Can You Pass These Genius Tests?

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[Music] hey guys what's up it's Charlie here and today we're going to see if you can pass these ten genius tests well you're about to find out just how intelligent you are based on these tests these are tests that can split perception and thinking outside the box and these are tests that all geniuses get correct each test means you're pretty smart but if you get all ten right then be sure to tell me in the poll at the end as he may be a genius but before we get into it why not - a genius thing by subscribing and pressing the notification bill - coming in at number ten is hidden image so this test measures two things about you first off it measures how perceptive you are but it also measures things like your analysis and critical thinking it's super easy just take a look at this painting and tell me what you see I'll put a ten-second timer up so from now you have 10 seconds to tell me what you see in this image [Music] so after 10 seconds you should have had a good look but did he spot what the images are now 90% of people say it's of a woman doing makeup in the mirror and some Saints have a woman talking to another woman on the table if you look at the clothing and hair the woman's wearing it's actually two different women it may look like a mirror but this isn't the case however that's not the only thing in this image those with an eager eye will spot the image is actually of a skull the two woman's hair make up the eyes of the skull and the shape of what he may have thought was a mirror is actually the skull this is something most people don't notice but if you got it then well-done and give yourself one point next up is iceberg so this is a logic puzzle that any genius should be able to solve the question is simple and it's based around an iceberg a piece of ice from above the water level it's broken off an iceberg it goes on the water and then it melts but the question is will the water level change I'm gonna give you ten seconds to answer it right now anyone who's a math genius should have got this that is because you can answer this question using Archimedes principle if you think about it ice and water weigh the same something that ice is heavier but that's simply because it's a solid not a liquid so at first the water level was lowered but once the ice melts in the water it will turn into the same weight so that's why the water level won't change if you're a genius you should have got this right and set the water level won't change if you did then give yourself a pat on the back and one point but if you've got this wrong there's no shame we have more questions to see if you're a genius or not next up is circles so this is a very old test to see if you're a genius or not and it's likely the simplest one on this list it's all about how perceptive and intelligent you are all you need to do is check out this image as you can see there's a grain white grid on a black background and on that grid is a green cylinder but what is the color of the two circles and the grid I'm going to give you ten seconds on the clock two one sir see if you can work it out [Music] did you get it now most people think to these circles of different colors I mean if you look at them one of them looks very bright while the other does not but you may be amazed to know that these circles are the same color just check me out on Photoshop showing you that they're the same color I'm simply copying across these colors and as you can see they blend right into each other it's hard to believe that they're the same color but why do they look so different well first off the cylinder is casting a shadow this instantly makes the circle stand out more but also you need to look at the grid the dark circle is surrounded by the gray dark color this makes that orange look like a darker shade while the other orange is on the lighter white background it's crazy that these colors are the same but if you have a very lateral and logical mind you will work this out and if you did thanking Kratz give yourself one more genius point next up is hidden image so we've already seen one image where something was hidden that was the skull hidden amongst the two women well guess what there's something hiding in this image it's actually a piece of electronics hiding in this photo but what is it I'm gonna give you ten seconds on the clock to work it out and if you get this one right then you're very perceptive and you have a great IQ so you're ten seconds starts now so what popular piece of electronics is hiding in this image now most people think it's a heated car seat or some people say it's the seat belt or something like that but no this has nothing to do with the car at all if you look closely on the seat there's actually an iPad in a case this is something most people simply don't spot after the 10 second timer you may have seen this but admit it it did take you a short while that is if you got it at all if you did get it then well-done but if you didn't get it then there's no shame is it's very hard to see it's crazy how this iPad case blends perfectly into the seat but if you managed to differentiate the iPad case from the seed fan well done give yourself one more point next up is boat so take a look at this genius riddle this is a logic riddle which really boosts your intelligence if you get it right as you can see there's a boat a car and an airplane underneath the car is the letter L underneath the airplane is the letter A but what let it go is underneath the boat I'll give you a hint it's not B remember guys you have to use logic and knowledge to get this one right I'll put 10 seconds up on the clock right now so try and work it out [Music] you're ten seconds is up did you work out what letter goes under the boat most people think because a is on the airplane B should be under boat but then why would L be on the car well the answer to this riddle lies in where you find these modes of transportation L for the car stands for land and a for the airplane stands for air so the correct letter under the boat should have beam W this of course stands for - which is what boats go on if you got this right then well done you're very logical and intelligent and you can give yourself one point well if you didn't get it right don't worry you still have a chance to