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uh [Music] we know what's going through your head you're thinking who in the right mind gave them a chainsaw to review we thought the same thing i'm tim johnson you know the thing [Music] this is the ego cs 1800 i think we've also seen the model number cs 1804 around as well same chainsaw basically it's an 18 inch 56 volt cordless chainsaw from ego now if you don't know the ego brand you may have seen it in some of the larger box stores where they make string trimmers they make lawn mowers edgers blowers make some really nice blowers we made a stubby blower out of one of our blowers so ego makes some really really cool power tools even in the snow blowers up north they use them a lot for snow blowing so ego really understands the battery platform because they actually designed the batteries they designed the chargers they designed the tool so to have all that ability to understand all the technology between the chargers the batteries and the tools makes a big difference when you're using a tool and after testing and reviewing many tools we actually see that you can see the difference in tool companies that don't handle all the design and manufacturing of their batteries and their technology you can see that difference when you do use a tool that's able to communicate with their battery communicate with their charger charge their batteries fast and safely so ego has that down pat now this 18 inch chainsaw we're curious of how well does it work does it compare to a gas and gas engine chainsaw does it compare to other cordless chainsaws that we've used as well so let's just go out and use it we'll talk about some of the features and then we'll come back and wrap this up so this is the ego 56 volt 18 inch chainsaw i think model number is cs 1800 i think some model numbers like 1804 or what have you but anyway the 1800 series is the 18 inch chainsaw from ego again runs on their 56 volt battery platform so let me take this battery out of here so we can play around with a little bit um one of the cool things about their batteries is there is a battery gauge you can quickly see and identify you know how many cells are left on it we had quite a few cuts on this battery you'll see here in just a moment so quite impressed with that by the way um this is our seven and a half half hour battery you see it's got some a little bit of bulk to it um but anyway they have a five amp hour two and a half amp hour they have different battery packs that you can buy but uh something like this nice to have these bigger battery packs get more cuts in uh so again 18 inch chainsaw runs an oregon bar and chain that's nice to know so you can find that bar and chain should be about anywhere it's a i think it's an 050 gauge and 3 8 low pro pitch so again a little narrow kerf design but should be able to find that that bar and chain um in most of your your box stores uh if you will um and again uh in the the oregon design provided by oregon so shouldn't have a problem finding it one of the cool things about them is the ability to tension these chains with really uh without thinking about it and without a scrunch so you don't have a scratch anywhere on this on this chainsaw which is your screwdriver and wrench to tighten this this handles it all right here so basically you can back this off and you can get some tent to get relieve some tension on this if you want to or you can take it all the way off and then you can get and clean out your tool uh clean it and by the way if you notice typically when we show this this kind of the the feature-esque side of the review it's usually a nice pristine tool that's nice and pretty we thought you know what let's use this thing where we actually have some history with it and then let's show it dirty let's just see how it gunks all up right okay so it looks real because it is we actually just cut the majority or a large part of a large oak tree here in central florida so here you go so here's the one huge thumb screw basically to take that side cover off so no wrench is needed again we can see the oregon bar and chain which by the way for this self-tensioner you have to put this on with one screw let's put that on and then when you flip this bar over when you've uh wore some of the life out and you want to flip the bar over you take that one screw out you flip it over and you put the screw from this side so pretty easy to do not not difficult whatsoever and then that's going to handle your adjustment to and fro so let's take this bar and chain off and here's your sprocket here which by the way i wanted to get a look so one two three four five six tooth sprocket that's important for here in just a moment because this is they're claiming 11 000 rpms well i wanted to get a feet per minute so i'm going to take the number of teeth in that sprocket and which is six and then i'm going to measure six teeth which should give me kind of a a length right per revolution if we get on the chain and it should be able to back into feet per minute i'll do that here in a moment anyway uh here's your self oiler right here which here's something else that's interesting so i've been using this uh to again cut a large portion of a tree you can see we've still got oil in it right there so we got oil in the tank and this is also sat on my shelf with oil in the tank and usually when you do that what do you have you have a whatever's under it is never going to rust because it's going to be covered in oil i'm telling you we get hardly any if any residual whatsoever that leaks i don't know how they do it but ego great job on doing that and who knows maybe that won't last maybe it'll start leaking with the rest of them but i've just been impressed with that because i've noticed that the few times that i've used it when i put it away expecting to see a huge puddle or at least the the rag that it's sitting on to be drenched and it's just not the case so typical handbrake right up here which will actually manually lock this