Can You Solve an 8x8 Rubik's Cube Like a 4x4... Like a 2x2?

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i have gotten a lot of video requests before but for some reason this is one of the most popular ones so today i'm just gonna do it what makes this challenge different from usual is i've never actually solved an 8x8 so this is going to be my first solve on an 8x8 and it's gonna be with possibly the best method so here we go i'll start with one middle four by four center like this so i can take this red piece and this red piece and add them right here and there's my little square so here is blue uh and i'll join it with this and add it here like that and then join them here these two and these two can already go together like that move it to the top these are my first four completed pieces i want to put these four here to have two colors here that match and two colors here that match the ones that i found that i can start with are this blue and orange so now i can just add it to the side okay now i need more here's some blue red and i can just add it here all right nice so this is starting to look really good now i just need to add the pieces around it and this will be done i can start with this blue yellow so i'll put another blue yellow here here's the blue yellow i want and i can lift up this part and then move the blue yellow here and then go back down wow actually two yellows just showed up so that's lucky all right next moving on we just need red here so i can take a piece like oh what nice nice and now i want to finish off this part right here which needs to both be white i can get this out of the way so it's an unsolved piece take this one like that i need another white one right there okay i have one here so i can take it out into the top and then i can now move it over here so move this slice up move that white in and go back down now i can move this all back and i've solved these two pieces wow making progress okay progress is being made so i've made four centers and these pieces around it so just the wings and i didn't make this side because i thought if i made it it would just make everything harder later on that's because i wouldn't have a side where i can like freely move this stuff around just because it would break these pieces so i thought maybe i'll do this part later so for now i have these three i can start working on the other layers well actually no i have to do the corner pieces first luckily the first layer corner pieces should not be too hard um this one looks like i can i can just twist it [Music] so that corner is good now i need a red center here so yeah now it's going to be really useful that this side has not been solved because i can more easily move pieces around so there's red i need to put red in here so i can lift this up put that in like that now i need the red yellow piece there it is i can reorient it like that and then move it in [Music] perfect now i just need this part around it so blue and yellow and this is where it would be useful again to move it out of the way and have something unsolved here now i can work very freely with this area uh let's start with the blue yellow piece actually so i need blue on the left there it is so i can just take this out and move it right here actually i can move it in double layered because i noticed this blue is already here as well so now i just need that one yellow there it is so move this slice up put it in and now i can just go back there we go there's my piece all right i have made my rhublock here so four pieces here and two on each side for the wings two corners here and the last one is not done for the first layer because making a full layer is never really a good idea i'm just going to use this free area here to help me make more pieces start with the center pieces of course so let's get this red over here and i need to put this red piece right there um that can be this one so i can wait can it yes i can okay so i can move that piece up now um then i can put them together like that then move it back down you can see that every time i do something like moving down i move up first and that's just to make sure that all of this stays preserved now i need another center piece here so i've made two more pieces i love making the center pieces because they're so much easier there we go okay now i have two centers two centers two centers and i'm just going to move them so that they are on top of solved pieces and there we go we have six more pieces done all right next is great no corners i'm just going to be working on the pieces in between these centers i just made i'm making it over here because this unsolved part is a really you can think of it like a workspace and then i can then move it to the right spot afterwards actually what the heck is this this is almost done this is starting to get a little tricky but how am i gonna move a white piece here oh i got lucky there's two already together here is the white and the yellow i just need that last yellow there then i'm just gonna put it back in i'm going to put it right here and then attach this yellow one to it in an edge pairing sort of way so like that oh wait that's it i don't need to like replace it or anything okay i'm confusing myself right now so that is all i need to do uh and you get it back to where it was so that it's gonna be right here on top so i can do that like this i can now reattach it to this part so move this out attach them and go back in nice i've made two more pieces um i don't want to keep them here so i'm going to move one to uh let's see this one can go over here so take it out and then move it into here um that's going to be with keyhole take an unsolved corner and put it over here like that then move this edge in and then back there we go there it is another piece added to my block and this piece will go over here we have now made a three by two by four block right here i think i'll just continue with the same idea and work on the very next layer on top of it okay now i have these i can get them to the top and just move them into a different layer now i filled these back three with pieces again and just need to make the edge pieces again so same idea as before now i have two pieces and i can put them in here and here wow that's a lot of progress so now i have a three by three by four block and the entire remaining portion that is not solved i mean not not solved but not as a four by four yet is uh this layer or these two layers and these two layers with these two being the last parts i want to see how much of it i can