Can You Give Yourself the Hiccups?

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Today we test various methods of inducing the hiccups. Let's do that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ Good (hiccup) Mythical Morning. Today we tackle the topic of hiccups. You know, there's lots of conversation floating around the Internet. You can find lots of information-- boop-boopity-boop-boop-boop-- about the hiccups. What are they? But it's all false, except what you're gonna hear today. - Is that what you were gonna say? - No, it's all true, so we're going a different direction today. - Oh, good. - You can find out what they are. It's basically an electronic misfiring signal to the diaphragm that then sucks air in, but then your vocal cords close up in order to prevent all that air from going in, (hiccup) and it makes that sound of a hiccup. Why does it happen? I don't know. Some people are louder than others. You're a loud hiccuper, so hopefully we can make some happen today. A lot of people search and make videos about-- including SciShow recently-- of how to stop hiccuping once you have started. Basically, Hank tells you to fool the vagus nerve. (chuckling) I've done that before. So all of that's already out there. We want to go boldly where no two guys on an internet show have gone before-- at least as far as we know-- and that's the opposite way. How do we actually induce the hiccups in ourselves? I'm not talking about getting rid of them. - I'm talking about getting them. - And you gotta keep in mind, this could be very useful, because I can't tell ya how many times I would like to excise myself from a conversation that I don't want to be in at like a party. And I'm always like, "Well, I gotta go use the restroom or something," but... (weird voice) "Gotta use the restroom." ...if you can induce hiccups-- When you're in a conversation with somebody and they begin to hiccup, it becomes-- (boring voice) So yeah, man. I'm, like, on the third stage... - (hiccup) - ...of my process of... - (hiccup) - ...really ascertaining... - (hiccup) - ...uh... - (hiccup) - ...where I'm going to be traveling... - (deep hiccup) - ...over the next few mo-- are you okay? - I probably need to leave. - Yeah, at that point, - it's up to you to say-- - Yeah, man. They'll ask you to leave if you start doing that. I mean, I think it's pretty cool, the people who can make themselves burp. My 11-year-old daughter is a master at it. I can't do it, so-- - Swallow air. - I know, but I can't do it. But if I can learn how to make myself hiccup, - that would be a good party trick. - Yeah. So you'll be getting out of conversations at the parties. I'll be, like, entertaining people at the party with my... (rhythmic hiccups) - (laughter) - Okay, so what I have are different things that supposedly-- different situations or different practices which will induce the hiccups. Most of these are from Mayo Clinic. - And that's a legitimate resource. - Even though-- We don't always use legitimate resources, - but the Mayo Clinic-- that's legitimate. - A lot of these-- and some of them are, but a lot of these, even though they're from Mayo, don't seem that legitimate. We're gonna try all of 'em, and we're gonna see if we can induce the hiccups. - Feel free to try along at home. - I think the idea is that all of these methods have worked for someone. So we're gonna try all of them to see if some of them work for us. First, drinking a carbonated beverage. I have the Dew of the Large Hills-- what did you call it? - Right here. - Yeah, and I've got Mr. Salt. So I guess this has worked for me before. Chugging a carbonated beverage-- let's go for it. (gulping) (Rhett sighs) (slight heave) That was real. (burps internally) That was a burp. - That was real. - (Rhett burps) That was real. (snickering) Now, we're not trying to burp here, just to clarify. But it's gotta go somewhere. - I had one real hiccup in that process. - You did? The very first one. My hiccups are not that loud. - I had an internal hiccup. - That was a hic-down. (Rhett and crew laugh) Oh. Not as funny as your laugh with-- (burps) - Don't laugh at your own jokes, Rhett. - Excuse me, guys. Next one we can try-- since I guess we'll call that one still TBD. - I got one. - I got an internal one. You got a hic-down; that's cool. Eating too much, according to Mayo Clinic. So we're gonna-- - Eating too much too fast, I think. - Yeah, eating-- It just says, "eating too