Can you find PEACE & QUIET in an RV Campground?

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this video brought to you by the man the myth the legend Vinnie lamigans lamika [Music] some call him Whisperers campfire question [Music] air guitar Edition [Music] hey guys we are Sean and Christy this is long long honeymoon coming at you today with a great topic courtesy of Christina 81 83 who says hello folks thanks for all your diligent work you've made our lives much easier as we moved into rving and then full timing how about a discussion of seasonal campers we've tried to do our due diligence investigated a campground that looked just fine on the web only to discover that it's about 75 percent seasonal campers who show up on weekends to party down blast loud music drink beer and be generally obnoxious that was me and I apologize for that Campground reviews don't always reveal this if Travelers stay a day or two or three during the week it's nice and quiet and the rules are observed if they say over the weekend peace and quiet are foreign ideas how can a traveler particularly somebody who wants to spend weeks in a high interest Place Fair doubt how much of the park is actually residential or seasonal have you experienced this is it becoming more of a problem what other challenges are becoming more common for rvers who actually travel so in this video we're going to give you five strategies to find peace and quiet in campgrounds and before we begin I'm going to suggest a cheat don't stay in a campground you could just Boondock 100 miles away from everyone and be outside of Campground but that is cheating so we're gonna focus on Campground stays tip number one research your campgrounds wisely these days you have more resources than ever before to know what you're getting into yeah I mean can't ground reviews are plentiful there are lots of different websites you can explore for that I think compendium is probably your best resource just because I feel like most of the reviews there are very thorough and people do give details on things like noise level what your fellow campers are going to be like that sort of thing the other thing that you could do is simply call the campground and say hey what's your weekend look like you know are there a lot of loud groups there I really want somewhere that's going to be quiet and peaceful does your RV park match what I'm looking for and I think most of them would be honest with you and say you know we have bigger groups on the weekend it tends to be a little more Rowdy because they don't want you to get there and be unhappy and then make a fuss about it the other thing I think you could do is go on Facebook or Instagram anywhere that you're a member of some sort of rving group like we're a member of several Airstream specific groups on Facebook and I think going into those kind of forums and just asking has anybody ever stayed at this Campground was it noisy on the weekend what do you think and I think people are generally going to try to help you out quite often those campgrounds themselves will have specific pages on Facebook for example and that's a good way to communicate with the campground beforehand and ask some questions about what you're getting into yeah and you might also scroll through their page to see if anybody else has left comments discussing you know noise or peace and quiet or what have you whatever you're looking for to see if it's going to fit your requirement so I think what Christine is referring to she's calling seasonal campers I think we're really talking about recreational yeah just weekend the campers and ironically RV is recreational vehicle and yes a lot of people go RV camping to kind of relax and blow off steam and sometimes they might make a little bit of noise so tip number two is to whenever possible opt for off-peak days and weekdays because weekends especially during the summer months can get Rowdy in a lot of these campgrounds you know when I was a teenager camping was a code word for hanging out with friends and drinking beer some of the rowdier campers that I've encountered in parks and campgrounds have been tent campers because a lot of times we're talking about frankly young broke college students young men who want to go out play music drink beer with their buddies and these may be the type of campers you're encountering you know something you can do when you're looking into a campground talk to the staff beforehand and ask are there certain sites that that are more private and more quiet than others let the staff know that that is your top priority and maybe they will put you into a site that is not right next to the big tent party site yeah you don't want to be next to the group Camp tent site where there's going to be like 30 people because we do encounter those sometimes in certain state parks or you know just recreational areas of that sort of thing yeah that's when you're going to encounter big groups that are loud a bunch of teenagers and most of them I would say don't mean harm occasionally you do encounter those people that are just drunk and Rowdy and just being a complete jerk we've had very very few of those situations yeah it's pretty rare very rare again to Circle back to boondocking you might stay in the peaceful quiet Campground during the week and then pull up stakes and go Boondock for a couple of nights in a quiet area during the weekend so those weekend campers can come in and blow off their Steam on Friday and Saturday nights then you move back in on Sunday and you're set for the next five days tip number three choose a campground with specific rules and regulations basically what you're looking for is a campground that has quiet hours and enforces them I think a lot of state parks tend to have quiet hours posted and usually you'll see a park ranger sort of roaming about enforcing quiet hours I think a lot of koas tend to have like quiet hours more of the kind of upscale RV resort places typically post quiet hours and that's something else that you can call and ask do you guys have quiet hours do you enforce them I don't want to be somewhere where there's going to be a loud Rowdy party next to my RV most places are going to be honest with you and say yes we have quiet hours we don't tolerate loud parties whatever and then other ones will say you know this may not be the campground for you and that's okay certainly most state and national parks would have quiet hours and even the city parks most campgrounds do you know the real question is are they enforced and you might really reinforce that point with the staff before you choose a particular Campground oddly I'm where we've probably witnessed more people being up late at night and being a little bit loud is Fort Wilderness a Disney World a Disney World yeah and it's because a lot of people are coming in from the parks late at night you know they want to sit outside and kind of relax from their day and they probably get a little louder than they really realize that they are you know they're