sprocket right here so you can see here i can spin that put on the brake there's an actual manual lock so that's not an electronic lock you don't have to worry oh i'm using a cordless tool maybe it's just an electronic lock can i trust it no that's a manual lock that's actually on that clutch pull right there locking that sprocket from turning whatsoever so it's not going to turn something else of interest is this headlight right here so you don't find that on many chainsaws and quite frankly i'm not sure that i understand the concept of it but here's the light right here um who knows maybe you're cutting chain cutting wood at night well i guess that's not a bad idea if you're needing to cut a you know a limb off your roof in the middle of the night because it's storming and uh you gotta you know get that off your roof before it hurts something else then might be a good idea but anyway it's got a headlight on it so if you've ever thought man i wish i had a chainsaw that had a headlight this is your chainsaw something else that i noticed on some of the first renditions of the ego chainsaws i've been looking i've been actually reviewing these for a couple years they did not have these metal bucking spikes and i kind of did not like that they had just some plastic ones which that was fine for kind of occasional loose use but anybody that uses a chainsaw a lot comes to actually lean on their bucking spikes they actually use those i use those i buried it into the wood get a good grasp on it and and be able to to bury that and and to move that blade not just bury it but move that blade and actually work your wood so i like to see those metal bucking spikes not just plastic ones another great thing about this tool a lot of the cordless chainsaws when they started coming out even the nicer ones uh they had electronic buttons that you had to engage or start or something before you could pull the trigger and engage the chain and a lot of times if it sat for longer than say 10 seconds you had to re-energize the button again before you could pull the trigger this is very i guess i should say pro focused or non-amateur focused because basically just like a gas chainsaw you release the the thumb lock button here that allows you to engage the trigger and you're off as long as your hand breaks off as long as your battery it batteries in when you pull that trigger by engaging that that lock there it's going to spin the chain so i i really like that now if you're a beginner get used to that because the difference is typically you hear an engine running in a gas saw you're not going to hear that in electric saw so when you pull that trigger it's going to go again that's the positive and the negative to that is if you're a beginner be careful with that because once you pull the trigger it's going to work but you're holding a chainsaw so you should be having some caution anyway here's the oil tank here i do like that you have a translucent design here so i don't have to open up that to see whether i've got oil in here or not i can easily see that where my oil level is and then easily take this off as well without any tools again they're kind of taking that approach of kind of the easy use scenario try to keep from having to use tools to to use your tool okay so i've got a six tooth sprocket i've got a chain here with some teeth on it and so let's measure from beginning of tooth to end of tooth six seven one two three four five six looks like four and three eighths of an inch so let's take uh four and three eighths so four point three seven five and multiply that times eleven thousand that gives us forty eight thousand one twenty five and then let's divide by twelve so that should give us four thousand feet per minute so 4 000 feet per minute and then let's divide by 60 so that's uh right at 67 feet per second is uh basically chain speed there so that would be our chain speed so i know a lot of times you'll see chainsaws at rpms and you also see feet per second feet per minute and so there you go 66.8 feet per second is the chain speed okay so let's get this back together really quick let me clean this goop out at least the majority of it let's get it around our sprocket so you want this dowel right here to go in this hole here and then you just want to tighten this down and it will auto tension that chain so now our chain is tensioned and by the way to redo that or let's say it gets a little bit loose instructions right here says unlock and then tighten again that's all you have to do and that will retention the chain so basically you just tighten hand tight and that chain is nice and tensioned again and then again it should should be very easy to reset the tension on that blade now all you got to do stick your battery in there and then take off the hand brake again push our button and you're ready to go here in central florida we're still getting thunderstorms regularly now they're not daily but at least every other day we're getting some type of precipitation and usually when we do get rain it is pretty heavy thunderstorms even if they only last an hour two three hours we still get real heavy downpours lots of lightning and typically a lot of wind that comes with that as well well my neighbor the other day walks out and he has a huge limb laying down in his backyard so i looked over walked over said hey what are you going to do with that and he said well actually we're about to leave we're going on vacation for a week so i guess it's going to sit there so you know what no problem i got a chainsaw that i need to review anyway you mind if i cut it up he kind of looked at me a little crazy like do you mind if i cut it up and anyway so we actually took the ego chainsaw over there and we did a good deed we not only tried out the chainsaw but we also cleaned up the entire yard it worked really really well now i'm going to continue to run this footage as we were cleaning it up and making cuts and that sort of thing but um and we'll just kind of put it up here on the top