Can You Really Make $400 Profit A Day With Cell Phone Repair?

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checking and checking everybody back here at Tech Connect in North Carolina you're looking with a few minutes till a YouTube sent out my post notification say anybody that wants to tune in live to this particular video if you miss it laughs just like always feel free to comment down below any questions comments concerns you may have and we'll get you an answer if you do it lab will get you an answer in real time um if you do it after the fact I'll get you a comment back as soon as possible but oh one point I want to make before we get into today's video is will is if you're not following details don't Instagram follow JT us on Instagram made a very dope post today you are want you two guys to take advantage of it well I made an Instagram exclusive is also gonna get emailed out to the students of hustle Academy and things of that nature but definitely wanted to start off by that but now I think YouTube is sent out enough notifications shout out all 21 people that's here hit that thumbs up button coming when you watching this from and what we're gonna talk about in this video is if you realistically can make $400 a day profit and cell phone repair as always I got what I think are the most common questions people may have but if I don't answer you X your question put it in the chat and at the end of this video we'll get you an answer for whatever your question is outside of this if you put the question in and it doesn't get X right away as always I want you guys to know if you're new here we get to the chat at the end cuz I might get you an answer to your question as I go through my typical first question though is if you don't know this is mister Ontario from techno everybody and you guys can see right here right right so um do you mind starting about telling the people how much money you made today $500 all right out of the 500 dollars how much of that would you say is profit for you today $4 all right and I'm King to other people like what repairs did you do today that allowed you to gross 500 profit 400 dollars today I'm for 8 iPhone 8 plus and keep in mind those parts on average is about 20 dollars that's how you get the dollars in parts and of course you know my labor is my labor so that's how you get four hundred dollars profit once you - the five times twenty that's 100 so okay so you did five appears at approximately a hundred dollars a pop right so and in 20th at winter with the cost of the screen kuwaiti in your pocket alright so cool next question I have here that I think is pretty common that people may be interested in is that is there any reason that you feel like you couldn't have made that money without this shop so somebody out there couldn't afford to get a commercial location do you think that there's any reason why you wouldn't be able to do the same thing mobili I don't I actually originally started without a shop so you know I don't think there's no reason you couldn't mobili I also have done it early even when I had to shop kind of double dipping if you may so there's no reason why you can't make that same kind of money mobile or brick-and-mortar store do you remember around what time you finish the last repair today is about one o'clock alright and the time on deck now is 409 of course everybody that's watching this video live already knows that but I'm saying that for the benefit of you if you're watching this video after the fact right so you finished that one you've been pretty much chillin for the past few hours do you remember of well what time does your shop open 10:00 a.m. all right so from ten to one he was able to grouse five four hundred today is private so around three hours or so yeah all right um how much have you spent marketing this month I think that's another good question that somebody out here might want to know like okay yeah you made this much money with marketing to get people to even know about if you had to play just a dollar figure - I literally two days ago I think I've had the signup two days I bought a frame signed some people call them a sidewalk sign a sandwich sign I think I spent 120 dollars on that but that's just me just wanting to gravitate the traffic that goes through here so I just say hey let me just see if this does anything differently that's all you need it's all people and you say approximately how much was the sign $120 pretty much out of market maybe two foot of month with the a-frame sign let me see and palsy appreciate all 30 people has it he that thumbs up button comment where you watching this from any questions comments concerns you have put it in a live chat I'm trying to go through what I think are you guys most common questions that you will want to know surrounding this business but if for whatever reason I don't cover your question put it in the live chat we'll get you an answer in a second or put it in the comment section down below and I'll get your comment back as soon as possible right so a couple more questions then we'll jump into the lab check um did any of your customers give you a hard time about price or pricing today today no I have had people say hey you know why does it cost that much to get a phone repairing and stuff like that but that comes with the territory you keep in mind guys if this is something you want to get into you have people that's cheap bianchi unfortunately nothing you can do about that just being honest but once you start developing your brand and you show them that you're trustworthy as an individual you'll get repeat business I get a lot of repeat business and you know that's that's successful today and also for the benefit of people that may have tuned in late and not know exactly what we're talking about in this video we're not telling you theories we're talking about what he literally has done today and as you guys can tell it's four o'clock he said he's been done since one we've just been hanging out talking you know we decided to do resume video for those of you that follow me on instagram so that we earlier today were just on instagram just chilling and talking so in a short amount of time he's already made this much money and we just been hanging out of the majority today so I want you guys to know again this is what he's literally done today this isn't you know theory or something like that so that you know this is practical knowledge um so next question I don't know the proximately three hours of actual work you did today how much of that would you say was actually you working on a device and how much of that was actually you just waiting around um I would say to two and a half hours of actually working on cumulative that's not straight through but cumulative and then just waiting around 30 minutes - okay where would you say