Can you guess these Radiohead songs in under 1 second?

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Love this mans vids

EDIT: Wait David is that you?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 14 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/drdax2187 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

10/15, mildly upset about one of the ones i missed in section 3

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 9 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/abe_froman šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

8 out of 15.

That was a worthy challenge.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/residentialnemesis šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

My guesses:

1- Treefingers
2- Jigsaw
3- You And Whose Army
x 4- I eventually settled on How Do You?
5- Just

x 6- Hunting Bears
x 7- Black Star
x 8- I genuinely drew a blank
9- Myxomatosis
10- Little By Little

11- Bodysnatchers
x 13- I had no idea
14- Nude
15- A Wolf At The Door

I'm a bit amazed that I did as well in the 1/2 second clips as the 2 second clips.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 7 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/exileondaytonst šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

14/15! I thought Sulk was Nice Dream.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/amsp2016 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 25 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

David is amazing! I always watch his videos

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Scatterbrain1992 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

That was fun!

I don't listen to songs, mostly albums. So I didn't know the names of most songs. But I got 9 out of 15 knowing exactly what song was playing and the album. 13 out of 15 I got the album right.

Considering most Radiohead songs don't have a chorus or hook that repeat the name of the song, I've memorized the lyrics to a lot of the songs but can't remember the names of the songs, lol.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/dapala1 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

12 for 15 ā€” I missed Vegetable, Hunting Bears, and Bodysnatchers.