do intuitively but it sounds like it's going to be very difficult i can move these layers pretty freely so now i'm just going to do the same kind of stuff as before so solving like a little square here okay there's white and blue let's move it to the side all right there's yellow and next uh oh this is not good okay let me explain usually when you do big cubes you go one color center at a time so like white yellow blue red green and then last one would be orange but here i'm just going one side at a time with no regard to what color it is and what that means is when i solve the fifth side the sixth side will not solve on its own because usually it's like okay if this is all gonna be orange then like if everything else is not orange then this will just all be orange and it will just solve itself that way but right now even if i could make the rest of this part which is gonna solve the fifth side then the last side is not gonna have like all the pieces group up into squares right now i can barely even make four pieces so i think um it might actually be easier to make the four pieces if i put them all on one side then get them to the front so maybe i'll just move this to one side first okay now this is nice uh this and this are the green so how can i do this how does this work okay there's uh that's i mean okay what about uh this is difficult oh oh i figured it out yes i can put them together they could go at the front or at the top uh this is going to be rough so there's no squares done here but every single other side is done so this is sort of like your general last layer situation where no matter what turn you do any meaningful turn you do to separate pieces and put stuff together is going to destroy everything else except wait let me let me just think about it for a moment before i quickly jump to that conclusion what if i just put everything on one side well okay i can i can make the red but that's just gonna break up yellow yeah i have too many pieces solved for this to even work so these four more squares i don't think i'm even gonna be able to do them intuitively so i might just bring in the commentators now wait no let's actually delay that for a little longer i'm just going to solve the front face and call it solved and move on to this later just so i can say i brought commutators in later which is better so i'm going to start with the edge pieces or wing pieces down here i have white and blue i think i might have to do all of this in like 4x4 edge pairing style so white blue and here's a green red and there's another green red so i can put them all together uh just replace it with something unsolved so all of this and then go back all right now i have this this is white which goes with this white so that means i need two greens here to go with these two greens so a similar idea to before oh nice they're right there nope that's that's already solved you can't just be doing that okay so here it is here's one green so i'll put it together with this take it out and replace it with something unsolved and go back all right so two whites one green one green put them together replace with something unsolved go back so this and this uh can join together like that ah finally okay there it is now i need uh red and blue right here as well so i'm just going to do the same thing again i've made the red blue here and they need to go with this so i realized actually it makes it a bit easier if i treat this not as its own bar but as part of this giant block of pieces kind of like kind of like these two pieces because now if i want it over here instead of doing that kind of thinking that i haven't done before i can just think i'll flip it uh so i can flip this edge like that and there it is now on the side so now i can combine it with these so yeah it's like thinking that i have in my brain somewhere but i wasn't really like associating it with the right techniques that i already knew just because it looks different but it's really similar to stuff i've done before alright there we go i need to make a corner piece i didn't want to admit it but i'm now at that stage this one is going to flip first now it's red at the bottom red green red green is right there so i can move this up and put that in this one needs to be red yellow this one so we can reorient it and now put it in this needs to be yellow and this needs to be green so this is going to be the easier corner out of the two bottom corners because for this one i can just move all the solved stuff out of the way and now i can just put yellow here and put green here yellow here that's this one like that green can be this one so just move it over here like this all right nice now go back all right now i have this corner ah let's do it later okay i'm gonna do the two edges over here first so i can move this all over here so i have an unsolved corner beneath the edges ah making edges on the side is going to be a little annoying two reds here two greens here these two and these two join them together replace it with something unsolved like this and go back now they are right here so now it's white green white green put them together take it out and undo the slice move all right so there's my white green before i put it back here i need red underneath it so red white there's one okay so i can put them in this way this time so the red white can combine with it like this come on turn you wait by eight so now i can uh put them right here like that now i just need i guess a full white bar on this side perfect yeah i've actually solved all of the first uh one two three five six layers except for this double slot right here or triple layer i don't know what to call anything i'm gonna make the corner first and then do the edges after not because i thought of anything clever but because it looks really easy um here is the piece that goes right there and i've actually solved a lot of this flat is not really gonna work i'm gonna turn it on its side um like that uh where's the other there's the other orange yellow so this one needs to combine with an orange piece here and a yellow piece here it looks like this orange needs to go right here um how can i do that without disturbing this like that there's the orange and now here's the yellow okay these two need to move together i don't have any open layers to work with wait really that works okay i think this works i can just do this and then now like the first three layers are still intact except for this little pair came out and now this and this if i join them together it doesn't affect anything on this part