that this is an above average day an average day or below average day as far as your profitability of TechConnect today honestly I would say it's probably borderline average slash below average I mean I have days I make a lot more but I mean it just comes with the territory of course you know and the last question that I have and then we're gonna get into the chat is keeps other people how they can reach through social media anything you wanna share guys you can reach me on youtube tech connect NC you can also reach me on Facebook tech connect NC same thing with the website taken at NC my contact number is up there you know my email is up there any way you want to reach out just reach out any questions I try to answer him best of my knowledge so just like I told you guys before anybody that have on this channel even though I Terios not new he's been on the channel several times will continue to be on the channel I want to encourage those people that come on the channel to share their information with you and also give you guys the opportunity to call them up fact check them ask them if jay-z paid you to say that stuff or just whatever it is you got to do to feel comfortable because at the end of the day I want people to understand that there's practical legitimate ways that you can make a little extra money create a Silas or full-time business for yourself and I know for many people this is not the traditional way of doing things so maybe you have never heard of somebody saying I've actually done two and a half hours of work today I made $400 the rest of the time for me and JT was watching who 6:9 snitched on today on YouTube because they're the best pretty much all you can do it wait wait now we're gonna jump in the labs head run through it real quick and then we're gonna go ahead and get out of here so let me scroll up shout out to everybody is here all 39 people thumbs up buddy coming where you watching this from on how you address that hey JT wassup shay star wanna shouting - JT else is in Ontario smash this around ya shout out the wine Nashville Tennessee Baltimore Richmond Virginia Memphis Tennessee Columbus Ohio Niagara Falls New York are you buying phone screens in boat so I only buy according to what I'm thinking I'm gonna prepare so and the way I do that I just kind of look at what I don't have and I use it try to order two of some people may consider that boat I don't honestly I think both is like five and up when you talk about one particular screen size I just like to buy two Z's just to keep something stock once I think something in you know and I get my parts within two days also so I'm never truly out for a long period of time so I hope that makes sense the Las Vegas how do you get into it is there a class yes I think somebody in the live chat has already linked the class it's a online class and it's a live class as well if you learn better live you can come out so we do it online training with the online training you can email them you can call me FaceTime you can come out and shadowing um or if you could just learn it online and go with it it's completely up to you but if you are somebody that needs to come out and have one-on-one live training we offer it both ways it really just depends on which way you learn the best um so those links are in the live chat I'll also put them down in the comment section below so if you're watching this video after the fact is probably already down there you can just scroll down and read the description and get those links if you're interested shout out the Richmond Virginia Senate Orlando Florida where is the best training here shout out to Cleveland Ohio what is the best place to get training I'm gonna say here will we learn go ahead well this question is uh mr. Williams will we learn where to buy screens and essentially is for a phone repairs in class so other than a tempered glass I'm sure you know the exact websites that I use today and they have screens they have cases and all that stuff on their websites so yes you do get that information in the live event and online as well oh cool appreciate all 41 people that's here already shout out to all of you no matter where you are please hit that thumbs up button is absolutely free to do and it tells YouTube that this video is decent enough to share with other people that might create value for them and this is one of those videos to just expose you guys so what's absolutely possible so two and a half hours of actual work and then we're just hanging out so if some more people show up to get their phones repairs they do but we decided well since it's already at the four o'clock it's probably a safe time now that we can go ahead and do a live stream without worried about getting interrupted by a customer but um you see where we left off shout out the Oxon Hill Maryland Nashville Tennessee Roanoke Alabama so after paying shop renting bills would you say that this is still okay let me reread it so after paying shop rent and bills would you say you're still above water right keep in mind we're talking about just one date night all month long but we're saying you're still above water after making so so I made six figures in this business so I'm definitely above water doing this but we were just talking my specifically one day just one day profit because I know a lot of times people like to compare today 9:00 to 5:00 and most generally speaking you know your average tax payer person that's working it's probably sitting at about 35 40 grand a year somewhere in that range and then that's still taxed so this is before I allocate it and all that good stuff but you talking about a six-figure business what is the best repair kid to buy be honest I don't know if you like the best I mean those people that come to the live event we give them a kid that you can make money with right so I mean you know this is it the best kid ever just yeah yeah okay like preference oh yeah I know we link it in the online courses will so there's a and now you know I'll actually put it down underneath the video as well so I don't think that there's per se one that's the best that you gotta get in order to make money in this business oh so the Houston Birmingham did you have any experience prior yeah well he's been doing this for the last eight oh yes yes I was going to say I learned on my own of course trial and error so I mean you know experience is the best teacher but that's how I learned oh and that's a good point too so for the benefit of people that this may be their first video you've never seen him on this channel before so Ontario we've done videos in the past so he's not brand new to the business this is actually the person that's gonna instruct you in the live event or the one line of course he teaches that his will this is his shop in North Carolina checking in and see he's