Love your videos! I always look for the Radiohead examples. Iā€™d love to see a sequel to this one sometime too!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Naranek42 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 25 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Love this, do Muse next please.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Zatheart šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 25 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
this video is sponsored by the piano learning app skoove today we're doing another guess the song challenge and by popular demand it's going to be radiohead radiohead songs so it's the exact same format as the last one i did so we have one round of five two second examples the next round will be five one second examples and the final round will be five half a second examples also bear in mind that the little clips will be taken from anywhere within the song they won't necessarily have come from the very start of the song and also obviously these sets have been prepared by a friend of mine so i have no idea what's going to be in this and i'm very scared and very nervous that i'm going to get a completely dismal score um but yeah just like last time play along let me know in the comments what you get and let's have a listen to the first clip [Music] okay i'm fairly sure i know this one it's very ambient let's have a listen again i should mention also actually i forgot to mention that with each example we're going to listen to the clip twice so we've listened to it once now we're going to listen to it again a second time [Music] okay i'm fairly sure that this is tree fingers from kid a let's find out [Music] cool so we're off to a good start and um i'm quite tough with that one to be honest because it was only really an ambient symphony i kind of got it straight away actually but um let's see if it's all downhill from here this is clip number two okay i am oh it's on the tip of my tongue okay so i've got one more lesson let's have a look let's have another listen i i'm sort of 60 sure on what i think it is oh okay i know it's from in rainbows i can i know that oh i've got it i can hear it in my hand sing it i'm gonna say jigsaw falling into place but i might really regret that okay thank god i am for some reason i was thinking in my head it might be weird fishes which is also on that album um yeah that's cool okay we're off to a really good start um clip number three let's find out okay i i'm doing so well on this i really did think i'd do um really badly on this so i did pretty badly on the on the beatles one but i feel like i know this one already um let's let's give this one another listen okay so we've got that breath coming in and i'm fairly sure this is you and whose army [Music] okay great we've got three out of three so far uh obviously these are the easiest ones these are the two second clips it might get a much harder game once we get into the 0.5s but um okay let's proceed so clip number four [Music] okay this is the first one where i don't instantly recognize it um the sort of twangy guitar makes me think it's perhaps the first album or the second album probably the very first album pablo honey and that would explain as well why i don't know it as well because i don't listen to that album as much as the others hmm um right now i don't even really have a guest to give so i'm going to listen to it again um this might be the end of my run of glory [Music] man to be honest if you played with that clip out of context of doing this game i wouldn't even say it's radiohead oh so yeah i think it's something from pablo honey i can barely remember what's in pablo honey um there's one that's called like what's it called like lurgy or lurgy i'm probably saying it completely wrong but i'm going to go with that the lurgy or whatever it's called let's find out [Music] right okay that's the first one i've got wrong and i knew that pablo honey would be my my downfall with this but um it's vegetable from pablo honey and um like really to be honest if you had asked me before today have radio had got a song called vegetable i would have said no but there you go and that's my achilles heel and it may not be the first it may not be the last time that um pablo honey stings me today but um let's move on so it's um three out of four so far and now we're going on to number five the last two second clip [Music] ah okay it's funny how we got that that chord on the distorted electric guitar and then on the very last beat that we heard it went down a semitone and it was only then that i clocked what song it was i think if it had cut off before that i might have been stuck um but yeah let's listen to it second time [Music] okay i'm fairly sure it's just cool so yeah i was fairly confident with that one um but as i said it was literally that last little chord change that um that gave it away for me um and in my head i went from ah it sounds a bit like the bends to ah it's just um but yeah that's the end of the the two second ones and i've currently got four out of five uh if you've got five out of five so far and well done on that but it's only gonna get harder now so let's have a listen to the first of our one second clips okay i do recognize it i can kind of imagine in my head what's gonna happen next but um i don't know what it's called that's frustrating okay let's listen to the next next um replay of it okay oh i think i've suddenly realized what it is maybe i don't know i think it's from the king of limbs and i think it's codec let's find out [Music] okay good um i had a bit of a scare though because i genuinely recognized it but i couldn't think what it was called and i only just remembered about koenig um okay so we're five out of six let's move on to the next one oh okay that was difficult um it was quite a sort of barrage of sound really it was very noisy my instinct is that it's um something from the bends but let's let's use on a second listen um the instrumentation sort of the heavy guitar and the acoustic drum kit sounds like something from the bends so maybe i just need to take a sort of guess or something from the bend because beyond that i really don't know what it is um let's say nice stream okay nice stream let's see [Music] right so i was right about the bends and um something that i didn't mention actually which i probably should have is that um i did feel even from that short clip that it was in six eight and that's why i went with nice stream because i'm pretty sure that nice dream is in six eight um but it was sulk which is also in six eight and also from the pens um yeah no point there but um let's move on so we're now on to clip number eight and um let's see how we got with this one oh man that was really short i barely caught anything from that um i've got sort of a an in sort of intuition about what it might be but let's have another listen okay my intuition is telling me uh daydreaming um because i feel like i can hear this sort of like muted piano arpeggio in there like the most prominent sound is some sort of like cello or something but i'm gonna go with daydreaming it and see how we get on with that [Music] right so um i was right with the album i guess but um it's not daydreaming it's glass eyes which is um another one where if you said like has already had got some called glass eyes i wouldn't have said yes but there you go so um i'm starting to lose the sort of um progress that i made at the start i think i've got five out of eight so far so if you're if you're currently still on eight out of eight uh i'm very impressed um all right let's move on so we've got a couple more of these one second clips before we get into the real bad boys at the end um so this is clip number nine let's have a listen okay that i feel even though it was such a short sort of bombardment of sound i think i know what this one is let's have another listen okay yeah that sort of fuzzy symph sound is so distinctive plus this is one of my favorite radiohead songs ever i'm fairly sure that this is mixomitosis yes yes so that one i just was another one of those which i just knew instantly um which i'm you know i'm impressed with only one second um okay so i'm pulling it back a bit