and now just put the pair back where it came from so now these two are together oh this is confusing to keep track of but there we go oh i did it yes so that is now there and this is here so i can put them all together nice and intuitive corner oh no i forgot that this part of the corner is part of this line here and this part of the corner is like the edge that goes with these other edges but my corner my beautiful corner i don't want to break it to solve the rest of this okay when in doubt make it simple i'm just going to try and take it one piece at a time or just find any pieces actually that would go in there well so there we go yellow and green that's nice if i put that one right here then that means this yellow is already correct and this one is not okay maybe i'll try to make this one yellow first oh nice it's it already exists as a pair join this with this just 3x3 beginner method stuff and then put this in there we go now i got yellow okay i thought of some stuff that i can like rationalize as being a three by three algorithm i know but as it turns out it's pretty much just a commentator so maybe i will avoid it and see if i can do this uh in some other way okay you know what i'm just gonna do it i'm gonna put this yellow green right here and you can't stop me so how i'm gonna do it is like this uh like this oh i'm being punished okay as i was saying this yellow green is going here and it's going in like this did i do that right yes there it is okay now if you're gonna tell me oh that wasn't intuitive that was a commutator well this is something you may already know from 3x3 to insert an edge so that's what i'm using it's pretty intuitive if you really think about it and that's not just because it's a commutator you know what while we're at it why don't we just insert these two green pieces as well so can i get me a green piece there it is so get the slice layer up oh and then like that you're gonna tell me that was a commentator too because like i mean these all are but it's the same exact idea as uh the three by three thing so it doesn't count it doesn't count this is all intuitive and now i can put this one in here using the same idea [Music] so this is three by three stuff it's not commutators don't tell me that's a commentator nice i did it intuitively okay i got one more piece um let's be real i'm not gonna do that intuitively i'm just gonna do the rest of this with commutators so i've mentioned it a lot but if you don't know what a commutator is it's pretty much just what i do at the end of every challenge because i don't know how to continue and if you think about it on 3x3 when you get to last layer you don't really understand what you're doing anymore it's just algorithms so here it's the same idea except it's not algorithms i will be understanding what i'm doing and hopefully you will too so this is blue red and it needs to go here and now i need to pick a third piece so i'll just pick wherever this blue red should go and it should go next to the other blue red so this one needs to go here so i have this one going here which is going here so i'll just turn the top over a bit make things easier now i can get this one up to here first like this uh slice moves are weird go back up oh my and then i can get this one over there as well like this now i just have to undo each of those so i'll undo the first part that i did no that's the wrong layer focus and then undo the second move that i did okay so now here's the blue red solved and here's the other blue red okay so i've actually finished up with all of the wings now except for these and this is actually parody so on big cubes if you didn't know what parody was it's basically when you have two wings that need to swap locations and that cannot be done with the commutator you have to do a parody algorithm so i'm just going to do the parity algorithm here which is nice because i learned from the last time that it actually like messes up the centers so it's good that the centers have not been done yet now i'll swap these using the parity algorithm so that's just going to be like this hope i get it right [Music] uh looks good but i just have to make sure everything else is still in the right spot hmm suspicious yeah okay it's not too bad it just looks like this entire center has rotated um and everything else looks okay so i'm just gonna rotate the center so i guess i'm showing you more tricks now how you can rotate the center in this case uh clockwise is you need to get it to a different center first so i will move this one up to here like this get this entire center down like that replace it with the center ah weird to turn and then move this all up so now i've replaced the top center with the center from the left turn this clockwise and then undo it so move it back to where it came from so down over all the layers and then move this center back to the top and then now i can turn this one counterclockwise but that's not really necessary here and this is actually really useful for picture cubes because they need the centers to be twisted correctly but anyway the wings are now all done all right now let's quickly do a center example so i'm gonna want this one to be blue okay so this blue needs to go over to here and this red needs to go over to here i can move the blue one in first like this then i can get this spot which is the green one over here as well like this then i just have to [Music] really remember moves i'm doing okay now undo the first move and undo the second set of moves all right everything else still good nice okay so this is done all right now i've almost finished up pairing these oblique centers except for uh these two are white red and these two are white red so again i have a similar situation where i need to get this white here in this red here but this for centers is not actually possible to just switch to but it's not parody either because there are identical pieces so an identical piece to this would be like this one right here so this white to this red to this red and this red ends up back here so that will solve it so when there are identical pieces you don't run into the same parody situation i probably want a setup move first then this red can go to this red here this is kind of hard to keep track of like that and then this white goes there as well like this uh move and then undo that first move and undo the second set of moves what was the setup move was it this alright i've paired up all the obliques some of them are in the right spot but now i'm going to move all of them to the right spot