Can You Solve a 6x6 Rubik's Cube Like a BIG 3x3?

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hey guys today is one of those days where i think to myself what if i did something really really dumb i'm not doing anything destructive i'm just wasting my own time so i'm gonna try and solve a six by six like a three by three what we usually do is reduce the cube down to something like this where there's corner edge corners so three by three and it works the same way as long as you only turn the outer layers like there's the cross but we're not gonna do it that way we're gonna do it in a way where it's a three by three but with two layers at once this is significantly harder because there's going to be a lot of three-dimensional blocks of pieces and if you saw my 4x4 down to a 2x2 video it's going to be very difficult and with that being said let's properly scramble this and get into it okay so i do have a little bit of a game plan going in last night as i was going to bed as any normal person would i thought about how i would do this and i figured i would do the centers like the inner centers first just kind of like the most intuitive way you could possibly think of and then uh just see how it goes from there so here's my green and blue and i'm just going to move along this way so here's red and then i want yellow here just following the color scheme and then orange okay and this was where my planning ended and i fell asleep i think it's pretty obvious i should actually just move on to the outer centers like pairing up these so like this one if i have these two and these two then this would be part of an edge of course these need to be the correct colors as well to make the full edge but just looking at one side it would be like a two by two solved and of course i just need more and more two by twos and i'm just gonna work from the inside out so i think just starting with pairing up these and these and these and these and so on of the centers will be a good next step we don't normally do that with these centers already made so i'm going to i'm just going to try some stuff what if i put these two oranges together and then take it down here and then fix the centers red wait my brain have stopped working and half came up with a great idea so i think this is kind of just like edge pairing on a 4x4 where i pair them together like this and then i can just replace it with something and slice back i'm just going to set it up so that i have red goes with red so i can slice and solve it but before i slice i want this one to also solve with the next thing so this white is gonna go here uh i want this one here and then another orange oh that's good already then when i slice back in the other direction i want some stuff to pair up so this red is going to go with whatever red is here and i can just take that one and then green right here and another red that's good wait why is there a solved one here take an unsolved piece put it there all right cool i've made a whole bunch of them so i filled up the bottom layer the bottom and top here so now it works more like 4x4 edge pairing let's just slice this way so i want this green to pair up with whatever green is there this one then i need a blue here and then a white here because of this one i guess i could use this slice all right and i've solved a lot of them normally on 4x4 when i just end the two colors i would get them so that like it's green on top blue and bottom so i get this one the same way but that's not possible because these are two different piece types like this green cannot go here because i'm not gonna take it apart but if you did take it apart you'll notice these two pieces actually look a different on the inside they're two different types of pieces yeah okay i think i know so i'll just take a double blue i'll pair up the green and just put the double blue in here so that this blue goes with this one that blue goes with this one perfect all right so i've done the outer parts of the centers this is going to make the future part where i do the edges a lot simpler i'll leave the corner blocks for the end because they seem the most restrictive and hardest to do so i'll just start with edge pairing so this is just going to be 4x4 stuff again so many colors on a 6x6 is just going to make this extra confusing so blue red is going to get paired together like that and blue orange just got lucky it's also going to get paired together i need a yellow blue right here there it is okay now i can what have i done now i can pair them all together and when i slice back in the other direction this yellow green is going to go with whatever is here so i need the yellow green there like that then i need a white orange right here a yellow orange on the next one why do i keep having to flip over okay slice great okay so here is the normal 4x4 thing where i have both yellow red on top and white green on the bottom slice flip this edge and slice back and now okay now all the edges are solved it's looking a lot more orderly for sure i have a feeling that if i make all the edges first then making the corners is going to be so ridiculously hard that it's not going to be able to be done intuitively and i want to do as much of this intuitively as i can without having to resort to algorithms i think building it up like this is going to be the best way so i can keep having the most freedom that i can have yellow uh and orange blue pear there's also this pair i'll just do this one because i see the other piece is right there that's that's not the piece okay yellow and blue i'm always so bad at figuring out which piece is what okay this yellow blue goes here like that oh wait no i need the yellow center okay any of these take this one get them all like that so that's not the orange blue i want you can't actually flip these pieces these outer edge pieces are called wings and they don't flip they can only go into the adjacent side and that's when it would look flipped so i need the other orange blue that's this one and i need an orange corner center right here like that pair them all together great okay my experience on the other one the 4x4 to 2x2 is really paid off here now i'm going to want to flip this come back nice nice i have an edge edge edge and corner that's a little two by two block of three by three goodness let's do that that makes this edge right here and move it in okay so here's a pair i need white red here but again not this one because it's you can't flip that i want this one do i want that yeah i do want this one oh confusing [Music] like that yeah and i want the red center what am i doing nice okay and then i want white green this piece this one not this one um and then i need a white center right here and a green center right here wow i'm getting so good at this uh like this hopefully i didn't break anything all right great i got the corner here i need an edge here there's a two by two by three block not solved but it's looking like a three by three this part let's get a speed run let's get an edge in here i hate doing the corners i really hate it it's actually so complicated to think about all the things that go into making a corner let's get the orange center first that one looks easier right there then green center okay i think i can move this to the top get it back down here fancy this last slot might be harder um i feel like some of the things i did earlier might not work with this restriction where can i get a pair where's an easy pair this white orange right here maybe i shouldn't have done it in this order oh what that's already a square okay okay uh then i'll just need the orange blue got a bit lucky there so this orange blue is what goes here so i'll need to get an orange center here and a blue center here okay it looks like i already found a blue center and the orange center that one or this one i don't want to start doing like some commutator stuff so i'm gonna try and find