six out of nine ain't that bad i guess um let's listen to the last one second clip oh man i don't know what this is okay so we've got some like kind of almost like ethnic sounding percussion and i think in the left channel we've got more of a piano part but that does not ring any bells for me let's have a let's have another listen i don't know my instinct is that it's something from a moon shaped pool trying to think what songs are on there which i know it's not and which songs are on there which it could be um i think the thing is a bit like how i said pablo honey is a weak spot because i don't listen to it as much moonshape paul being the newest album i have not listened to as much as i have some of the classics so um i know that there's a song on there called um i can't actually remember the full name is something like tinker taylor soldier spy but it's not that but you know which one i mean but i'm gonna go with that one tinker taylor it's just a punt though let's find out no so it was uh little by little from the king of limbs which um yeah i don't know it's one i probably should have got i might have got that if i picked up more of the melody but um i just did not recognize that that's the percussion part um and now listening to the full clip it doesn't sound sort of ethnic at all which to me it sounded in the moment it sounded like some sort of indian or like middle eastern instrument but um nope it's just like some sort of drum machine thing and i got it wrong but um that's the end of the um the one second clips so in a minute we'll be moving on to the half a second clips and i've kind of lost track of my score now but i think i'm going into it with six out of ten maybe seven out of ten i'm not sure they'll be i'll put it on the screen um but just before we do that i want to talk to you about today's sponsor which is scoove scoove is an interactive app that teaches you how to play piano by giving you instant feedback because it listens to you as you play through the piece of music they have a whole range of classic songs on there and if you use the link in the description you can get a free trial and start learning piano today okay so this is maximum difficulty this is half a second of a radiohead song and trying to identify it so um let's see how we get on with this um clip number one whoa okay so it's literally just like a bit of distorted guitar some sort of percussion hit and um oh man i have like no idea what this is um okay let's let's use our second listen oh god i really don't know what it is if you if you know what this is i'm so impressed um i'm gonna have to just take a guess it's you know it's definitely heavily heavily distorted it could be the sort of distorted bit in paranoid android so i'm just gonna say that paranoid android let's see if that's right [Music] right so yeah i was wrong with that one and when i heard the answer when i heard it played as a longer clip it was obvious it was body snatchers definitely one i would have got if i heard more of it but um that's the thing with the 0.5 seconds is you know that moment you get has to be something pretty telling um so yeah like i said if you've got that that's that's really quite impressive um i really hope i get one of these 0.5 second ones let's see uh four opportunities left let's try it out oh it does ring about it's um you have some sort of like kind of quite saturated synth sound but i don't know what song it is oh this is going to be like a really dismal end to this video isn't it but i just get none of these right um okay let's have one more listen oh man it's gonna be another guess um oh let's just say idiotic because i know that's got lots of symphony [Music] oh no so yeah once again um that's one of my favorites as well but um i got that wrong um that's everything in this right place um but it's not in its wrong place because i got it absolutely wrong um let's move on so got three chances left i really want to get one of these right oh god what was that that was like a little scratching sound um i would have said just i would have said it was like the little guitar scratch before the solo but we've already had just what could it be if it's not that do i go with paranoid android again i'm really i'm really failing at this now so yeah if you guys are getting this this is so impressive but um okay i've got one more listen let's have a listen to that scratch again no i'm not getting anything from that um okay let's say paranoid paranoid android and pray to god oh no so it was hunting bears and once again as with all of these 0.5s and the moment i heard the longer clip i knew what it was but it was just that little moment of it didn't give me enough information um but yeah if you guys are getting these i'm so impressed but um two opportunities left to get the 0.5 thing i think the only thing that saved me is i did pretty well in the first round but apart from that i'm gonna wind up with a pretty embarrassing score here and that's how we get on okay this time i have a slight clue i have a slight idea in my head of what it is let's listen again all right i think this is nude never has nude sounded so good um i'm so relieved that i got one of these right um it was just something in the texture of um the voice and the instrumentation that just made me think of nude and nude is one of my absolute favorite radiohead songs so i think i've just put in the the hours with that one um but right we're on the last clip here so um if you're still on 14 out of 14 so far then that is incredibly impressive and i'm sure you'll be gloating in the comments um but yeah here's the last one and my last chance to redeem myself [Music] okay tiny bit of voice bit of drums my instinct is that it's something from in rainbows that might be completely wrong though um let's have the last listen oh i don't know it sounds like something kind of slow um oh i really don't know this is just embarrassing now isn't it okay let's take a punt something from in rainbows let's say um all i need all i need from in rainbows let's try that no [Music] so no i have i have fallen at the last hurdle uh it was wolf at the door um which i it's one of my favorites i just i just couldn't pick it up on 0.5 um but that's it so um i got 7 out of 15. so just under half and uh on the beatles one we did of this i got 8 out of 15 so i've actually done a little bit worse um but um i think 7 out of 15 is just about acceptable for a sort of respectable score um but yeah let me know how you guys got on let me know if you got full marks which would be highly impressive and let me know what artists i should try this again with i've been suggested queen pink floyd um the the problem for me is that i started with the artist i know best which is the beatles and now i've done the artist i know second best so my score was only gonna start getting worse um and considering i've only ever just got half that's pretty bad uh but maybe i need to do some more homework um yeah let me know what you like and thanks for watching and as always a massive massive thanks goes to everyone who supports me on patreon including the names you see on screen right now and andrei science diagra andy deacon andrew andrew brown andrew sussman austin barrett austin russell bob mckinstry whitney parker cameron alvila colin aiken chris cabal christopher ryan david rivers donald howard doctor darren wicks elena scorchenko eugene leroy fd hodor greg kabovsky illimo latona kutcher hugo miller ivan pang jake fisher james cayo j.a hokensberger john dye josh sandolin justin vigger lee lawrenson mark ziegenhagen max o'keefe melody composer squared melanie schoenert michael vivian nancy gillard nathan lawrence nathaniel park paul middleton paul muller paul hazel peter dunphy richard bride roger clay john kennedy steve daly stephen lazzaro tim beaker homer aharoni trisha adams tim payne victor levy vidad flowers vladimir kodikov volte and weyland fairbanks [Music] you
Channel: David Bennett Piano
Views: 160,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guess the song, quiz, challenge, play a long, play along, test, music quiz, song challenge
Id: O5h7nQdWhKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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