been doing this for the last eight years making six figures right so I'm bringing him on the channel to let you know what's possible and also if you choose to get into this business and want to do any training just kind of let you know this is somebody that's actually doing it it's not like for example I've heard sometimes you'll go to college and a professor or teacher about business and they may have never had their own business right so you're gonna learn from somebody who literally has their own shop come here what your open six days a week six days here six days Monday through Saturday six days are we actually doing and making the money exactly what he's telling you guys to do he's doing it right um let me see what about okay to make sure didn't jump up uh what about how lean where the what about housing and more in town is that nearby I haven't heard of Morton town have you ever done one yeah we're not sure where that is um do you use Amazon for parts yeah in a previous video of me and Mike's need made together we did say that is one place you can you can source for us right so I'm not sure well I know that's not your only place you know I don't know we're real so far um but so I give out a suppliers list and my suppliers list is really lengthy I got some people of course you know people is coming in from all different states ironically enough one or one of the students that hit ground running and already made really good money back the shop one of the sources I gave him was like 20 minutes from his job so I give out a lot of information in the class the live event and also online it's the same material just with a live event you get that hands-on experience but yeah so it's Amazon's a way to get parts fast but it's definitely not the only way six-fingered thanks Ontario and JC no problem there will grow six figures in cell phone repair yes hey nice houston texas in the building Morgantown North Carolina in the building Florida Orlando Florida so got a few beautiful Florida Cheryl y'all hey everyone just tuned in nice to catch the I appreciate you being here you scroll down see what's up there so in your jump upon me so in your online training course you include the phone kit to start out with fixing phones no we're gonna link you to the kid and you can go buy the kit off of Amazon the people that come to the live training event that's like one of the extra perks or incentives if you will for coming to get it because those people the way we priced our online course I guess this is something else to reiterate for those who but I just may not know is that you come live is 550 but you gotta come to North Carolina right and once we started talking to people actually in the beginning when we first started talking to be before clients boot camp in a first thought of doing this class a conservative estimate was $1,000 was the total investment once they say price of the ticket rental car flights food hotel stay you name it right but now as we have more and more people gravitated to us people are saying they spending fifteen hundred two thousand dollars coming from wherever area that they're from to get here so as an extra incentive you come to the cell phone fare course you had a ticket is five fifty but we have people that say they paid another thousand or fifteen hundred dollars depending on where they are to get here so that's just a little incentive that we get for those people who like give the little extra effort because again you got a logistical II work out how you gonna get here with the online course you get it from from the comfort of your own home and you can take it at your own pace so the just one of the things that we do for the people that comes to the live event for the cell phone repair class out the Fort Lauderdale Florida you're reading my mind as a woman I was thinking this is something that I can do that's not too dirty or physical yeah how long is the class Oh currently it's a one day class as a Saturday so on a Saturday were on our cell phone repair I mean again if you're not following me on Instagram he wasn't here when I said it earlier follow me on Instagram and go watch the recent video that I put on Instagram it's a little bit it'll get us on a side tangent to talk about it here but it's a it's about updates that will be coming with this training okay even take you beyond this but this year we're trying to get you in the door cell phone repair learn this business and take it to the next level um looks like we got thing maybe one or two more lots of floor people in the chair I'm shaking from Orlando - so yeah man shut up the Florida jaesi are still doing those classes in Michigan we never did a class in Michigan salute JT and sheriff from Phoenix my son is interested but fly him to NC I don't think I can do but online I can help him out a lot absolutely and that's why we originally did the online course because people were saying they couldn't come out they didn't want to come out whatever the case may be so they asked us we just put it online so we put it online but then people that came after them and said whatever what if I need it online and face-to-face so now we're trying to work that out so logistically we're trying to accommodate as many people as possible to try to help people the best way we can just to make a little extra money so there that's exactly why we have the online course because people was like they didn't want to come out to the hands-on training or they couldn't come out whatever it was so they wanted us to put up one live course together so that's exactly who it's for um what do you get included with the online course you get all the information to do the repairs start the business everything you need as far as that goes how did Ontario you'll learn how to repair cell phone so again revisiting that thought Charlie never for me something I got my hands on experience by just investing the two phones and trying it on my own because hands-on to me is one of the best ways of learning so that's how I got involved in doing it you know selling phones all the via book I've done it all while I do it all still currently now I'm a mom and Brandon Florida with two sons so I'm trying to give my boys a heads up on making that money cuckoo how much declares calls live is 550 online is $1,000 do you do classes any other day besides the service you can take it online you can take it any day you would like to take it if you can't do it on a Saturday for whatever reason Orlando in here what's weekly class size and what the location of the in-person classes right so I think we're doing approximately 10 people these clans were just keeping it small because we haven't moved into our new location yet but we're keeping it around seeing people approximately per class and we don't do it every week so it's not every week class and we're