redeem yourself next up is lines so this has to be the most simple image you've seen all day take a look at this image it's simply of two lines now I want to ask you a really obvious sounding question which line is longer no pulling out of ruler and cheating only you're doing it with your eyes and brain will allow you to get this one correct I'll put ten seconds on the clock now so see if you can work it out so guys it's now it's time for you to answer which one is longer did you know that 80% of people say the vertical line is longest but they would be wrong in fact neither of these lines are longer if you have a fantastic eye on brain you'll see the both of these lines are the same size now this may seem impossible but I can assure you guys it's true the simple fact is vertical lines look longer than horizontal lines that is why when people want to look slimmer they wear vertical lines this is because it makes you look taller and thinner as opposed to wider and smaller so if there's any plus-sized people trying to look slimmer then here's a tip for you but either way if you got this one correct then give yourself one point next up is pyramid so do you think your logical and have a good eye well this test will prove it take a look at this pyramid now you have a few options to choose from but which of these options is the top view of the pyramid this may seem similar but it does take a while to work out and did you know that 70% of people get this wrong meaning if you do get it then you're very smart you're ten seconds starts now try and work it out did you guys solve this pyramid riddle if you did then who knows maybe you're so smart you can work out how they built the real pyramids but let's get on to the answer the actual correct answer here was see most people assume it's B however they would be mistaken this is all about perception and logic so if you got this then give yourself one point coming up next is apples so this is a very fun and tricky riddle and if you get this right then I will be impressed here we go there are five apples in a basket and they need to be divided among five people how can you divide the five apples so that each person has an apple and one Apple stays in the basket the key to this question is not to overthink it so I'll give you ten seconds starting now did you guys get this one right chances are you didn't as most people get this wrong the answer is give four people an apple and give one person an apple in the basket this way the five people have one apple each but one Apple still stays in the basket this is a very obvious and tricky question and I'm sure if you got this one wrong then you're face palming right now how easy it really was this one simply requires you not to overthink it but if you did overthink it then I don't blame you it's most other questions on this list who require you to overthink next up is hit an animal so we've seen images with hidden things inside them but this one is a hidden animal but can you see the other animal hiding within the Frog if you've already seen it then you're a genius but I'm gonna eat you a 10-second timer anyway so guys did he find the hidden animal within the frog if he found it then well done and I guarantee once you've seen the other animal you cannot unsee it in case you guys haven't worked it out yet I'm gonna rotate this 90 degrees and you should be able to see it if you haven't seen it by now then come on guys it's clearly a horse as you can see depending on how you rotate this image it can either be a frog or a horse if you got this right then give yourself a point but if not then hurry up and get smart because we've only got one more left next up we have arrows so this is kind of similar to the lines question from before except this one is slightly more difficult as you can see there are three arrows all you guys need to do is rank these arrows in order from longest to shortest I'll give you ten seconds starting right now so guys have you put these arrows in order yet most people say the middle arrow is the longest and then the other two are the same but those people would be wrong in reality all of the lines in the arrows are the same length the thing that misses for this illusion is the arrows they make them all seem way longer and way shorter but in reality they're the exact same length if you don't believe me this is them all stacked up as you can see they're the same length and if you got this right then well done you are a genius but guys the real question is how many of these did you get right hits the pole in the top right corner but for how many you got right and guys I'm even gonna tell you what it means to pending on how many of these you got right if you got zero right thing you must have not been paying attention you should try and do this intelligence test again or do one of my other intelligent tests on the channel who knows maybe you'll get better luck if you got one two three right then you're getting there but you might need a little more IQ practice if you've got four to six right then you're about average intelligence so well done if you've got seven to nine right then you're above average intelligence and if you've got all ten right then you're either cheating or you're a true genius I haven't seen a single person to get all ten of these right but if you did then well done maybe order apply for Mensa if you want more amazing videos then check out my second channel they'll be a link to that on screen in a moment but as always thanks for watching check out some more doesn't screen rights now leave like if you enjoyed and if you haven't already what you waiting for subscribe to top turns [Music]
Channel: Top 10s
Views: 1,850,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: test, iq, intelligence, genius, riddles, riddle, pass, fail, genius tests, intelligence test, iq test, how smart are you, dumb, smart, brainteasers, logical puzzles, personality test, riddles for a mastermind, riddles that will trick your friends, solve, high iq, low iq, riddles that will blow your mind, riddles and brain teasers with answers, test your logic, logic, logical, boost your brainpower, tricky questions, tricky, hard, easy, hard riddles, riddles that will trick your mind, top 10, 10
Id: 5jst5QI9gsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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