much." Okay. Whatever. Let's do it. Let's do it too fast. (rapid crunching) - (Rhett) You get any? - (mouth full) No. It's not gonna happen. I've never gotten hiccups from eating too much too fast. (mouth full) We'll go to the next one. I'm still chewing. According to the Mayo Clinic, excitement can induce hiccups. And so Link, I wanted to let you know that we got this letter in the mail. It says "To Rhett & Link." - Okay. - (excited scream) (loudly) We won a trip to Bermuda! (both gasping in feigned disbelief) I'm getting really excited 'cause it's not really happening, - but just act like you were doing. - (loud gasps) (excitedly) Isn't that the triangle where you get lost?! - (excitedly) No, that's on the way! - Oh, really? - It's an island! - Whoo! - Yeah, we're gonna be there! - (yells indistinctly) - I'm actually being excited! - We're gonna-- yeah! 'Cause I know that this isn't for real! - Yeah! - YEAH! (exchanging hollers) Whoo! We won a trip! - (laughs) - Okay. The hiccups should start any minute now. - What if I told you... - I'm sorry. ...we actually did win a trip to Bermuda. (forced laughs) - No, still lying. - So that didn't-- (cracking up) That didn't work. - Sudden temperature change. - (Link) Okay. Sudden temperature change. All right, so I have a vat of ice water here. Just stick your face in that. Whoo! Hoohoo, it's like Bermuda down there. Check it out. I gotta use the same vat? I don't get my own vat? It's gonna be salty now, 'cause I-- He was, like, going in like he was diving. It got a lot colder. (crew giggles) Ooh! That is some fwoooh! - Whoo! - That is some whoo! (giggling) Where did it go? - No hiccups for me. - Hold on. - Oh. - Maybe we gotta go to Bermuda. Oh my goodness. Okay, now let's just see if one wells up. (Rhett burps, everyone else laughs) Swallowing air while chewing gum. - This is on the Mayo Clinic website. - It's legitimate. Here we go. Here's some Orbits gum-- not a sponser. It's actually just, uh-- it's just, uh-- it's a toy. Swallowing air while chewing gum. (inhales sharply) I can't swallow air. (Link burps) That was just a-- This is the nastiest thing ever, man. I'm sorry. I can't swallow air. I can breathe air really well. I can do it. It makes you burp, though. - I mean, I've done that enough today. - Do it. - (burps) - (laughs) That is a talent. What do you mean, you can't do that? Just swallow the air. I don't know how to do it, and I don't want to be berated for it. (burps internally, crew laughs loudly) (laughing) Shut up! Oh, are you okay? - I almost swallowed the gum. - (laughs) Well... I mean, are you getting the hiccup sensation? - (Rhett) No, not even close, man. - Okay, here's another one. A hair, or something else in your ear, touching your eardrum. I mean, Mayo Clinic. You mind if I get a little hair off the back? Just take some of that. (Rhett) I got it. (Link) But how much are you getting? I got this much. Oh, I got some and you got some. What in the world? Look at how much he got. - Here, stick that in my ear. - (crew laughs) - See if I can get the hiccups. - This is the weirdest episode. (giddy laughing) (Link) Yeah, don't act happy about it, 'cause that makes me feel awkward. - (laughs) - Is it really-- This is stupid. We cut your hair off, and we're putting it in my ear. - (crew laughing) - Just so you know what's happening. - (yelps) - I'm not hitting the drum. You're getting close enough. Here. Let me try it. No, don't-- I don't want-- I don't want to-- You don't want your own hair in your own ear? You're gonna be dealing with that soon, you know? Oh, I already am. I got some hair growing out of my ears like a grandpa. Okay. Bad odors. We got some things that we don't like the smell of based on previous episodes. Liquid smoke and blue cheese. - Gorgonzola. - I like blue cheese to eat, but when you put your nose right up on it, it's really not pleasant. - Mm. - Take a whiff of that. - Ew. - That is the worst. - Mm. Take a whiff of this. - I'm gonna put them both together. It might make me sneeze; it's not gonna give me the hiccups. That stank. That's some stank. But I think we've got something that I believe is foolproof to round it out here. Spicy food you've seen before when we eat hot peppers it happens. But we're just gonna drink straight hot sauce. We took the-- we each have a thing of hot sauce. This always works for me. I mean-- We took the restrictors out so we can just drink it straight up just like we're-- you know. I