so for example these two whites need to go to here and then the reds need to go to here i feel like this is a lot more confusing to watch on 8x8 than on other cubes just because there's so many pieces and even i can barely keep track of it now all the wings are done i'm going to show you a little corner example this blue goes to the green here and then this green would go to wherever it is needed this to this to this everything moves here so the one that belongs there is the orange one so well it doesn't belong there but in this cycle it does so move this up replace it with orange move green over and then undo the first thing so put this back and then undo the second thing and there's blue and of course that green ended up there as well wow okay i just keep getting parody there are no such things as identical wings to each other so this orange blue and this green orange belong in each other's spots so how this is gonna work is parody again and uh that might mess up the center so i might have to fix it again later okay let's do it it'll probably mess things up but whatever [Music] all right what's the damage you know what i i don't i don't really know what exactly got messed up so uh i'm just i'm just gonna fix it all right everything is a 4x4 except for the top center which i've been leaving for the ends because as you saw all the parity stuff just messed with the centers so i just need to solve this and then it will be a 4x4 but then i'm not even close to done because i still need to solve the 4x4 all right one step at a time uh okay here here here take this down first these two need to go here which is like this and then move it to the back and down so now it's there then move the orange one in as well these commutators are really tiring out my brain green one goes to this white and then this white one goes to an identical white piece which can be like with an easy one this one right here wait how did the blue piece end well whatever so this blue goes here and this green goes here hey it's progress so now this green that's not green this white goes to this green and then this green can go somewhere else like uh to this one i'll move the white one in first then get this green one up [Music] no no no no no no no that's that's the wrong layer and i only knew that because the logo didn't move and then undo and undo that was sloppy oh wait yes it's a four by four yes okay now i can solve the four by four as a two by two but before we get to that let me bask in the glory that is this four by four oh i can turn it any way i want and it stays like a four by four oh okay i can't turn it like that all right this should be the easier part um i'm gonna solve it from here into a two by two and then i'm gonna solve the cube okay i feel like i should be so good at this but this is obviously not something i practice i'm completely losing focus because it feels like i'm done but i'm not done there's like i messed up oh i deserved that that was really satisfying okay i now have the drive to do more nice wow it feels good to have made two pieces and already be like what is it a quarter of the way there all right let's ride this momentum keep going keep going so now we have this yellow center is going to go in here and oh you can't turn the layers accurately but there we go so now i need red here um like that wow i am so good at this i am really good at this now i'm in the hard part but i did this on 8x8 earlier and it was fine i think i should be fine i should be fine right here so i start with a pair then i make another pair so uh that can be done the same way i made this one so just insert a red center [Music] wow i can never turn it properly okay now red green is there so that's this one [Music] just reorient it then put it in right now now that that's made what i do is i get it on its side like that and then now i fill in these pieces so there's white and now i need these two at once i need this attached to a green center so i can attach it to this like that oh what this works wow that doesn't work let me get this up and pair it with the green let's not get it there let's get it over here and then when i pair it with the green it's gonna break the back but that's okay because i can just put it back in afterwards so get this back down no no no no no what have i done okay i turned the wrong layer at some point that was scary wait what there we go okay i am not going to be able to do anything up here without commutators so let's start with the wings because these are the ones that could give me parody i'm not gonna do the centers first this one see here first there it is and then move this one there as well okay not seeing that many layers at once is so refreshing all right nice all the corner wings um that's weird to say corner wings now all the wings of the giant corner pieces are in the right spot now and i think that means i shouldn't have parody uh yeah because it's just the centers remaining and the centers cannot give parody oh i'm almost there white to here orange can go there oh i can never think about this properly like this get the other one there as well undo and undo okay okay it's getting really close okay these two need to swap which is not the way to think about it white can go here this white can go here and then this blue goes here uh move this up undo undo i don't know what i'm saying it's a two by two yes yes finally uh i'm not done yet but it feels like i'm done all the blood sweat and tears and it is a two by two i barely remember how to solve two by two so here uh i forgot after all this i don't know the cll algorithm anymore this is what happens when you don't have competitions for a year you just don't do two by two okay you know what if i'm gonna forget the cll then i don't really deserve to do as well at all just i'm just gonna do the beginner method yes i've done it the challenge has been done why did you guys want me to do that i don't care whatever it's done i never have to think about this ever again thank you to speedcubeshop for sending me the 8x8 just so i can satisfy you guys with this dumb challenge but if you're not satisfied i do have more videos like this thanks for watching and i'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: J Perm
Views: 3,834,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rubik's cube, tutorial, advanced, j perm, jperm, tips, tricks, speedcube, cubing, best, 3x3, budget, fast, faster, easy, easiest, intuitive
Id: fUb7eJttOPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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