these darn fireworks that go off at 9pm when I'm trying to get some sleep and that's true you know so things like that you need to ask are you having a bonfire that everybody's attending at 10 pm and they're going to be walking back to their camper at 11 30 at night or just events like that that might affect the noise in your area looking for a campground that doesn't have those kind of events will probably help it be quieter tip number four is a little bit unusual and that is to seek out adult oriented campgrounds and of course you can't find these everywhere in every part of the country however we've stayed at some campgrounds that have been age 55 and older even though we weren't 55 because at the time you know we didn't have any kids or pets with us they let us stay there so if you fall in a certain age category you may qualify to stay in some of those communities that are rving communities and campgrounds that are targeted to older people who tend to be more quiet I mean there's no guarantee of course now you might have noise outside at 6 a.m because they're out you know watering their plants and washing their car at six in the morning so it's kind of the opposite effect there it's like you know they may not be up at 11 30 at night but they might be up at the crack of dawn in the morning when I think about noise we've encountered in campgrounds I mean quite frankly some of the family-oriented campgrounds can be noisier because you've got a family of kids out who are just enjoying their time yeah little kids running and yelling and screaming everything must be done in full vocal screen at all times you know so we've we've definitely experienced that you know the the screaming may start at Sunrise and it could go late into the night who knows but you kind of know that up front and to be clear I am certainly not complaining going to Disney World and complaining about noise is kind of like going to a discotheque and complaining about all the dancing within reason it comes with the territory I think it's true of a lot of the koas frankly because a lot of the koas are very family oriented Jellystone Parks for sure yeah like these Yogi Bear type places because they really are catering to families with young kids you know and I think it's great great I think it's wonderful for children and it's wonderful for families but if you're just wanting peace and quiet probably not the best choice I also think that campgrounds that don't have as many amenities like they don't have power hookups at your site they don't have full bath houses they don't have a swimming pool those kind of campgrounds that don't have those amenities are probably going to be your quieter campgrounds because they are people that are really searching for a camping experience which is the perfect segue into tip number five explore off the beaten path or lesser-known campgrounds yes absolutely because a lot of times there are campgrounds that don't have these amenities they don't have a swimming pool and guess what that means people aren't running around screaming and splashing all day long Common upside sometimes less is more yeah if they don't have power hookups then you're not going to have people sitting outside blasting a television for the most part because are probably going to be trying to conserve their their power resources in their RV as long as they're not blasting a generator well this is true to power the TV set and we have witnessed that generator yeah we have been next to people blasting a generator to blast their television the last thing a 100 decibel generator to watch a TV set outside the camper okay to each his own yeah so I mean it does happen but for the most part I think if you're going to these more remote Basics kind of campgrounds where they don't have hookups like National Park campgrounds for the most part don't have hookups they don't have full bath houses so it is a true more rugged raw camping experience and I think you'll find more peace and quiet in those locations to conclude there's really no perfect way to guarantee peace and quiet if you're camping in a campground environment now I do think if you are adventurous and seek out some boondocking spots and are willing to stay outside of a campground and go without hookups then you can find peace and quiet maybe even disturbingly peaceful and quiet places and also I think if you go further out from from City centers you know a lot of those weekend cam campers are people that you know their kids got out of school on Friday they load up the the camper and they tow an hour away to a campground and stay for the weekend because it's super convenient so if you get a little further outside of that radius of a big city I think you'll you'll encounter quieter campgrounds as well because you know most people aren't going to drive four or five hours for a weekend to get away also maybe just get yourself some earplugs I mean actually there are strategies that you can utilize inside your RV to make it more quiet earplugs white noise apps and so forth that will help mask out some of that outside noise so we hope this list has been helpful what about you guys do you prioritize peace and quiet when you're traveling with your RV if so are there any strategies that you use to pick a peaceful campsite please chime in post a comment share your experiences with our community maybe fill in the gaps of things that we we didn't discuss here yeah and I would also be curious to know what do you think the the late hours should be like when do you think quiet hours should go into effect do you think it should be nine o'clock do you think it should be 10 o'clock you think it should be lighter than that on the weekends I would just be curious to hear what what people think of when they think of quiet hours you know you got to kind of see both sides of it you know be respectful to your fellow campers and also understand that people are out enjoying life right exactly I think there's a difference between people just sitting around a campfire chatting and laughing and cutting up versus people that are like having a party and like being really loud and obnoxious and vulgar and Blasting loud music and just being a nuisance you know those are two different kind of scenarios both are can be noisy but one I think is more acceptable the other one is just like not cool beer was a wonderful creation but it's not conducive to Peaceful camping for sure all right thank you guys this has been yet another episode of long long honeymoon the long longest running honeymoon themed RV Show on the interwebs if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up share it with your friends and family and until next time what do we say hello [Music]
Channel: Long Long Honeymoon
Views: 30,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airstream, rv, camping, travel, loloho, rv lifestyle, rv travel, camping for beginners, dispersed camping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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