but uh but anyway just a little bit about this big oak tree typical florida oak holds a lot of water here in central florida our oak trees a lot of times people call them water oaks because they just hold a lot of water very wet wood likes to eat up blades pretty good as well but we took the the 18 inch ego and we made our cuts with it now the first cuts were on the bigger side of the trunk if you will or the the larger part of the branch where it connects to the trunk and those on the big big big spots were 14 to 16 inches now and then that tapered down to probably about 12 inches but still they were big size pieces of wood i made i believe right at 11 cuts with the 5 amp hour battery and that consumed that battery but again i was just you know going as hard as i could you see it cut out a couple of times i don't know if you see where i let off the trigger and start the trigger again that's where it actually i buried it a little too hard and it cut out but the nice thing about this tool is a lot of other cordless chainsaws when that happens you have to do like a re-engagement of a power button or something like that and sometimes that might take a couple of seconds and it just gets really irritating with this saw it's like a gas engine except you don't have to re-crank it let off the trigger grab it again get the chain going and you're you're back at it so it only takes a second or two to do that there's not a lot of irritation of having to grab another button and once you get that feel for it by by the time you've made that 20th cut you kind of know where that pressure sensitive uh area is and you can really you know work that blade how you need to and to continue cutting without it going into that cutout also once you get to that four and six inch stuff it'll cut through that really really quickly now i know if you're in other areas where there's hardwoods things like that again you may have a different kind of sensation of where that cutout happens but again i think it's going to do just fine with cutting the 18 inch oregon bar and chain did very well like i mentioned in the features uh 050 gauge 3 8 pitch low profile so you know it's got kind of a narrow kerf design on this but it works very well with this system the five amp hour battery again gave us 11 cuts but then i put the seven and a half amp hour battery on i wish i'd have started with this but i really wanted to show the 5.0 because that's what you can get this tool paired with so back to the seven and a half and i made the rest of the cuts which was well over a hundred but again we were out of the big stuff and now we were to your typical you know two three and four inch uh branch cuts then and we made well over 100 cuts and i still have more than half the battery left so you know depending on which battery you use going to determine how many cuts you get as well as how big of stuff you're going to cut and that's got a very exponential um effect on the battery and the number of cuts is how big it is because you have a lot more surface area on a big just because you grow you know an inch doesn't mean it's just an inch you there's a lot more surface area involved in that one inch of diameter so again you know if you're cutting smaller stuff you will get hundreds of cuts i think ego says three up to 300 cuts on a 500 power battery that's probably only like four inch wood and i totally believe that but that's again going to be determined by what kind of wood are you cutting but just wanted to be honest with you guys 11 big cuts uh in in that oak tree with the 50 amp hour battery but did the rest of everything else with the seven and a half amp hour and still have well over half so my point is if you have two batteries you can go quite a ways on a tree even if it's a large tree did very very well even to the end it didn't consume a lot of oil i had the barn chain oil in there i probably had half a tank maybe it did not consume all of that and as i mentioned also one thing i noticed is it doesn't leak anything now maybe that will happen over time but who knows now this tool you can get for 239 bare tools so no battery just a tool bar and chain 239 bucks for 349 you get it with the 5.0 amp hour battery and a charger and the toolbar and chain so i'd say that 349 is a lot better deal when you're getting the charger and the battery with that with the for 110 bucks difference so by all means get the kit also what it gives you the ability to do is step out into their string trimmer lawnmower blower line their blowers and string trimmers are amazing their mowers are good as well and maybe even amazing but i'm just saying as far as a battery power tool i don't think you'll pick up a better string trimmer and blower than egos tools check out their chainsaw as well really good chainsaw you don't have to worry about gas and mixing oil and everything else so whether you're a shop owner homeowner whatever you are to have that battery powered chainsaw it's very nice you pull it off the shelf put the batter slam the battery in there and and go to town make your cuts like we did hey again check it out it's the ego cs 1800 or the ego 18 inch chainsaw also keep track of us on instagram facebook and twitter if you don't mind hit that like and subscribe button if you like this video also that bell notification that's going to notify you when new videos are available have a great day and go out and do something nice for someone
Channel: Shop Tool Reviews
Views: 25,821
Rating: 4.9617591 out of 5
Keywords: chainsaw, best chainsaw, best homeowner chainsaw, ego chainsaw, ego 18, chainsaw, how to use a chainsaw, best cordless chainsaw, best battery operated chainsaw, ego 56v chainsaw, 56 volt chainsaw, ego power tools, ego ope, ego cs1800, cordless 18-inch chainsaw, best home depot chainsaw, lowes chainsaw, shop tool reviews, best pro chainsaw, cordless chainsaw shootout, best limbing chainsaw, best limbing saw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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