doing it in a North Carolina I think that was the last part of the course let me see what link can I email my oldest son to take the online course again will drop there's links in the live chat for I think the online and the live of it but I'll also put it down underneath this video after it post it'll let me edit the description I'll put all of that on if you're interested into doing this training how much to get started we talked doing that already so a parent's cell phones and repairing tablet is it the same or different imma let you answer that repairing cell phones and tablets so it's very similar I like to let any student know it's very similar once you know the right way to repair you can repair anything and in the students from August 17 class now they know that and they believe that I've actually had success stories where they telling me they repaired a tablet and stuff like that tablets that we didn't even have in the training so that lets me know how efficient and thorough this training works so does the class teach how to market the cell phone repair services also yes yes you have certain day you do the training yes we do it on Saturdays but if you're like the other person that was in the chat and you can't come out on Saturday or whatever you wouldn't like to come to North Carolina then it's online and online it's self-paced so it you take you out alone you want it to take you you know how you learn and things of that nature the price is pretty good for online now we'll be contacting him today I need a link absolutely that'll be down in the description below thank you so much 81 stars I'm going to let you know who that Jake see us online how does one follow along with our actual phone or tablet's to work on right so in the course you'll have exits on Serio he's going to tell you how you can go find your own phones like most people that came through the training had at least one old phone or brought a phone to repair it on and this is people that I'm talking about the online course not loud if you don't have a phone or old phone or anything to practice on but you can't reach out to Ontario and he does give you tips and stuff on where you can go out and try to source phones to practice on fix them flip on eBay or whatever it is last question I see is what is the price hike ballpark going up so next year we're still working on that logistically because like I said we move into a bigger building we're adding substantial amount of stuff sort of training it was again I'm trying to like you know not make this video twice as long about something about all the day but uh yeah it's going to go up significantly in value because you'll be able to at least triple your money with the new stuff you're gonna add so even if the price triples it still balance itself out to the same thing that's for like the value compared so what you're getting right and I think that's pretty much what we've been doing thoughts so far so you teach Android in that for repairs yes we do alright so there you have it you guys appreciate everybody taking the time watching this video what I want you guys to understand well two things first and foremost if you take a class I don't want you to think there you come here for one day and we pretty much feed you to the wolves and it you all on your own still have continued access with this gentleman same thing with those people that are online don't think just because you took it online if you get stuck on something you're gonna be you know on your own fit to the world right you don't have access to call them email them face face time come out and shadowing like a gentleman is so it so if you would like to do all of that you can as weather the opportunity is gonna be up for everybody but even beyond that let's say that you're watching this video you don't want to take a course or whatever um if you don't say anything away from this video at all I just want you to understand that it is possible because I know 90 plus percent people that's watching this video i working at nine to five job and some of you guys love it but i get so many messages I know there's at least a handful of you guys that wish that there was an alternative where you can make enough money to take care of yourself and your family without having to do whatever it is that you dislike going now so if you don't say anything away from this video I just want to know that it is possible like I said man two and a half hours word rest of the day we just been talking on Instagram live you can see some of us just chopping it up today watching YouTube video seeing who 6-9 snitched on today and just you know I mean just having a real relaxed life and this is not abnormal this is just pretty much every day and I know lots of people out there they go to work eight nine ten hours and B they're tired like how you feel right now as far as tire I could probably go outside and jog around if you drive too long but I know it'll work ten twelve hour shifts the entire go home probably got enough energy to watch eating and go to sleep right so there's people out here there again like Oh told you he can go out in job and really just enjoy life and I just want more people if nothing else just to understand that hey whether you subscribe so it's a JC hustles invest in yourself or any training that I offer just understand it it is possible and hopefully that this encourages you actually seeing somebody tech connect is in back if you don't think it's a real business Google check connect North Carolina if it's a legit website it's a legit business right so we do things like this so if nothing else expose you to it let you know that there is possibilities outside of what you might have traditionally been told because I know myself included I don't know about you who was raised to grow up work go to college first work a job 20 30 40 years and then in your sixties year then you start enjoying your life when you 60 something career up until you die okay and again I don't think the people that taught us that hey any kind of malicious intent I just think that they taught us the best that they knew at that time she - oh yeah traditional exactly so hopefully he just let you guys know we don't drive no Lamborghinis ain't no supermodels nothing crazy like you might be seen in an advertisement but there's people out here there's no legitimate business and living good lives and you can't as will so until next time so my hustler stay hustlin JT hustles I'm going
Channel: JT Automations
Views: 3,473
Rating: 4.9682541 out of 5
Keywords: business, how to, jt hustlez, Can You Really Make $400 Profit A Day With Cell Phone Repair?, cell phone repair, live event, android repair, iphones, fixing phones
Id: koop6Om5K2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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