an intuitive way to do this oh whoa did i just do it yes yes i just did it okay i made this let's put it in nice okay so the video isn't this long because i'm editing stuff but it says on my camera i've already taken 20 minutes and this is such a waste of time i could have solved a normal 6x6 like 10 times by now but i guess this is this is what's happening today and i'm just gonna have to accept it all right cover up the part i haven't done yet this is so satisfying um i actually made two layers of a 3x3 on a 6x6 although i didn't make the layers solved you know what that probably would have been easier and made it like made me have to skip that part later but that's not really the point i've reduced two of the layers to a 3x3 and i didn't think i'd be able to do that all intuitively so i'm pretty happy with that i don't think i can do the last layer intuitively or last two layers so i'm just gonna do the rest with commutators a commutator is how you can move around three pieces at once it pretty much lets me move any three pieces without touching any of the stuff that i already solved so it's really good for preserving other pieces if i want this white to go here so it's touching the white here so after the white goes here i'll make the green go to a blue piece and then make the blue piece come back to here so this is a little three cycle that's gonna solve these two so blue here and white here how it would generally work is see the green and the blue i'll get them into the same layer so i want white here and i want green here then i want the blue here so i'm going to get the white up to here first by doing something that doesn't affect anything in that interchange layer except for that one piece so i'm going to move this one down put the white in to replace the green and go back up like that so that changed now i'll move the blue over as well and then i just undo each of those so undo the first part where i move the white up and then undo the second part which is that and these two are here and nothing else has changed uh my first two layers should all still be intact green wants to go here and this red wants to go here i guess this green will go back to here this is going to be here to here to here well these two are in the same layer because they're in this layer together so i can get this one to here first then replace this with this like that and then undo and undo i'm just saying undo because if i move any slower i'm going to forget what i've done so here's the green here's the red i'm just going to do a little more of this so this red goes here nice i've solved all of the edges okay now i'm just going to move on to the corners let's just continue with the centers first because if i don't do the centers i think i'll like mess up which colors go where okay this white goes here and the blue can come back here but okay so it looks like this is the only spot for it you can't swap two pieces but what you can do is do a three cycle that has the same effect so instead of moving this white to here i could move it to here instead and then this white goes here if you actually look at what happens this piece doesn't change what it is but white ends up here from there and then blue ends up here so it's like these two swapped but it actually involved a third identical piece so let's um go here to here to here this one needs to go here and that's going to be like this there's the white then move the other one in undo undo now i just need to solve the wings or these edge pieces same idea um it's just a little bit tedious this is blue yellow which needs to go with the blue yellow right here which goes to red yellow right here let's see so this one can go in here then this one goes into here as well like this undo undo oh wait no that's wrong this oops this yellow red goes to here oh well i'll i'll deal with that later next is let's see this red green goes to here which goes to white green which is over here this one up to here first and then move this one over undo undo that may look a bit different if you're actually trying to follow the commentators if you're just along for the ride then whatever but i'm doing a few different types of commutators i have a video on that though so you can probably go find that green yellow goes here which goes to red blue which is here or here no no it goes here so here to i lost track this is white orange goes here and it comes back here so instead of well i can't i can't swap two wings i can't do a similar thing to what i did earlier where i said swap two centers is really just find a third identical center there are no identical wings like this red blue and this red blue are not the same if you put them in the same spot one of them is flipped and you can't flip it because wings are unique so i'll just have to swap it with something else so this goes here which goes here so i think i can slice this down all right almost done oh no okay so i have a single two swap here and this means that i have parody because there's nothing else and that's really what parody means it's um when you have two wings that need to swap with each other oh i can turn this like a three by three now so let me actually just get them into a favorable spot it's like this okay that's how i normally do parody the normal parody algorithm does a bunch of other stuff as well with like some side pieces and some front pieces but i'm just gonna do like the slice version of it and that should only affect these two all right let's go [Music] [Music] so close yet so far what went wrong i'll just fix it this isn't a big deal this goes uh commutator stuff although i'm really curious as to what went wrong because i actually prepared for that exact scenario and before i started recording i tried to see if i could swap two wings and i did it but i'm not sure what happened there so anyway i just need to swap these two can't swap you to go to a different yellow okay so this goes here which goes here [Music] oh yes i have done it um i have actually oh right okay so from here i'm supposed to solve it that's what you're supposed to do um so let me let me see if i can do anything fancy um well these two right here i could maybe make an x cross but let me do something let me do something different nice that's a pair and it sets up this pair wow and uh i don't know something fancy left to do any any extra fancy stuff is just forcing it i'm sad i thought i dealt with parody there is more parody so i guess i had like some kind of peacemaking parody because i couldn't make all the three by three pieces but now that i have i still have oll parody um didn't know that was possible okay i think i know what to do though i should just flip these two inner wings and then um that's gonna switch the yellow and the blue so i'll just need to switch these two outer parts as well so let me let me do that let's see [Music] oh i think i know what went wrong earlier i think it's the the parody algorithm if you have centers that are not solved then it just moves that stuff around so that's what went wrong um i don't think i actually did it wrong because on a solved cube i think i would have actually swapped two wings anyway continuing so this blue and this yellow now need to swap so this yellow goes here then the blue comes in as well then undo and undo nice we're back to 3x3 oops and then now let's do m moves that'll be more fun nice oh that is so satisfying i actually did it thanks for watching me suffer because if you didn't watch it then what was it all for but for real thanks for watching and i'll see you all next time you
Channel: J Perm
Views: 1,510,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rubik's cube, tutorial, advanced, j perm, jperm, tips, tricks, speedcube, cubing, best, 3x3, budget, fast, faster, easy, easiest, intuitive, funny
Id: Z_Id-l_VAuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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