🇨🇦 Ce fermier CANADIEN achète 8 John Deere X9 sur sa ferme de 15 000ha !

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hlg clothing on the online store www.hlg-machinery.com road trip in canada in october 2022 can you film the combine harvesters there? but I can see them! hello everyone, hope you are well, and welcome to this new video from the French agricultural channel HLG MACHINERY today we are live from canada in the state of alberta I come to meet the family farm that produces cereals, farm MAISONNEUVE. it is managed by the three Maisonneuve brothers you see a large fleet of equipment behind me, and I think you're going to like it. here, behind me, the farm's eight X9 combines. we go to meet the bosses who are at the controls of these machines. we are going to visit the farm with a large grain storage capacity. from now on, we are going to see Géraud, he is a Frenchman who works here. it evolves on a 9580 RX tractor with a 52 Ton ferry. it's morning and everyone is getting ready to go to the fields. the John Deere dealers, Martin Deere line is present to do maintenance on the machines, we will go see that come on, follow me! a day of harvest like today, how many liters for the whole team? I'll tell you, it's around 15,000 liters. per machine, how much per day? one machine takes 1200 Liters. one day it will be 900, the next day it will be 1200, it depends on how they work in the field. if the drivers push or if they take their time! on my side, I validate the workshop truck from the Martin Deere line dealership he has a crane all the tools coming out of the cabinets on the sides. there, there is a good vehicle to work well all day long! that works ? it's going great and you? yes it's ok yes! what are you doing on the machines? we clean the carpets that are full of rapeseed! if it's dirty, it makes oil, and they have trouble turning! Ah ok, it blocks when there is oil in it? yes, you understood rapeseed makes oil and it's terrible. it goes everywhere between the rollers and it breaks everything. do you have to take them apart every day? No, it started happening to us yesterday. we tore 3 or 4 canvases. 3 carpets broken? yes here are 3 broken mats? yes, out of the eight, we wondered what was happening to us. is it a big job to change for you? It's not hard for us and it doesn't take a lot of time. ok is it going well? the problem is that the machine is stopped so production is stopped, it's not good for us. then we finish late because we have to finish the fields. Is it a small disease on this cup? I think it comes from the year, the conditions are dry for rapeseed. the beans come out of the stalk, and it really fits everywhere. do you want my pick-up? on morning maintenance logistics it's really interesting to see. it's really industrialized, a team takes care of all the air filters. a team for filling up with diesel, a team for filling up with ad blue! a team to maintain the cuts. a team to blow the machines. it's really in the chain the eight threshers. and the three 9rx with the Brandt ferries. I see him he's right there, we'll go see him. hello ! hello hugo ! it's ok ? good and you ? the tractor will shine? yes, we have to prepare them for the morning! put in diesel and do the tiles you have time, they are dismantling everything on the cuts there yes, it adds a little panic this morning, but they will leave in half an hour or even an hour, we will see them leave. ok ! hi hugo, welcome to canada, welcome to alberta. in northern Alberta. Thank you very much and thank you for your invitation. with pleasure ! I see a great team for today! indeed, we have a good team and good equipment which is new. ok, let's see that together as you could see with bertrand. it is your brother ? yes, he's my little brother with whom you spoke a lot and he worked a lot on this farm. he planted in the spring there. it is mainly thanks to him that you came here. yes it's true that he helped me a lot on instagram. he told me that he had a problem with his canadian visa. and that he was here last year. so you come to replace him on his tractor. yes basically, that's it, we had to come in pairs. but he didn't get his visa so I came alone. went wrong only for the visa? yes really only a visa problem, no problem on the farm, it's a super good team. people are super nice you will be able to find out. we have a team of good drivers, and the bosses are very nice! they are super open! they speak french which is good for us! it is a cereal farm of 15000 hectares. that's 36,000 acres. they grow wheat, rapeseed and oats! in this area you can also see in the neighbors barley and peas. it is a part of the cultures of france. can you show me the specificity of these plains which are the most northerly on the planet? indeed, we are in the far north, we only grow spring crops. we sow in May and June and we harvest in August, September and October. it's thanks to the huge sunshine weather here. in summer it will only be dark for 3 hours at night so the crops go quickly, and the land is very fertile. these are old woods, which have been cleared. can you tell us some figures of what you can do with a team like that? eight John deere X9s and three 9rx tractors like this. in one day with 8 X9 we harvest around 2000 acres. sometimes 2200 acres, see 2400 acres. which represents 800 to 900 hectares per day. it's the same with wheat or rapeseed. or in other cultures. do you think i'm going to see the farm during the day? yes, I think you will manage to see them. the trucks they go to the farm and everything? they have big screws and the trucks go on it and they are unloaded very quickly, you will have the opportunity to visit with Christian one of the brothers you will also see Mitchell and André, they are super nice ah yes ok the bosses? brothers ? so it's really a family farm? it seems industrial by the machines, but in truth not at all? yes there you go, the management is industrial but the farm is family, there is always Father Maisonneuve with us so the old one? Yes, he drives a machine with us in the team. how old is he ? he is approaching 70 years old. he has a nice X9? Yes that's it ! does he have a 1000 or an 1100? he has a 1000 this is my tractor John Deere 9rx590 how old is yours? 170 hours ago this one is new too, a 9RX540 and here is the one from last year, a 620 it is more powerful than ours, see much more. this one has a 15L Cummins engine, while the two new ones have 13.6L John Deere engines. he's getting better ? yes it does a lot more work. yes, you will see the teams will split into two. he provides 4 X9 harvesters all by himself. while we are two for 4 X9 and he manages to provide them without any problem. it has to go fast so it also consumes more. in the morning, do you see the difference in the tank? yes, he will take between 600 and 700 liters for a working day. while the new ones will be at 400 or 500 liters. but it must be said that it does a lot more work. I find that incredible. and in the event of a breakdown, do you have an extra? yes, there is another 9620 RX waiting at the farm if needed. oh yes if you're down, you go to the farm and you jump on it! exactly ! like that you go get it and you leave! the goal is not to keep the harvesters waiting. I'll let you go, and I'll follow you! ok, we do like that, see you in the fields! that's it the machines leave they will travel 20 kilometers by way to go to the first fields of the day they keep the header in the front as the paths are quite wide here they won't all follow each other as they split into two teams of four machines. they will be close anyway because the fields are facing each other. the first team to two ferries with it. with RX540 and RX 590 the other team only has one ferry, the 9620 RX. they go on the road, let's look at that! direction in the field good, behind me, you see that Geraud is gone there are still two combine harvesters left, they leave and we follow them! with my little JEEP! he is handsome ! an hour after well, guys, the site is progressing well, I'm going to see Geraud in his John Deere 9Rx the full Black truck that is coming, this one is really beautiful! well, is it still good? it's going pretty well! we are just arriving in plots that are a little wetter there! oh yes I can see that the rapeseed is a little green you see directly that the machines go slower, they are at 3 or 4 kilometers per hour. Ah okay, in principle, how much do they go to? often between 7 and 8 kilometers per hour! ok I understand, it goes half as fast? well yes, in these conditions, between the crusher at the rear and passing the goods through the rotors, it pulls well on the engines! I thought it was the lower part of this plot. but obviously, the whole plot is like that, it's the last one sprayed. with glyphosate? Yes that's it it did less action? yes, there are a few days missing.
Channel: HLG machinery
Views: 1,744,536
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Id: XQBcJhj1C40
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Length: 37min 1sec (2221 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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