Can you wear glasses without a prescription?

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can you wear glasses even if you don't have a prescription yes you can and that's exactly what we made for this client this first pair is the jfray 3056 and even though this client has perfect vision these glasses are designed to enhance his vision even further future drive safe lenses which reduce glare from oncoming traffic and have a slight correction in the lens or our low light vision because we all become a little bit more shortsighted at night time not only that these lenses when exposed to UV will darken just watch and so after only about 30 seconds of UV exposure thanks to the photofusion X flash technology these have turned into an awesome par glasses that's not the only way that you can enhance your vision with Ze Smart Life digital lenses there's actually a digital boost Zone that when you come to check your watch your phone or any kind of digital device the lenses are doing the work for your eyes the eyes are not getting overly tired and worn out throughout the day our eyes just aren't really built for 10 hours a day on digital screen finish them with my favorite sweet violet tint beautiful purple color that not only looks amazing but is very restful and relaxing on the eyes perfect match to the masanaga Maric some incredible finishing details on this Frame this can be something that enhances your vision not just corrects it
Channel: The Spectacle Factory
Views: 8,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eyewear, vision, glasses, frames, fashion, the spectacle factory, optician, style, optical, spectacles, designer frames, designer glasses
Id: CGYscL4I3eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 59sec (59 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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