Weizenernte 2022 Getreideernte Mähdrescher CLAAS Lexion Traktor Fendt Lohnunternehmen Landwirtschaft

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Meal time ! We are Westhoff Agrar, my name is Fred-Eric. We are here with our customers, it is a family business. Approximately every year we have a threshing area of ​​200 ha . We are already the 6th harvest here. We are here with a Claas Lexion 7600 combine harvester and a 40-foot MacDon FD1 header. And want to mow some wheat here today. The customer has about 80 hectares of wheat. That's where we want to start today. Then we'll see what the day brings. Yes, I'm Leon from Westhoff Agrar and we're currently working in tissues. Thresh the wheat. I am currently on site with the Continental tractor from M&H Agrarlogistik. Thanks again for the quick help! Today we drive a Bergmann transfer wagon. To get the grain off the Acher quickly.
Channel: AgrarBlick
Views: 5,212,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gras, Landwirtschaft, Ackerbau, Felder, Wiesen, Weiden, Tiere, Landschaft, Landtechnik, Landmaschinen, Schlepper, Trecker, Offroad, Agrartechnik, Maschinen, Futtermittel, Lebensmittel, Kühe, Tierhaltung, Landwirt, Lohnunternehmen, Farmer, Bauern, Technik, TRecker, Natur, Dorfleben, Versorgung, Leben, Konventionell, Premiere, Vorführung, Mähdrescher, Generation, Bäuerin, Landwirtin, Grünland, Verbindung, Beruf, Spaß, Arbeit, Milch, Nahrungsmittel, Bauer, Gerste, Weizen, Grassaat, Lohnunternehmer, Ernte, Getreidernte, Grasernte, Osten
Id: e12RMlzSqWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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