feel like I'm gonna let you guys down if we don't hiccup, and I'm really hoping this will do it. I'm not excited about doing this, but-- (swallows, sighs) (Rhett) This is not hot enough. It's not gonna do it for me. But I brought a backup. It's not too intense, Link. It's not a ghost pepper or a Carolina Reaper. Whenever I have one of these at a restaurant, it gets me. And so just take them whole. I feel like I am on the edge (quiet burp) of glory. You just burped again. - No, that was just a neck burp. - Neck burp. Here we go. Let's do this one. (Rhett munching) (pepper squishes, suppressed snickers) - Mine exploded. - You got some on your computer there. (crunching) - It's hot. - It's gonna getcha. - You're gonna hiccup. - I feel a little sick. Ever since that Carolina Reaper, any spicy stuff makes me feel sick. (crunching) I feel like you get a set of hiccups in a given 10-minute period. And I got it with the Dr Pepper, and now I can't get it with the other things. Maybe we proved some other kind of science today. (chuckles) Some other kind of science? I don't really want to eat another one, but I will eat one more. - Eat two at the same time. - I don't want to let you guys down. (Rhett) You can do it, Link. (crunching) Oh. We got some straight jalapeños. - Jalapeño slices? - They're pickled. Means they're not quite as hot. I feel like I'm dancing on the edge of a hiccup, but-- That should be the name of a song. "Dancing on the Edge of a Hiccup." Try some of these. Take two. Call me in the morning. (laughter) (crunching) It's hot. My cheeks are starting to sweat. All four of 'em. I don't know. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. Maybe we're psyching ourselves out or something, man. I mean, every time I eat one of these in a restaurant or when I eat a really hot pepper, it does it. But I think I had my one hiccup for a ten-minute period. - Well... - You haven't had any. Guys, I'm sorry if you were hoping that we were gonna hiccup, but we tried our best. But I think what we've learned-- Like Rhett said, I think we've discovered a new type of science, whatever that means, which, basically, I think-- - Groundbreaking! - I think translates into: it is hard to make yourself hiccup. Yeah, but it's not hard to make yourself stop once you start. You know what? I'll go so far as to say it is impossible to make yourself hiccup. That's a lie. Well, let us know if you hiccup while trying to watch us hiccup. Now, the moment we stop recording is the moment I gonna hiccup. - You know that's gonna happen, right? - Yeah, probably. - Okay. - That's what Good Mythical More is for. Okay. Thanks for liking and commenting on this video. You know what time it is. Hi, I'm Jessica from Middle of Nowhere, California, and it's time to spin The Wheel of Mythicality. - ♪ (Wheel of Mythicality theme) ♪ - Earlier this week, we announced the all-new camouflage Mythical shoe. But we still got it. We still got some. You can get those at Also, get yourself the Mythical hat. Bam right here. It's got that underneath that matches the shoe. - Get them as a set. - Look at that. Look at that. Click through to Good Mythical More, where we explore the interesting ways to get rid of the hiccups. "Two cowboys too afraid to duel." - (gruff voice) Hey, Oscar. - (gruff voice) Hey, Jeb. It's good to see ya again. Ah, well, let's not prolong the inevitable. - All right. - We're supposed to shoot at each other. That's right. I made an appointment for this. I know. Because we keep talking ourselves out of it. But we got to do it this time. But, I mean, it's 3:30 PM after school. Well, it's technically high noon. That's when you're supposed to do it. - Okay. - So we're three hours late. Yeah, well, depends on what timezone you're in. We're not in the right one. - How's Martha? - She's pretty good. - How's Tammy? - Oh, Tammy, well-- - I know how Tammy is. - W-- hey, brother! (imitates gunshot) [Captioned by Sebastian: GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,453,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hiccup, hiccups, drink, soda, carbonated, excitement, eat, fast, spicy, chewing, gum, swallow, temperature, change, water, wet, hot sauce, burp, belch, cure, cause, make, enduce, bermuda, letter, Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, season 6, how to hiccup, how to get hiccups
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 07 2014
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