right in and his shot was stopped by foot jack clearing passed over on the left side to center right 251 left in the game the Soviets very anxious tried to hurdle in and was dumped on the play the point covers up in the corner and they feed off is trying to be to the right of the Canadiens goal of five all-time to 41 remaining in the game a great bacteria State Alexander yeah Chris Jeff he's jump very spending my cookie how quickly got back up in his face five seconds left in the double penalty as they line up for the Canadian zone Canada gets the draw now they start to make the move the fired lead over the class duello that shot right back to the point the point played it off the boards to a Henderson and it was outside they're still changing that drop is out there now the teams are in full strength that drop it's better right clean off on the left wing my high loss on the right Gustav and koukin the defense playing up damn tough then he goes dark Ellis and Heather's room 226 left in the game of five all-time my life at Henderson were just close to the face-off now they drop the puck it goes loose back to the blue line the crews good shot Drive stopped it even though it was down the net Savard played it over on the wing to ellos you fail to get out the barn shot it out the second time Soviet bring it in Petrov back to the blue line he's checked Anderson carries Oakland Ellis the bad pass the Soviets coming in my high lob is forced into the corner Spenard it the word blocked he gets pulled away from clean off I didn't get the out my high lob from the side cleared it out here's a shot right now to pump up his arm and the Heil off and Ellis are doing a little threatening on the side 148 left in the game of five of all time you see Clark they're 28 laid off is one side Dryden's called upon here to make a big day even though he's got the bucket bouncing very high he knows just sign of it but it well out of range of the net they're still taking a lot of time now and making clear changes there at third bunch of names have a right to be both teams have given everything and has been one of the best games I think I've ever seen five all-time 148 left of the game this is the eighth the final game of the series they're still all tied up [Applause] pertaining to him and I've made two or three changes here before they finally sent out for nya and the right-wing bill Esposito and Peter Mahovlich a a tremendous better eyes for Malo to have on the right wing as they get ready for a very important pays off Canada gets the draw Peter Mahovlich states up clears and over to corn yaa it's a way offside on the play but it was worth the chance so the puck comes right back to the faceoff in the same spot both teams seemed prepared to put one man well up and try for that breakaway pass that might just break the game wide open but Team Canada has to be very careful that they don't get trapped with that man breaking because it's the next goal will be the key one Canadian team went into a hobble air which seemed to be a little unusual so they're really fighting the puck comes up at center ice Cecilia carries it back into his own to Chadron Oh mr. Peter Mahovlich is at centre driving it into the Soviet zone Lee optin gets there first when ye just touch just a tall Savard getting it at centre ice clearing it off escape it goes into the Canadian zone yak to share with dangerous player is belted on that play when ye rolled it out the silly of going back to get it 102 left in the game cleared pass on the far side the app controlled one to the burn the barn there's a pass to staple done he cleared to the open wing did warn ye when ye took his shot to the fence when fellow Burley African and the when ye a hazard on that way here's our shot Anderson made a wild stab Fort Belle here's another shot [Applause] right [Applause] stand over palms but you can't under great effort against casino back in front of that [Applause] and he pressed a cleanly with [Applause] - the football 1926 is the time of Canada's six goals Canada's six the Soviets 534 seconds away from a championship along rolling pass goes over the line into the Soviet zone system plated over on to the side a past of a high lob he drives and into the corner bill white going back to sit out and slide down the ice it's not called for making who stood was home seconds come back eight seconds and fetters aloft cosmic gusto right and played it back to the goal [Applause] and really hard spots puzzle where hey hey three out of four I like to go to calibers of their power play the feedback Danny has been redeemed themselves from a very slow start in Canada when they were to escape they kept getting better and better than Earth having fought like tigers tonight the top right through and defeating the Soviet sector five and with a theory then they're going the handshaking Team Canada obviously elated the Russians dejected and I must say Foster is that full speed team played so well it's a shame that anybody had to lose but I can't say enough of us being Canada it was uphill right from the second they left Canada in fact right from the start of the series because they had you overcome conditioning all along and I can't say enough for the effort with total effort by every player on the team and I don't really think you can sing with anybody yet although some people play so well because it was a team effort and they came back in such a magnificent way and they won it in a magnificent way as well but you have to come from behind a two goal lead as they did it showed their spirits their ability and everything else though that Canada wins the series with four wins one loss rather for one side and three long war wins one time and clogs so that the most redeeming feature of it was the Canada want us on Moscow ice having won three of the four games on the road and here come the the two top Canadian players as a selected by top Soviet officials Paul Henderson of course with that great winning goal Brad's heart who played magnificently on defense but I don't think you can just pick two stars Phil that says a toe had to have played one of his greatest games ever if he plays oculi be Philly's a hundred they of course are receiving gifts from the Soviet official Colonel your demos aloft who is the president of the Soviet Ice Hockey Federation [Music] well with a final score out of the six as a Soviet five simple game eight from Moscow
Channel: Steven Schapansky
Views: 145,190
Rating: 4.7846427 out of 5
Id: JNFfK7lnLbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 48sec (8208 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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